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>my parents named me Eve
>I can't fucking exist normally next to men named Adam, which is a much more common name
>the amount of Bible jokes and shitty pickup lines I deal with is insane

I feel murderous about it sometimes. On its own, it's a pretty name, better than Braxlyyn or some shit. But the second I come into contact with a guy named Adam, I see the fucking looks on people's faces, they desperately want to crack jokes. I'm from an atheist family, what the fuck
Nona, every single person I meat makes a joke about me building a boat, especially when it rains. They do it at least once per person despite knowing that I've heard the joke infinite times before now.
Its a curse of bible names.
a ton of names are bible names, you just don't recognize them. doesn't help that most people only know a few.
I once knew a gay guy named Noah who was in the Navy or some shit, I forget. We were talking about our similar problem. Point is, he was nicknamed Rainbow.
The thing about it is I was named after a famous Bible story. The name Adam is normal to people on its own but when you pair my name next to it, then people get all religious on my ass. If I was named Mary, ok old timey but most don't make the Bible connection or jokes.
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My name is Bryan and sometimes people spell it Brian ;_;
sucks. it's over.
Hello, Eve.
When are you going to find your Adam?
wow anon, you are so original
you deserve much worse for dooming humanity, whore
Can I be your Wall-E?
*hands you an apple*
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Learn to be jovial you ungregarious cow
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change it to Eva, I know someone by that name and it's never been a problem. doesn't have to be legal, you can just get your friends to call you that.
fuck this nigger because of him people just call me fucking subway at work now
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forgot pic origgginiggoo
cute reference anon
thanks Satan
do you have any idea how grating this shit is? I mentally groan every single time I encounter a dude named Adam.
I tried but it never stuck
what state do you live in. i think i know you
>my parents name me Howard
>apparently the other name they were considering was Russell
>my parents dodged a massive bullet
Thanks mom and dad for not naming me russell
Hey, COWARD. Ha-ha!
Have you considered changing your name to EVA or EVY (EEVY)? Or something else entirely
she should become nonbinary and change her name to Sock
I met a girl named Eve on soc long time ago. are you the Russian/Georgian techie? plz add me back you are the first woman that ever vc with me
>there's another Eve running around seducing Anons
no, I don't know you people
no, I'm visibly female. non binary would not work
what's bad about Russell?
most nonbinaries are visibly female lol, people humor them anyway.
Go shove a live snake up your boy hole or however the book of Genesis goes tranny
God that must be a major pain. I get enough aggrevation being called Mother Theresa because of my name.
do you live in the south somewhere
>change to eva
>get hitler jokes instead
I get it.
>be named Jonathan
>Meet another dude named David
>Everyone cracks homosexual jokes to us
>Adam and Eve turns into Adolf and Eva
no thanks
why gay jokes?
how so?
rent free
>why gay jokes?
Because David and Jonathan had a strong friendship in the Bible but perverts throughout history started to take it as an implied homosexual relationship, despite the fact that David was a known womanizer, and that has become the pop culture take.
just go by your full name if its such a problem for you Evelyn
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are you good at golf?
it's not Evelyn, just Eve
i can somewhat relate

>popular game comes out in elementary school
>just so happen to share a name with one of the main characters
>just so happen to be the ONLY person in the ENTIRE school system (at the time, and i'm unsure about the other schools) to have this name
>there's two different ways to spell my name, the "common" way, and an "uncommon" way
>character's name is spelt the common way, which is how everyone spells it upon hearing my name for the first time, mine's spelt the uncommon way
>anytime i introduce myself to anyone, or they see my name, it was always "oh like (character) from (popular game)??", every time
>happened once every semester up until my senior year of highschool,

