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Stop being weird moid
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>Our son has attempted on several occasions to hide under her bed to catch glimpses of her while she is dressing after her showers
Based and coffinpilled.
based autist using his condition as an excuse to pretend to be a clueless perv
Do they let him look at porn? Might help with the perving. In a just world though, they'd be able to euthanize him. His life is going to be hell
in a few years this guy will be posting on r9k about how women are chad only and are repulsed by him for being ugly
based sam fisher autist, he should get some night vision goggles and work out
Being a retard doesnt makes one ugly, if he grow to develop Chad looks he will just keep abusing because it will be wanted
>In a just world though, they'd be able to euthanize him.
I'm always saying this
This does not sound very high functioning
>desire to see women naked
>very creative
Clearly he should become a porn director or do softcore photography as a career.
I think she literally just means "did not score in the retarded range on an IQ test" i.e. 70 or above, or that he isn't completely nonverbal, etc
There is no way a porn addict like this kid becomes a Chad as an adult without serious changes.
Addict like most zoomer teenagers? he is just a retard who cant control himself, if he has tall chad's genetics it will kick in anyways, and he will be given consent, the special word only for abusechads
Fake as fuck.
Dear anons, how many times would you allow your underaged son to assault your underaged daughter before you - I don't know - let her just lock her room? One time? Yeah, me too.
This parent has let her daughter get sexually assaulted like 8 times and refuses to even let her close the room. What a joke.
>wanting to see naked ladies actually means you have porn brain
Holy fucking shit man. I honestly can't tell decide if your post makes me want to kill you or myself.
I can think of one very obvious reason why you're incapable of understanding someone's sexuality without porn, anon.
Tom Clancy's Creeper Cell:
Fedora Tomorrow
Lookism Theory
Personal Agent
Holy shit, welcome back Dan Schneider. Hoping to see some new iCarly seasons.
Yeah he sounds pretty far gone, I don't think this kid is going to successfully integrate into society, which is kind of the definition of being "high functioning", i.e. they can function independently in the world. This kid might end up in prison or worse without some kind of active supervision for most of his life, doing this at 14 and not responding to any kind of discipline or improving his behaviour indicates he might need to be institutionalized before he rapes someone for real.
It doesn't sound fake at all it sounds like a typical tardparent being overly concerned with the feelings of their tard at the expense of their normal kids and society at large. It is probably her leniency that caused the autist to become the way that he is.
>demonstrating many inappropriate sexual behaviors.
>One of these behaviors is his impulsive desire to see women naked
Um yeah seeing women naked? That's such a fucked up fetish. Why'd they even say it like that? Literally just lead with the incestuous tendencies. Only explanation is that it's faked for bait.
High functioning literally just means has a normal iq level. Why the fuck do you browse the autism website without knowing what autism is?
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I have autism too and can't stop saying the n word
Man's the protagonist of a shitty horny anime
All autists should be euthanized, it's only because of woke PC bullshit that the mentally-disabled are forced to survive and given "accommodations" that will fail to set them up in life.
Yes, changes in his height and jaw bone size.
I did these growing up as well but failed all the autism tests, what gives. I guess the difference is how often I got caught, happened only once
how is the son and daughter both 14
lmao that mad lad knows exactly what he is doing and is using autism as a shield to keep doing it.
If he was truly high functioning then he would have stopped without having to be told.
I hope that kid dies or something since his retarded parents obviously can't fix him
Have you ever heard of twins?
>not aiming to see mom naked instead
pleb kid
To be fair the perspective of "high functioning" autism is just a weird guy who's really good a differential divisions or knows every train route in his country.
>Be hyper-sexual teenage female autist
>Boys her age """take advantage""" of her when they have sex with her
>The woman is the victim here

>Be hyper-sexual teenage male autist
>No one shows you any attention sexually; instead of your parents explaining how to get sex, you are reprimanded for being to weak to control the urges
>The woman is the victim here

