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>run britfeel_routine.exe
Russia please, PLEASE nuke us already.
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Why aren't you dumpster diving right now?
Accusing people of running routines while bringing one of your own routines from years ago out of retirement, you really are a special one aren't you dollycunt?
Because it's raining
Grown man. Meets black man off Grindr. Sucks his cock. Enjoys it.
>Accusing people of running routines while bringing one of your own routines from years ago out of retirement, you really are a special one aren't you dollycunt?
Absolutely classic #whiteboimoment there, lad.
For me, it's releasing pee
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Might have to get out of bed soon. It not lush.
Why would I fight for this country? Why would I fight for a regime that hates me?
No thanks, would rather go to prison.
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None of your business what I get up to desu desu
One of you is pretending to be him. The only question remains is whomst?
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>Might have to get out of bed soon.
remember a homeless punk/anarchist type couple i gave some scran to we had a bit chat
they did the whole dumpster diving thing (what do we call that here?) had found a piece of wood, cor
don't think he ended up using it, just liked having a nice bit of wood
they did have phones, and charged them at places, where do these types congregate online? is it here? hope you're doing okay (this was 6 years ago they could be dead)
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Manifesting a psychopath/mentally ill gf.
Clearly the second one. Honestly doesn't even bother me now desu. Mostly just says things I would say anyway so idgi.
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Would you like me to post a picture of my receding hairline to prove I am chika
what's the current age cut-off for National Service? have us wizards escaped unscathed?
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Drafties will get to travel the world soon during WW3.

Lebanon, Taiwan, the mountains of Iran, the crimea, the steppes of ukraine... It'll be a blast for them, one might say.
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Pick up that rifle and clear out that trench, draftie.
it gonna be lush watching the chads and the normies get conscripted to die
they'll learn the self-discipline, physical/mental/social health routines we missed out on.
i was absolutely terrified for Gen Z, they'd all be TikTok addicts using their maths to make more TikToks. instead a good war is going to set them straight, make up for our mistakes. sorry zoomers.
The UK categorically stopped being a first world country mid-way through the Blair years.
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Probably wouldn't be enlisted because of my eyesight me. Useful for that I guess.
I won't work. I won't enlist. I won't feed the beast.
Colonel Shekelstein needs you to draw out the enemy and attract his fire, draftie. Chop chop.
Me and missus both make a bit over 35k each. We have a house and a kid and live about an hour outside of London by train. We literally cannot save anything meaningful. Each month we pay off our bills, mortgage, childcare, do a grocery shop etc. and we MAYBE have about 50 quid left each. Something has to give, the state of things is just absurd.
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Starmer's Britain...
>lol Chika likes BBC
So what?
not sure what i'm meant to be cross about here
looks like some London airport/tube/station type place, looks horrible, i'm glad it exists
If you're missus did some escort work, you'd make a LOT of money.
because you spend it on nice things like your house and sprog instead of saving it
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Big deal
State of you niggas, rat tier cunts jumping ship first chance you get.
Dreggs of this site, facebook tier cunts.
Have you never been to Euston station lad? That huge dead screen above peoples' heads is where the arrivals/departures are supposed to be.
hate Euston desu because of how late they put up the platforms
Why is that Starmers fault?
>Reddit spacing
>Facebook tier
>Early thread wnakers
the modern people can use their smartphones
the old people can have an announcer going, 'hear ye hear ye! trains henceforth...' or whatever.
i don't even know where/what Euston station is. never been. never plan to go. might as well be in France for all i care.
Vaginal pheromones increase testosterone secretion in men by a whooping 150% as soon as men pick up on them.

Women are perfectly aware of this. Their vaginas literally mentally enslave men.
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>Deanos sent abroad to fight Russian Churkas and Iranian sheperds
>NEET spackers left in charge at home.

There's gonna be some changes around here.
Women know this little civilizational gynocratic experiment of theirs has almost run its course. Hence, they are all rushing to get impregnated by Chad at the last minute before the shop closes.

Anything to become a single mother to Chad's offspring. They need his genes no matter what.
the spackers will fight on the beaches and the benches
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What is the incentive to live in the UK if you're a young, ambitious, productive guy? I really can't think of any. High taxes, shitty infrastructure, everything is expensive as fuck especially leisure and bills, transport is useless, government is totally inept and is gunning to squeeze the ever shrinking productive slice of the population for more and more taxes to fund their insane gay race communism, crime out of control, streets are ugly and dirty, owning a car is being made prohibitively expensive and the government will soon be forcing you to buy gay EVs, the weather is shit, the landscape is totally occupied with barely any untouched areas left, you get nothing for your taxes, the government is openly and gleefully becoming more and more totalitarian and looking to control every aspect of your life.

