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4 October 2024 edition
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HHL once said
>I'm only interested in allying with people who are serious about saving the English nation

Indeed, we all English in life x
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Plan on seeing that new Woker this weekend. Hope it's not as shit as some early reviews are suggesting.
Another lad in here saw it and said it was total woke shite. Don't waste your money, lad.

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We all coked up losers in life x

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Be a shame if they went full woke for it. Maybe because the 2019 film went down so well with the so-called "alt-right".
Are Mark is a top shagger, it only makes sense he'd pick up a touch of HIV or Syphilis every now and then.
I liked the first film but it was really just copying better films (King of Comedy and Taxi Driver). In King of Comedy De Niro played the Joker role and he shoots Jerry Lewis whereas in Joker he is the one who gets shot. So I guess that's a nod to that.
We've just had race riots where Muslims were given freedom by the police to march through towns attacking whites outside pubs while chanting 'allahu akbar', an election where 4 Islamist independent MPs were elected to parliament, whites are being removed from all popular media, Muslims are clearly expressing their historical grievances and general loathing of Britain and its people, white women are being raped daily by Mohammeds, white men are being stabbed daily by Ngubus and the closest thing we've got to any political representation won't even commit to deporting all the illegals, which should be the starting point. Plus he's still parroting stale civnat bullshit about 'integration' when anyone could see that ship sailed a long time ago.

Appointmentham in 6 is it not

Need to call it now
I think the director has admitted he wanted Joker to be a homage to both of those films as he's a massive Scorsese fan.
Yeah it's pretty blatant to be honest. Like in Re-animator when they "took inspiration," from the score from Psycho. Not a huge deal films steal from eachother all the time.
People went ballistic when The Artist used the love theme from Vertigo too.
I think he was lucky that Joaquin was involved, given his previous big films were the Hangover trilogy and a couple of 2000s comedies
Yeah he even rips off his own films. The Hangover 2 is the exact same thing as the first but in Thailand or whatever. The third one was interesting but ultimately shit. I do have a soft spot for Old School and Road Trip.
Come to think of it, Due Date was just a shit version of Planes Trains and Automobiles. This dude loves copying better films.
did you know that Magnificent Seven is copying Seven Samurai? yeah, Magnificent Seven? good film, but did you know it's copying Seven Samurai. Seven Samurai copies? been a few. Magnificent Seven. oh, you're a fan? you do know it's copying Seven Samurai, right?
He had a big old whinge about how you can't make films like the Hangover anymore too, despite making three of them
yeah, yh i know, yeh,did you know that Star Wars is copying the Hidden Fortress? You know Star Wars? Hidden Fortress that. Same fella that did Seven Samurai. Did you know that the Magnificent Seven copied that one?
don't need non-woke comedies, you can interact with non-wokes directly on the internet. the liberal anti-woke woke comedy 'industry' is old capitalist neoliberal Marxist media.
>"(...) And he pulled his thing out.... It ruined my life"

This got dang sample makes me laff and/or smirk every time it comes on
It's an actual remake, lad. They paid to remake it. Unlike A Fistful of Dollars. Leone got sued to fuck.
For me? It's the Gus Van Sant shot for shot remake of Psycho with Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates. Wonderful experiment innit? Still not as good as the original. Anthony Perkins had AIDS.
Based Fila Brazillia enjoyer, I regularly listen to their stuff to chill out before bed.
Love The Marx Brothers, me. Funnier than any shite out today. Duck Soup, Animal Crackers. Phwoar.
The People's Joker, a film so offensive it dared do what Todd Phillips' Joker didn't?
owes a debt to Todd Phillips' Joker.
what's the one where it's him in the mirror and he's moving along with it, it's not a real mirror? dead good trick, that.
Women seem to get really mad that Leonardo DiCaprio can fuck a bunch of young women.
Farage is an opticscuck. I think he does privately have more extreme views but he'll never say it

I think he's just controlled opposition, a containment agent. He's the one who proposed a commonwealth immigration system post-Brexit before the Tories did it. He proposed appointing Tony Blair to run the Covid 'vaccine' rollout as well which is very sus. I imagine if he ever became PM it'd be just like having Boris Johnson back, all bark and no bite.
He likes young tuppence that lad. Linked with P Diddy.
yet it's perfectly okay for them to use tinder and hop from one dick to the other
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He can't stop doing the hands can he? Fucking globohomo puppet.
Off to bed, goodnight me lads
Get in, lads. I'm working hard and all the savings are worth it.
Get in de lid, well done
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My plans for Friday night? Watch the wooty on tele, order in a webab box and have a few weers classic HHL style. Better than going out and doing me wollocks in on the gear.
Have an apple mate
>this triggers people with autism
have a sudden urge to watch train videos wtf
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Downloaded that Timesplitters on PS5, gonna be womfy grinding that again. Too tired to do it tonight though just gonna watch a little YouTubes then call it a day.
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To beddingtons it is, then
Is this the josh free Brit/pol/?
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No, this is /britfeel/, it is different
So josh is here also?
I think he appears here every now and then but goes away after a little while
> but goes away after a little while
You lucky fuckers
Is having a low IQ a hidden disability?
Yeah, that's me in the middle.
>Be me getting up just now
>Put headphones and muffs off for a split second to switch shirts
>Unemployed skitzo is slamming shit about already this early immediately

Fackin ell

This skitzophrenic is probably going to attempt to intercept me again when i head out into the cold for the appointmentshire in 20
You should make a youtube channel and film the unemployed skitzo
HHL getting blacked
Really? Lucky boy.
Chika has been blacked
poley wants to be passed around as a fuck toy in an all black prison
I'm the white kanye west
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Days like this makes me realise I could never force myself to go slave in some cold warehouse for minimum wage. I am not fit for work. I rather lie down and rot. Won't get pussy anyway.
Fug agreed to plans this weekend and kinda would rather stay in beddingtons. Oh well oh well.
I'd sacrifice a kidney to fuck Kim Kardashian daily for a year
Go fucking work for me immigrant slaves. British people aren't going to work shit jobs for shit pay anymore. Especially uneducated men.
Rather be dead than work.
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Had the **** dream again
Ruthmong post your ponytail
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any SSM updates yet this Friday morning?
My sprog loves watching the washing machine
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I don't have one. Hair doesn't distract me too much.
Not getting one. Why does no one else (other than old people) value not being attached to something like this?
You couldnt afford one anyway
Would you get one if you had a gf?
Fuuuuuckkk saaaaake can't believe I missed that one :(((((

