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>be me
>Asian (not used to harsh scents)
>working at fast food place
>think pits are sorta hot, imaginethesmell
>white female coworker walks past
>EXTREME B.O (middle of summer, fast food)
>almost retch
>eyes watering
>nostril singed
>make excuses all shift to be at different part of store
>talking to different coworker, shes standing nearby
>hold in breath
>"hey anon, you sound a bit nasally a bit today"
>can't hold it anymore have a coughing fit
>say i'm feeling unwell leave early
>first breath outside it the sweetest scent i have ever smelt
>nature is beautiful
Fantasy is always better than reality lads. You would think women would at least wear deodorant.
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you are weak and your execution will be swift
There was this bitch that would whine constantly about me showering at night instead of the morning. She freaked out when I left her table during a group exercise. Sometimes I wonder what I could've gotten away with in a psych ward.
I came into this thread expecting a story about you smelling a cute girls ass and instead you are talking about her armpits. Somebody talk to me about white girl assholes or I leave this thread
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Anticipation is the purest form of pleasure, and the most reliable. While the things that actually happen to you will invariably disappoint, the things that never happen to you will never dim. Never fade. They wilI always be engraved in your heart with a sort of sweet sadness.
-Dawson's Creek, 2002
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Ya this is why we been telling you zoomers porn and social media has given you brainrot and you way over value sex and women. But your anime fantasies have you always screech at us to shut up about real life. That's the value of trying and getting first hand experiences I suppose to temper your imagination so you can properly understand how garbage this world actually is and how our fiction is ALWAYS better than anything you will ever experience in real life.
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NOTHING will stop me from sniffing bbw braphog ass
This is honestly a huge fear of mine. I've had a fart fetish and sweat/body odor fetish since I was a kid, but I am still a virgin at my ripe age of 21. This is my absolute number 1 kink and what I have been into sexually ever since I was young. I'm kind of worried that if I ever find some kinky bitch that will fart on me or let me lick her armpits, I'm going to end up hating it, and then just become some sexual robot that is only attracted to his own deluded, porn-brain fantasy that he's crafted over the years.
I've heard that east asian sweat doesn't stink and they think every other race smells like shit by comparison.
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Ah you thought the scent fetish was your ally? You merely adopted the scent fetish. I was born in it, molded by it.

t. spent my childhood summer vacations with my sweaty country girl cousins, basking in their girlBO and family brap-offs
>family brap-off
How are you going to say that and not greentext
>be me chilling
>oh wow are we being invaded by russians? nah just another tuesday at my uncle's domocile
How do you become a smellfag without actually having smell be what awakened your sexuality. I'm a smellfag because I hit puberty about the time I was friends with this girl who never wore deodorant and would often be a little ripe. I remember not having the words to describe how she smelled. I said it was like burning metal. But I liked it. She was this tall natural blonde mommy long legs about three years older than me. For some reason she would play with me and my siblings though. Probably didn't help that we were good friends with a super hippy family that didn't believe in deodorant, she was turbo tomboy and I never really saw her as a girl, but I could still smell her. Then another family, super religious backwoods type. Parents used to joke that I was in an arranged marriage with their oldest daughter. Really wish I had checked how serious they were in those jests now. I don't really remember her having a smell, but she was pretty.
Like I said fantasy.
>be horny boy
>think it would be hot to have stinky of
>think hehe lick sweat off boob,pits etc
>irl smell assaults nose
>almost got gassed like the jews
k but I smelled a sweaty girl's BO in the grocery store months ago and got rock hard
Dead honest I used to think sniffers were weird, then my gf got into biking.
She'll take a 1 hour ride, and the whole time she's working up a sweat and getting her cardio up, she's also grinding her clit directly into that bike seat, so by the time she comes home she's sweaty, horny, and her pussy is absolutely BOILING hot. Now I can't resist, she comes home, parks the bike in the dining room, and I fucking DRAG her to the bedroom, pull off her drenched Lycra shorts, and fucking eat her alive.
It's the absolute best dudes, let me tell you.
Hopefully it is just a case of bad luck. There are musky women who don't stink. It has something to do with genetics, bad people smell bad but good people you will like their smell.
Disgusting trips
>white female
That was your mistake.

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