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Non spam edition
Thanks lad. Fuck spam mong
hard to pick a side on this one
Comfy frog, that
Don't usually agree with posting in the later made thread but first one was too shit.
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Corr sounds stormy outside. Proper wuppa weather this.
lad i watched wanking is now watching ME wank
a changing of the guard
Poley is watching you wank Shippy?
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I'm sure they'll come sneaking in
peperami penis
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When can we go bowling together lid?
Having a great big handsome can of Kronenbourg
You didn't fuck the grammar up this time
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Nice numbers
Enjoy ur beer
It's almost friday and I'm feeling good. Nearly over my cold/flu as well. Comfy times ahead lids.
The wapu's womfy wollocks
Someone had a tantrum and made a cuck thread
Apu laughing.png
Was wondering who it was that got hurty feelings, wasn't even any little dramas in the last thread but maybe I'm not sensitive enough to notice. Very peculiar behaviour anyway
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hes some american mong obsessed with cuckolding
when i think about it
im not even sure how pleasurable ejaculation is
Don't understand why some mentalists on Reddit got rid of all their DVDs and Blu-rays and only have 4K and buy 4K. There will be a shitload of stuff that will never be released on 4K the same way a shit load of DVD stuff was never released on Blu-ray. They act so holier than thou about it too. If they came out with 8K discs tomorrow the stupid cunts would sell their 4K discs and buy them all again.
Maybe trying to justify their 4k TVs. Although they're becoming more standard lately anyway, hard to tell the difference for me between 1080p
making myself comfy in the proper edition
pleasure is just pain leaving the body
The picture difference is minimal IMO. HDR can make a huge difference but only if you have an expensive OLED.
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Luckily, as a spackerbux recipient, i'm exempt from military service during WW3.

Chad, however? Not so much.
gonna paint a big target right ontop of my flat, based puting gonna put me out of my misery and kill the sambos upstairs
Smackhead mate lost his phone after coming to mine for drinks last night. He probably dropped it walking home. Not my problem.
Least yous didn't get a bag in de lid

Yeah not getting a waggington was a good call. I'm off the wooze until Halloween now. So pretty much a full month of it.
thanks for preparing this NATO it's good to be prepared x
lots of trouble with your smackhead mates helperlad maybe you need new mates? chuck us a tenner while you're on, it's for the bus (dad's in hospital).
He can get a cheap Alcatel 1 like SSM did.
No pussy for me? No world war for thee.
No third world war? You'll have pussy no more.
never even seen a pussy
have you seen an explosion? i have.
conscription? it's not for me.
It might be for you. It could be for you. But it's not for me.
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ive been fasting today. first time ever.
aim has been a whole day, so no eating from wednesday dinner to friday breakkie.
i probably finished eating at nearly midnight yesterday. so it's been 23 hours so far. i usually have breakkie at about 8 so i guess the aim is 32 hours?

not been too bad. a bit low energy/weak but nothing major. in fact ive only felt low energy at rest. when moving and working i felt absolutely fine.
along with plain water ive had 2 black coffees and 2 green teas.

supposed to ramp up that autophagy thing all the youtubers say is good for health, staving off cancer and dementia etc.

maybe i'll do this once a month or something.
yeah, say for 2025 i'll do it once a month.
and if that works out, then for 2026 i'll change it to 2 day fasts, but only once every 2 months.
2027 3 day fasts every 3 months? probably getting way ahead of myself, i still havent got through this one yet ha ha. cant wait til breakky though desu.
top lols very good
mental to think fasting for one day is 'fasting' to some people, not just a normal day off the food.
maybe it was remarkable for Jewish people living millions of years ago but nowadays you can just watch YouTube.
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Wee early night
It's not normal to not eat for a whole day in 2024 though. You must know this. There's no such thing as "a normal day off the food"
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On that sobergrind Trump style me.
it's my first time. you think i should just jump into a 3 day or longer fast having never fasted before?
>but nowadays
reason i put those words in there lad, i also live in 2024.
girls farting and pooing
doesnt happen IRL lad
they definitely fart less
they don't shit less though (proportionally)
they shit less often because constipation is more common in women than men
but they overall amount is still the same as men (proportional to body size)

t. female poo and fart expert
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>something happens in some shithole in the world
>so called free thinkers, "ZOMG ww3!!
brain dead parrots
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Indeed. Trump is a teetotal Chad. He told all his sprogs 'No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes', even better, he now adds 'No tattoos'
Do a proper fast. Five complete days, just water. Last food Sunday evening. Breakfast Saturday morning. Water in between.