What reason do young, ambitious, productive people have to stay?
They replaced it over a year ago with new signs in the middle of that big hall you utter tool
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Notice how in 28 Days Later all the soldiers were working-class lads. Basically what Danny Boyle was telling us is that in the event things go to shit and the establishment collapses, the working-classes will quickly establish a new order. It might not be pretty, it might even be cruel, but will it be the right thing.
I'm not here to be an arse.
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There isn't lid. I've just told myself over and over the only thing worth doing here is working and saving then fucking off to somewhere else for a bit.
How exactly are they going to work these so called PIP vouchers? I get 290 quid a month and I don't spend all that on food. Use it for other stuff like transport, electric, gas etc and what if I need something not on the approved shop list?
Feeling very authoritarian this.
Changed my pre-order from Arrow directly to HMV. Got myself Tokyo Gore Police on Blu-ray as well.
Hasnt been implemented yet. But it could be. It will be like what food stamps are in America. Youll have food vouchers that you hand in at the till. Vouchers for gas and electricity. Probably comes with a barcode or something. Its because too many people are claiming PIP. They will force people with mental health issues to have therapy.
Highly doubt it pass. it would cost more just to get it implemented
for me? wong kong category 3 films
Me? I find life in this country basically tolerable.
I don't have mental elf issues I have ruddy autism. How are too many people claiming PIP? I had to apply twice to get it even though I was already receiving ESA in the support group.
freaks! youre all freaks!
u incorrectly spelled niggas
Need to order some of them 88 Films releases. Ebola Syndrome etc. Gairas Guts Trilogy and Erotic Ghost Storie box sets up for preorder too.
It seems unworkable.
Too many things people might need to buy that would probably not accept vouchers. It's retarded.

You also can't force people to have therapy. Furthermore you need medical evidence to get PIP. No one who is claiming PIP for mental issues will have not had therapy already. It's retarded.
I have recently applied for PIP with autism and Im awaiting the result. How many points did you score?
>How are too many people claiming PIP?
Currently around 3,500,000 lol.. and rising probably around 4m in 6 more months.
I got 0 points in everything on the initial assessment. Had to get a tribunal to get PIP in the end. Assessment twisted things I said, and even made stuff up that I didn't say at all. Just outright lies. They are fucking scum.
Got a letter saying I was being moved from ESA to UC the other day
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Maccies or chinkies for din dins.

Phwoaaar decisions decisions...
I'm gunna say neither desu
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he's on SSMs stream begging for donos and drugs
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Think I'm gonna go for the chinkies. I'll leave maccies for another day next week. Keeping it oriental this weekend x
What are the implications of that?
>he's on SSMs stream begging for donos and drugs
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>Goyslop A or goyslop B

Eat something healthy for once you fat cunt
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Quite a sad man isn't he?
What's a typical HHL style chinker order look like?
I usually get overwhelmed by the choice and default to a Thai green
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SSM should ban Makasmelly from his livechat
i listen to this every time i think of the state of the country and our people
it cheers me up a little
like reaching a bonfire from dark souls
he's in a care home, he can't cook for himself. question is, why arent the staff cooking healthy din dins for him?
how long do you think before hes on heavy drugs? booze aint cheap. MUP just went up here a few days ago. 8.50 for a 35cl of vodka and rum now
he really should. maka is such a rat

Think I'll go for a chicken chow mein with some duck rolls and curry sauce.
Boring. Play a real game. Super Mario Wonder, Donkey Kong Country. Those are good games.
>Im uk drinker not troll
>carries on spamming his paypal link
what a cunt
Im expecting to get all 0s. Im also getting LCWRA if PIP fails. Not worth dragging it through to courts if Im going to have to do it again in a year and a halfs time. Im not sure. I still have that to get by. But even that is changing as well I think. We will have to find out tomorrow.
Minimum pricing only in Scotland though. Mak not live in Engerland?
Hel get desperate enough and rob a Tesco. See it from a lot with jakies
If you fail, you can appeal. They will likely just reaffirm the decision. You don't need to do anything, just tell them you are appealing and they look at it again. Appeal that and you will go to tribunal. Same thing as the first assessment basically. You just get asked questions by people and answer them. You should appeal and take it all the way. It's not that much extra effort, it's just a lot of waiting.
Well he can't be expected to do the absolute bare minimum in running his life can he? The state needs to do it for him!
Those games are decades old. How old are you?
Really? What's the difference exactly? Is it the same payments just once a month instead of every fortnight?
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those games are for toddlers. im an adult
yeah Maka lives in England but mup will come eventually
appeal appeal appeal and appeal and apply for LCWRA since you can get that as well as pip. take everything you can get. wogs en masse pillage this country via cash and the black market
yeah proper genuine robots you lot
Need to spell it out again:

Normal people have sex.
You are not normal.
Therefore you do not have sex.
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>Super Mario Wonder released 50 years ago
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>those games are for toddlers. im an adult
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he's still recovering from being beaten brutally, it not right
I was 18.40 I think for a bottle of rum on Saturday. Wasted today being ill and spewing. It's nae fucking worth it. Cutting that shit out from now on. Stick to my MacB flavoured water.
l had sex once
ebola syndrome is pretty good, the same actor is in the untold story which i really like and taxi hunter which is pretty decent.
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>how far away is swanage from dorset
What's the difference with getting UC rather than ESA apart from getting paid monthly instead of fortnightly?
Must force myself to eat mow I reckon
Get a job my dude
ESA is a legacy benefit and its changing over to UC. UC is paid monthly thats the only change.
Little bites laddie. Just don't go overboard
Just some toast maybe. Feels bad.
I've just gone through the migration and it's horrendous to say the least. Make sure you let them know you're migrating from support group so they'll put reasonable adjustments in place when it comes to having to see a work coach (which you HAVE to do until the system gets all your info from ESA) which takes a few weeks.
Went with soup and bread myself. Felt better after but couldn't finish even one bowl.
Wish wagies would stop bullying dossers. It not right. I'm a wagie and I hate it I wish I could doss about. Can't even relax today as I know I'm back to the grind in the morning.
i have cousins from Swindon and i have no idea how interact with them. they are the British equivalent of red necks
>Get a job my dude
Not him but if the cunts migrate me and I have to see another deano retard work coach trying to teach me how to do a CV I think I'll go full postal tbqhwyl.
Love that in the colder months. I need to take better care of myself.
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Why are so many wagies like this? So obsessed with work and getting others to work.
Yeah Sunday evenings suck. I'm only in for a half day tomorrow so that's keeping me sane.
Il probably end up dossing later in life. Got priorities first tho.
Did you have to go to the job centre then? Even though you're not fit to work?
crabs in the bucket or something
A lot of the PIP and ESA fraud comes from drug addicts and alcoholics. They pay people to do the forms for them and they advise them how to behave in the interview to get maximum points. Then they get top rate and the government is basically funding their drug and drink habit. I have a relative who works in a homeless shelter (full of druggies and alchies) and she says they're all getting high rates.
Yep, had no choice or my monies would be stopped. Utter cunts the lot of them.
What if you're severely disabled?
I suppose there is probably some merit to them having their own money to fund their addiction. Over turning to crime.
Not sure what I think of it though.
Yeah but not sure how the cunts all get the upper tier payments and mobility payments and all that. It's a joke. Some of them on nearly 2 grand a month and the majority goes to drug dealers and off licence.
So is it just UC and PIP now then? Suppose it's easier to manage
Druggies are incapable of work though and they don't have to pay people to help them volunteers do it or government funded rehabs and drop in centres.
They've been saying they are migrating people for years and I've never got a letter. I'm in NI so think it's a completely different system maybe.
It's the free car that makes me seethe.
And they show off about it and getting their license.
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He become wildlife photographer. He take pictures of seagulls with him doing a silly pose, he get famous and get his photos put into newspapers and magazines. He sell PS5 and get best A GRADE Photography lenses. He would've been a wildlife photographer all his life but he can only attract seabirds on account of his TMAU. It not nice, it stinky.
They may be incapable to work (their own fault, not a disability) but they shouldn't get top rate.
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Whistle posse BLOW.
PIP has nothing to do with capability for work
You can work and be a millionaire and still claim it.
He farted about 10 minutes ago, sounded VERY wet. I think he shat himself.
>hundreds of pounds on cameras and lenses to take photos of bacon
Yeah I know but how does a drug addict or an alchie qualify for the higher tier and mobility portions? Maybe PIP should be means tested then. Same with child benefit. Rich cunts claiming it when they don't need it so Tarquin can get a new pair of 300 quid trainers.
The forms can be tricky to fill in to be fair. Even for genuine people if they don't write the correct thing they get zero points. That's why people need help even if they are capable of reading and writing and holding a pen.
I thought you were denied state benefits if you had more then 6k in savings?
They tell them to describe their worst day and they describe going cold turkey shitting the bed or alcohol withdrawals hallucinating and nearly dying.
They should give us pussy vouchers.
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Might have a shower
You can have a shower? No pussy vouchers for you de lid.
*shits self*
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Sick of uphill fight against life desu gaslighters say every1 has problems I promise if I could teleport average normalfag into my brain 4 a week they'd end it on the spot. Life is short my arse its v v long nd endless when U feel like I do
Chika farting out black mens cum
Too right, lad.
>everyone's a little bit autistic
Cunts wouldn't say that if I had no legs, would they?
>everyone's a little no legs
Doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? BASTARDS.
directly into my willing mouth
My century of humiliation
How do I into JAV? What's the best free site?
so true babes x
>"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me" - Taylor Swift
If you haven't worked, benefits should be given in exchange for tokens gained through community work or other valuable contributions.

