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Raising her children by another man while you're together edition
Average London couple nowadays
hahahahahahaha average redditor
The best shag I've had in years was watching my wife get taken home by a bloke at a disco in Liverpool
Comfiest thread on this board atm
Average /britfeel/ poster be like
Catching a pint after a brootal day of waging, who wants to join?
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She has already given birth to 37 mulatto children (all sons) and another is on the way. I am the legal father of all of them, and I cannot wait to sign the birth certificate of the newest niglet!!!!
Congratulations! May she continue to birth sons until she is no longer physically able to, and that none of them be biologically yours as you remain celibate for your entire life
Carl Benjamin for Prime Minister? Not liking Starmer so far de lids
Going to a job interview, wish me luck. No more NEETing for this northerner
Ok what the fuck is up with britfeel lately with all of the cuck thread starters

I'm not even British but in none of the 6 or 7 odd years I've browsed the board has this shit been a trend
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I am 100% pvssy free and still a KHHV at 54 years old after 36 happy years of marriage. My wife, however, has had sex with half a million virile black bvlls. Good for her! Happy wife, happy life!
It's the Americans
The lad making these OPs isn't one of us.
You're lying then because this has been a thing as long as /britfeel/ has been around. It saw an uptick with the migrant "crisis" and the 2016 American election
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Happy ol' ball n' chain, happiness will never wane! Hope that she gets to the big ol' million. Just imagine that, how many miles of BBC she will have taken at the 1 million mark!
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The ol' ball n' chain's fertile womb is a camp for subsaharan refugees. Oh, her vagina has seen more blacks than ship routes between africa and the americas.
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Don;t get me wrong, I was not sharing the picture of divorce and her remarrying as a sad announcement but more of a dream and hope we will achieve. I want her to be in a serious relationship and actually make love to him. I am prepared for the possibility of him breeding her. Actually I am not only prepared, I now even prefer that outcome. The problem is she and I actually need cuckolding, nothing else arouses her more and nothing fulfills me more sexually. So why are we planning on separate yet connected homes? Because she never thought or desired to have kids so she does not have the ability to have any interest in sex when somewhere along the way the children beat any libido in her out.
Gigabased. It's a shame the crown abolished slavery because I would've volunteered to be enslaved as a bull prepper and fluffer!
The ol' ball n' chain wasn't joking when she said she medically requires BBC!
De lids, pull together and bump this actual proper bread

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