I have done that once. I should again.
bit of my sock is stuck between my toes and i cant be arsed dragging it out, my night has been ruined
also my tongue feels funny underneath, just wish i could die at this point
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Yes, I am a racist.
Trump would look down on you.
kicking off in florida, big storm, everythings getting wet, tackle getting blown over, fucking madness
Unless there's a video of a trampoline flying aroun I don't give a shit quite frankly
and yet next week in Florida they'll be none the wiser
trampolines have already crossed international borders at this point lad
i know how you feel. one of the wheels on my chair has gone, so it veers to one side inside of cleanly rolling backwards and forwards.
im open to working up to longer fasts. but im happy to take baby steps.

some docs on youtube would say 5 days is too much. one i have watched says no benefits beyond 72 hours, or that enough negatives kick in at that point thats it's not worth it over 72 hours. i think another ive seen said the same but about 96 hours.
Corr bet at least one of them trampolines had a little frog on it that got absolutely blasted into a different state as well
fuck florida and fuck america, to be honest
Caught Hanford trying on my clothes today.
Une spackique
Crossmong has a comically small nutsack.
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I'm sure he would, he'd look down on all of us wouldn't he
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soon all our time will come
why were you looking lid?
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Just sharted /v/ros
About time Hanford moved out
could be for medical reasons
nobody here is a doctor
anon is an expert on girl farts, thats pretty much a GP
jerk off to one of my asmrtists then bed
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How can she steer??
i am a doctor in early modern jazz
your mum is a doctor in early morning jizz
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Definitely smoked too many ciggy wiggies last night. Chest feels horrible.
Eggs still on then? Apu me, bacon least.
Probably yeah. He's a dick. That's my point.
I got b*nned from Brit/pol/ for "non political" reasons so I'm going to be posting here for the next 2 days and 22 hours.

What do y'all think about them Jews, huh?
been practising my scottish accent a bit *clears throat*
>never again swanney, im off the scag
what do you lads think?
can you say it again a little louder i didnt hear you
Aye pal, yur skawtisch isnae too bad - do ya fancy a roid on ma nehsi? She dusnea boight. Give gehrl a fesch an shill be ya frehnd
Not a fan really. They weren't kicked out of 109 countries for nowt.
>Non spam edition
good tbj
couldn't do a multi-day fast, i'll tell you that for nowt
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bbq season is over :(
forget brats gir lsummer
it's autumn
Anon, I should have said that I'm actually Jewish.
That's a horrible antisemitic trope.
First they ban me from /pol/, now this? It is surely a bad time to be a Jew. Urgh.
Watching A Star is Born (1954) on Blu-ray. Quite the fan of Judy Garland, me.
imagine if you could afford a barbecue but were getting those Spice Emporium plastic grinders from B&M instead of minting your own
i am a homosexual friend of Dorothy
but not a big Garfand
Fair dues. It not right what they did to her. Sexual abuse and asbestos. Bastids.
i abuse asbestos sexually
The Tin Man had lead paint! The snow was asbestos! They trained a lion to act like a cowardly human lion!
mad these old 80s HD videos

Always thought particular scenes in Return of the King was inspired by The Wizard of Oz.
I posted this in here like two months ago. Fascinating, innit? Imagine an alternate timeline where HD VHS became popular.
I'd travel back in time to 1939 and fuck Judy Garland up the arse. They'd call me a hero.
if you think about it, dorothy going into technicolours was a stunt double painted in sepia stepping out of frame than transitioning into her in the blue dress
What the fuck are you on about, big lad? It was CGI I reckon.
brit feel more like clitfeel
The Wizard of Oz and Gone With the Wind came out the same year with the same director. Mind boggling.
truly uncanny
i just assumed there was only one film a year back then, and people went to see the same one repeatedly. like it was a novelty to even see shapes.
Women should not be allowed to leave the house in what amounts to nothing but undergarments ("yoga pants")
"boy george what's on at the ol' shapebox today"
"the island of dr monreaux"
"boy howdy that sounds like a threefer!" (= would watch it three times; well-regarded film)
There wasn't as much films made as nowadays but it was way more than one a year. If a film was popular it tended to stay in cinemas for longer. There's loads of films from back then forgotten to the archives, which is why I love boutique labels who go out of their way to give them decent releases.
It's mental when you think about it, the original King Kong was massive, people talked it about it for years but unless you had a personal print of the film, it wasn't rereleased for like 30 years so it was almost like an urban legend.
Looks like she's in her garden, is that allowed?
Seeing a lass with a comically large arse poking out like that just makes me feel sick. It's just a big poo device.
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Seeing all these jeets run around the filthy place with chink-made smartphones/contemporary high technology has a very distinct aesthetic to it