Could really do with a truffle farm update this morning
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Cloudbergs looking lush this morning
*Checks the thread to see which part is currently playing*
Oh, it's the Ruthmong part
>need phone for job
>need job to buy phone

can't win
a basic phone is under 20 pounds
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Back to work.
Don't want some cheapo phone.
i actually knew a guy when i was younger who didnt have a phone, one night we were out and he met a girl and because he didnt have a phone he gave her his mail address, lmao ill never forget the look on her face
Well that's never going to happen with me so I don't need to worry about that.
not talking about you dickhead
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Take away the cosmetics from a woman and you'll soon find out they wouldn't function outside. They're so sadly dependent on covering up their natural faces with makeup. What mental health issues can a woman possibly have when they can cheat their looks?
Take away the shoes from a man and you'll soon find out they wouldn't function outside.
Lovely bit of cirrocumulus you snapped there de lad. Sign of a sunny day ahead usually.
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Might be some updates in this.
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Tell me what good most women do for a better economy. They all want some cushy easy job sitting down all day in an air conditioned office. I don't see any women building homes or maintaining the roads. A few exceptions maybe but men are the majority.

Ever wonder why women are the majority in universities? It's because they don't want to lose men doing the shittiest, physically demanding jobs. So this whole thing with prioritising girls in education isn't at all to do with muh strong, independent, no more tradwife movement. That's just what women are led to believe.

They want more women in tech because they want to discourage men from doing anything intellectual. We are reaching a crisis of not enough men doing physically demanding jobs that women will never do. The immigrants are allowed here in great numbers because they can pay these men low wages.

Many young men are realising the juice is not worth the squeeze. They aren't even getting laid. Why work your shitty job without a pussy reward? Women are chasing perfect men (the few lucky ones) on online dating and these men are absolutely loving shagging through as many birds as possible, pretending to love them for a month or two before dropping them. All the other men are basically getting ZERO pussy and are still somehow expected to have good mental health. No wonder young men aren't bothering to work. They don't want to do shit jobs anymore. Pussy was the motivation but clearly that's not available anymore (because women want an exciting man making lots of money, not some loser covered in cement).

Women will pay the price.
I couldn't care less about owning shoes.
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It's going well (producing), but not designed well yet, just 9 pigs inna barn. Might just keep the 1 truffle barn, will have to see how it goes.
I had a break from farming last night, did some zombie killing on dayz (as well as being killed by zombies [picrel]).
Obviously you will never get to have sex if you dont leave your boxroom. Dont see how women are at fault here.
You will never have sex even if you work these days. There's always some excuse women will make because they all want careermaxxed chad on tinder.

>he doesn't own a car
>he lives with his parents
>he still plays video games
even SSM has a gf, lad
He's an older man from a generation of women that didn't care about finding mr perfect on online dating.
I'm never going to work because I am never getting love. Cunts.
seasideMARK Friday Morning uploafs, waiting on a few parcels

I'm 23 and pretty much made no progress in bettering my life or lessening my depression with various therapists and meds. Recently I decided "alright life, you win" and stopped trying to get better, I've quit my job, stopped meds, stopped therapy, I just live on welfare now, play video games, watch stuff and go to the gym.

In a way it does feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, not having to "self-improve" or change myself just to get friends or a gf. Not having to fake my personality, pretend that I'm not depressed, shy and autistic.

I know that this is probably cope but honestly man I felt like having to wake up so early just to go to shitty job full of shitty people made me even more miserable. In other words I'm still unhappy, but atleast I don't have to carry more burden now.
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If you aren't getting pussy you shouldn't work. That's the only way to claw back at society. Take it all. Get on disability for mental health reasons caused by lack of sex and love.
>run ruthmong_morning_meltdown.exe
watched joker 2 yesterday, don't go cinema for it, it's pretty awful
lady gaga in it?
Cheers lad, good to have a break from a game now and then. I tend to switch between 2-3.
You know that JSA and UC is going to end eventually right?
Phwoar lovely little 2 hour uploaf to see me through until after lunch

Just did my happy Morning De Lads dance like our Seaside does. What we all drinking, a tea, a coffee, maybe you're on the cider? The beers? It all lush x
>Not having to fake my personality

No successful person has a single personality. They adapt to the situation they find themselves in.
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Video he recorded in 4K on the new camera is 60 GB and is taking until this evening to upload. That camera is definitely going to be in CEX this time next week.
Absolutely right lad. This is what bothers me about these mong sessions you get in office jobs, always run by women of course, about 'bringing your true self to work'. If I brought my true self to work I'd be sacked within the week and you'd be in tears because you couldn't deal with being told the truth about what I think about your shite sessions.
He buy that camera for 529. It was on Amazong for 599. He 70 quid up de lad so get in there. It 4x better already.
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>If I brought my true self to work I'd be sacked within the week and you'd be in tears because you couldn't deal with being told the truth about what I think about your shite sessions.
Interacted with Chubby CEX Girl.

>"Hello, over there in the window you have a 3DS charging stand thing I think."
>"3DS charging stand thing, OK one moment."
>*goes and finds it*
>"OK I just wanted to ask about it. It is a charging stand right?"
>"Yeah you just place the 3DS on it."
>"Oh cool would that work with a XL?"
>"Hmm, no because it wouldn't clip on here."
>"Ah, OK I think mines a XL."
>*smiles at me and says:* "That's OK no worries" *she puts it back*

I saw a Gamecube game in there that I bought and returned because it didn't work.

