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SeasideMark's fucked up lip edition
feel like i could cry but nothin ever appens
We need to debate this lip in earnest lads. This is the biggest happening in the SSM stream for several months.

>How did it happen?
>Will it heal by itself?
>Has he seen a doctor?
>Should he get botox?
>Does the blood taste of fish or shit?
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>set to get even colder by the end of the week
Wait till the end of the month,it gets even colderer.
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nonce nation
you work
so they rape
might even do another night drive tonight, quite enjoyed the one last night
>nonce nation
sounds like one of those old chav music CDs from back int' day
Bringing you such classics as
"where's my mummy and daddy?"
"these sweets taste a bit funny"
"I have a pet gerbil"
Aren't you a bloke in a dress? Don't most of you turn out this way because you were nonced?
Imagine being a shut in living in Arbroath and thinking the biggest problem in your life is noncing in the north of England.

People like that confuse me. Are they addicted to getting worked up about issues they can't control and don't affect them? I mean obviously noncing is bad but it's a matter for the police.
To be fair it is a big problem and all those nonces should be hanged and their relatives deported. It's just that being a dosser tranny is also a problem and similar solutions should be explored.

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"But how does this affect you personally?"
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Irish bro here, why do you rejoice everything some bad shit happens to us?

When we see horrible shit happen in england we have sympathy for we're in the same boat
What are you talking about lad, we don't give Ireland a second's thought 364 days of the year unless Six Nations is on.
I've been cheering you mad lads on when you've been attacking migrant camps. More balls than most of the pussies here.
fucking size of those baps, christ on a bike
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Wish i had a car 4 this desu
I'm half Irish and an Irish Republican
twould appear you have gotten mistaken as to which name/symbol you are posting under
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that history debunked guy foams at the mouth everytime some horrible shit happens in Ireland
>that history debunked guy foams at the mouth everytime some horrible shit happens in Ireland
Why say "you rejoice" emplying the whole country rejoices, yet also say there is somebody that doesn't do that.
Also swapping between correct grammar and lowercase only posting.
Just here to stir shit and get a bit of drama going?
>lust provoking images
>makes a claim with no evidence to back that claim
>answers by saying the opposite of what the first post claimed
personally i like the irish, im ok with the scots but not a fan of the welsh desu
t.anon who lives dangerously close to the welsh border
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>SeasideMark's fucked up lip
What did he do to it?
I am a low IQ idiot.
helen twatted him for being an incel
no SSM updates yet today?
>To be fair it is a big problem
For a shut in living in Arbroath? It's not a problem at all. That person has massive problems to deal with and they're worrying about the wrong things.
Yeah? I mean obviously you need to fix your own life before fixing the world. If you're a functioning person you could go into politics and make an impact, but you can't do that if you're a low functioning loser who doesn't leave the house. If I was that person in Arbroath I'd be working on my own life first before getting worked up about an issue that doesn't affect them.
Why am I a mong? I'm interested in your point of view.
>If you're a functioning person you could go into politics and make an impact
Except this is only true in the romanticised, idealised version of politics that we're taught is how things work. In reality politics is incredibly insular and virtually impossible to get into outside of the two major parties who filter people based on a wide range of traits, views etc. and who are disproportionately NOT decent, well-adjusted and functional people - they're paedos, sexual deviants, adulterers, sycophants, virtue signaling retards, token placements and so on. Even the people right at the top have a surprisingly hard time making an impact because so much of politics is decentralised and dished up to unelected 'public-private-partnership' type organisations or civil service groups.
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The prices of Apu food is astronomical nowadays. A 5kg bag of Pedigree Fren is almost twenty quid. My lid can polish off a whole one with two litres of milk in a couple of hours and I don't have the heart to cut his cereal snacks. He demands the stuff with marshmallows and choccie biscuits in or he throws a fit. I'm scared he'll ring SPACCA... so many Apu Fanciers struggling at the moment and it's fucking horrible.
>go into politics
>make an impact
So what's with this apu lore exactly? Is it like a weird thing where you fuck your apus? I never quite got it.
Well you may be right about that, but it doesn't seem relevant to my point.
>you fuck your apus?