Jeetpunk-esque, one might call it
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It's Lauren Alexis, she keeps her back arched a ridiculous amount at all times. Makes her look like a little retarded dinosaur.
I really am disgusted by modern women. Not in an incel way or anything, more in a look over the newspaper and give a tut and a dirty look way.
poo is formed on the inside, between the mounds and then inroads a bit.
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very nice, i like it
I know but there's something about a massive arse that's unnatural and I wonder how women keep their arse clean properly if they can't reach inside. Women like to meme about men not cleaning their arse but I think women are worse. I grew up with sisters and they are messy bastards.
it's to stop people from becoming paedos. i don't see what boys now see in girls now, even if i was them at their age (not a paedo myself so i can't speak for them).
If Judy Garland was still alive she'd have had a BBL and botox directly into her bloodstream.
probably on the NHS too
Ruthmong should get an NHS BBL
Really disturbs me seeing zoomers and young girls constantly on their phones. Living their entire lives like that. Rooms of young people sitting in a room, seperate, all on their phones. All at a concert, all filming with their phones. Taking pictures of all the meals they eat. Severe anxiety if they are away from their phones for five minutes.
... Just chilling around on a wooden scaffolding staring at traffic all day long lol

These two are probably high on cow-derived jenkem mefinks

Very lynchian
zoomers are all adults now, its the generation below them thats the most fucked, until the one below them grow up enough to be properly fucked in the head, then theyll take over as the most bollocksed generation
Yeah I suppose you're right. Not that I'm not a spakker myself to be fair but at the very least my attention span hasn't been rotted away by short form entertainment and social media.
What did he mean by this lads
Well... obviously? How is this news? They've made plans in case dams flood, or the electricity goes down, or if aliens invade. Complete non-story, but thick shits will fall for it anyway
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Shall be calling it a day soon I reckon. Almost finished that battle pass just need to grind out a few more quests.
What about a cheeky line to end the day lad
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I'd like to present my chief to her too haha
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Fresh WW3 trailer just dropped

These moneylenders are serious about their deagel depopulation business
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Only Chad gets access to these kinds of highly intelligent, unvaxxed and untatooed white women.

They are the qveens of his giant harem, the ones he wifes up in the end while discarding all the other pumped and dumped single moms.
quantum computers is a gimmick like vr or the eyetoy i reckon
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Hafta cop some R&R soonish me

Very important appointmentshire later on today
Any single trannies here? Could go for some troon arse.
Your parents told you "no sprogs"?
my sister is a pathologist
Poley is online in discord
I have none of you people on Discord
No tranny arse for you then
Thinking about moving to the US
hes coming for your bennies you useless sponges
going for an early walk around town
going for an early wank around town
no he isnt
he wont last long
and theyll be stopped!
Just checked rebel rhyder's kinographic body of work after spaffing to her newest release

Almost 400 asspussy scenes, holy fuck
Roight den

Gonna check the other thing real quick now
>Dossers think they're entitled to bennies even while Ukraine is at war and Britain welcomes in tons of refugees every day
They need it more than you, simple as.
Just had some good cumming to a femboy, and some good white cob bread right after. Gonna top it off with some more gin, and then beddies for me in an hour or too
100 percent this
People need to face reality and realise that it isn't the British government taking away what is rightfully ours, it's Putin/Russia. Their aggression has eroded our welfare system and put our most vulnerable in danger.

Now question is. Will those capable be willing to defend this land it's people from the Russian Empire?