>*she came back and saw me waiting*
>"Hello again!"
>"Hi I just wanted to ask about this because it didn't work for me so I returned it the other day but it's back out on sale?"
>"Same discs yeah"
>"Well, that's what I mean. How come it wouldn't work for me? I'm using it on a Wii."
>"Probably just the laser on your wii is a bit more sensitive. Might be a scratch that it doesn't like. As long as it plays your other games it's fine doesn't mean anythings wrong with it."
>"Ah OK thank you. Byebye!"

Hard to figure out the correct point at which I could've asked her to be my gf, to peg me, to let me fuck her face ass and pussy, to cuddle with me, to hold hands with me, to play video games with me, to go on romantic dates etc or any of that stuff. I don't get how to transition from talks of video games to something as intimate as playing video games together. Fuck this world. Why is it acceptable to raise a child and not ensure they develop proper social skills? Fucking hell.
>run sex_drivel_make_believe.exe
Morning lads, is it WW3 yet? If not might go back to bed.
Are you implying that I'm not already on bennies for made up nonsense? Fuck society.
Need a pay rise ASAP
Because even when you leave the boxroom and do everything everyone says there's still approximately a zero percent chance of actually getting a gf unless you're Chad.
You go in again in a week's time and ask her some trivial bollocks, and then you say 'can I ask you something completely different.. I've enjoyed talking to the past few times I've been here.. any chance you'd meet me for a drink when you're not working?'.

Chances are she'll say no because you're a smelly boxroom virgin CEX user (just assuming lad, nothing personal), but you can't score without taking the shot.
The most physically unattractive guy I know is 5'2", chubby, balding noticeably and literally has a stoma bag. He's 24 years old.

Guess what? He has a gf. That fucking creature has a gf and I don't. I'm normal height, in shape, not balding, generally pleasant and so on. Incelism has a lot of overlap with looks, but the fundamental cause is not tied to looks, it goes deeper beyond that.
Told you lads before. I'm 5'3" and I've had 6 gfs.
Me? I'm 6'0" and I've had zero gfs.
24 mins in and Mark's casually describing his phone contract fraud
Chubby Costa employee girl. She has glasses now. Was on her own. I should've commented on it and said she looked nice in her glasses. I could have. I just didn't think of it until after. Always happens. I always miss opportunities. Fuck my life.
I'm 6 and I've had 5'3" girlfriends
Yeah and it backfired on him majorly lol. Now he can't get a phone contract. Also they've wised up and started glueing the SIMs in kek. He's such a retard.
>Vulnerable woman, 38, who was found mummified in her council flat four years after last being seen alive had stopped claiming benefits as it involved 'invasive medical check-ups', inquest hears
Ruthmong's future. Grim.
Free little tippington for you future Chads out there: always tell a woman 'that dress looks good on you', or 'those glasses really bring out your blue eyes' instead of 'you look good in that dress' and 'you look nice in those glasses'.

It's a small difference but one women pick up on.
I usually only do 1, I'm not good on concentrating on multiple things at once (or should I say, keeping track of what I'm doing on each game). Was mainly just about dayz last year, and still have fin on it, but not doing 8-12+ hour days like I was last year.
That's a sad story, poor lass.
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Ah I thought you might have been DayZ poster. I loved those updates but then I enjoy all (gaming) OC from lads here.
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>Text my mate if he wants to meet up for a drink later
>He leaves me on read
Wunchingfordtons a Friday
Take or leave the chicken and bacon but it was all they had left
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We should help each other more, desu, or at least be there for each other.
It's not right, proper not right.
Bit gay to ask another man out for a drink ngl
Bold of you to assume I'm not a bit gay desu
Nothing beats a Co-Op meal deal (plus some lovely glazed donuts).
>will always hear/read the 'drink' part
>being your mate is secondary
>but i will ALWAYS be your mate
this is why we make such good friends. like dogs.
Been farting non-stop for a couple hours now. Rancid.
Yea fair. Not right of me to assume.
If the grimposting takes off now just know it's because YOU LADS just had to keep talking about NORMIE THINGS... and you should know that will WUPSET 'some' lads ITT.
Aye t'was me, it's died down about due to my PC lagging like a motherfucker. Stopped doing admin stuff, just play now because of it.
Do you do gay ming?
Half of the sandwich is missing.
i like Sainsbury's meal deal. one near me has a hot food unit and one of those Costa machines. so get some lush chicken tenders or a hot chicken sarnie + a mocha + crisps, mental seeing people use the same deal for a sterile plastic sandwich and water.
Having a wank to some JAV. Wish I could go back in time to this morning and do better at social stuff. Tomorrow will be better. I WILL initiate some social interaction at Costa tomorrow.
you know what they say about assuming
ass? u mingin'.
least gluttonous apu
Maybe when you try conversation 2.0, just say something like, ah cool glasses. Maybe a, they suit you. I'd save the you look nice in them till you are courting.
The deliveryburgs have been slow this week. No doubt a bunch of shit will arrive all at once tomorrow.
I need to upgrade my rig as well.. I've been grinding Civ 6 for the past week during work and then usually some detective type games before bed.
That glasses girl normally isn't there on Saturdays. Can't remember who is. Whoever it is, I will try to talk to them. Not even necesarily flirting or anything. I have to get better social skills generally not just in sexy contexts.
I'm a retired pick-up artist, the original kind. Level 3 peacock. You need a hook, bro. Order something unusual. Tell the barista, "Actually, can I have half whole milk, half skimmed milk in that? No, not semi-skimmed."
Gets her thinking. She'll be the one doing all the work. Get others to do it for you. In fact, don't even go into Costa. Stay at home. Buy a decent burr brinder and a moka express. That's how you game, bro.
I have a 4070TI and an i5-13600.