The token cost for luxuries like games, travel cards and alcohol would be higher than essentials.

If you want a new graphics card you can buy it, if you've picked enough litter to get enough tokens.

use javlibrary to find codes
just type code into sukebei

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Gunna grab the switch and play some slay the spire I think.
all this fucking attention for bennies that cost a relative little compared to what we throw away elsewhere
bennies that are there for YOU should you end up needing them
You kids wouldn't last one day... out in the scorch.

Bloody ell I feel terrible.
For streaming I use javhdporn.net
The difference is I've paid into the system all my life. If I suddenly stopped working now at 43, the savings I have mean I'd get nothing back.
jav.guru is one I use sometimes
Cheers, lad. I'll give it a try. Any good recommendations to start with? I am into bukkake.
Nene Tanaka
Akiho Yoshizawa (Retired now but still good)
Yui Hatano
Maki Hojo

Yeah it's stupid. People should be able to get it even if they have savings.
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whatsup deeeeee lids
just to let you know this is stolen content
Why is it "jobcentre plus" and just "jobcentre"?
I was wondering this the other day.
>just to let you know this is stolen content
No him but the 'Alamy' watermark is proof, no?
need a new posting gimmick but not sure what
Guys watch Melonies video!

Have you considered DVDs de liddy lid?
>shes called snow white because she survived a snowstorm
not because her skin was pale like snow? hmm
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This lassies hair is hilarious
shes got nice hair
big thick curly hair
imagine her riding you bouncing up and down on your shaft her thicc hair waving around corr
a snow storms a comin, randers
How about larping as a couple who both post here?
This new Snow White is going to be the biggest bomb since Hiroshima and at least that killed a couple of Japs.
I'll be starting my own new posting gimmick tomorrow. It will be weather related but I'll keep it a surprise
Worse than what people are claiming joker 2 to be?
They should just fucking can the film desu.
Come back to it later without Rachel zegler. It's Disney though. They have no idea what they're doing
>It will be weather related but I'll keep it a surprise
Corr, like a weather forecaster?
forgot to put a dirty tshirt down to sit on now i've got a big sweaty arse crack and skids stain on my quilt cover ffs
Tonight I will be feasting on ovened chips with bacon and cheese and 2 fried eggs atop.
Might get into journalism
Isn't she a fucking beaner as well? It's Snow WHITE not Snow BEANS N RICE.
beh beh see
Didn't know Mia Khalifa had autism. I don't think she had it before porn so she must have had it fucked into her.
fah snay tin
Girls cannot have autism, or depression.
A girl can never be a crab in a bucket, just doesn't happen.
Everything is so fucking expensive. Trying to buy a new ironing board. The most absolute basic shit-tier plastic crap from china costs 28 quid and the 'normal' ones cost 40-50. What the fucking fuck?!
ruth's crabs
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I want to give Hunter Schafer a slow and sensual blowjob.
She seems to be a pretty gross person in general.
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Adolf Hitler is the only person in history to have ever truly suffered.
Any other just weekend poster lads or are you all here everyday?
I've taken a break recently, but basically here all day every day.
Get yourself to a Home Bargains or something, lad. Some of these things are cheaper to buy in person at a shop.
Im here unironically 16 hours a day 7 days a week
I leave open all day and when I go to bed so you could say I'm here 24/7.
I post for around 10 hours per day if I'm being honest
Me? I rarely come here
There's some super cheapos on Amazon. The other anon who mentioned home bargains is probs the better shout.
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2 words Jimmy savile. Ur not ready to be pluspilled. Its dangerous 2 ask these questions. But ppl huftae no.
not him but i have to ask you something

what do you think makimas butthole would smell like? i think it would smell nice
am a tourist here but not new to 4chan was on brit/pol yesterday but they told be to fuck off to britfeel
I get all my toiletries and cleaning supplies in Home Bargains. Not bad for some other stuff either. Got my dog a bed in there. Also those lint roller doohickeys.
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No one cared who I was until I pit on the plus
You think Makima does anal?
Watch out for this groomer named Helperlad he will try and get ya with your pants down. DVDlad is our king but he's Indian so make sure to address him as Saar.
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>Disney plus
yes, with her strapon
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For me? It's Revy. Wouldn't mind her blowing my cock off.
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Hezbollah getting absolutely fucking spawn camped LOL!
Plato's gooncave
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>pornhub plus
Thanks lad. I'll be on the lookout.
Unironically the worst tripfag we ever had
Crossy is my fav poster
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god i love pegging need my arse rammed
*a challenger approaches*
>deliveroo plus
what in the saar
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If i had 2 guess probly good enough to lick like ice cream ditto her pits & feet
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DJE is live!