We'll find out very soon.
I hate all of you, and I would like to tell you that you are not in fact human, but human like NPC scum with no souls and no real human emotion, you are the kind of people who watch big brother and paradise island or whatever
Schizophrenic unemployed boomer fuck has switched over from green to black turd bags now

Really tempted to place them directly back at his door again but then again that kind of "escalation" is exactly what he wants to achieve with this deranged schizoid boomer behaviour of his of course
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>You sit there at your computer in your box room day after day while Ukraine and its people burn, while our pensioners freeze to death, and the Russian Empire bites at Europe's throat?
>Those deaccent days of yours are now over, and you're going to the front, anxiety and depression be damned.
Roight den, calling it for now

Might get one or even two hours of shuteye in if i'm lucky
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it not for him
idk details but in an older job, sir keir starmer was one of the ones responsible for sentencing guidelines for paedophiles reccomending community service instead of prison or something like that
one day i will leave this country and go live in thailand and spend my years shagging ladyboys and young slutty women who will consider me a 10/10 for being white
get literally nothing all the times i tried online dating here but when i switched my location to thailand one time out of curiosity i suddenly kept getting tons of likes every day from very sexy young women and did the same for the phillipines and other SEA countries

this is the future for us bros
Enjoy getting dismembered when you accidentally let slip you have 10k in the bank
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Remember when everyone used to rush to HMV to buy these? Chat up some Stacy while waiting at the tills (no self scanners). Go home and rip the songs to put them on your mp3-player.

Nostalgia boys. Wasn't even about the music.
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Got some R&R in after all didn't i

Heading out in less than 60ish now

Today is the day i'll be taking care of the other extremely important thing. Yessire
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seasidefish is LIVE and he's playing PGA tour road to the masters

I think this is his year. He finally gonna win them Masters.
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It's a seasidefish day
>20 minutes in
>Game hasn't loaded because he hasn't clicked 'next'
>thinks it's a loading screen that won't move
>'I'm selling the PS5.. can get a full refund on that plus the games'
Yes mate that was me except I got my mum to buy it, didn't talk to anyone and didn't own an mp3 player so I had to listen to it through my dad's pc or the cd player in the car.
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SSA warning: don't open your PS5s

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>Buy a PS5
>Don't open it
>Return it for a partial refund
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fucks sake im at a complete loss as to how many playstations he's bought and sold now in the past year
gambling addiction is no joke
Fat YouTube Alcoholic Man has bought and sold another PS5
woke up with a ringing in my ears and diarrhoea
this day was over before it began
who's the cute lady
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6 months in the slammer for you my leeed
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The female version didn't turn out too badly actually

These have all been deleted. Is he reading this thread?
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his PS5 days are over. It's just not for him
SSM couldnt solve a captcha
Don't need to solve a captcha to read it all
>pronouns in golf game

Crazy world
How many holes does your character have would be more apt.
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Sent me straight to Kekistan with that one lad
Got NFS Underground 2, and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze on Switch. Served by chubby CEX girl. She's so cute and chubby. Luv it! How the fuck do you talk to women? I need her to be my gf. FUCKSAKE.
Guess I'll just have a sadwank then a lie down.
Had to link my account in CEX. She saw me type my email twice and was focused on it while I typed it. Maybe she memorised it and will send me an email later tonight saying she thought I was cute and would I like to go out with her some time.
that's against GDPR
Yeah and people never break the rules do they? Face it. I'm a god of SEX and she will email me tonight. Accept it.
if she emails you, I'm emailing the police
Shidded in, trousers, boxers, on socks, on floor.
Double digits of the times it has happened this year.
Need to get some nappies hhl style
Getting Dicked Proper Raw?
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dwp are gonna ask Mark for his cex transactions so they can comb through every items he's bought and sold to see if he's hiding pennies
it sad, but every 'idden penny needs to be sent to Ukraine
That would be worse, the mess would be all over me.
Some faggot at the bennies office tried suggesting wearing adult nappies, to be able to get a job. I did get a bit angry with him, told him there's also butt plugs, but I'm not wearing nappies and nothing goes up my bum.
Task and a half that going through his 2024 list alone.
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Nice Friday morning delivery to add to the horde. Hope everyone has a good day, fuck the seethers!
Lmao the DWP can see your entire transaction history already. Pretty funny
need to poo so badly; cannot poo