Yeah bet you wanna suck my cock now. Well you can't, because I just finished wanking to JAV so I'm in the refractory period.
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you think glasses make her cute/attainable but they just indicate she has poor eyesight. she is physically inferior, less healthy. not even glasses-wearers would argue with this.
I didn't think about that for a second. I just thought it would be an easy thing to comment on to talk to her. I already fancied her beforehand.
You getting CIV 7 on launch or going to wait a while? I'm console mong so want to wait to see how the port is. CIV 6 on console is amazing so I have high hopes.
aren't you concerned about the form of your children?
For anyone interested, here's the short version of the story how I got my gf (and now wife).

Walking around campus and notice a lad I spoke to earlier in the day, approach his group. Turns out it's not the same lad (he was Asian, they all look alike) but they take me in regardless and we go to a restaurant for food. I get talking to pretty girl in the group about where I'm from. where she's from etc. Normal chit-chat. See same girl again next day, we talk about school trip we're all going on the next day and she asks for my number so we can exchange info about the trip (yea right lol). Apparently I played it super cool because in later years she said she didn't think I liked her, and she was actually slightly hurt by this because everyone else just fawned over her (typical women) and this made her more interested in me. Week later after several meet ups I asked her out officially and that was that.
I'm quite plebby, so wouldn't be able to do it myself, but an upgrade of some parts/new PC is needed. A source of monies is also needed, desu.
>struggle to focus on anon's story
>later years
>heat death of the universe
>they all look alike
>bit racist that
>now wife
>oh he's married
>he won't be around long
Nah I never get anything on launch to be honest. I got Civ 6 free on Epic.
i still play civ V on comfy winter nights, its a proper feet up with the heater on type game
Interesting perspective lad, thanks for sharing how someone else reads posts here
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Back from me morning walk down the seafront. Was pretty womfy, got some chips from the fish shop on the way back.
This always fascinates me as well. We assume that people around us see things the same way we do ourselves, but it's almost never the case. Someone might read that post in ketlad's way, someone might read it as a personal insult to them for not having a gf, someone else might read it as a fun little story.. we're a product of our environment ultimately and our actions and perceptions are massively influenced by that.
i need something meaningful to listen to
rec +
I just pirate everything, especially shit that was free on epic
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3pm can't come quick enough desu
Music is just airwaves lad. We attribute the meaning we want to it.
Pegging appointment?
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It's 4x better in 4k
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>I just pirate everything
Imagine actually paying for things like media in 2024. I genuinely cannot fathom how fucking gormless you have to be to pay for it.
Wonder why there has been no uproar about the Gandhi film being blackface.
Back at CEX before the end of next week, garuanteed.
The people who pay for it are the reason you are able to pirate it you entitled fuck.
so lonely
might kill myself desu
imagine getting pegged by a tranny
Okay? What's your point? If the situation and circumstances were such that I couldn't pirate stuff and paying was the only option then of course I'd pay for the stuff I really wanted, but as it stands it is entirely feasible for someone like me to never have to pay for a single second of any of it and for the lights to stay on and production schedules to keep chugging along to produce more of it.

Unless that changes I'm not going to lol. Why should I pay for it? It's almost all shit anyway.
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Afternoon uploaf has just dropped

Literally some of the hottest porn I've ever seen, at least conceptually, was these two trannies with tiny limp cocks and one of them was wearing a huge strapon to peg the other.
Touched a nerve, did he? LOL.
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This was the pinnacle of gaming and nobody can tell me otherwise.
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He said he will never sell his new Sony ZV-E10 camera, and I believe him
so fuckin lonely
might kill myself desu
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Frost starting to appear in the mornings. Don't like it. I wish I was on Tatooine being a NEET in my comfy hovel with the blaring double suns outside.
i dont deserve a gf thats why i dont have one
im just trash
I've come to love Ruthmong's attempts at getting attention through his suicidal ramblings.
>so lonely :(
>waaahhh might kill myself
Lol. It's like a comforting warm fire you can sit in front of after a long day.
life aint worth living by yourself is it
better to just end it
That wasn't ruthmong. He never types in lowercase.
So why haven't you then? I'm not judging, I know that most people simply don't have the constitution for suicide, but you seem to be pretty single-minded in your position.
Had a potential hit come down the wire. Boss told me to get on it pronto - rush job. Went to the archives, dug through the files, some real dusty old ones as well. In the end it was a negative - ruthmong doesn't type in lowercase and the lore is clear about that. Maybe next time.
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You WILL fap to BBC porn.
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13 hours sleep didnt even touch the sides desu
>didnt even touch the sides desu
bit like your cock then innit?
On my way to Paris lads. Wahey.
Many hours spent playing Tony Hawks Underground 2 Remix. Best game on the platform IMO.

for me it's pokemon ruby and sapphire
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It not fucking right
>the fart posting didn't stop them.. what do I do
>I know, I'm going to up it to bbc posting, that will teach them xDD
We all need a shit in life x
In dire need of a DVD update. Been very quiet this week.
feel like m gonna cry but nothing happens
Have you tried slamming your ball sacks inside a door?
Having trouble getting this pegging gimmick off the ground
> Having trouble getting this pegging gimmick off the ground
hahaha fucking class lad you couldn't make it up
Have you tried changing your posting syntax and sameswanning to make it look like multiple anons are on board with your new pegging gimmick
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I am in love with this lady, lads. I saw her some time ago working a pharmacy counter and ever since I have been in love. I imagine our lives together daily. Nights out, nights in, dressing up for a party, long walks on the beach, getaways in snowy countries laying on a carpet in from of a crackling fire, making love and fucking hardcore, painting her face with my cum, relentlessly stuffing her mouth, pussy and arsehole. Our lives together would be perfect. I have never spoken to her.
Good appointmentburgh earlier