Vile statement this is, Help Helpers need help and are the antidote to NEET loneliness on Feel Street. They're frens not fucktoys. :(
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U can lick their wee froge head for psychedelic effects
But what about Nigel Farage? He made an impact. Without him Brexit wouldn't have happened. But he got himself sorted first before he got into politics. He worked hard in the gold exchange in London first, and then after his life was good and stable and he had everything he personally needed, THEN he started to worry about politics.
dehydration causing sugar cravings, should i drink water? or eat the cookies i got from the petrol station last night? i know
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Heading out in less than 20

This is the big one boyos, do wish me luck (for i shall sorely require it)
mad how the greeks traded with the indians and the indians traded with the chinese yet the greeks didn't know about the chinese. You'd think at some point someone would have bothered to ask "what's further east than india?"
sometimes think about old timey over seas trading and paying for things, how did it go? did they just send the captain of the ship off with a shit load of things and say "swap these for something good once you get there" or even send him off with money/gold or whatever and say buy as much as you can when you get there? was there some kind of agreement or fixed prices in place or something? it jogs my noggin
The Magnificent Seven box set on DVD new for four quid and 50p. Not bad. Some good bargains I'm getting lately. Unofficial remake of Seven Samurai. They were all ripping off Kurosawa back then!
Wonder if pegginglad is getting pegged tonight.
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Wissing it down outside, proper Autumn weather kicking in now. Best time of the year to keep it womfy and watch films and grind vidya or whatever womfy indoor activities you enjoy.
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>men attend gig alone
>profiled by security
>assumed to be suspicious pervert stalker-murderers

and to be honest i STILL blame you guys. the collective unconscious of incel/lonely types is manifesting this into existence.
thoughts on the webanon situation?
Kurosawa was just ripping off Robin Hood, which was already not accurate to the O.G. Robin Hood (he was just some noble vigilante type, proto-commies added the 'steals from the rich to give to the poor' political slant).

Magnificent Seven refined the template, A Bug's Life perfected it.
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wish i was a woman so i could get blacked like this by a bbc so big i couldnt even fit it in my mouth
been asleep, qrd on the webanon situation?
Love getting pissed on these gloomy days
exciting new twist to your perversions. i hope one day they metamorphose into having a solid murder mystery novel attached, or maybe an album of catchy prog rock songs (huge black dong on the cover obviously)
Apparently been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with TB, so now I've got to travel to a specialist hospital and do a blood test. I fucking hate needles. Fuck sake.
I work in a high stress environment
>diagnosed with Tim Byrne
very based
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huge black dong

good band name that intit
i actually, genuinely have better things to do. i am choosing to be here.
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poligies t'all bout my use of the same blacked images as before
i just cba to find new ones
thanks luv
same desu
please, i prefer the term "cocksucking faggot" as it makes my penis throb harder
>A Bug's Life perfected it
pretty based take IMO
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>tfw spent last 8 hours out in the pissing rain at work (outdoor wagie)