taken little pink pills that should make me shit my guts out in like six hours

need poo now
Arrival is pretty good.
How to into filtering reddit spacing?
>add to the horde
alright genghis
Never understood this meme. How is making what you're typing legible Reddit?
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Another "day" in the hologram is it abraxas
Is that from The VVITCH?
I once ordered a drink at a hotel bar and the barwoman took my room number to put it on the tab. She called to my room later that night and asked if I wanted any room service. Shagged her fucking brains out dee lad. It does happen albeit very rarely.
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>How is making what you're typing legible Reddit?
Real answer, I don't know.
You do know that spacing has been around long before Reddit?
apparently because youre on 4chan that means you have to type like a complete mong without punctuation spacing or even capitalised letters because doing so means youre putting too much effort into the post which isnt what this message board is here for so get in there
But what about pointless spacing?
Because you can dismiss any post you don't like or can counter in an argument as a Reddit style post, therefore posted by a Redditor and as we know high IQ 4chonners HAET Redditors because they are lefty/libs cry babbies
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Yis lad
You excited about his Nosferatu remake? Saw the trailer at the cinema and it looks SPOOKY.
Years ago people whinged about "a wall of text", now you have to scroll down the page just to finish reading a post.
I think it is about the amount of effort needed to read a post. Even though it doesn't take much effort to read something, really.
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I heard you lads don't like spacing.

Well, just remember there's spacing between tits as well.
Ejaculating in interesting places
I love chubby girls that work at CEX. There's also a BBW that works there.
Not looking good
Wareham update?
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>I once ordered a drink at a hotel bar and the barwoman took my room number to put it on the tab. She called to my room later that night and asked if I wanted any room service. Shagged her fucking brains out dee lad.
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Would be cool bt am not 1 for going cinema. Still never seen the lighthouse either.
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>conversational Zulu
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>Wareham update?
Here you go
Need an SSM items update
Cheers lad. Relieved to read that.
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Give me update fat man
This is the kind of content I come to britfeel for. Insightful, witty, almost aphoristic and pornographic all at the same time.
Just shat my pants a little bit
Lovely contrasting insights there lads. Well done.
Grown man shitting himself regularly. Strange.
Don't tell me you've never followed through on a dodgy fart
it's not gonna be for me
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Might have pooed muhself ~15 times this year. Can't hold it in, and have a dodgy leg so running to the toilet is no longer an option.
Gay sex Epsom
Importing some more American Blu-rays I couldn't find here.
>dances with wolves
>the departed
>blast from the past
Why do indians move their head about so much when talking.
I thought that you were going to be keeping your inane ramblings about DVD's nobody gives a fucking shite about to a once a week type thing mate.
It not right. It really not right
Might go to the casino tonight for the first time
What makes someone a target for bullying?
I'll post when I want, mate. Don't care what you think. I'll spam the thread all day if I feel like it. So go fuck yourself and lick a goose turd.
Would go with you if you want. Hope you have a good time anyway. What do you want to play

Wageslavery...Not even once.
the slot machines, roulette and maybe blackjack
Dont lad. Gambling was always frowned upon in religion for a good reason. It gets exciting if you win and then the dopamine addiction demons kick in and they have a hold of you.

Have known lads who lost everything by gambling.
Aspergers, and generally being in a position to be able to get away with it
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Waiting about all day 4 sun to piss off so I can go shops hurting my eyes. Look forward 2 darker days soon
I once went to a casino on a night out and was given a 5 pound voucher to spend. Left the casino two hours later still holding my voucher. Was too scared to lose it.
Checking elevations is one of the things I've always looked at when finding a new place to live. Always had this weird obsession with making sure I never get caught in a flood, looks like a fucking nightmare.
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Pretty knackered right now me

Downers about to kick in any minute now, providing some sorelyarse-needed womf and respite
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>I'll spam the thread all day if I feel like it
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i'll only take a couple of 20s, I was thinking I might find a woman there to shag
Will going to the casino on a friday night get me a shag if I play my cards right?
Just remember faggot in the end, the house always wins. Las Vegas was not built on people winning. The casino you visit exists because people lose.
Moneylenders playing around with their HAARP flooding techniques again aren't they

