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Cold Saturday edition
Heartbreak: you start to like your new job but then you realise that it is actually an immoral and destructive role for a service which you believe should not exist. Bloody hell man.
Had a paki kid almost run in front of me bike yesterday

Why are they like this

Why do they cross the street without looking at all first

The answer, of course, is purely socioeconomic reasons
Gf on way out for the day
Almost time for a lubey wank to The Katie try on hauls
I will be noisy and call Katie derogatory terms while stroking my penor
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Quite the atonal track there, but at least they didn't shove any darkies into the video

It's good to see stuff like this being popular though, evropean germanic man is in sore need of reclaiming his identity after all
Properly never got taught proper because they parents were busy working all the time
i think i might break up with my gf so i can get fucked by a man
also i'm not british
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Does anyone know how to start the game?

Phwaor wouldn't mind shagging a paki bird like this, would i now
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He tried rollercoast tycoon but it's not for him. He can't be wasting 10 minutes placing a ride entrance when there's beaches and benches to be going to.

Alcohol has ruined literally millions of lives yet it is still socially acceptable
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They really do cry out in pain as they strike you

Like, literally. They did this like 5 minutes after said speech concluded
never had any strong feelings either way but over this last year I've started to hate them
God they've simplified it entirely for the console folks and the mong still doesn't understand it. Also, what's with his lip? Herpes?
marks an old school guy, he can't be done with all this "intuitive" interface bollocks. Bring back the 90s
He completed Theme Park over 80 times in the 90s

114 posts in the last thread. Hope that cunt falls down the stairs and becomes paralysed from the neck down.
How many posts by you?
>How many posts by you?
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IDF confirms seaideOMAR killed in Beirut attack on Friday
Did they rig his gopro to explode?
how does uc even work

like i got put on lcwra a few years ago without even havign to attend an assessment

didnt even get a letter for it just got told by my work coach when i went in

think i was told itll be reassessed at some point but idk how? i wasnt even put into an assessment in the first place they just made the decision based off the shit i wrote and evidence i sent in

so how would a reassessment even fuckin work what wwould they reassess? the same stuff i already sent in? dont get it at all this system is tarded

pointless system really should be easier, and a wee bit more money
thing is most people really do wanna work and shit
i fucking dont
but most people do ya know the normies think working is a virtue
retarded but they think that for real
so the whole attitude people have about 'dossers' is silly
swear i could fix this country real easy im pretty smart ya know
Kek, only good post in the last several threads.
think hes just depressed and likes the dopamine hit from gettin new stuff ya know
plus going into cex and stuff means you get to interact socially with the staff ya know
not my fault god made them so sexy is it?
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Stroking to May's down blouse shot where she talks about her fridge:

Lovely little tits on her
She's broken mentally
Should there be a medical warning attached?
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>but at least they didn't shove any darkies into the video
do many folk bands in that sphere try that? ive only come across Fuimadane do that with an album cover
No lad just look at her little boobs innit
Jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously.
How fucking inept do you have to be to not be able to get a single rollercoaster up and running in 20 minutes of playing. I don't say this often but I think it's not for him.
Might drink later, might not. Simply cannot decide. Leave it to the fates I reckon.
Just spaffed

Now for some R&R
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He puzzled


i want him to do an iq test on a live
He was at that same lock yesterday and gave up
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On that wuppagrind ent I
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he's been on it another 35 minutes
Think my thermostat is higher
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he needs a PS5 game where the gameplay is just pressing a button on the controller to open lootboxes

The game is an actual scam lul
the lighting in blacked is hideous
bitch you are so dumb!
Love me some planet coaster desu
nine itums
never saw my gran drinking water growing up. just tea.
shame they're such DLC tyrants
My fetish is girls with big asses but my gf has a small as. It not right
creamapi if you're on pc
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CEX on Monday morning
Well he gave it a go
But it not for him
Me phone contract went through. That's me sorted for another two years. Corporate slave. Wahey! Hope my new phone comes Monday because my switch date is Tuesday. Cutting it a bit fine, am I not?
I've never understood how my parents get by on so little hydration. Like at restaurants that drink is about an inch down after two courses. I go through two full drinks.
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He the creamapi king and it lush
Stuff her face, it'll all go to her ass.
Why do people buy a 500 pound phone instead of a 100 pound phone when the only difference is a camera that can see to the edge of the universe? Do you really need that camera?
I'm like that I'll have two coffees in the morning and then forget to drink anything the rest of the day. I'm autistic so think I'm terrible at self regulation. Have to literally force myself to shower and it drains me. I have to be told to put on a coat in Winter.
I hate having a dry mouth so I'm always sipping water even when I'm not that thirsty. Also I hate the feeling of greasy hair and skin so I always shower at least once a day, sometimes twice. You need OCD my friend, the most useful mental illness.

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