drivel plus
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>BBC Plus
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i want to lick tifas underboob sweat
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bedtime goodnight
Goodnight WB
>dvd plus
now with your dvd you get a nice big cock up your arse while you watch
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Which female politician would be the hardest to rape? I mean like which one do you think is the most competent in self-defence and/or would not (secretly) want to be raped?
He's a good lad, I agree aye.
Why, every thread is near enough the same
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Why is he such a disgusting eater
I'll never forget the time he flooded the thread with Princess Peach images until he was banned. Grim little Scottish goblin.
Why is it always the scots?
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na night ziggeh cya in heaven pal
Deeply resentful and bitter people due to their heavily dysgenic lineage.
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Deleting whatsapp messages. They're scared.
Familiarity is nice, some good posters here.
Why do you come here only on the weekends?
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>Ziggeh, Bobbin, Benji, Mr Cuddles
Gone, but not forgotten
One day I'll delete britfeel. No warning, no replacement. You'll all be adrift and scared and alone.
>some good posters here
ive yet to see one
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>ziggeh died nearly 6 years ago
ziggeh hits the worst because he was so integral to Lee's daily routine and he clearly loved him
finest diet of pilchards as well
I have nowhere else to go desu
This can't be true, can it? Theres no fucking way I've been shitposting about Lee this long.
Lee's gotten very fucking fat nowadays. He don't uploaf much now. He still pals with Keyring it seems. Lakaseh.
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Just necked that whinkies now watching some film called Ready or Not.
You'll love at the end when the whole family explodes.
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Wasnt me my account got hacked
Live from Bangface boys
Anyone up for a group wank over Chippy Nonstop?
Yep. Was in February 2019.
nap time i think, raining outside aswell for added cozi
>call someone a racial slur irl
>just tell them you were hacked
Sounds nice, have a good sleeps.
yeah proper robot you aren't you
grace is the only survivor
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No Sunday scaries here. Every day scaries. U got that 1 day a week? Away w your pish
Shall be cooming in ze shower to make myself feel better.
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>Cut out all snacking and booze
>Start cooking high protein meals with a mountain of salad on the side.
>Losing 2 pounds a week
Fucking sorcery lads.
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>soon there will be kids knocking on my door trick or treatin'
very nice lid, keep it going
>high protein meals
how about chucking us a few nice examples there fren?
I just have a feeling I'd enjoy having a romantic relationship with Crosslad but also that he'd be a lot of hard work as well.
Are you ready, tiny lad?
just looking at a cheeky down blouse shot from May
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He's back after his stream crashed

Can't believe Chika is a coomer
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Le nervous froge
Only on weekends
Bald nonce wanking to anime
I always have a wok full of curry to douse the kids with on Halloween.
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Could be worse, you could have Apus. If you don't give them enough sweets they'll report you to SPACCA.
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Get it right
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My Weebed Toes Warbler Apu is going as Hatsune Miku this year.
Twolls jealous of me
It not right
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Spat my vape cloud
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Sure thing lad. Here's what I've eaten the past week. let me know what you think.
>Sunday - Salmon, trout, salad, balsamic
>Saturday - Chicken King Kebab, salad, balsamic
>Friday - Sausage and chicken fritata (5 eggs, splash of almond milk, 4 cooked maple bacon sausages cut up, spring onion, black pepper, salt, red onion.)
>Thursday - Cod, salad, anchovies, balsamic
>Wednesday - Garlic and herb chicken sausages, salad, anchovies, balsamic
>Tuesday - Cod, salad, anchovies, balsamic
>Monday - Chicken Kiv, broccoli and cauliflower, gravy
>Sunday - Cod, salad, anchovies, balsamic
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She looks worse without her glasses
Mong doesn't even know how to operate his camera.
I do, can't see anything without them on.
yous wanting a sunday night skribbl game?

