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Is it absolutely true that there are no "absolute truths"?
We breathe oxygen
no, because there are no absolute truths, lol
we SOMETIMES do, sometines dont, people with nitrous oxide dont, folks with faulty carbon detectors dont
So we breathe oxygen
sometimes, you can also say humans are gay because some of them are, or ants are red because some are
you have double digit iq if you think its a paradox
subjectivity and perspective nigga
I'd say that's the only singularly true statement. Except that it's self contradictory. Just add a caveat that it is exempt from itself like "There are no eternal facts except this one, as there are no absolute truths except this one."
If you go to the hood, youll get mugged.
Its not really oxygen.

Thats just a name humans came up with
I'm cool.
omg that's his signature?

>Friedrich "Nutz" Nietzsche
he was merely fighting god obviously
nope. That's a post-modernist satanic screed. Just because all absolutes have an exception, doesn't mean the exception isn't contemplated by the absolute's very existence.
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There are natural laws. That's the closest we have to absolute truths. Will they be the same forever? Are they unchangeable? We don't know. What we know is that they are the same since quite a long time, and that we can't change them. We learned, as humankind, how the rules work and what are the consequences if we break them. This knowledge became tradition as religion and science.
>Will they be the same forever? Are they unchangeable?
Yes, they need to be since that's the concept of principles.
If there is a divine creator, he can change them.
the absolute truth is the universe is doing something lol
"OP is a faggit" is a truth that transcends spatiotemporality
Why don't you read and find out you braindead cunt? I swear to god every fucking faggot these days doesn't even investigate past a wikipedia page or asking some other clueless cunts who don't know either. You know he wrote books right? WHOLE FUCKING BOOKS FOR YOU TO READ YOU FUCKING ADHD CUNT?? Not little poems or quotes to save on your phone but whole entire books you can GO READ FOR FREE NIGGER!
the creator is not a material being, but rather a concept. And his concept is that of constance and absolutism, hence he can't change it as that would be autophagic, and the purpose of absolutism is to prevent autophagy.
The universe is a logical and self-optmizing algorithm as described, although not in those terms, by Hegrl.
fuck this shit website that forbids edition
Just because aliens may call it something different, doesn't mean it doesnt exist and that we don't breathe it.
Nietzsche was a perspectivist. It's not that he believed there were no facts or truths that ground our shared reality, but that A. All facts and truths are always interpreted from the lens of subjective perception; and B. The universe is not made of static objects but dynamic, constantly changing forces. Therefore, there's no "absolute" truth or facts because no such truths or facts can be imagined from an absolute, objective, unchanging perspective. If you observe any object at any point in space and time, even through scientific instruments, you experience them through a subjective lens of space and time and through a subjective lens of sense perception. You cannot avoid this because you cannot escape your subjective perception. He was well aware of your gotcha argument.
I wholeheartedly agree, and it took me ten minutes to tty it
How can an intellectual say something so retarded? Of course there are things that are true, because truth is reality, Unless he means in a more literal sense that truth doesn't have a degree of being "absolute".
>Of course there are things that are true, because truth is reality
proof it
>misquoting/out of context Nietzsche #7452

Is there any other writer that is this badly handled by midwits?
for all intents and purposes hes wrong. he's right on an autistic level not worth bothering
What is reality? How would you know anything about reality? Reality seems more like a fantasy nowadays.
We exist
The human body is 70 percent water
2 + 2 = 4
Cats are carnivores
You are retarded
You will never be a woman
You will never have sex

These are facts, and facts are reality, and reality is the truth. To deny such things makes you delusional by definition.
Reality is existence, existence is reality. Just because you think cutting your dick off makes you a woman doesn't mean you're a woman. Human perspective has the potential to not align with reality.
you're right that reality is truth
see what I wrote: >>78860594
>2 + 2 = 4
can't be proven
Why must you say I can't be a woman if I cut off my penis? I have no penis thus I must not a be woman so? I can claim who I can be, I don't need your faggot reality shoved into mine!
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What the book that quote is from? Yes in it's context it's right
>No one dies of fatal truths nowadays, there are too many antidotes
>Most people are far too much occupied with themselves to be malicious.
>The one necessary thing: A person must have one or the other. Either a cheerful disposition by nature, or a disposition made cheerful by art and knowledge.

