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Happy Birthday 4chan!

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Dungeness Lighthouse edition
Based LighthouseLid
In all seriousness bros i think their plan for errecting a new world oder from the chaos and ashes of WW3 will not work out in the end
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It's getting interesting
the news is making me sad
Lad we're already in the new world order. We've been living in it since 1945.
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Some mong left a hat on it
Stop reading/watching it then maybe yeah?
it's fucked up that innocent civilians die, and that trained soldiers die, and they have healthy organs, teeth etc that could have gone to someone else. a lot of them are even good-looking.
>4chan still doing the party hat gimmick today of all days
there'll be a whole chapter in the history books about 'the internet's reaction' and different websites, and this will be in it.
>4chan still doing the party hat gimmick today of all days
The day of 4chans birthday? That's weird af.
Not long till the skellies appear, that would be more appropriate.
*crosses his fingers for more attacks on halloween*
and do what? read about fuckin hobbits and play super mario games?
if they do the santa hat thing on Christmas Day, and something bad happens on Christmas Day, i'm leaving the site.

not on Christmas Day itself though. all the losers who spend their day on here actually make it extra cosy. genuinely enjoy cracking open a warm laptop and reading 4chan more than any Xmastime i've had with my family since i was ~13ish.
>glowing lights flying through the sky
>multiple angles
>no Captain Disillusion video
/x/ must be having a mad one
Phwoar need to cop some sleep and then hit the wires later on

Certified kinemathique, arguably even
>i'm leaving the site.
Will you refuse to partake in christmas activities with your family if something bad does happen?
anyone else's mates not replying to their texts atm?
suspect this whole war thing has got everyone ruffled. but there's a time and a place for ruffling, a floor.
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He got bloody lip, it not nice, he wish he not born with with it. It disgusting, he drink on other cups, he health hazard, people might contract his TMAU and then their lives are ruined. This is NOT fucking NICE
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NOT RIGHT he get syphilis from his raving days and not get it t reated. This not RIGHT.
i awnt to give the joke answer that 'at least the food is good! haha' but it really isn't.
i won't actually say this ON Christmas because i don't want to bring the Christmas-enjoyers down, but once you're an adult it's just exhausting. at most you get a second go at 'the magic of Christmas' when sprogs are born and become old enough for you to put on this whole performance. once they're back at their new dad's house, it's just a day with far too much chocolate, the worst one of the standard meats, and nothing is open.
Every time those hats appear I feel like I've wasted so much of my life here. It's an indication that I was here on that specific day every year pretty much.
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I wonder what would happen to Mark in WW3
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Worried about his lip
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these images used to take up a larger portion of my screen.
You lot are really exaggerating all this Israel bollocks.
He survive WW3, he make SeasideSCIONS in the rubble, he rebuild a world that's all on for free.
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Don't forget, he's not drinking Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
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He happy in Dorset
Apparently 'Alan' used to live where SSM is now. Nice bit of lore
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Got toothache again. Shall be taking it easy and only drinking water for the rest of the night. Really gets me down that.
She has some chebs on her de lid.
If you were claiming bennies, you would be entitled to free dental care lad
Literally nothing ever happens to me. I live in Bedfordshire and even though it's apparently been flooded the worst in the country I've barely seen puddles.
The seems pretty typical imo, a bit flat even
this is untrue depending on the tier or whatever it is, like yeah stuff's cheaper and a scale and polish might be free. but dentistry has been the 'exception' to the NHS since the 70s or so. also enjoy going to Specsavers for glasses. before heading to your American-owned GP surgery to get a prescription for Indian big pharma pills.

the true brit thing to do would be either to get over the yank obsession with 'perfect' teeth and let it rot off naturally the same way you'll lose hair, or to stop eating unnatural refined sugar.
I get free dental care and it's shit. The dentist treats you like a second class citizen for refusing to buy expensive treatments or cleans and does the absolute bare minimum. Even worse my dentist has been taken over by Pajeets who barely speak English.
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I'll never afford driving lessons once my parents die. They've offered me them but I can't begin to think of the cost of insurance and fuel. I wouldn't be able to read the number plate far away either due to short sightedness. Would have to start working to pay for a car and then have no money left. Literally earning money to spend it all getting to work. Don't see the point unless the job pays well.
well timed post there lad, ive just been watching this

Why do you keep posting this Jeet and whore combo in a car?
Nothing as he'd get out of it the same way he got out of working for the last 30 years.
Not him but Phoebe is cute. I'm happy to see her posted here
Who the fuck is Pheobe?
it might be for me
but it's not FOR me, ya know/?
>Who the fuck is Pheobe?
The 18 year old lass in the picture.
phoebe is a slag
girl #2 *sips* now THAT was a woman
that's it call her 'lass' because you know what the word 'girl' conjures to mind
I would hate going there and saying I'm on bennies. You can pay the NHS band rate and then claim back on the NHS, though.