That sounds grim but its actually womfy for the first 5 hours before the waterproofs leak and it starts to get miserable
outdoors 8 hours straight? what you doin? you a roadsweeper or somethin? hahahaha
might buy tavern master on steam, looks pretty comfy
Laddies. I've GOT to gf that chubby CEX girl. Tomorrow I'm going to go buy New Super Mario Bros on the Wii and she ought to be there. If not, I'll back out and get it next day. Anyhow, tell me NOW what to say to her. How do I get her to be my gf tomorrow or day after? This is it and it's got to happen now because I simply cannot cope without a girlfriend any longer.
you dont GF her up today lad, get chatting with her and casually ask what shes upto this weekend, then invite her out for a drink or coffee or whatever
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>one man wrote that on arriving at the Engine Shed, he was "funnelled into a dark corner with other men, told I might be a pervert cus I'm alone and then taken into a room alone with a security guard where I was interrogated and searched. Feel sick"
This is insane
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>"Alright mate, you called for a builder? Something about a retaining wall starting to lean? Yeah should be no problem."
Thank god we have such hard working lasses doing the tough jobs that others won't.
You're going about this all wrong lad. You can't just get a girl to be your gf right away. For one thing you'll look desperate, and that's the biggest turn off of all.
You need to believe that she'd be lucky to be your gf. You need to get to know her first to figure out if she's good enough to be your gf. That's the attitude you should have.
Just say "Would you like to go for a drink with me this weekend?" Get ready for her to act awkward or say no though. A lot of girls don't like being approached at work. You should go for it anyway though since there's no other way. But just be ready for it not to work out and don't act stroppy or anything.
hhl should switch to heroin, much comfier
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Corr am on that sobergrind me. At least until Halloween then I'll relapse for a little bit before getting back on the wagon until Christmas. At least that's the plan but anything can happen tbqh. I'm just going with the flow from now on.
A Bug's Life is a bit racist. They made the Japs literal insects. I can't believe they got away with it.
Got to the CBA part of the day, and as expected, I CBA to do anything.
I will have a spliff and a cup of tea, to try and inspire myself to BA, if you know what I mean.
Me too lad. New job starting next month, same industry but a much better company

I'm tired of being stressed all the time
I get to the CBA part of the day after eating breakfast. I just want to roll back into bed. Is that depression?
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Golf course wagie anon, well 7.5 hours if you want to count the lunch break

A lot of you lids would really benefit from a "horrible" job like this tbqh
Having a few jars w mummy
What exactly would the benefit be? No free time? Tired all the time? Earning a shit wage for a lot of back breaking work?
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Try not eating breakfast tomorrow and see if that helps.
The day is just too long I don't have the energy to pretend to enjoy being alive for that long.
Having a few jars HHL style now
Yeah I know thats the best way but can't do that unless I get her alone enough but that never happens in CEX. They keep their women well guarded behind the counter with a couple of fat basedboys on hand to cockblock you.
Having a few jars with the gf (male)
having a few dvds
cex tyrants
Just pretend for a short while. 5 or 10 mins is better than no mins.
You are not allowed to film here.
*films you*
pure cannae be arsed like
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Say what you will about the Israelis, but you have to hand it to them, they've conducted a masterful war by all accounts.
>gutted hamas in gaza (primary objective)
>razed large swathes of gaza (secondary objective - will see if territory remains seized)
>fucked up hezbollah commanders, they're now scared to call each other, no comms going on
>decapitated the top three levels of command in their entirety
>have called iran's bluff and embarrassed them internationally, iran has no response
I'm going to have to ask you to delete that footage mate. I did not consent to being filmed!
broke up with gf today
bf broke up with me today
>broke up with gf today
did she(he) cry?
The main benefit is you aren't a massive fucking dosser with fuck all to do apart from think up ways to con the DWP out of a few extra quid and call it "winning"
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where the fuck is he today
i need updating
in Seven Samurai they were ALL Japs to begin with (it was a different time)
He's at the STD clinic, if that's alright with you de lad.
same as the Taliban really. when you strip away all the 'uh, it's a complicated situation with a storied history' and just look at it like, 'who are they? what do they believe? what are their goals?' they are quite simply just winning.
Sea Side Monkeypox
whatever happened to M-pox (formerly monkeypox)? did we cure it?
Lush 4x Herpes
feel like we should warn CEX about that lad. 'chubby goth girl' will surely narrow it down.
Not conning anyone if you have a legit diagnosed disability.
Mummy on the wine
"mummy i want love and affection"
"not now son of mine, i am currently getting sloshed on wine!"