Fucker is telling you to stop being a fucking loser with obsessions over what data and shit tells you and go out to touch grass and live your life.
You haven't even read the book or any of his literate, you don't even know what OPs quote is in context.
If you have 1 set of 2 oranges, and another set of 2 oranges, then you add them together to make a set of 4 oranges. I just proved it, if you deny facts then you're a delusional nigger.
and i don't plan to. if it needed more context then add it
thats not math though, thats a personal representation of the situation
Nietzsche deliberately contradicts himself in order to resist easy interpretation, but they're not mere "crude" contradictions - they always offer subtlety and nuance upom more careful examination. It's like poetry. Someone might say "the ice warms my soul": people like OP are sitting there saying "What? Ice is COLD, dummy." But the poem is about the joys of winter and the love of being out in the cold.

Nietzsche does this intentionally to stave off the midwits. He never predicted that the internet would put his words in front of the eyes of every retard on Earth.
No nigger, this is how logic works. Logic is 100% consistent with reality, it's purely black and white, it's the definition of objectivity, not a matter of opinion. Perspective doesn't automatically guarantee that you understand reality.
>almighty creator
>hence he can't change it
So then not almighty. btfo, Epicurus.
you just gave an example in reality to prove your logic and reality can be interpretend in different ways. using logic alone you can't prove 2+2 = 4
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>Logic is 100% consistent with reality
Man ... there's so much in life that's totally irrational, but still real. When you get older you notice that. Logic is good for stem, but not for much more.
>reality can be interpretend in different ways
Doesn't mean the interpretation aligns with reality. If you tried to lift a 10 ton boulder with your bare hands and delude yourself that you lifted it, it doesn't mean you actually lifted it. Your nigger logic will not fool me.
define align with reality in a logical way. you keep using reality to prove your logic
Because logic is reality, because reality is consistent, reality is truth, truth is 100% consistent, and the truth is you're a nigger that can't understand reality no matter how many times the truth is shown.
And reality is also existence, and you will never be a woman because y chromosomes exist in your dna, fuck you nigger faggot.
My cock is bigger than yours and i have fucked your mother
>logic is reality
youre a giga midwit i think this conversation is beyond your reasoning abilities
still didnt provide a definition of aligning with reality
>define what an orange is
>it's a fruit

This is your logic nigger
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wrong guy
you're proving my point but too retarded to realise
No she liked it
here's yourr featherless biped
the definition of aligning with reality is to accept what exists, but you will of course continue being a stupid fucking nigger
and who says that the thing you accept that exists is an accurate representation?
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maybe you do, fleshbag
If it's not an accurate representation then it doesn't exist by definition, things either exist or they don't exist. What part of your nigger brain doesn't understand this?
>If it's not an accurate representation then it doesn't exist by definition
what doesn't exist?
the object you're trying to represent is still there, your representation is just wrong. are you saying theres no object that resembles your inaccurate representation? it might exist just not be the one in front of you
Until there's nobody left to breath it
2 + 2 = 5
A square circle
Santa Claus