Yeah they do. When I was slaving they were very pushy for private treatment. When I went as a NEET (before I quit going out altogether), they did just left half my top teeth all exposed and only did one filling. So sensitive now.
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SSM is exempt from being drafted due to his TMAU condition
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She's not a whore. Quite a sweet lass but a little clueless she seems with driving those death machines.
everything about your body is getting worse with each passing year.
Date on Thursday and going on holiday on Friday.
Woke up this morning wooly headed and sore throat. Got lemsip, strepsils, night nurse tablets and painkillers. How do I beat this shit before Thursday?
Lovely lass. I bet she posts a lot on Instagram.
Working class people are like violent apes. Look at them the wrong way and they chase you down the street trying to kill you.
Definitely. Most zoomer girls are on social media for validation. Shame we'll never find out her social handles
Go to the shop and get actual raw ginger root, manuka honey and fresh lemons. Chunk the ginger and smash it a little to release the juices, big spoonful of honey, half a lemon squeezed dry into a mug of boiling water. It takes fucking gross but will genuinely cure you in like 24 hours if you have a few big mugs of it.
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they actually had to pull this one from store shelves because it was too powerful. but you can still get it if you know where to look.
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Received this creepy letter today. Recorded delivery too.
did you also have a law of attraction girlfriend?
Feeling pozzed
Sorry I don't get the reference, lad. I really do just swear by that tea as a cold remedy.
reverse image search has really ruined the internet. i miss believing lies.
Yeah shame lad. Bet she has an interesting life. Probably travels and enjoys life.
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Having peanut butter on toast
shippy flipping through his hindi-english dictionary as we speak
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She definitely got some nice assets. Fairly new lass to asmr.
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Maybe Shippy can dox Phoebe for us. He's good at that sort of thing.
is it true that zoomer girls want the big millennial cock or is that just a meme?
Cheers lad, got all but ginger so will cop some tomorrow in the morning ta. Funny thing is this is the THIRD week on the trot I've felt grim after the weekend and then goes by Saturday. Might be because the weather's all fucked and I've got to take a packed tube full of gross cunts to work
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Not the best angle for SSM.
cooking/boiling anything reduces its nutritional value, vitamin contents.
you could just eat the ginger, turmeric, etc.
you know how people bomb drugs? literally do that. wrap bits of ginger in cigarette papers, or hell some lettuce or something.
Shame lad but at least we found the porn.
Sorry to hear that lad. Yeah public transport is fucking grim.
I'm not telling you anything more of Phoebe.
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I doxxed that tranny that got posted a few weeks back and no know even acknowledged it
>We are on high alert both defensively and offensively. We will defend the citizens of the State of Israel. This attack will have consequences. We have plans, and we will operate at the place and time we decide.

imagine if this was a real quote from a real defence spokesman.
Only if you look like Chad, have your own place and are in a white collar career.
>I doxxed that tranny that got posted a few weeks back and no know even acknowledged it
How many handsome men do you have saved to illustrate these points?
He chose that pic from his large 'Chad' folder. Had to make sure it was just the right one for his post.
>finally decide fuck it, go to a brothel and get some
>police came to the brothel, not doing a full raid but apparently they come in every so often and check the women aren't being exploited or trafficked
>didn't get charged with anything or arrested but they did take my details
Well shit
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This is probably my favourite 'handsome Chad' from my Chad folder
how the fuck do people have 'a drinks cabinet'? you have bottles of booze, they're there, you could drink them, at any time you're near them. so HOW are they there?
Some people have normal relationships with alcohol. Baffling innit, couldn't be me.
fucking mad innit lad, i dont even have a fridge, just eat raw food in the shop then fuck off home
discovered a neat trick lads:
put your phone on silent, leave it in another room. when you next get up, you'll remember it's there, someone you care about could have messaged you. maybe even THAT someone from the past.
this does the rounds in the news every so often, it's called 'grazing'.
i dont understand the trick here lad, is there something paranormal about it? is leaving your phone in another room more likely to make a QT send you some nudes?
it's an addictive substance. smokers are people who started smoking. if you tried heroin a couple of times, you'd become a smackhead. no such thing as a 'normal relationship with' the demon drink, even that language is bizarre.
(i know you were doing a joke, but it's genuinely a sinister aspect of reality.)
im off to graze on some raw bacon and pre-made pancake mix at patels before he shuts for the night, back later lads
oh nah nothing will actually happen, if this could spookily affect things at a distance we'd chain people and phones up in remote-connection grids to form giant superfast computers capable of infinite self improvement.
instead you'll just get a little buzz for a while. it's nice to hope.
>im off to graze on some raw bacon and pre-made pancake mix
you're off to batter a cop?
odd post to be honest lad
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I've only got around 20 or so Chad pics.
>im off to graze on some raw bacon and pre-made pancake mix at patels before he shuts for the night, back later lads
Is this code for your grooming gang to meet?
>Raw bacon
Aka pork aka your penis
>Pre-made pancake mix
Aka underage kids
Where you're meeting with your other gang members
I think you're onto something there lad. Nice armchair nonce hunting
when i see pork faggots in the shop, i imagine 'pork' is a verb and 'faggots' is the american word for homosexual men
i suspect other people do this too, and it's a secret game we all play
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Phoebe's dad probably wouldn't want her to date an older lad.
>when i see pork faggots in the shop, i imagine 'pork' is a verb and 'faggots' is the american word for homosexual men
>i suspect other people do this too, and it's a secret game we all play
mad to think he shagged phoebes mum
18 year old dating a 34 year old. It's a bit weird lad.
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Got me new pyjamas on and I'm feeling womfy.