Now for some R&R
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I shall not be reading this thread from post 1 2 most recent like id usually do after sleeping a long time i just can tell it wouldnt be satisfying in this case. I detect vibes. Its ok everything in rhe world doesnt have 2 be for me.
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He has a point
If you want to prosletize for pegging, then try posting some good pegging porn to get these guys neurons firing.
What pegging gimmick? I'm pegging lad but I never really post except for the odd pic of my strapon. I don't spam pegging shit all day so why do you - a man whom I assume doesn't actually engage in pegging - feel the need to?
Struggling to revive my digger gimmick
Bro did you ever consider an onlyfans with your wife?
Won't be the same without you, buddy.
>I am in love with this lady
>better post a picture of her on 4chan
Never understood this
CosmicBroccoli is the absolute GOAT for pegging. Super high production values and he can really take it, plus she's got excellent thrust control. You can tell they've been doing it for ages, absolute pros. Also Vanilla Cakez and Megan Gargle are a great pegging pair. She really plays the role of a bitchy dom very well.
Nice 2 hear littleroot town tho
because it's made up bollocks to rile up the chubby cex girl lad
I never read previous posts when I jump into a thread. Mad some do
Nah. Not into that at all. Plus I see other creators out there and unless you're in the top 0.1% it's literally not worth it, and to get into that bracket and stay there it's a shit load of work and tons of drama as well lol. Nah, pegging is just a private thing for us.
Yes I know what you mean. A lot of women who do pegging don't thrust properly, and kind of just bob up and down.
there's a 'hook' hanging here.
it's not even mind games, really, it just is. it's nice! props
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Oh no am reading it ALL from here now that im awake. Just not scrolling back 1st. Which is the best part of a thread. So am miffed bt it's not end of the world
Sometimes I read through the previous night's posts like a morning paper
Same to be honest. Sometimes the best posts are ones you missed.
Gen 3 pokemon games were the best, no question. Part of what makes them great is the sprite graphics, which later gens lost in the pursuit of trying to make 3d work, but imo it really didn't. You could argue gen 4 did an okay job, but personally I think it was too janky a lot of the time.

That's why romhacks of Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald are the best. They maintain the gen 3 magic but expand it to varying degrees for gamer experience. Anything from very minor quality of life hacks to comprehensive reworks with new pokemon gens included and so on all the way to straight up new games on new maps, even new pokemon themselves. My fave is the moderate mods where you can catch all pokes on the gen 3 map, the special/physical split is introduced properly, newer mechanics are included like mega evolves and quality of life changes are implemented like not having to actually trade to evolve a steelix or whatever, also things like HMs replaced by items so you don't have to use up move slots etc.
Breaking into the doctor's practice to drink anon's urine sample again
I just did that
>Same drivel as every other thread
>Same images of SSM, ASMR bints, Alizee, Apu, Zelda
I used to work in a micro lab. We had two urine analysers. One was new, excellent, quick, high throughput, needed very little maintenance. The other was some ancient thing from the 80s, made of that old beige plastic that computers in school used to be made of, broke down all the time, spilled half the fucking samples everywhere, terrible. You may just be unlucky and it's fucked up your sample three times. Extremely unlikely, but bound to happen to somebody.
I had the strategy guide for Emerald in Primary School and it made me very popular. Nikkas wanted to know how to cop them Regis.
Played Pokemon Scarlet when it came out and it's astonishing that people are totally fine with a game looking and playing that shit.
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Am not 1 for announcing when i leave anywhere. Am more of a just disappear type of guy. The irish goodbye as they say. Most ppl are probly 1 or the other.
When I get drunk enough I just vanish, usually to bed somewhere.
This. Games have objectively gotten shittier in the last 10-15 years. I don't mean that in a retarded boomer 'back in my day' kinda thing, because there are some great games coming out, but overall the quality of games is shocking compared to what they were and the prices are just a fucking joke.
games are better now than in the past actually
yes there is shit
but there was always shit
>Most ppl are probly 1 or the other.
Given that it's a binary choice everyone is either one or the other you twat.
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Welcome meth kwinle glufg to the art saam benny weth of padlock folding winth forthle bin or as it's also known: padlockeygami!
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>games are better now than in the past actually
Yeah, there are undoubtedly some great games being made but a lot of the commercial AAA game is just coming out in terrible unfinished states, holding back content for DLC and live service fuckery. I don't want to feel compelled to play a game every fucking day just to experience the newest content. What happened to playing a game and being done with it?
Starfield for me is one of the biggest recent examples. The game is so fucking shit in almost every way. The only decent part is the ship building which is severely limited anyway. I literally ran into the exact same prefab "procedurally generated," location three times in a row. All the items were in the exact same places too. Complete laziness.
>Games are bad now!!!!!!!!!!
t. guy who was disappointed in Starfield, as in, a guy who thought Starfield was ever not going to be shit

Let me guess. You also enjoy Assassins Creed.
I'm saying the scales have tipped, lad. In the past the average quality was far higher, especially when accounting for hardware performance, price and the certainty of your media (by which I mean when you bought a game you owned it, not like today when you can buy a game and in five years the company might simply 'not support it' anymore and it's gone).

Now there are far more shit games than good games, when in the recent past there were far more good games than shit games. This really is a recent thing. I don't mean games like asteroid were the best, ofc they weren't, but like we've been saying in the thread compare something like a gen 3 pokemon game to one of the latest releases in the series. It's not even a comparison. It's just insulting how bad they are now.
I didn't say all games were bad, did I? I've enjoyed a lot of newer games. RDR2, Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, Ghosts of Tsushima, God of War etc.
Lots of great smaller indie games too.
I just think for a AAA studio to be putting out such slop is ridiculous.
i hopped on Skyrim for a bit, it was all right but i didn't like how EVERY item was magic? what's that all about?
fun world and that, but it just didn't stay with me the way Morrowind did.
It was a pretty good game when it first launched back in what? 2011. I finished it and had a good time. Don't really understand the people who have put 1000s of hours into it. It has similar problems as Fallout 4 where a lot of the actual RPG elements are absent.
Of course I blame developers for the decline in quality, but I also blame fucking normies who continue to support these shitpiles being released. FIFA, CoD, Madden etc. all just reskinned, re-released crap that costs 70 quid a pop, requires live service, has microtransactions and DLC everywhere and is released on an 11 month rolling schedule so consistent you can set your calendar to it. It's despicable yet normies KEEP EATING THE SHIT ON THEIR PLATE. I hate them so fucking much.
Isn't FUT one of the biggest money laundering, credit card stealing, scamming pieces of shit in the world?
I feel like once you've played through it once it feels incredibly empty and hollow, and no amount of mods can fix that. You can get it looking as beautiful as you want but you're still traipsing through the same dungeons or joining the fucking Companions. Loved it when it came out though.
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Already getting dark outside might be my imagininiation
>seven million men between the ages of 18-54 in america are neither employed or looking for employment
Not talking about maths binary code d*lita spastic
Every now and then I get this hint of motivation to play it again and be an adventurer that just lives in the woods and hunts foxes etc. But since there's no need to eat or drink or even sleep the whole survival element really isn't there, and then I quit again.
A life on benefits is a genuine option for huge swathes of the population, often under the guise of 'mental health'.