I think I see a pattern forming but I'll need to see what happens to NB hyper-sexual autists.
>to weak to
I am ashamed and embarrassed of this pleb-tier typographical error.
It does, he's using his disability as a get out of jail free card. I've met autists like this before. They know what they're doing is wrong but they also understand nobody will force them to face consequences for their actions because oh le poor awootist...
I hate 75% of the people that post on this board I swear to god. Chad isn't real. Chad isn't real. Chad is a construct in the minds of socially inept autists that cant interact with people in the real world without doing something that makes someone uncomfy. The truth is that you don't HAVE to be some bad ass 6ft+ rich turbo ripped guy to be successful with women. Yes, some women genuinely only care about looks, especially those that do not want a relationship and just want to fuck around, however they are in the minority. Most women out there value personality and charisma above everything and it determines the chemistry between two people. Again, looks are a secondary concern to most women when they are looking for a BF. You don't have to look like a male supermodel if you can keep conversation flowing, make her laugh every now and then, and be pleasant to be around. I know I'm just going to be called a faggot but this shit really isn't that hard. Stop being such defeatist fags and make yourself better. All of this terminally online incel talk has poisoned your mind and radicalized you to believe that all women are nothing but superficial. If a 5'9 high functioning autist who's been overweight most of his life and just average in nearly all aspects (me) can do it, then most of you can too. As long as you aren't morbidly obese, take are of the basics like hygiene, and aren't so much of a sperg that you can talk to and just be around women without creeping them out you too can have success.
anon stop trying to be sane on here theres no point, they'll monkey out on you anyway
Why dont you go to social media that isnt poisonous to you anon? never saw this kind of talk on Reddit, facecuck, x, Instagrams, why are you in this sick place gnawing on your sanity? better leave than desperately cope and cry, dont you think
>interact with people in the real world without doing something that makes someone uncomfy
>if you can keep conversation flowing
>[...] make her laugh
>this shit really isn't that hard
You quintuple nigger, if I could do half of that shit I wouldn't be a wizard. All that shit that you say "isn't that hard" is the most inscrutable, illogical, indecipherable enigma I've ever banged my head against. All the shit about Chad is just saying that Chad can either a.) figure that bullshit out naturally, or b.) be attractive enough that none of it matters and women will want to sleep with him regardless. So it's "terminally online incel talk", yadda yadda to say that I can't manage to pull off a.) or b.), then?
>interact with people in the real world without doing something that makes someone uncomfy
When do you tell me to bee myself, then? Yes, of course, just solve this impossible problem, and make sure to do it in real time so she doesn't know you have to think about it. Sure, thanks for that, normalfaggot.
"Non-binary" autists would probably get judged based on their sex, it would play out the same for the males and the females.
Because I have a strong hate for most of the big social media sites. I deleted my facebook and instagram years ago and never looked back. I've been using 4chan for over a decade at this point and even though the site has changed a lot over the years its one of the few places you can talk about things that you cant talk about in these other places. If someone here is being a faggot here you can tell them as much without someone trying to cancel you for saying mean words.
Autists dont talk about Chads, they know that the problem is autism and that autism is the single biggest determining factor in their virginity
Yes but depending on the severity autism can be managed, especially if your mostly high functioning. There's all sorts of resources to help you better integrate yourself into society, hold a job, etc. Behavioral therapy can teach ways to adapt and manage your emotions an stuff. Most are fags though and would rather shake their fist in the air like an angry old man instead of at least trying something that could really benefit them. Many such cases.
this guy's mother is fucking retarded
probably a single mother too
I feel bad for him, I pity him, I feel sorry for what he has to go through.
In a few years he'll join our ranks and shitpost here when he is old enough to see how fucking retarded his mother is.
His autism is probably his mother's fault too.
If you fuck 4 or more girls a month you're Chad full stop
>had kids 15 years apart
sadly his mother is to blame for his affliction
Nobody who writes such a rant is sane. Just the emotional investment alone betrays weirdness
high function for autists is literally an iq above 80 not being a math genius
Therapy is a very expensive meme. Stop that shit, the muh therapy is normalfag gaslighting that has no other objective than blaming neurodivergent people for being born different.
except 9 out of 10 things you mentioned dont work anymore as soon as you become an adult. they have to train you from when you are a kid or else its over.
It's not a high bar to clear. It means they can eat on their own, dress themselves, take showers, hold conversations.
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I could fix him
The game is kind of weird but cute
Some women like me being wierd and want to help me because of my issues but they do not want to date mr unfortunately

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