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If you could make it so you never had to shit or piss again, which would you choose?
shit obviously
>takes a lot of time to wipe your ass you have to wipe it till it bleed 'but muh bidet!!!' erm you still have to wipe after.
>doesn't feel good like peeing does after cumming. feels amazing
>sage for no reason also
Piss since it's very annoying
Shit is obvious. I can literally piss everywhere, shit, not so much.
its funny bc gays also choose shit so they don't have to clean up
shitting is objectively more inconvenient and annoying than pissing is, and this is the case even if you have no interest in fag buttsex
never experiencing the internal turmoil of having to shit right after a shower ever again? sign me up
common puppynon W
ALSO never having to worry about shitting in a public restroom?! I WOULD FUCKING KILL FOR THAT
Pissing is fun
i HATE shitting
i wish i never had to shit again
when i was living in my car my main discomfort was finding a place to shit
i hate poomb
I'd choose piss to simply because I've never taken a shit without pissing, I want to know what It's like
I would also add
>can piss anywhere
What are the ramifications of this? Does mass still get removed from my body at the same rate? Waste products would increase dramatically if I could no longer shit, requiring a dramatic increase in fluid intake?
Or I just continually get fatter if I do not drink exclusively electrolyte water and consume no food for months at a time?
Probably shit. You can piss literally anywhere but taking a shit without access to a toilet requires some strategy
Shitting is kind of annoying but unless you are super duper fat you only do it once or maybe twice a week at most. That's about the frequency I shower so it works out ok. Peeing is the annoying one, and takes many more hours than pooping does in a lifetime. Choosing not having to pee anymore is the only reasonable choice here.
>you only do it once or maybe twice a week at most
More like twice a day. Do you ever work out? Drink coffee?
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>which would you choose?
yeah no shit
> Shitting is kind of annoying but unless you are super duper fat you only do it once or maybe twice a week at most
bro is constipated as hell this is not normal
get some fiber in your diet bro, go for some long walks bro
Never shit, duh. Pee is sterile and I can pee standing up or while driving.
>Shitting is kind of annoying but unless you are super duper fat you only do it once or maybe twice a week at most.
It's the exact opposite. Skinny people are the ones who shit multiple times a day. Fat people have sluggish insides and are prone to constipation because their bodies are lazy like they are.
Shit. Id still like to do golden showers
Can confirm. Am skinny, shit 2-3 times a day. Nothing stays in my guts for longer than 6 hours, either, I recognize lunch at my evening shit.
No pissing. I enjoy taking a fat dump after my morning coffee or a big meal. Plus, sometimes piss droplets come out of my dick even if I wiped it off, and it would be nice not to deal with that.
Pee is not sterile lmao
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Everyone who chose not to shit has shit out thier dick from now on meanwhile I'm here sitting comfortably and pissing out of my ass
i would choose never shitting again. I suffer with thought broadcasting and telepathy delusions so it's almost never enjoyable. i'll sit on the toilet with fingers in my ears, humming while pushing too hard. anything to distract myself and to avoid mentally shitting on other people by sharing all aspects of my own shitting. peeing on the other hand is almost never a big deal. it's actually relaxing sometimes
Under my current circumstances? Never piss due to having weak bladder muscles.

Under ideal circumstances? Never shit, there was a time before age 20 that I had perfect normal bladder muscles to hold in my pee but that time is long gone so oh well.
Piss, taking a shit feels good
shitting obviosly

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