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Cropped reflection was annoying me
4 same
Fuck off you croatian.
I would but I'm phonefagging whilst at my mums.
yea go on then
spatchcock mckenzie
What makes you think I'm Croatian
thinking about her being gently but reluctantly violated in college
1 mean a day? very low cal those meals
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U on that seafood diet? U see food nd eat it? xDD
spat me husband's cock out at this post
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>they are all rushing to get impregnated by Chad at the last minute before the shop closes.
>Anything to become a single mother to Chad's offspring. They need his genes no matter what.
alizees sprog came out her pussy speaking french
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>alizees sprog came out her pussy speaking french
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Had 3 baths today, will definitely have another. Thought I might make it to 5 but will probably cap out at 4
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Sacre bleu....le sprog francais........
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Very good. Clean Shippy is a happy Shippy
Shippy talkin to himself again
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State state STATE! FIRE!
Ugly bitch big toe on her thumb applying 2 "Magic circle" firms
jadore le sprog la smell la fish
I'm the Don Draper if britfeel
getting all the seasonal spice candles out for the boxroom might buy bubble bath corr
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It's actually just Pyrotherapy. I've been very ill today
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If britfeel what?
Sounds womfy lad. Love a good bath me.
Sprogs plural, with her husband Greg
Me? I'm the Ted Bundy if Britfeel.
All I want is to fuck a lass up the arse. Is that so much to ask?
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I've had a jagerbomb, don't drink now though
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Chav drink. Get some class
whats wrong with her fanny, lad?
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Are you the lad who wanted to just feel some tits from yesterday?
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U cant beat a wubble wath w some candles on
Nothing at all, I just really want to try arse.
Yeah defo going to bed now, not feeling well at all, might have to call in sick tomorz
No, sorry, just a man longing for some anal action (giving, not receiving)
Arse the faggot pussy
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Me? I'm teetotal. Not had a drink since November 2022
Grown man. Thinks a man fucking a woman up the arse is 'gay'. Is himself a virgin.
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It was pretty involving 2 babysit my sick mummy bt shes happy now so am happy. Bt I can see why carer nurses end up battering ppl. Jknlove u mum
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>Me? I'm teetotaI
da wing da wing da wing pweaaaasseeeeeee hehehehehe
What happened in November 2022
Even children know thats gay tho, its actually only a "grown man" w a brain Judaised by pornography that would disagree that its gay
Armond White? Completed him, mate.
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>"Judaised by pornography"
Back to bed
I used to wank to Hannah Montana when I was home sick from school.
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Wonder what he's doing for Halloween
U are dressed in a full gimp suit, its a full body latex suit besides a tiny hole for U 2 breathe out of bt otherwise you're shrink wrapped like a steak in Tesco, suspended from a chandelier in a pub with a circle of men indiscriminately jizzing on U nd youre going "HOW IS IT GAY THOUGH?", thats how all non-missionary vaginal sex within marriage comes off to alpha male conservative lads like us fyi
Damn, he's pulled out the chinless meme pics. I've been cooked.
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>I used to wank to Hannah Montana
I'm the same age as her, lad.
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My last drink was 26 December 2016
>mi5 not 9 to 5
lol even
Love when a skinny lass wears a tight white top and her perk little tits are being tightly held up by a bra on full display for perverts like myself.
Used to see this a lot at the weekends when I rented a flat opposite a nightclub
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My last cocaine. Christmas 2016
https://wingsoverscotland.com/the-triple-whammy/ Big facts
Girls are too fat for this look now. Shame.
Aye, this was 9 years ago now
You could have probably kidnapped a lot of drunk lasses from that position, lad.
Suppose I could have if I was an unhinged maniac. The club was torched to the ground a few years ago
very thirsty, cant be arsed getting a drink though, dehydration is my fate
We're a very sick country and our people have no spine. I compare our country's situation to that of China during the opium wars, as in, our streets are flooded with drugs from English ports, making us weak while our resources are robbed off us.
At least most of the Chinese back then had some sort of bond with one another though at base level through blood, whereas Scots and Brits as a whole seem to enjoy backstabbing one another at any given opportunity
Grime existence, dire situation.
But I look forward to our warlord era
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Yeah, I'm on that Sunday night wuppagrind. Garn grind some Timesplitters and keep it womfy. No wooze tonight. Smackhead mates finally leaving me alone. NNO day 7 coming on strong.

Things are looking up for little old welper.
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Pickee up a wee(big) bottle of baileys@shops why? Why not? It Halloween
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Might have to give up alcohol for good. Not very Peaty.
Same de lid, it very slowly ruins everything. Or sometimes very quickly depending on how you handle it.
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Ready or Not was mediocre af btw. Not terrible but definitely one of those "watch one and never again" kind of films. I don't regret watching it though, like it I said it wasn't terrible. Needed a better lead actor, Samara Weaving is a terrible actress. No talent whatsoever. Solid 6/10 film.
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Too cold to fap, is it not
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I don't even enjoy drinking wooze anymore. It's over.
Yeah it makes me so unhappy I don't understand why I ever even do it. Time to stop.
>don't build enough prisons so you have to release prisoners early
>don't build enough homes so prisoners can't find anywhere to live & reoffend so they can get a roof over their head