Getting wissed now x
Harry Styles is a mentally healthy man.
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Mad how much women can make on OnlyFans.
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What about 22 and 43?
Is he dating an 18 year old?
been going into town alot recently but still not managed to see r charlie in action
Am I supposed to know who any of these people are?
she seems genuinely thick (no other way to slice it) but her life was actually a bit fucked.
one of the times the internet get it wrong. just like leave britney alone guy, the jessi slaughter enbguy, and maybe the an hero lad (or at least his family).
I was thinking of that exact gimmick of yours (and yes it's weird)
Literally nothing wrong with an age gap
he was dated by a 30 year old woman when he was 17. flip the genders and it's still perfectly legal. so much for "equality".
You need to hang around crackhead corner or outside that dodgy McDonalds
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>pre-made pancake mix
readily trafficked?
>pancake mix
uncooked batter not cooked, so virgin kids?

Call the feds.
I wonder what baby mama really thinks about me
>raw bacon
cool it with the antisemitic remarks.
just back from patels, he said he didnt have any pancake mix because its a school night then just started rambling on in his native language and shouting "megalolz", blokes lost his mind
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Oh yeah, the woman who went on to kill herself
Bound to see him baiting mentally ill druggies in crackie gardens, manchester a few a times a week. Though he does travel around a bit more now.
Or goading that 'crutchie' lad into lashing out at him for views.
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On the bullies me.

Yeah, I got that new tankard. It lush x
they were both consenting people. maybe he was the abuser.
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She loves him. She prefers older men and says young men just don't cut it for her. She's even gave birth to his sprog recently. There's nothing wrong with it. Even her parents in Derby have met him and think he's a nice man.
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If you burn the coal, you pay the toll.
is that a DVD player on your cabinet?
Poor lad belongs in the asylum. Shame they closed them all down and let them loose on the streets. No wonder many cities are generally horrible places now.
>because its a school night
Nonce confirmed.
if 22 year olds can't date older men, they shouldn't be allowed to vote. voting is a much more requires-agency-and-competence thing they can legally do.
and what's the min age for a firearms licence?
I've booked a male escort for tomorrow night for 480 pounds and I'll be having gay sex for the first time. Really looking forward to it actually.
I've already seen she has a tattoo in one of his videos... tells me all I need to know about the type of woman she is.
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Just some cute lass I fancy from a driving instructor channel.
i've just renewed my freeview subscription, got a really good deal.
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Looks like a PS5 to me
>said he didnt have any pancake mix because its a school night
So he didn't have any kids because they are at school.
>then just started rambling on in his native language and shouting "megalolz", blokes lost his mind
Told you that you had the wrong night and didn't want the police to become on to his operation.