The system is utterly powerless to stop this abuse, in fact it is designed in such a way to maximise it.
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Parking lot spastics are about to get their shit pushed in according to this response i received from the management, most splendid indeed.

Apparently they left the cart and their other trash in the bushes one too many times now during one of their hours-long binge drinking orgies
The good thing about downloading SSM streams is that you can watch them any time, even years from now, because nothing ever changes.
They added a survival mode in one of the anniversary editions I think.
>*are about to have

ckin ell really need to cop some sleep now, only had like 2-3 hours tonite due to the appointmentington
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Games are shit now in thr past they were good deal with it
Survival mode
This but only when HHL had a meltdown
Watching The Dick Van Dyke Show, am I not? Mary Tyler Moore was quite the hot piece of ass in her day.
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Home Secretary Yvette Cooper is planning a mass purchase (despite a massive hole in finances that means old people can't have warm houses in the winter??) of HMOs, family homes, former care homes and student accommodation to semi-permanently house illegal immigrants who arrive over the channel.

This is the current British social contract: you pay taxes so the government can outbid you for housing in their quest to move people from around the world to live here on beneifts.

You might think the purpose of the British state is to serve the best interests of the British people; it disagrees, preferring instead to fund the world at your expense to atone for the sins of your ancestors.

See also: the recent Chagos decision.
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In 4K too
Does he not know that you have to put oil in the pan to fry things?
Corr might have to check that out then
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He's either going Swanage or Weymouth tomorrow. He's not sure which yet
I'm a loser for cute young trans lasses
Labour government:
>preside over highest energy prices ever, literally EVER, while banning hydrocarbon exploitation and cancelling nuclear reactors
>released thousands of criminals...
>...to make room for patriots who say things they don't like online
>cut winter fuel allowance
>expanded 'international aid' in times of economic crisis
>given public sector insane pay rises - however strikes still continue LOL!
>cede British territory to foreign country and PAY THEM to do it
>buying up housing to put up illegal immigrants at taxpayer expense
>expenses scandal that they don't even have the sense to apologise for
>pushing for assisted dying on the NHS
>preside over supreme court implementing marxist labour theory of value for pay disputes LOL
>wants to launch missiles into russia even though the US state department of all people say that's a bad idea
>pledged multiple billions a year to ukraine even after the war - "for as long as it takes"

It's all one big joke lol
Feel for sorry for Mark's neighbours hearing "It's not for you, it must be for me" and its variations 40+ times an hour.
>He's either going Swanage or Weymouth tomorrow. He's not sure which yet
Will he ever live this webm down?
Grown man. Quotes posts and then says 'fascinating'. Does this multiple times per thread
>trying to enjoy a quiet Friday afternoon
>hear the sound of sizzling and sexual grunting through the wall
>"wow... augh wow... BANGERS"
Such an amazing find by whoever captured that. Sad, to be trawling through live streams like that, but amazing nonetheless within the context of this general.
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The UK is the only country on Earth which actually acts like the 'rules based international order' it loves talking about exists.
When I was a kid I used to be in a club for bullying mentally disabled children called "The Spacca Slappers." It was me, my friend William (who I run a non-sexual penis comparison subreddit with now), and my friend Smenk. I was the chairman, William was the secretary, and Smenk was the treasurer. We wanted to do it properly, so we all paid club dues of 1 pound per month. The money was supposed to be spent on bullying supplies, but Smenk embezzled it and used the money to buy a porno called "Pattaya Ladyboys."

I suppose we all do terrible things when we're young. Most of you here are still terrible people now.
>hands back some island to China proxy
>realises too late we've previously fought wars to keep similar islands from going to Argentina
>Argentina immediately claim Falklands
>no those are different....

fucking tards honestly
>When I was a kid I used to be in a club for bullying mentally disabled children called "The Spacca Slappers." It was me, my friend William (who I run a non-sexual penis comparison subreddit with now), and my friend Smenk. I was the chairman, William was the secretary, and Smenk was the treasurer. We wanted to do it properly, so we all paid club dues of 1 pound per month. The money was supposed to be spent on bullying supplies, but Smenk embezzled it and used the money to buy a porno called "Pattaya Ladyboys."

>I suppose we all do terrible things when we're young. Most of you here are still terrible people now.

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Hes talking to randomers again

>Evening, every day we above ground is a great day

The singular Robin
"looks frieitening in that jacket"
The difference is that Argentinians are broadly considered white, so there isn't an inherent deference to 'give back' the territory, even though that's a retarded view of territorial claims anyway. Moreover the UK government and military would be incapable of successfully using hard power to claim and protect the sovereignty of the Falklands. It's a ticking time clock lol.