Now that's a British moment
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The plotline sounds boring af. Even IMDB give it a 6/10
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Drink in moderation and know when to stop. I can have 2 bokkles of wud and feel content for the rest of the night
I remember the days when I could get pissed on one can of diamond white. Need to drink at least 4 now
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It's basically Netlflix goyslop tier. Le quirky rich people doing weird evil stuff just... just because okay. Been done to death.
What happens is most times I do this. So I start to become deluded and think I can handle as much as I want. Then I go out and get fucked up because I just don't stop drinking. It sad.
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2015ish is the cut off point before all the woke bs started ruining big budget films.
Still think both Dune films were very good, biggest problem is everything trying to be like Marvel slop
Stupid cat ran out into the rain when I opened the door. Annoying bugger, I've a migraine and just want to go to bed, ffs.
Nice lad. I just hit a year no alcohol today and reflected on how the last year has been the best of my life so far.
Ever considered going back? Any advice for if I ever think I can handle it?
Only watched a handful of films made within the last decade. Most of the films I watch are from the 70s to 00s
>I start to become deluded and think I can handle as much as I want
Most do, including teenage/early 20s me.
proper fuckin robots yeah
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We live, we die.

Try to enjoy the inbetween.

Simple as x
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2015 is the year discord released nd the cutoff year for the internet becoming irredeemable normie shite slop forever. Interesting name "discord"
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At least we still have 4chan, a remnant of the "old internet". One of the last few places online you can pretty much post whatever you want as long as it doesn't break the law.
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>Interesting name "discord"
Not him but, I've always thought this.
It's way better than Joker 2. One of the best horrors of recent years. You really are a pleb, lad.
someone give me a song to listen to NOW
dont even care what it is, just need to find new tunes
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1 of my neighbours got breaking US law perma ban on my 4g range last summer thxfully not range ban yet bt hes been racking them up for ages so I wouldn't b surprised
No such thing as coincidence with this stuff
very nice lad, reminds me alot of some of the old indie/emo stuff i would have got off myspace back int' day
still accepting tune recommendations btw
Ive got nightmare b4 Christmas soundtrack on rn making me feel warm nd fuzzy bt u probably already know it. Nd if u dont, its not really something id recommend per se. So kinda pointless post on my part. Good luck tho
Purchased this on Blu-ray recently. Will be nice to watch it in high quality. Maybe I should have splurged for the 4K but sure. One of my favourite films. Sally's Song and Jack's Lament make me a sadboiiii. SOMETHING'S UP WITH JACK SOMETHING'S UP WITH JACK!
Sometime I feel like,? I want to join a cult, just want some1 to tell me whay the script is with life nd ill follow their directions, doesn't matter if I agree or not,,I just want 2 be told what to do by some1 more assertive. Then I'll habe a secret club where I can meet a qt nd make babies together in a cult. Might join falun gong. Only problem they're all mentally enslaved to a specific guy already so in a cult the qts basically worship the ultimate chad in their mind the Chad's chad so to speak. They would kill u for that guy. So maybe more like I want 2 be a cult leader ultimately. But except I don't want that at all. I guess I just want sex.
>DVD and blu ray sales keep climbing as streaming services become more expensive

maybe the pajeet is onto something
Wempted to goonscroll /gif/ but I shall resist. There are no brakes on the NNO train.
Niggas will really join a ching chong buddhist cult for a crumb of pussy(I am niggas)
Wanked to F1Ns latest drop on /gif/ last night
dont know about you lads but im currently lacking electrolytes
Wonder if Aum Shinrikyo has a glasgow branch
Don't know about this XCOM2. An hour in and I'm a bit overwhelmed to be honest. Maybe should play vanilla without the DLCs.
Always stock up on that if you're going to go on a bender
too late for that lad, the bender was well and truly bent this weekend and now im feeling like death
The electrolyte gnomes keep sneaking in when I'm sleeping and draining me clean.
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Yeah, it's pretty much game over once you start going on /gif/.
You always lose your NNx when you start posting your porn webms de lid, pack it in and stay strong
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Definitely sentimental value. Used 2 watch on VHS @ my cousins house in mustve been late 90s through 2 buying a wee jack skelly wallet in Disney Paris I carried around for years through to when it was a meme during emo music years through 2 my piano teacher was a danny elfman otaku which we bonded on through 2 something I put on @ halloween when I was wageslaving through 2 I didnt care about it for years bt it's getting me in my feelings lately. Nd somehow the only films I saw in cinema with my mum were tim Burton when I look back don't know why it worked out that way bt it did from corpse bride on
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You're absolutely right de lid. Think I'll grind some vidya now.
Did you ever listen to the cover album?
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mad they were known for having really smart members yet when you look at the propaganda it's completely retarded
pic rel is supposedly a picture of the founder levitating. This shit really convinced a bunch of nuclear physicists and lawyers to drop their normal life and join a cult
also forgot to mention that the new bloke at work sometimes talks about himself in 3rd person, think he might be an right wing incel extremist desu
Looks real to me, lad. Don't think I could prove he wasn't levitating.
farting so hard that he lifted himself off the ground, certified madlad
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Sleepburgh soon