Reporting your grooming gang to the police.
Do Polish women usually like blacks?
my PS1 could play CDs, my PS2 could play DVDs.
what are they up to now? Blu-Rays?
ruthmong is jealous of charlie, hes an auditor who scores prime vag, everything ruthmong wishes he was
Everything what happen

I keep in my own lane now x
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yeah very horribly ones..I expect he doesn't like them but he loves the age dynamic. That's what matters to him as several of his birds were quite younger than him. There was a teenager called Jasmine he used to hang out with in his 30s. He's definitely attracted to youth.
Jeez that's a lot to blow. You can get sex for free via grindr or sniffies
Polish women go with blacks about 75% of the time from what I've seen
>I keep in my own lane now x
nice dig at that lad who wanted to go bowling with you but you wouldn't
not saying if it was me or not
I want a professional experience. I'm not gay and I've never done anything with a guy before, and he knows all of this, so I want someone who'd going to give me as good of an experience as possible for my first time. I don't want some frustrated faggot from grindr who is looking for some seasoned poof for a quick fumble. I want an enjoyable relaxed evening in a comfortable environment where I can be shown the ropes.
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I have a Blu-ray burner in my tower.
If it is not London then it probably won't be a professional experience to be honest.
This is quite a bizarre gimmick. I've never offered to even go bowling with HHL (although I certainly would)
You're a right nonce aren't you?
It's home counties, Surrey, although I'm not sure why you think escorts outside of London are unprofessional
>I'm not gay
You're paying 480 quid to have sex with a man, you're gay
If you're not gay, why would you want that?
I'm the audit lad but yeah maybe I am a bit. It's odd how some young women are attracted to nasty, older men like him. I guess she's not got many friends her age and whenever she speaks, she sounds like a right snobby cow.
If you're not ruthmong then why did you reply to him
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God her tattoos are even worse than I thought. Automatically puts 5 years on a girl
Old enough to drive, so she can consent to love.
nonces are so crafty they're not even going after kids any more. twisted fucks.
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Why are you making me have this image on my computer screen
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Mandem will be halfway through sucking a dick and then start crying
>I'm not gayyyyy
Shippy loves avartarfagging, can't get enough of it
He was on about one of the auditors I subscribe to.
it genuinely bothers me that people leave all that default Windows widget crap on their computers. not even in a 'microsoft is spying on u!!!' way it's just aesthetically repulsive.
Life of Riley x
>paying money to suck a dick
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>I'm not ruthmong, I'm the audit lad
Literally my favourite /britfeel/ gimmick
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He's too scared to use a trip I reckon
>I'm the audit lad
Aka Ruthmong.
Even worse people who still use Windows and not GNU/Linux.
Some of us like to keep our gimmicks/routines separate from our character
They're different posters but mentally similar.
Corr, the dopamine rush as you reached into your personality folder and got the bookcase image out
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Wish she didn't get inked but she was always intending to get them one day. At least Scottish lass is ink free at 23.
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Got my eye on an Oxfam tomorrow
you gonna have a cheeky little armed raid on oxfam lad?
4chan just broke for me and i had to flush dns which is some 'old school' 4chan breakage
but yeah i fault Windows on that one, dumb design (luckily Linux sticks solidly to Unix principles like one program to do one thing well, and everything is a file)
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More books you'll never read is it
Israeli bombers in the air
Iranian missiles flying
Russian nukes dropping
Americans eating everything
Africans stabbing and raping
Brits getting wissed up

It 2024 and it lush x
Might take 3 paracetamol soon. Usually helps a bit with the toothache. Makes me feel warm too.
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Yeah, she seems a sensible lass. Older Scottish lass is also a clearskin.
Dentistberg told me paracetamol and ibuprofen both at once for toothache
if 3 paracetamol makes you feel warm, just think how 300 makes you feel
(it'll get rid of the toothache that's for sure)
ipconfig /flushdns - haven't used in years. Probably not as important now with cloudflare, azure and aws controlling most of the internet.
how to make kewl /b/rystals:
1. add paracetamol
2. add ibuprofen
3. ????
4. profit
Same. Also tried to make me take antibiotics but I refused due to antibiotic resistance concerns.
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>Africans stabbing and raping
just use Google's DNS. it amazes me that people 'mistrust the state' but don't give in to Google. if you are so paranoid and careful you avoid Google, you have a Google-shaped hole. guess who they're going after first?
They're going to arrest me 4 calling a black man a nigger
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Very surprising consideration how much she whores herself out. Won't be long now.
Which black man? Jannies won't take to kindly to that either
LAA didn't like getting audited himself. He is literally begging this lad to remove the video in the comments kek