Also, people who say we needed to 'give back' Chagos miss entirely the point that Mauritius SOLD THE ISLANDS TO US. It was literally just a transaction, we didn't 'take' them, unless you consider every penny you've ever handed over when you bought something to the company you bought it from stealing from you. It's insane.
>even the Swanage Robin has a gf now
are ye are ye are yee local?
He's breeding too.
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It not right what happened to r Makaveli the hero, he got hit from behide
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no chemicals
no sulfarts
no hangovers
it for me and it lush
ffs walk out went home
Mak the mug
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"They're here legally."

"But the way they're granted legal status is clearly a farcical misapplication of what the law intended."

"Right, so they're here legally."

These people are not just fundamentally dishonest, but they are actually incapable of being honest. You cannot engage with these people.
Shippy the mug
I see that dedfox in every stream from all these youtube lolcows
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thread needs more bbc
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Gizza kiss
Anyone noticed a drastic change in the taste of Ketchup? Used to buy Daddies all the time and it was alright but it taste fucking rank the last few times I've got it. I always assumed it's literally just Heinz ketchup rebottled as it's produced by them.
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>yfw it might be for you bt it might not be for you
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He monitoring lone women. Well, not a crime, is it?
I don't buy ketchup because I don't have the palette of a six year old.
Fuck off, lad. I don't smother everything in it, just sometimes for chips or nuggets.
Yeah can't say my meals consist much of 'chips and nuggets' either for the same reason...
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For me it's Heinz Fiery Chilli ketchup
For me? No ketchup since I don't have the palette of a six year old.
Me? I have the palette of a six year old
Grown man. Has the palette of a six year old.
For me? It's Salmon covered in truffles, caviar and my own personal blend Ketchup. Bone Apple Teet.
>they are STILL talking about normie stuff as if I hadn't warned them enough before
>that's it i'm going to post some more bbc stuff to really rile them up xDDDDD
hes mentally challenged
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>yfw it might be for u
Lovely bit of spaghetti

Lovely bit of minced beef

Lovely bit of salad

Lovely bit of ketchup
Using cooking oil? Won't get me a gf.
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>yfw it wasnt for u
What are you, a fucking mediterranean subhuman? We use Lurpak round these parts lad.
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youre assuming things
i post bbc stuff out of boredom or horniness or whatever
nothing to do with what others post
anyway here is some more black cock for you to salivate over
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>tfw it might be for you but it's not for me
>I'm NOT angry
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bbc definitely for me
might not be for you but its definitely for me
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Watching this Keith Woods debate with this big Muslim streamer and fucking hell he's not even hiding how much he hates white people. We are absolutely done unless we get these people out.
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might buy some new items to cheer myself up
Is that Keir Starmer on the left?
love items, me. new ones? say no more
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>tfw it's most definitely for you
we all new items in life x
Yeah I was watching that one, but can't really stomach debates these days. The muslim guy really does just fucking hate white people. He's very open about how immigration is being used punitively against white people and he thinks that's a great idea and should be continued.
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He got 8 items now. He has 11 items. Now he has 9. 9 items. He got 12 items.
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Why does he look Chinese
I put in cracked lips and wrinkly face and this is what it spat out. Nearly shit myself laughing.
It also for Chika
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What flavour of foreign are U exactly. Am sensing some kind of euro. Not British tho.
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we are all british
Barely coherent is it?
Looks like ShaftUK. He's got a cracking nob I'll give him that.
would succ desu
>pale white lass
>candy pink lingerie
>blue eyes
>jet black hair
>jew nose
>big black cock
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Probs Germany between the americanisms nd shit taste in everything
Might play some Rune Factory 4 Special.
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One result of ridiculous educational-industrial complex is that there are litearlly multi-generational "university educated" families who have never owned a bookcase.
Lovely little school run that was. Sunny day. Kids happy it's friday. Not a bad outing at all.
v cute little willies on these lasses
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corr imagine the smell in that room
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The scum class urge 2 go shops on friday b4 it's dark to avoid trouble
None of this @ *****'s bit
Wish a rich spinster would adopt me
What next, women have prostates?
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Why is /britfeel/ always trying to make me gay
lt isn't.
Bro you got source on the one on the left?
>That masculine urge to fuck tranny arse
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You lads need to get laid.
new flatberg is coming along nicely, have a new gooning bed and gooning desk ordered, should be coming next week
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this a tranny too?
>should be coming next week
gooning for that long before finally shooting your load will be very bad for you lad
if it is, its gonna be for me
Task and Purpose is such a fucking hawk shill channel it's pretty nuts. The guy wants nothing more than a hot war with China. Wonder if he'd sign back up when the missiles start launching?
Cant believe credit cards still exist in 2024
Jews love to be jewing.
They have legitimate uses, but the idea that everyone should just be able to go out and essentially live their lives on credit is absurd.
Me? Never turned up to a job not high. Just can't bring myself to do it.
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133m euromillions jackpot
Spliff, wank, vidya. That is my plan for maximum comfy.
For me it's Tramadol and watching movies.
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Ie juif!
Dont ever text me pharmacy mongs
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There will be no genuine political debate or dissent from the approved narratives until a politician can appear on Question Time and call out some bitch in the audience for being a "post-wall roastie" and dismiss her question.
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Diddy do it?
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>Ie juif!
Same, but natcen, the stupid surveywankers.
Honesty has no place in politics.
It's in the name, pol is latin for lying cretinous, and tics are parasites
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We got some turnips growing. It ain't much but it's a start!
one of my fave pegging videos bros https://vjav.com/videos/188342/asian-strapon-sex/
Corr I have this for switch never got round to it. Looks cute
Just wish we could get a Simside update
Is this the one with farming and fighting? I think it was rec'd to me some weeks or days ago.
Also, what's ZL and ZR? I get left and right, but didn't know xbox controllers had Z buttons.
My fave is this one where it's filmed from a stationary camera in a couples home, their kitchen iirc and she's wearing this hot as fuck get up with a corset and a black cap I think. Was super fucking hot, but I've struggled to find it again over the years, should probably download it and save it just in case when I find it next time.
Damazonia pegging areNat are always great scenes. Shame they had a very bad divorce.
Anything involving a white woman pegging a black man is for me. Might not be for you, but it is for me.
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Has a wee L/R nd a big one
Has anyone ever actually properly figured out why he does the whole buy/sell thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again?
5 more subs and he'll be at 1k corr
Doesn't even make his own catchphrases, just parrots whatever he sees his fans repeating.
You mean that same Asian woman?

