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they definitely can't but why?
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Emotions cannot manoeuvre automobiles.
My uneducated guess.
Women are more anxious in general and anxious people are bad drivers (I get anxious with passengers in my car)
My mom can actually better park than my dad
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poor reflexes
worse peripheral vision
general fear of speed, hence never learning how to drive or maneuver properly
seeing cars as appliances rather than something fun
Because I'm just a dumb silly girl xp
think about all those warning labels saying not to operate machinery
my step mom could parallel park her giant suv in traffic while simultaneously turned towards and yelling at the kids

i basically dont bother with a parking space unless you could land a jumbo jet in it, ill park far away and walk.

but her dad was a race car driver and had a sink or swim approach to teaching his daughters

my aunt on the other hand crashes her car every 5 minutes. mostly fender benders.

i dont know any females my age, im a neet incel if you couldn't tell.
>sink or swim
so she could crash her car...?
They have poor reaction times. Poor hand-eye coordination. Cant judge distances and measurments well.
pretty much. he'd give her the keys to the rv towing the boat at 16 and say drive us to the lake while he slept in the back
they have worse spatial processing and lean on emotions but the road is mainly rules based
personally i am scared and this probably makes me undateable among many other reasons
Poor spatial awareness, same as Asians.
For your information the reason I can't drive is not coz I am a woman, it's because I'm Italian
>absolutely can't drive
yeah checks out
Women are better drivers, though. There's a reason their car insurance is cheaper than men's.
op got a joke ive been cooking up thought you might get a kick out of it.

why cant helen keller drive?

because she's dead
t.never been on the road
That's not true. My mom drives all the time and she's only ever been in like 7 crashes her entire life.
I love seeing short-dicked moids seething about "muh logic and her emotions" on this topic because, statistically, women are better drivers and are the cause of less accidents. There's a reason why I spend less on insurance, loser
I don't know about their driving skills but I've seen more of them having the audacity of using their phone while driving. It's fucking infuriating.
I forgot to mention that men are allegedly great on "handling emotions" except anger. Aggressive and competitive behavior makes you a significantly worse driver honey this isn't a race
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In which country do you live? Over here it's illegal to charge more because of your sex.
Canada and the US both do it.
Brains not tuned the way they are for men.
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You have to understand the psychology of the femoid. They are fundamentally narcissistic and solipsistic creatures. To a femoid, everything in the world exists or occurs in order to either boost or diminish her ego or sense of self, and to cater to her own individual desires. This naturally comes into conflict with the world when her wishes rub up against the wishes of other minds, or general rules and regulations. This is why the femoid is often so concerned with MY CHOICE, regardless of how her choice might affect others, or what the social rules are.

The world of motor vehicle transit, by contrast, is fundamentally a world of rules and regulations. The streets function as means of fast-moving heavy vehicle movement precisely by being heavily rule-based, rules which all the drivers must simultaneously abide by. Stay within your lane. Do not exceed the speed limit. Signal to other drivers to let them know your intentions when turning or changing lanes.

You can see how such a world naturally runs afoul of the femoid psychology.

>What if I dont FEEL like signaling to other drivers? Its not really a big deal, is it? I dont WANT to keep to the speed limit; theres no cops around, so it is no problem to me to break the rules! I need to get over to that lane so everyone must get out of the way; watch out world, im coming through! Who CARES if I do a U-turn here? Its not gonna hurt or inconvenience ME!

You will find that femoids are bad at any activity that requires them to defer to other minds in order to navigate it properly. It is simply not in the femoids conception of reality to contemplate that there are other people besides herself that may be worthy of consideration, or that there are rules for how one should act outside of her immediate desires.

tl;dr: women are stupid whores and it is best to dismiss them
It makes sense to charge women less for car insurance in spite of them causing more car accidents per every mile they drive because women simply drive a lot less often than men do.
Kind of a neat nuance.
>accidents ae the only metric of a good driver
confirmed a bad driver
the main cause of accidents is being on your phone or otherwise distracted because how utterly terrible do you have to be to just lose control and crash and yet women are so bad they think that's even possible in a modern car
To bolster my point, here is a funny little video of typical femoid psychology in action in regards to driving
Most femoids are not this blatantly obvious with their psychology, but they all essentially function this way
It's a pretty good metric. The issue is more that the other anon didn't know women cause more accidents *per mile driven*.
Men only cause more accidents in the sense that they drive a lot more often than women do. So the lower male accident rate plus a lot more time on the road means more of the accidents that happen each year are caused by men.
the difference between a bad driver and a good driver isn't just that they crash
a bad driver goes too slowly, brakes harshly without warning, suddenly turns, sits in the overtaking lane for no reason, or outright defies the rules of the road and goes backwards through one way systems or does a three point turn in the middle of the street and these are all things women do
a bad driver also drives too fast but this is much less common than people who drive too slow and cause accidents by forcing other drivers to overtake them or get frustated and make poor decisions
i see it every day, some stupid cunt doing 40 down a 60 road or 30 in a 40 zone for no reason whatsoever
i'd wager that the modal accident is caused by people braking with no idea what is behind them causing them to be rear ended
it's baffling to me how often i see it because i'm constantly aware of my rear mirror and instantly notice if it changes

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