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if this image makes you angry you're already too far gone down the incel rabbithole and you'll never have a gf and you don't deserve one

you're good if you think one of those things:
>oh she's cute
>damn she's really pretty
>cute but not my preference
yeah im gone
i got jealous of superior youthful genetics and then angry
im not even sure what im supposed to be mad about? she's cute and some girl having a birthday party. good for her?
I feel genuine rage that I will never have her because my genetics are shit
My only feelings are disgust that she is eating that cake like a pajeet, am I an incel?
I am jealous of her. But also happy for her that she is pretty. Why I was born ugly
yeah ur too far gone lmao
Should have posted her acting like a slut getting drunk at a club or something
incels get angry at pretty women for existing
i think she looks like a teenage boy and bear virtually no attraction to her.
also blue/gray/green eyes look dumb and unsettling, they are a meme.
>i will dip my filthy weiner rubbers in this cake and contaminate it so nobody else can enjoy
>teehee, it looks like the stuff on my finger when I scratch my pussy
>omf look Becky take a pic hahaha
I want to set that cake on fire and shove it up the whore's loose std incubator. Fucking bitch.
I don't like blonds
That's literally what op posted. A fat drunk whore at a party engaging in immoral behavior. Did you not expand the image? Try actually looking at it. She's probably wearing a thong and loves knowing Chad's cum is leaking out of her shitpipe and onto the seat. That's why women don't just wear normal underwear, the cum leaking out would feel wet on them with panties catching it, and they get a sick pleasure leaving a filthy splotch everywhere they sit.
I'm guessing her boyfriend is a 6'2 blonde Chad that plays football
Why would she choose you over Chad?
I'd feel sad if she was more my type
>A fat
yeah incels are mentally ill
It'd be something unpredictable, at least.
there's NO reason a pretty woman would not date Chads.
you and I both know that if this looks like a "teenage boy" you are definitely and absolutely gay

so much seething
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I feel more alerted around stacies because of how judgemental my sister was at me.
Does anyone else not find concave noses attractive even on women?
the judgement of a random women, out of billions of them, doesn't matter.
my viet ex-gf said my nosebridge is a commodity in vietnam and that girls actively look for it in men when they wanna have kids.
I would have rejected her.
Why would this picture make anyone mad?
my initial thought was
>damn that looks like a tasty cake, what's it made of?
am i still good or too far gone?
you're good but you need to work on your gluttony
But what if my first thought was "Happy Birthday".
Am I the only one to see the cake first?
ah okay, thanks anon
it's just that i haven't had cake in so long, close to a year or so by now, so i was naturally drawn to it
i want to try a red velvet cake sometime...
a board of fatties /r9k/
Your image doesn't make me feel anything
t. incel
Well, that is not what I meant, but I am an American, so this works.
yes it absolutely does incel
I think good white girl face dumb white girl brain. I wouldn't want to hear her talk.
i am her looksmatch
Didn't have any reaction in particular to the image
that said, in my early 20's I basically broke down in the middle of a Chipotle about how every blonde sorority bitch in the place will literally never have to endure a single hardship in their entire life entirely because of how they look

so yeah, I was done for a decade ago, I won't ever have a gf
but I will have plenty of hookers
oh, and to be honest with you, I'd rather fuck her boyfriend
That's a good thing! Hope she is happy and makes lots of White children for our race!
>our race!
>muh jew
I'm not jewish.
it's like you knew, yes I am definitely corrupted with incel insanity
She's gangly and hunching her shoulders to try and appear smaller. She has a weird hairline with hair growing out of her forehead, which means she has an ape skul lshape. Her head is 80% draped with hair to hide the massive jaw that mogs 90% of robots and try and distract from her shrunken monkey head.

Once you get with enough dolled up girls and see what they really look like the next morning, it's easy to see past superficial things they do to entice you. You only see the careful poses and 2h hair and makeup look when she's trying to seduce you. After she thinks she's got you then you're stuck with the real thing. Look for real features of beauty, not fakeup and ludicrous hair grooming. This is how dysgenic women trick men into breeding and raising their dysgenic offspring.
>you're good if you think one of those things:
And what if I don't give a fuck?
I mean, I'd react if I saw her irl but over a picture, I don't even bother
Who is that? Why would she make me angry? She is just some random bitch.
I didn't think anything when I saw it until I had a closer look. She's attractive but so what?
No one deserves anything, chud. Chad will call her a whore and she will still suck his dick dry le personality is a meme, personality literally doesn't exist we're all a hivemind
get off this shit while you can
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it is time
looks kinda like a young denise richards, aka giga stacy.

stacies are pointless though, even average girls can fuck every guy they see. they just dont want to
she will be the one I keep in the back of the rape dungeon to let my fellow incel brethren piss down her throat at their leisure
She's very pretty but not my type. I don't know when it happened, but now I can't look at white girls in a sexual way anymore. It feels too much like they're my family or something. Only latinas, middle eastern girls, and asians for me.
i don't like the girl, she looks too poor and dependent and not in my taste
whenever I see an attractive woman I just think "I should kill myself" and move on
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but at what cost
It would never make me "mad" but it does immediately tell me that she's gorgeous, therefore entirely out of my league, therefore not worth interacting with
I don't feel anything towards this picture. What is suppose to make me mad again? That a semi attractive girl is having fun?

This whole post must an ESL weirdo misunderstanding what makes incels upset. Hint: Its's not women existing do nothing wrong.
It's too late for me, I am deeply retarded now.
/f1/ is leaking
to r9k of all places
i thought she's cute and then saved the image into my 10 gb folder of similar pictures. is it over?
Yes. It's her birthday, retard. She can eat the fucking cake whichever way she wants.
It makes me happy when pretty girls smile at me
I don't feel anything, positive or negative.
I am happy when anyone at me.
theres something uncanny about this picture
She has superior genes
angry? I'm as all-women-are-whores pilled as one can be, and even I don't get angry over that picture. a little bit confused why she is scooping the cake with her finger, but then I assume it's her birthday and therefore her cake. whatever.
why would it make me angry?
She looks kinda surreal, I think her face is edited. Probably cuter irl.
based anthropologist.
It doesn't make me angry. I think her boobs are too small and therefore I'm not exactly attracted to her. If she would approach me IRL I wouldn't reject her and might even consider a relationship with her, but her small boobs would always bother me when seeing beautiful big booba ladies.
It is edited. Women using filters heavily in their photos is a given.
Agree incels are absolutely insane and require years and years of mandated therapy. I repeated mandated.
She has the cranial geometry of a man

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