Better than givin it ta bookies
Ah, I have never looked at a switch.
Maybe it gives him something to do, or it's all for content?
>You mean that same Asian woman?
Nah that one I described had a white woman in it I think. Was not the best quality but yeah 99% sure she's white.
>Better than givin it ta bookies
He would be better off gambling
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What we all doing with our Friday night then?
Not decided yet myself.
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He a CEX Trader.
He buy low.
Sell high.
FRESH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAakGikgu_U FRESH
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Happy Friday lads.

Me? Meeting a lass for some food at 6.
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Video game entertainment for me.
it will involve me being alone again
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Originally mummy was going away @ weekend I intended 2 continue my sober october alone at home bt she got chest cold nd cancelled that so I making her a curry then have a few cans into the night. I hate nd I mean HATE when plans change last min bt it cant be helped.
taking my son to the cinema
Good luck lad. Hope you finally find a new titlass (and she's got nice big chebs).
now bring out bootylad and suck your own cock more on an anonymous image board
It is very cute anime style, lad.
Yeah and dating sim. Thought I'd play it again waiting on that Stardew console patch.
Lassie in the pharmacy picking up tramadol nd HRT
Weird combo
Would love 2 fucking snatch that bag off her the trams that is
HRT for the pain of being a man and Tram for the pain of being a man LARPing as a woman.
Junkie outside pharmacy rambling on about hes getting revenge for getting stabbed last saturday
None of this @ *****'s bit
I want john lewis loyalty card
Remember to drink responsibly.
Leaning towards this myself as well desu
Either a game or a book
What you gunna see?
I was planning on watching a film or summin but now I gotta babysit so will have to funcle max.
That's the only thing with stardew, there's not really much dating, there's movie nights once married, but that's about it.
What game and or book are you thinking?
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Get all this rubbish out of the way then enjoy my weekend. Kafkaesque.
Bros! Thoughts on this joocy ass?
Gentlemen. Gock.
What are your plans for the weekend Chika?
having a wank oh yes I'm having a wank
singing my song
my wanking song
having a wank oh yes I'm having a wank
having a ball
wanking along to my wanking song
Strutting around boxroom boulevard on a Friday night
Am like 90 percent through astro bot so could just finish that.
As for the book I'm currently reading Mr mercedes.
Could just do both I suppose
How is that? Fan of Stephen King, me. Favourite is probably Pet Semetary and The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.
Don't know. Don't plan much these days things tend to just happen.
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Looks strong
He will be in britfeel all weekend because he doesnt have a social life.

Play more Super Mario RPG. Almost finished it. Won't finish tonight but I'm close! Maybe a tiny bit of Baldurs Gate 3.

Might have a second wank later, probably to a bit of tranny porn if I'm honest. I'm a fan of gock, and I don't mean Gock Wan!

Get my stuff ready for my exciting day out tomorrow. Going to Costa, then the gym, then CEX again! Might get Toad Treasure Tracker, or Mario Bros U on Switch. Or something else. Not sure. Got 68 in vouchers.
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Very good. The battle of wits between the "hero" and villain are very interesting. It gets pretty dark and twisted too at times as the villain is a complete weirdo.
Id recommend
Very jealous post diss.
Right tho, am i not
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Pizza and simping for me tonight me lids
No, you aren't at all.
Bf, big fren group, family I see often enough. And then work people. Friends of friends. But whatever you say little laddy.
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3D World if your cex has it id get before U desu bc it's just kinda better nd rosalina in it bt theyre both good
Sounds womfy weekend
stop simping you fat cunt
Tried to give it up and even have deactivated my twitter account before but always come back in the end. Too hard.
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Sounds comfy desu lid.
Without his fetish and his weight he has no personality
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what is your excuse baka
Really wanna try chastity one day desu
and let my princess lock me up
You just don't know anything else about me
Hes a personality and you're a nobody little laddy.
I have 3D World + Bowsers Fury on Switch.
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Played a bit past act 2 on bg3. Wanted to love it but the combat was a big barrier for me.
Like to just whack stuff.
To be fair, being a /britfeel/ personality is worse than being nobody
Smoking some weed and falling into the Youtube rabbit hole tonight.
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Skeptical of these super positive silent hill 2 reviews. Don't really trust games "journalists" desu
Shall soon see I guess
Goodarse R&R this was
I have to work early tomorrow, have to get up at 4.45, it not right
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Starting on them wuds soon then ordering me webab later. Watching Sunderland smash Leeds on the tele. Life's good.
I am disappoint. Guess it not for you then but it definitely for me.
Sunderland a shit
Gunna have a sober one me. Might get on it tomorrow though. Cuz why the fuck shouldn't I?
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What do you work as de lid?

when will you admit you're an alcoholic lad?
off to /brit/. enjoy your schizophrenia.
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OG is class, goated soundtrack,,yes currently swarmed by bandwagon normalfags(journalists) bt why wouldn't U just ignore them. The remake will be utter dire shite. Simple as
Nice its a lot of fun
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Invited to a work drinks thing
I never say yes to these things but I feel I should this time
Pretty scary brehs. I actually like them all quite a lot. I am the problem for being so guarded.
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Bit messy post there on my 1st can
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Can't believe they made Velma Indian

What sickening bullshit
why would you do such a thing?
>Pretty scary brehs
Grown up. You're in your 30s ffs
Because I like money. But that is only partially true. Above the logical is the emotional and the subrational! Ze truth is the emotional pain of being unemployed for me is greater than that of working, so I persist.
Comfy Friday bread my lads

I used to love stephen king (loved firestarter). Might try get back into reading with that trilogy, desu. Thanks anon.

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