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Late update but as of these images from months ago she Is picking on her remaining laygs again. Why would someone self harm so much?inb4 just crazy, ok but in there head why is she doing it?

Pic was
we are all tested
is this the girl that would cut by straight carving her body up?
ah, looked her up that's a different person
You might be thinking of coldnessinmyheart
The woman in OP's pic is absolutely brutal
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Idk people say she picks?
Like I don't get it wouldn't the painkillers give her enough of a high for her to just chill and enjoy life?
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Yeah idk if op pick is her since people where doubting but then people agreed that pic related is her so idk
It's a severe mental illness. Not just something somebody does out of boredom.
What's picking exactly? I'm not familiar with how she's doing these injuries
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I mean that sh makes you feel physically good because it release something iirc but she if she would be already on meds she would already have the high, idk about attention cause lmao why would you enjoy hospital attention doctors and nurses are snotty assholes. Also no teeth now I guess
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I do not get it neither, the yt videos do not get into and too lazy to find good posts from lcf but here is a timeline https://archive.is/V1sK4
It's possible that a self harmer would take meds to not feel the pain because they just want the shocking aesthetic of the damage they have done to themselves. Especially if it's so extensive it's this bad, to the point of limbs being removed. Because if you have masochistic tendencies you can get pain with much less or even no permanent marks by light scratches, even if you go the cutting route instead of impact, by just pouring different things on the small cuts to feel stings
Oh I know who this is. When she first started getting seen she needed blood infusions and no one knew how she was losing blood. My guess is she would take sharp objects and shove them up her cervix. They couldn't find any marks on her body and even using a speculum to examine her cervix might not show proof of that behavior if she's smart enough. That's just my guess though. No one knows still. After that she started injected shit into her legs until the infections got so bad they had to be removed. That might be what's causing the new injuries we are looking at
And what's causing her to do this is extensive CSA, childhood sexual assault. She was raped for long periods of time, trafficked, and forced to fuck dogs as a child
Yeah, no way those claims could have been made up by a chronic attention whore.
True. But if she's about to die who cares if those claims are real or not? Because it's not a stretch of the imagination to think someone that has actually happened to would do that to themselves as a result of those crimes. It might get you attention but it won't make you look cool. And you'd have to pay for the attention it's getting you too. Because it's only from professionals
>It might get you attention but it won't make you look cool.
Needing blood transfusions or losing your legs above the knee doesn't make you look cool either but here we are.
Why not just kill yourself at this point? If you're in so much anguish you're willing to lose limbs and cut down to the bone just kill yourself lol
suicidal women would prefer self-harm and attention-seek for years instead of instant death
they're so weird
there are also "men" on r9k who follow this trend
what a bunch of pussy, just kill yourself and stop making those threads
this is the girl who self-harms but larps as if it was an illness no? i remember reading about her some time ago, really, really sad.
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How do you cut your coochie on the inside and not get infected or in pain wtf I am a female too and this terrifies me
>I am a female too
Who asked? How is this relevant?
Therefore I have a vagina too, the thing we are discussing
You don't need a hole to imagine that piercing your body is painful.
U are regarded
And you are an attention whore.
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do you think this is a reference to Alfred's Playhouse?
i dont know who the fuck that is, but let me an easy guess on why she has no legs:
she had to get her legs amputated because what ever the fuck shes doing to it

shes going to keep doing it everywhere on her body until her death.
Retard American obviously that is what happened
Kelly where are you
saw this get hyped as the creepiest thing ever, so scary and realistic, whatever. watched it a couple years ago and it was just some shitty newgrounds animation lol
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Whats her endgame?
Holy shit I haven't heard a peep about her for so long. I knew she got the amputation, and I knew this was going to happen, only a matter of time. Her doctors are just enabling her, she needs to be checked into an inpatient facility with a one-to-one order so someone has eyes on her 24/7 and can't let her pick. If they did this for a week and observed the wound healing without further injury or infection or damage, it would show 100% proof that she's just injuring herself. Idk why they can't do it.
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Friendly reminder that this is ridiculous compared to the self-harm committed by vaxxoids who voluntarily injected themselves not just once but four or more times with a substance that turns their body into a permanent factory of highly pathogenic proteins.
Wonder if she does her nose
doesn't she do more than just pick at her wounds?

Last I heard she purposely infects them by rubbing her own feces on the open scabs until they wind up like the OP pic.
What the actual fuck. How is she not dead from blood loss? Shit, maybe those horror movies are more realistic than i thought with the gore.
Picking is exactly what it sounds like. Picking at a wound and not letting it heal. Constantly scratching and pulling off scabs.

Shes not doing it fir endorphins. She has munchausen syndrome. Shes literally addicted to the attention she gets for being injured.
True I hear that is what everyone says but like doctors and nurses are sociopaths their pandering isn't even enjoyable
Any day now amirite.
Im sure she gets lots of attention on social media but the tune has likely changed since its been revealed a lot of her suffering is self inflicted.
What do you think that smells like?
*middle aged black lady voice*

Ooooh girl that shit looks wiiiild, you *claps* need to *claps* go to the *claps* hospituhhhl *claps*
rotting flesh
What does that smell like? Ive always been curious. Do dead animals smell different than dead people?
no it smells like death and rot
Excess mortality is already sky high among vaxxies. Oh, wait. The media didn't tell you that. Well, don't expect any refund from Pfizer, idiot.
Lol. I always laugh at crazy white women like this and their shenanigans. And all because we bent over and gave them rights. Guess pretending to be just as capable as men are melts their pathetic, narcissist brains.
Was it Null who hyped it up lmao? He forced me to watch it
>My guess is she would take sharp objects and shove them up her cervix
Thats exactly what she was doing. I just skimmed over the kiwi thread. Theres documents from a previous hospital visit where they removed them
Can some enlightened degenerate please drop the lore on this person?
Really? I only went there like once but that's insane and interesting. Did she admit it or did the doctors find out somehow?
That's it, this is the impetus I need to not come back to this garbage normalfagged board even though I've barely come anyway since mid-2010s. inb4
>hurr triggered by mild gore you must be zoomer
The fact that it's as much of a spectacle as the other becky toilets that get posted here is the worst part, presumably some of you deranged /soc/ niggers are cooming to it also. Nothing good could ever come of spending one more shred of life here. Goodbye to the real nigga robots but it's time
That woman took metal objects and shoved them up her cervix to lose litters of blood each day because she was so ashamed and embarrassed about being raped as a child, trafficked, and forced to fuck dogs she couldn't even bear to speak about it. Having to have several litters of blood transfusion a day was the only way anyone even started to find out. If you want to sit there and say that's nothing and it's irrelevant you need to take a good long ponder about if you were touched as a kid too and just can't face it
kinda cool. also mods delete this thread and ban op. this is a lolcowfarms raid.
Ain't reading all this schizo
take your meds gramps
not that anon but there is a different between ending your life right away and being an attention whore bdp bitch on the internet
Being an extreme "attention whore" isn't what you'd expect of a neurotypical woman. Injuring yourself to the point you have to be amputated isn't normal. I don't doubt she has seem some shit
You can be a nutter without having 'trauma'.
Who? Are you simping for random whores again? I thought you learned that lesson back in January, but apparently not, idiot.

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