Quite dastardly, this
>casino women

Not many birds there lad. Mentally ill older women wasting their life savings on slot machines.
Doesnt even look that bad desu
English ppl see this nd still pay a water bill
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Garn scouting tomorrow, was planning on doing it last weekend but didn't in the end
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really? thought there might be some leng 30-40 year old tarts in there. How do you chat up women and where are they?
It's usually blokes in the casino. Always lots of Chinese too.
>where are they
Just like in the webm you posted, lad. That's where they are, that's the situation you can talk to them in, that's the average quality you're going to encounter. A frumpy goblin, with a shitty hairstyle and one sandal missing stuffing her gob with chips on a comedown...

and people ask me why I checked out years ago. Fucking pathetic.
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Will cost him 9 quid a night for his storage heaters. He need a cold weather payment
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I've definitely been done in more than I've done in
Love reading about assassination stories on Wikipedia. You lads know any good ones?
Interacting with people is definitely a net negative. I'd take the option of never interacting with people physically again if the opportunity arose
Going to the casino won't get me a GF
I really like to think that when I'm on my deathbed, my sprog will be counting down the minutes until she gets her inheritance
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Laura wants to try and get her bf on one of her videos. Ruthmong won't like that
Don't even understand the appeal of a GF at this point. Seems like more effort than it's worth.
Would love to just die in my sleep tonight
Was always thinking the same, but knowing the chubby CEX girl is gonna email me tonight has really turned my life around.
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Roight den, calling it for now