anyway, this is why 50% of the human population is worthy of my scorn
Free Apple TV+ and Apple Music until Next year with me new phone. Get in. Anything decent on Apple TV+?
>0 effort to be arsed to clean the house, despite a house inspection tomorrow
Deficiency in something?
Fully committed to self sabotage?
Fugged if I know. It's annoying, I know that, yet can't change.
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>house inspection
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>arse inspection
Crufts? Not even with a hound. I say not even with a hound. Crufts. I said Crufts. *makes a gormless face* No chance. Not even with a h-h-hound.
it's so fucking weird how they just start taking photos of your literal home, your private space, but reveal that you're audio recording the whole thing and it freaks them out.
What the fuck is a house inspection? The landlord come round and make sure you haven't came all over the carpet?
exactly that la
Does landlord have the right to enter the property when you're not in?
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Fry up for din dins. Nice way to start the week.
Enjoy de lid. Wouldn't mind a cumberland sausage butty wutty.
Whats the most exotic thing you have ever eaten?
It'll be a woman as well, so all selfies, hahaha. That's a really shit joke to lighten the situation. Yeah, it is annoying having somebody wander round, especially seeing as I am quite an untidy bugger.
Yes, they have to give notice, but yes it is lawful for them to do so.
Also, that anon is correct, they come and inspect the house.
Not him but my old landlord had his own key and could come and go as he saw fit.

Not sure. Probably Pierogi. It lush x
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Right, but I mean the actual competency with which they have pulled it off has been impressive too. It would be difficult to think of a single other country that could pull of this sort of combined asymmetric warfare in the timeframe and have it work. Maybe the US, but that's a toss up at this point since their military, intelligence and leadership aren't flush with each other. The UK? Fucking forget it lol. Would be quagmired in a military 'strategy committee' for three years before being denied on lack of green environmental considerations or some bollocks.

The taliban definitely won, but the process wasn't as slick as it could've been. Really they should almost not have fought at all and just maintained strong regional powerbases until the US inevitably left in the disastrous way they did and the taliban just walked into the government buildings and declared their state.
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And that pile of moist tissues on the floor, what is that?
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the most exotic thing you've eaten is still beige?
fucking insane. Why pay half your wages in rent for this if you can just live at home?
>anon, do all these disabled frogs belong to you?
What do you think about wapanese cuisine?
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>He's at the STD clinic

I want to try chilean sea bass because of that Jurassic Park scene. Don't think any local chippys do it though.
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Nah we were on dinner date,,impromptu. Thouvht I was just staying in bed 2day
Question is more if I'll have few more cans now am home
I THOUGHT no booze October was starting today,,bt it also makes sense 2 start it tomorrow nstead
Bt desu 1ce I get any drink in me I need more
When I was a wagie, it was not quite 1/4 not quite 1/3 of my wage. I was happy living at home, but wanted a dog, and mum said no, so I moved out. Fun facts, had to get rid of the puppy as family said they'd have him while I worked (just on weekends), then said no, then ~ 8 months later my mum got a dog herself.
im like that with rolos
it expensive

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Aye fuck it
24 hours notice, 'in writing' but that now includes emails. which sucks tbqh even something like having friends/family over, i want time to do a deep clean. it's an event.
you can put it off but then you're running the risk of being some awkward tenant etc, perhaps it's to hide that you've kicked in a wall??? so you might as well just get it over with, it's annoying game-playing.
emergencies they can just enter but generally you're supposed to have the right to quiet enjoyment of your home, the one you're giving someone a lot of ez passive income for. as other anon says some landlords don't give a shit and just do what they want. return home to find strangers viewing your flat for next year? why would that be a problem - you're a tenant, not a person.
what happens if the bloke just says 'no thanks' to Richard Hammond? would he have kept the meal-for-three leftovers in the fridge, thrown them out, etc?
i know he's fictional but if this is actual rich people food they live in a totally different world.
>24 hours notice, 'in writing' but that now includes emails.
what if you don't check your emails daily? they just show up and you have to let them in and photograph your living space as it is? mad
like imagine if you had a couple of grams of cocaine just lying around, you weren't even that into it, but cocaine went 'off' or you were getting raided you had only tonight before you're effectively burning hundreds of quid.