Big day tomorrow

Big week, in fact, even
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My nigga Danny is innocent of all chargeds bt here's the thing, even if he wasnt, which he is, but if he hypotheticallt wasnt, its irrelevant, he has EARNED the right 2 go back and literally violently rape any1 he wants. He actually SHOULD go back and rape. Id say in conservative estimates edward scissorhands soundtrack is worth 100 or so rapes nd that's even before the really good stuff. Worlds upside down desu
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You a fan of F1N?
he's a small guy
This lil nigga was bullied into being a troon. Fascinating.
Just enjoy it de lod
The TRUE scandal is that he's actually so beta he NEVER would do those rapes even though he's fully entitled to bt he still got cancelled for doing rapes he's too beta to do in the firstnplace. Now thats beta. Thats my nigga though.
Good afternoon lads. Debt collectors sent me a handy piece of mail saying today's the last day before they take
"further action". What do you reckon they'd be able to do when I own jack shit? Figure it's a bluff.
Had a huge crush on Mandy from Grim Adventures when I was a kid. Not sure why.

Never really followed her tbqh. Traps aren't really my thing.
>Medvedev casually threatening to sink the UK again while babbling about "anglo-saxon dogs"

God i hate this skitzo
I like the Janice Griffith scene where it's a POV in a darkish room and she's all oiled up. Makes me bust massive loads.
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More of a Belle Delphine man meself
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You can wank to anything lad no one can see you just the thrill of it
Icky is way hotter than Finn.

Medvedev is just a drunk retard.
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Nothing stopping you from wanking to both tho
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Listened to this 200 times this weekend

Keanecel lmfao
yeah proper robots
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I would have never called myself a keane fan before. But so many of their tunes I have listened to 500-1000 times
Idk why this post actually had me creased Irl kek
You sound like you're in your 50s
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hangovers? might be for you, but not for me.
Not sure why, but I take that as a compliment anyway
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Found a wee(big) Asahi id forgot was in my bag
I rate these desu
i am learning about scottish culture. building bridges, in these threads.
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Its so on brand that if 1 person was keeping Keane fandom alive in 2024 it would be U Penis, i dont mean anytbing by that its endearing as fuck nd kind of comforting like going in ur granny's kitchen as a wean nd it's full of sweeties, boring ones but they'll do, aye they'll do for me
It's a Norn Iron thing too. Scots and Norn Iron are linked strongly.
giz a wee bag please luv, aye a big one
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Yea there is tho. 1. No surgery for feet, end of story 2. U are a gay man, stop recruiting for your homo cult
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It NNO day 7
Dominating something like F1N is not gay lad
Icky has a really nice willy but I can't get off to him anymore now I've seen what he looked like pre-troon
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It's a big bottle, of which am taking a wee drink(the whole bottle). Now u understand grasshopper
True, based NI
bad means good
cats means dogs
the world is in chaos
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Anyone else always feel wungry at night? Got a wasta in the freezer than I'm now considering necking tonight. Had a fuck off size chinky winkies earlier anarl.
yeah i've nothing in, could order something, won't. not sure what the craving is even for, really. systematically going through every kind of food i could ingest, none of them fit. but it's there.
might as well give the wasta a go. it's getting used, one way or another.
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Am not into men personally
Just remembered i have a cheeky pot noodle in the cupboard. Get iiiiiinnnnnnn
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Having a wee convo with ****. Normally I can keep it 2gether cus we just exchange a few words nd it's over bt she keep replying 2 me. Nd am downing this Baileys. Trying not to say some mental shit.
how to deal with unruly niggers in my student flat taking my oven trays and mugs in the kitchen and using them, then leaving them lying around and not cleaning them. I can't prove which one is responsible, they're fucking jacked gym cunts so doubt i can just leather them either. all suggestions welcome
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Wot woodle and a wankington
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H*rny now obviously
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Goated pic
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Aye she's got some nice lickable feet for sure.

Quite enjoying your MILF feet arc de lid.
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That's a good 1 too. Fugging saved
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Cum2 this too
so glad i blocked these cunts
Make a new thread before it's 150 image limit lazy wagie nigger make it fucking NOW MAKE IT FUCKING HURFY UP NOW
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Cum2 this one also
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Claiming rest of this thread for this hag am in love with rn
You've hit the image limit with feet you silly buggers
new threadingtonbergingtons


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