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I don't get why I'm the mentally ill one, because I'm more emotional and feel things more intensely and care about things more... why are OTHER PEOPLE not the mentally ill ones for caring too little and being callous uncaring hurtful monsters?
Consider who is calling you mentally ill.
dogisaga is a fat tranny
im obligated to say this every time i see a dogisaga comic
ppl misinterpret. its that bpd literally is just bad person disorder, it's not a binary thing but just hat you do bad things often enough to cause yourself problems and you went to a psychiatrist about it. it absolves people who go that route of acknowledging that they are being bad people when they do bad things. which can at least lead to rethinking oneself over time. but if you get "diagnosed" with it then the are literally being told it cant change. its an actively harmful framework because of its unfounded assertion of permanence when people can and do mellow, or pick their ass up, as the case may be...and without suppression of their natural moods and rhythms.
she might be fat, true... but isn't she just a regular married woman? i think she's funny and schizophrenic.
nah i was on her telegram and im pretty sure shes a mtf or something
or a ftm i really cant tell
this isn't true you can be a bad person without bpd
and people with bpd tend to have a lower emotional intelligence while also having a heightened sense of emotions
mtf is unforgivable, but ftm i can get past...
ok look ill lay it out as simply as i can.

you are not describing fundamentally different people. you are taking two people, comparing them, and saying that one has more or less emotional intelligence and a more or less heghtened sense of emotions.

these emotions, as you observe, dont depend on whether or not someone "has BPD" - because the definition is vague. "having BPD" is not an absolute predictor of anything, merely an indicator of a general tendency in a certain direction. but how is it diagnosed? if it's "a cluster of symptoms, any one or more of which may be missing as long as a majority are present" then what is actionable from it? further how are these symptoms observed to be present or not present? its literally just some guy's opinion of if you seem like a crazy bitch or not. thats literally all it is...dressed up with a million literally fucking bullshit invented pseudoscientific words and made up numbers. "we observed 198 people and rated the bitchier ones higher on the bitch scale, which correlated with being a bitch" is literally what every fucking "finding" boils down to.

it would be literally so much more productive to just be fucking honest and say "hey look youre acting like a bitch right now and everyone says so. maybe dont do xyz things that youve been doing."

the pills shit is beyond a fucking joke. their own surveys find getting a cat more effective...
not all bad people have bpd, but anyone who has bpd is a bad person
translation into english: "not all bad people are crazy bitches, but all crazy bitches are bad peopel"
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what did the BPD girls do to you anons for you to immediately associate even the vague concept of it with abuse and pain
be genuinely evil people with no remorse for their words and actions
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Being able to be in control of your emotions is a sign of emotional maturity. Its fine to feel things, the full spectrum of emotions are felt by everyone in face, but only you are too stupid and crazy to keep yours under control. but letting your emotions control you makes you literally like a child or some kind of literal retard who shits its pants and throws a tantrum when it doesnt get what it wants.

So basically youre a fucking retarded child and thats why you are the crazy one.

Kys with a hammer pls
you say this and yet the doctor says she has bpd and its not her fault

thats the joke peg...
the literal definition is "acting unpredictable [to me] and having rapidly changing moods for no apparent reason [to me]" in other words "acting like a crazy bitch [to me]" sometimes society is wrong and the crazy bitch is right. you can't define a "personality disorder" with reference to some kind of "normal" because people are all people and personality varies like anything else.

psychology functions in the same way as confession: "u cant blame me for those sins, it old them to my priest/therapist and i was absolved/got closer to the roots of my trauma. how rude of you to talk about something horrible done to me by the devil/trauma when I'm past it." except its worse cause it doesnt include saying prayer of im sorry 30 times which at least functions like a self-imposed time-out. like u know ppl start shit just to talk to their therapist abt it at this point...u say too much shit to a priest and u end up doing 300 paternosters. "therapy" is literally like a textbook on how to be a shitty parent. set no guidelines, always keep your emotions hidden, be mostly unavailable but when you are expect complete attention. every kid ive known with psychologist parents has been a wreck lol.

its just a fucking made up word. there is no such thing as "bpd people" there are crazy bitches and they are based.

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