Tapeburgh-on-the-naze beckons
off on a date soon, bricking it desu lads, 0% chance of a shag at the end of it but still nice to spend an afternoon with a QT grill
Not shagged in 8 months. Need to get back on hinge
I would've thought grindr would be more up your alley
You got the date so I'd say the chance is at least non zero
Good luck my lid, do us proud
Lol got some jailtime shoved up their arse. Feels good.
Not at all lad. Love women me
There's no such thing as a legitimate election. As if my choice for who I want to be in charge of my life is somehow contingent on a popularity contest with the general public. Absurd on its face, genuinely insane. The only reason anyone thinks otherwise is because everyone is basically told from day one that it's the best way to do things.
Inform the Apus that Maggie Smith has died.
politicsanon on a fucking mad one today
And is this 'politicsanon' in the room with us now, lad?
Could you point to his posts maybe?
sirs please do the good sex! namaste!
Mates birthday today. 26. He's turning into a strange bloke. Weird
Mates birthday today. 26. He's turning into a strange bloke. Weird
yea hes here, he posted this
22 and never had a gf
same but im 32 in like 7 months or somethin
Oh sorry, yes a single post really is going off on 'a fucking mad one', isn't it?
sulkanon going nuclear
Have you shagged? I got few handjobs but thats it
Calm down d*llycel
And is this 'sulkanon' in the room with us now, lad?
Could you point to his posts maybe?
Never been interested in fanny. Just feet.
Yeah, with prostitutes a bunch of times. Don't do that now though. With women I didn't pay? Nothing. Not even a date. No likes or matches on dating sites. Fuck all.
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Deliveroo drivers shall be filling up w petrol for another fridey night
Crossmong is obsessed with 'Dollycel'
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>Just feet
The Epsom Gay Sex Derby
He probably means you, pouty little thing you are
strange in what sense?
Loner, isolates himself. Bitter and miserable and always says no to going out and things. He'd fit right in here. We did go out on the piss last night but he was miserable and moaning. Ask him what he's doing tonight and he dodges every question. He's my best mate so I can't drop him but fucking hell he's a gloomy sod.
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Like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, I am here.
Wish I was SSM desu
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Smashed my spare Pi up in anger so don't have a spare to JB firmware 11+ on PS4 so I'm trying to make a back port of a game. Any lads have done this?
Why are you using a trip? Fuck off
Why don't you use a trip if you're so jealous?
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Any more complaints?
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Spat my chai latte out at this putdown
I don't think the thread can take the excitement of another avatarfagging anime bloke
lad spat his tea out after reading the word "no"
Just watched Bring It On and now I've got a boner for Kirsten Dunst and Eliza Dushku.
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Some ppl need this talking to 2 keep on straight nd narrow weekends
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Yeah I drink 'most nights'
What of it
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Me? No alcohol, no ciggies, no drugs. I burn clean.
You see the state of mongs on a night out? Yeah no thanks, not for me, my self-respect won't allow it.
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Stuck on the M25 at Heathrow
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>No alcohol, no ciggies, no drugs
No fun
Why are you replying to yourself weirdo?
We aren't the same person
DHL are actually pretty alright because they let you change the delivery dates. Good old German ingenuity innit.
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>been left on read
This is not good
suppin on a jar of bum
friday night kebab and a wank
I applied for a job with DHL. Never heard back
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Could be any number of reasons out of their control de lid
Is HHL drinking tonight? Cracking open the first beer now me
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Said he isn't drinking again until Halloween
I cannot fathom a more brain dead waste of time """activity""" than sitting on your arse and watching sports of any kind. Bread and circuses indeed.
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Me and my dad watching football together with a few beers are some of my favourite memories desu
So fucking lush isn't it
>he doesn't enjoy sports
Do not reply to me again, you utter mongoloid.
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Nothing wrong with disliking sports but acting superior because of it makes you sound like a teenager who just discovered reddit
Never reply to my posts you mentally ill freak
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>Do not reply to me again, you utter mongoloid.
>Never reply to my posts you mentally ill freak
Just finished black myth wukong. That and astro bot best thing I've played in a while desu.
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>Mum is already asking what I want for Christmas
>mfw only thing I can think of that I really want is her
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Is replying without quoting post allowed/?
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Burst out howling at this.
Wouldn't waste your time lad. He will never fathom what your saying.
Samefagging is it, king?
Told you never to reply to me, you mong
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>funny pop song from the 70s I liked is actually about a man raping a teenage boy
Great. Ruined.
Why were they like this back then
Post vocaroo lad
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Still listen to Lostprophets despite what he did
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Part & parcel, innit.
Want to bust a tranny's sphincter
Wer most certainly different people. But then again what does that REALLY mean?
Reckon thats a LARP, lived in peckham for many years and its very safe
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Steak pie, mash taty and peas for din dins. Yeah, I'm just living that NEET life. Keeping in me own lane. It better this way x
Town called hypocrisy video a bit grim though isn't it?
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The moment is gone now lad. You'll need to make me laugh so I can record it
Why do brits put everything in pies?
That video certainly didn't age well
True, a town called hypocrisy is a banger
I wonder what the rest of the band are up too. I imagine they're in a state of constant fear due to the fact they all knew to some degree what that cunt was up to
I vaguely remember it. Going to watch it now and report back
Cuz it's 4 times better.
I've seen guys eat a pie in a bun before.
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Had a steak pie other night nd next morning took the biggest s*it of my life desu not 2 be graphic but it was remarkable
CEX closes at 5:30PM so she won't email me until after then.
Question is. Aside from the steak pie which pie comes out on top?
Partial to a macaroni myself
Oh that was grim and I mean grim
Fish pie desu
Steak pie make a poo pie. LOL.
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Aye. All these pedo cunts seem to love "making it obvious" in hindsight.
Shame too cuz it's a belter or an album.
Diddler the darkie is next
pretty much every famous musician has shagged underage girls who were like 15 or even younger
not quite the same as raping toddlers or whatever, but still wrong
maybe less of a thing now since the music industry is a different but im sure it does happen
but being a rockstar or whatever in the music industry primetime of the 60's up to the dawn of the internet? theyd get fresh pussy every night, and likely operated under a sort of 'dont ask dont tell' policy
she'll be getting plapped by a hung chad all weekend while you jerk your shrimp cock to the thought of holding her hand
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With plenty fresh tarragon? Good choice.
Doubt it. She'll go home and play Animal Crossing or something probably.
I don't see much wrong with 16 years and above to be honest. Women are fully matured by then.
Well, I disagree. I think sex is bad full stop, unless I'm doing it. All sex with persons who aren't me must stop this instant.
Finishes 5.30. On the bus by 5.45. id expect your email to come between then and 6.30. shel have to pluck up the courage.
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Making dinner, am I not
Think the internet has made that kinda thing more difficult. Nobody really gave a shit about Led Zeppelin noncing around in the 70s, and the girls didn't really have an outlet to tell anyone about it either whereas today it'd be all over tiktok and twitter in an instant. As you say though, probably does still happen.
Jimmy Saville was a hero when you think about it.
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I still haven't kept up to scratch with what p fiddlers done aside from Justin Bieber video from last week I think
Is it bad?
Corrr get it down ya
Very unhealthy, post body, reckon youre a big boy
Rule Britannia