you would snort the FUCK out of that cocaine.
Used to do a lot of cocaine when i was younger
yeah you can turn it down if it's inconvenient etc and they have to honour that but it really should be more of an opt in than an opt out. and much more notice, for everything.
thinking of typical normie types, you could be at work, you could be on holiday. presumably in ye olde days it would at least be a letter through the door where they wouldn't risk just turning up if they wanted to definitely do things by the book - and we call that 'snail mail' now.
and if it was even just a phone call at least there, there's some back-and-forth.

this is a thing you're paying your largest chunk of money for, too. mental.
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Going to go to the shop (CBA with the supermarket) and get 5 cans of inspiration juice (beer). I think a couple of cans and couple hours of vidya may just inspire me to be arsed to do more cleaning (picrel).
i've never gotten into it, glad because it's expensive and gets more expensive quickly. but i feel like i'm missing out. not that it 'does nothing' it just doesn't 'work' for me. less fuckyeahletsgo ego boost stuff and more like i'd rather leave the party and get all my to-dos done.
same lad
we all dead inside in life
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Might watch Cisco Pike later on (if I can find a torrent). Just paying my respects innit
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Smart that's exactly how it works
7% stout for 2 quid fuck yr minimum pricing
what i miss about my functioning liver days was waking up and i'd cleaned the shit out of everything. dusted, hoovered, washing up, bins out, scrubbed all surfaces... must have had the mad idea to just get it all done, kinda remember thinking about it, i think, and wow i must have just went on autopilot and sorted it all.

does my tits in when people say you don't actually lose your memories with drink, it's just an excuse for some horrible/social thing. yet entirely by myself in the privacy of my own home, i'd wake up to a fully-serviced flat courtesy of drunk-me.
i know you've previously lamented the 10am thing too lad but consider that you have the right to roam and free education.
you aren't using either but you HAVE them, and that's what matters.
Insanely brutal nuclear blackpill witnessed in irl. Over over over
The heightmog gfmog lifemog transfered through my skin like a tattoo
i once saw an attractive man coupled off with an unattractive women. everyone on the internet is right.
i've also seen unattractive men coupled off with attractive women, everyone on the internet is right on that front too.
tempted to order some sushi
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not sure if i wanna be him, be her, or be her cuck boyfriend
you can find porn that omits the woman entirely, that even has TWO males.
tempted to order some sashimi
It's 'chilli and sea bass', not Chilean sea bass. Are you such a mong that you need subtitles?
Do you ever browse those 'you're the girl' cock sucking threads on /gif/? They made me want to get dominated by a big black cock
HHL never had sushi, he can't afford it.
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What the fucks going on here, then?
You tell me Viswan.
Indian man. Collects DVDs.
>had a big expense I've wanted for a long while
>approx 1500
>decided to start saving three years ago
>every single time I get close there's some unexpected emergency thing I need to pay for or a series of higher than normal months for expenditure
>still haven't been able to afford it
Just feels fucking shitty. It's a luxury thing that I've wanted for ages and I feel like I'll never get it. Why is it so impossible for me to just get something once in a while purely for me? Three fucking years and I haven't been able to save 1500 quid in a lump sum in that entire time. I hate this fucking country, everything is so expensive.
Holy shit is he really Indian? Fucking kek.
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U could say its mums fault bt shes not a fortune teller so it's also my grans fault bt its also the demiurge fault abraxas fault its ultimately hydrogen atoms fault and covalent bonds and quarks is rrsponsible why i feel sad today
where do you think chilli comes from?
couldn't make this one up
does chilli actually come from Chile?

before you laugh at someone for just not knowing something, consider the following:
chicken kievs are named after Kiev (the place), didn't know that, did you?
well what is it you're saving for?
probably rips them and sells bootlegs down the saturday market the smelly cunt
frogs legs come from france

>does chilli actually come from Chile?