These don't exist, the first two are logically impossible for it to exist but Santa Claus can or cannot exist depending on where the domain of existence is. Santa Claus exists as a drawing but doesn't exist as a person.
only faggot pseuds with room temperature IQ read b**ks, they will dilute the keen instincts you developed by browsing image boards
you're retarded my man. its like arguing math with a chimp
>and i don't plan to.
enjoy a worthless life where you are fooled by anybody and have nothing to show for it.
plenty of people went through life just fine without reading nietzsche. strong autistic cope
>Nietzsche deliberately contradicts himself in order to resist easy interpretation
Also translators struggle to get what he is saying out right too. The amount of ministrations of his work is staggering
There's no hope for you nigger, you're clearly incapable of reasoning with your watermelon fried chicken brain. Die and burn in hell monkey.
>he thinks this is just about one author.
You were a midwit that took one line and assumed truth with it, you are the type that won't read or better yourself. Again, stay stupid stay miserable and enjoy being our pet to amuse ourselves with like the OP has done.
relax pajeet its not that serious. accept your subhuman status
books are for losers, winners do
this is about truth as unconcealing (aletheia) vs truth as correctness (verum) from the roman tradition
heidegger makes it more clear in a sort of discrete digestable way.
nietzsche requires reading much more of his actual work
the moral relativsm, absolute morality vs subjective morality, modern talk about absolute facts is all mid wit bullshit that has nothing to do with nietzsche and are all fake conversations
you have to just read people, he has a positive view focus on that if you want to understand him
>Is it absolutely true that there are no "absolute truths"?
Not really. There are truths that can be proved and are not subject of opinion in a conventional way, like physics' laws which are arguable only as far as research goes. An example for a not absolute truth would be historical events from the past (pre-modern age at least), where we have no way anymore of being certain that what happened is accurate to what the evidence portrays. Social truths, however, are more easily subject of opinions, evidence doesn't seem to have enough value to counterpoint the one of perspective and subjectivity for some reason.
what is breathing what is oxygen
omnipotence is about potential and concept too. God can conceptualize autophagy, yet may never execute it.
Such a retarded question. It's absolute truth itself that's under question. It's like if someone said "there are no unicorns" and you say "hmm... but what do the unicorns think about that?"
to be more specific, he can execute it, just because you can do something, doesn't mean you want it. What God as concept did was to make it impossible for reality itself to 'want' autophagy, although we can conceptualize it.
i personally dont really think anything can be proven completely, you can just question arbitrary weird shit about anything
>2 and 2 is 4
it would seem so but then you gotta ask shit like, well, do numbers and shit exist in nature or is it something more purely mental?
Your access to philosophical language is poor, but your instincts are sharp. Even formal laws of logic require presupposed axioms to be treated as valid. Language itself does not lend itself to certain knowledge, nor does logic, nor any aspect of limited human psychology.
God I wish we had more threads like this. It's like a breath of fresh air in a swamp made of shit.
An absolute "truth" is tautological, essentially.
Truth, facts, etc. Are always bounded by human thoughts and understanding.

It's a tricky subject because well how can you ever know anything? It might even be the case that the mad quest for knowledge is just a side effect of our higher intellect compared to animals and the constant desire to 'know' more and more about anything is nothing but a pathological side effect of our thinking.

When you learn about things in the world you essentially just memorize relations and interactions between things.

Physicist 'know' what particles do and how they interact with each other and nominally what they are made of. But even with our vast understanding of physics we still don't know what a 'particle' or 'energy' actually is. We know a whole hell of a lot about it's qualities but we don't actually know what they are.
Which brings me to my own question on the subject. Can there ever be anything intelligent enough to 'know' everything about the world/universe? I would kind of assume not because that gets into godel's incompleteness theorem. where a subset of a system can never 'explain' for lack of a better word the whole system. but im kind of paraphrasing this and perhaps an anon with a strong mathematics background can better clarify.
Not just that, but I think human beings evolved to think in narrative form as a means to preserve consciousness through memory. We have to have a linear conception of time for our memories to be preserved and that linear conception of time necessitates a narrative form of though - which is why knowledge is preserved in mythological form. Those groups who did not pass on practical knowledge to their descendants, like tool making/use, hunting, dangers to avoid, healthy foods, medicines, etc. would leave them at a disadvantage and they would die off more frequently relative to those who did pass it on; and without writing, oral teachings were necessary, which were preserved largely through myth. This means that humans are inextricably bound to a form of thinking that requires meaning and not just brute facts, and so we project meaning onto everything - and we can hardly live without it. But where is the meaning? Is it "out there"? No. We make it up. Yet we expect to "find" or "discover" it.
There are eternal truths
Only cucks deny them
For yourself you exist undeniably. The format in which you truly exist may not be what it appears, or may be, but you existing is a fact by virtue of having experience. Doesnt apply externally though, just for yourself
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What was he trying to say with that then?
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there is only one truth
yes unfortunately, it's always paradoxes in the end.
It's been explained ITT
What might those be?
Descartes pls go
There is some speculation that physical laws might be different elsewhere in the universe. These laws are observed, not proven. They could change.
Descartes made the mistake of trying to discern what the nature of the experiencer/experiencing is while also staying in the realm of absolute knowledge

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