Etc etc
Fuck off Kier
Fuck off tranny freak.
Sneaky little pervert
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How i got a griller in a shop 2 text me before go like this
Paid for stuff in cash
I said keep the change bt I also slipped note in between money notes like "ur cute text me"
Fucking bolted out the shop
While later she txt me,,for ages after that day
That was that
Didnt go anywhere really bt fun
Pre-tinder days tho, school days
Aye it's pretty grim. Netflix season long documentary on the horizon that will bring you up to speed when it drops.
Wait... did Puff Daddy rape Justin Bieber? Lmao.
Drinking a beer, snacking on dried shrimp
Would have been a cute origin story de lid if you both hit it off.
Probably prime bussy when he was younger
Pinning a young Mandy Moore down and torturing her pussy.
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Yea basically id assumed she was same age group as me(just turned18) bt it turned out she was 24 nd doing masters @ uni so she wasn't into that even tho I obviously still was bt jt was fair enough
You should have fucked her up her hairy arse, soft lad.
For fucks sake what the hell is happening in the world. Why is everyone getting cancer?
This is one of my favourite youtubers, his conan lore videos are fantastic
He get vaxxed?
Microplastics giving us all cancer early. We speedrunning death now.

Nice. Didn't know there were Evercade versions of Soul Reaver and TR.
All this post is missing is a selfie from the doctor's office making a onions face.
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Anyone else notice how almost all bongs under the age of 22 use americanisms?
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>Why is everyone getting cancer?
Noticed this too lass young ppl as well
Me and you probably have cancer right now and don't even know.
Aye I wouldn't be surprised bt it's taking its time getting the fugging job done
First Steven now this guy... Fuck cancer.
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She's close to 2k subs now.
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What the fuck has happened to Japan
wonder what game she's playing tonight
Looks like it's been 'culturally enriched'
Loved me the lok series. Wish they'd bring it back. Happy for the remasters tho
I'd love to shoot 2000 spermazoids on her face the slut.
>bad eyesight
>obsessive personality

I think his preoccupation with wops is probably just a form of projection.
You don't understand. I want to hurt her. I want to pin her down, punch her in the face and assault her pussy with a PS2 disc.
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Found Wops secret OnlyFans
It's probably a good thing I live with my parents. Otherwise, I'd probably sit with the blinds closed gooning all day to porn at full volume.
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That doesn't change that you're seeing yourself mirrored in her, it just reveals that you think that's what you deserve lol
Really I'm making all this up and shitposting though.
Not enough japanese sprogs
So lonely bros
Feel like pure shit
Corrrrr it the weekend and I don't know what to do with it. Maybe something spontaneous. Starting to sort of enjoy working a bit more desu desu.
dont feel like i have a self
just a entity a nothing playing at being "me"
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2 years no bookmakers
Breath Of The Wild is a terrible game btw holy shittu!
Another Friday night alone in your room is it, king?
Garn into town later on with the hope of getting my dick wet
It's based but too much of a checklist game. Eventually you have done it all but still so much content left.
Go bowling with shippy
Valium and sleep until monday morning
putting the sprogberg to bed at 7 pm, then doomscrolling tiktok for 2 hours before i go to bed too
Grim desu lad
I'm 25 000 feet above Bosnia
>I'm 25 000 feet above Bosnia
Not much time for sleeping these days. Too much on. I hardly recognise my life anymore.
Yet you're here every day without fail.
used to get several bags in every weekend, prefer this life now desu
iktf neet hq been proper busy with the amount of games management expects me to get through

no time to finish one before i get the next one fuckin crazy
You prefer doomscrolling a social media platform for kids?
Sounds like chika's bf has a lot of sexual needs these days
its not his bf, more of a fwb
its my two hours of quiet every day, could be spent better yes but it is what it is
So it takes like 5 seconds to post
I got up at half 5 and didn't get home until 5pm
Valid desu
That doesn't even make any sense my nibba
Ok then de lids here we go
your life is empty laddy you're fooling no one

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