What are some generic Indian male names that I can keep in a notepad doc to rattle off whenever DVDlad posts?
Obviously you have big ones like:
But what are some other good ones?
The official truth is that it's called Kyiv now, so the supermarkets had to change the packing to chicken kyivs
Wasn't DVDlad the anon buying a new arm chair for his boxroom the other week? 30 something anon living with his parents
Full body laser hair removal. I fucking hate my body hair and creams and shaving are tedious and the expenses add up. Would rather pay out big once and basically never have to think about it again.
Vikram is a banger
4 big bottles of cruzinspirationo, \o/.
That sounds good, you get the tasks done first. I wish I could do that.
Do you still do that now, but without the alcoholic reward?
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big black studs deserve all the sex
isnt that a pakistani name
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that anon who just went to the shop for some cans? france.
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How on earth was that an original post
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>What are some generic Indian male names that I can keep in a notepad doc to rattle off whenever DVDlad posts?
>Do you still do that now, but without the alcoholic reward?
Pajeet of course
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Did he touch a nerve, Rajesh?
Grown man. Obsessed with a britfeel poster. Asks others to fuel his obsession.
>le Indians meymey
Wit sharp as a razor these days, eh king?
he's doing creative data entry. in an ideal world that would be considered a public service and he'd receive a wage.
Rajesh is NOT happy
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Starting 2 think you're a paki yourself desu. No white man would know "Manoj" off hand. Had 2 look up that wasn't fake. Thats mental.
Literally, LITERALLY, who cares if he's Indian? (He's not)
christ lad there's a whole board of hardcore racists for you to get yourself upset at. go do that for a bit, get it out your system.
I've spoken to a few indians while dealing with virgin media, I think their names were
Probably loads of lads here living in their parents boxroom.
i've never actually known an indian or pakistani person in real life.
i actually feel unqualified, like at least i've met/known irish people so those old jokes and stereotypes are something i have context for.
We don't like diversity in /britfeel/
Chandra chucking a wobbler
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this is what most black men are doing this evening
getting their cock sucked by white women
while you sit in your room posting on britfeel
i know all rooms are boxrooms, but which Sims made it so the Sims are happier when rooms are 'creative' shapes? fuck off, rooms are boxes for a reason. you are literally making my interior designs worse.
Not going to be posting any more about DVDs as you lot are like school bullies and just latch on to one thing. Serious playground behaviour. I thought we were all welcome here but obviously not. Back to being a lurker I go.
typical pajeet can't handle a bit of banter
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Fuck em lad post what u want WHEN you want
I hope it's just silliness, people do this. Just ignore them lad, it's good posting a hobby.
I hope you don't stop posting.
Thought you were going to spam your DVD drivel here regardless, lid?
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My war with zelda poster has ended,,,fresh start october.
I might have spun the bottle on a new enemy going forward bt its being kept private for now.
Yeah well I admit I did say that but it's gotten a bit much now with the seethers so CBA anymore.
i have always enjoyed DVDlads content
don't go dvd lad, we love your dvd and blu-ray updates
leave dvd lad we hate your dvd and blu-ray updates
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doomed to die alone and unloved as an incel because of an accident of birth (being a white male)
Nasty bullies driving DVDlod away. Not right.
he's right you all need to stop tikkaing the piss
based bullies driving DVDlod away. very right
Totally normal to catch TB definitely sth ud hear about all the time 20 years ago
Aye am aff school with tb again
never got the jab me
well I just didn't want a needle did I?
someone make a strawpoll about DVDjeet, i cant be arsed
Sold my soul.
Yes, done with that now. Maybe you don't believe it but I don't actually enjoy having enemies and arguing with people. It unwomfy.
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wish i had a gf that did this
then the guy would leave and id reclaim her
kiss and cum swap with her
lick her clean
a day later and now i get that 'tim byrne' post
All the dollies getting along? How boring.
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mehmet my son
Rajesh is my ally
Strange how 80% of the seethe comes from a poster that primarily types in lowercase.
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SSM never updates the Seaside Army on Mondays

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