at first i didn't mind, but i slowly started getting sick of it

and my theory as to why people stopped doing that my senior year is by that point, the game was already a decade old and was no longer known for its story, but its online multiplayer
I hope you are a fujo then we can cosplay as Adam and Eve from nier.
isn't nier that one game with a bunch of porn about a fat assed blindfolded robot girl? Idk the fuckin lore, red pill me
now I'm curious what game
i think you can assume which character i share the name of..
(i am the complete opposite of this character btw)
You have a beautiful biblical name and you spit on it you ungrateful kid
It's a game about the human condition and specifically getting lost in seeking meaning at the cost of making enemies of an out group.
Adam and Eve are two male robots you fight against during the game and serve as foreshadowing of events to come.
Adam is obsessed with experiencing what it's like to be human so much so he wants to experience death. While Eve is entirely emotionally dependant on Adam and really just wants to spend time with Adam.
Adam is one of my favourite characters despite having relatively little screen time. Basically nier good.
>I mentally groan every single time I encounter a dude named Adam.
My name is Adam and I'll make you physically groan as well!
Just go by Evelyn, classier anyway.
it's people that fucking ruin it
why are they both male? doesn't that defeat the point of the OG story it's based off of? idk
I wish I could kick you in the nuts
not my full name, it's just Eve.
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The name references in the game aren't very strong. The characters serve a different purpose than in the original story. Eve was born as a clone of Adam in the game so it's likely a reference to Eve being born of Adams rib. Also they are both the first humanoid robots.
Eve in the story serves as a foreshadowing of what his music theme calls "the dependant weakling". The character arc of a person making their entire life dependant on someone else and losing all purpose without them.
Just be my wife. Not only I'm not named Adam but I'll also take you with me to middle of nowhere village where there are barely any people to make such jokes. Simple.
are all the characters in this game white haired?
why do you sound like a slav
Just the robots and yohra androids. It's probably foreshadowing of a plot twist
>why do you sound like a slav
Why does it make me sound like slav? Would it even be a bad thing?
idk, I think the English is making me think you're from Ukraine or something
I will say though, Twink Eve is cute.
What's wrong with my english?
Also even if I lived in Ukraine, I wouldn't ask people to move there while war is going. Actually, probably wouldn't ask if there was no war as well since I'm not big fan of corruption and living in permanent 80s.
it's your initial wedding proposal. you're missing a few words that make me think "Eastern euro".
See even more reason why we should cosplay them.
Yeah, now I read it again and I see clearly missing words. That happens when I change what I want to write mid-sentejce and don't pay enough attention to make sure whole sentence from start to finish is fixed. Still, you were right with your guess, just different country
should have named you grieve with how miserable you sound.
why do you, a straight male (presumably), want a woman to cosplay as a man?
called it. now I wanna say you're Estonian or something.
no shit, the situation is grating
Cause I want to cosplay as Adam anyway. Doing it with someone else would be fun. And it just fits with the theme of the post x)
Women cosplaying as dudes isent uncommon. Just maybe don't copy him going topless kek.
Estonians are often considered balts along with latvians and lithuanians. Iirc they have more scandinavian influence in their language than typical slavic nations, at least estonians for sure.
Two out of three chances spent. One more wrong guess and your chances of marriage are gone.
belarus (my original guess)
true but I now consider you gay anon
Fine by me if ur into that kek. But not everything a guy wants to do with a girl is explicitly for sexual reasons.
Wrong. We are now doomed to die alone, childless, forgotten by everyone until our rotting corpses smell so bad neighbours will call police.
>I wish I could kick you in the nuts
I wish you could kick me in the nuts too
>why are they both male? doesn't that defeat the point of the OG story it's based off of? idk
They are both male and appear topless because otherwise women won't play the game because other than those two it's 100% hot robot girls with perfect bodies.
Nier automata is the greatest game of all time btw
My grade school crush that i never confessed to and i regret that every day was named eve.
It's been 10 years and i still can't get her out of my head
oh boo hoo nigga
look at you with a normal, common name, meanwhile I had to get mine changed cause of how severely retarded my birth name was
Holy shit nobody cares, post your fucking tits you loser
you can't be named Eve unless you're a ssultry pixie teassing sexy female and browsing this your mossst likely not so you sshould change it anyway
tits have already been posted in this thread, so the quota is reached
why would you want your nuts kicked?
>all those sss
you sound like a snake anon

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