A black man at the Laugh Factory.
Most lads of any age would rather shag a woman on the other side of 30.
>This content is not available on this country domain due to a defamation complaint.
An auditor not liking a taste of their own medicine? Wonder how they defamed him
Knew you would like that screenshot lad.
He looks as stupid as he sounds.
Not available due to defamation complaint in England.
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>Mossad HQ under fire from Iranian missiles
>Complete lack of blacked threads across 4chan
God fucking bless that Based Republic of Iran
fuck it, im off for a nightwalk, no one do any good larps until i get back, be about an hour
Oh right kek. (I'm on a VPN connected to the Netherlands)
that's such an oddly phrased error message.
Film them rozzers.
Stay safe out there Ruthmong lad.
Fuck the poLICE
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>Complete lack of blacked threads across 4chan
youre a sad little man

because you hate your life you wanna drag the rest of the world with you
BNWOlad on suicide watch
Bumping this incredible thread that's somehow the only thread that lolinigger didn't prune. What a dumb kike faggot!
There haven't even been any references to Ruth having sex with black gents (until now)
Shitty cops searching a woman's car for drugs. Look at them enjoying it so much. Tyrants.

Literally nothing happens, LAA just very slowly realises he's being recorded, tells the bloke to stop, asks some generic auditor questions and wanders off all bashful. Poor lad does look as disabled as he sounds though, and he could get his channel deleted by YouTube for filing false defamation claims (which would probably be for the best)
How do you turn off those silly hats? Lollers would know I bet
Thanks lad. Hopefully he finds a job at a warehouse soon. Auditing is not sustainable for him.
Read the comments section. He was going mental
watching i think you should leave with tim robinson
pretty funny tbqh
I find it a bit hit and miss and some of the sketches just feel like weird tweets put to film, but yeah when it works it's class, funniest thing I've watched in ages
yeah sketch stuff is always hit and miss for me but the good ones are funny
i love a bit of fry and laurie even though fry being a gay nonce has soured me on it
Hate taryants me.
You owe me 100 pounds for posting this. Absolutely a real big waste to post
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He did not ask to be born
I've got the whole wide world in my hands x
None of us did. Don't judge another person cos we all fighting our own battles
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Garn on the wodka now. I quit the recovery service. I don't need no help x

I help myself x
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SSM also shops at Curry's

I never even went to Currys, cba. I went to spoons instead to neck a mixed grill then went to Primark to get me new pyjamas. I'll get a laptop soon thoughs.
Don't go too mad, I worry about you me old wumpagrind buddy.
Ignore this lad. Go on a mad one Helperlid. It Wednesday
Never going to have one, normies. Fuck off.

I was discharged from the service last week. Feel free now.
Enjoy yourself lad. Life is short as SSM says. I would avoid doing wokey though.
Can't wait for the rape scene in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 where Shadow pistol whips Sonic, bends him over Knuckle's corpse and fucks him up the arse.
Sounds like something Ruthmong would say desu.
Love my new Motorola simple as. Womfy in bed rn.
You were in the army?
Highlight of my 4chan life was posting a video of an incel approaching a woman in a parking lot and talking about her beef curtains. Thread blew up and the ameriburger news got hold of it and the lad was arrested.
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Porn isn't really free... it steals time.
He doesn't need one. He can watch them on a 20 year old laptop.
>You were in the army?

The Seaside Army
I'm three days clean. I'm giving up degeneracy for good. I've been a 1-2 a day wank/porn user for too long.
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Necking this wodka cola thing me

It lush x
Nonce service more like
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>I'm completely reformed
>three days clean
That's nothing to be honest lad. I bet you could never go a whole month without fapping.
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Going to die an unloved incel. Good thing I won't be contributing to society.
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I stay pussyfree for ASMR Goddesses

Bennies keep flowing

I know the score x
I'm going to try and prove you wrong anon, wish me luck
It all a Truman Show x
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Only thing left to do is get wissed. Garn neck all these cans and crash out. The old school HHL is back.
I hope you do. Good luck lad.
Iran goes down the wing for me x
Smackhead mate only got a glass for his 30th birthday today.

How it should be x

*necks another can of cola wodka*
Aye sound

Know where I stand now x
You won't believe me but I'm a time travelling soldier from the future. The world gets wrecked due to the degeneracy war.
>Super AIDS begins to develop this weekend at a chem sex party in a London homosexual bathhouse.
>The early development of the techno-organic degeneracy memetic virus is begun (TOD-MV), it goes on to infect 64% of the global population.
Don't succumb to degeneracy.
Everyone thought the HHL era was ending.

Lmao it's only just beginning. Welcome to my world.
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Nothing is coming an end
My regime will never collapse

I say jump, the world says how high x
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Vibing up in here

Is it normal to repeat catchphrases when you're on the vodka?
How is leb anon? Last I heard israel was doing his wollocks in, I totally forgot and started playing vidya, any nukes yet?
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Fuck your simulation x
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I am the King of White people x


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