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Emma Lanford edition


good edish, this

any of yous remember Wham bars
New thread is lush and I mean LUSH x
Don't even know what a wham bar is de lad
They are still a thing.
I recently had some wham spacebabies.
'Maid' is a female
Grim tranny
I just want a fucking blowjob, jesus christ. Literally everything on earth would be a thousand times better if every man was able to get access to an enthusiastic blowjob from a non-fat woman three or four times a week. I would even go so far as to say it would literally create world peace.
Got a real hankering to read through all of Redwall again. The whole series. Loved every single page. Some of my fave books of all time.
It would, the world would be a much better place if women were treated more like property
What's it about lad?
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The R&R hath concluded

The backlog shall now be worked off
>The backlog shall now be worked off
Curious to know what this even consists of
No DVD post either
Nights getting noticeably longer now
There was a guy eating in the restaurant alone when I got there then later on a woman came in and ate by herself. I always go in by myself, first time I've seen others do it, makes me feel a little less weird about it
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Do you lads have a face that just makes people want to talk to you on public transport? I seem to have inherited the family curse. Todays events are as follows.
>Heading back from work
>Kid in a uniform gets on
>Bus is chocca
>They come up and sit next to me
>I'm clearly reading a book
>"Scuse, sorry, um, do you know how many stops until station road?"
>Tell them its 12 stops
>"Oh ok."
>Not even two minutes later
>"Is that a good book?"
>Tell them yes and after seeing that they were waiting for more, give them my take on synopsis
>"I dont think I've ever read a book. Is it good? reading I mean."
>Tell them they're nice for passing time quickly. I live near the airport and the bus is about an hour for me, so it helps to have something that can distract me for ages.
>"Dont you ever like, play on your phone or whatever?"
>I just check my email or answer whatsapps
>"Dont you like, use tiktok and that?"
>tell them I downloaded it once and didn't like it
>Their little mind is fucking blown wide open
>They proceed to give me this 10 minute tirade on why I'm missing out on tiktok and show me a few videos on their phone
>Smile out of politeness, but it's unfunny Gen-A shit.
>I tell them "Your stop next" and they go "OH!" and whilst putting their phone away and getting up they go "uh, do you always take this bus?"
>Tell them yeah
>They get up and toddle off to the front
Think I've made another bus friend lads. They'll pair nicely with the old lady who likes telling me all about what's going on at the butchers and asking for the 50th time if I'd like her to buy some pork loins and hand them off to me the next morning because they're really good and really cheap. Really regretting this bus pass but the bike gets a bit dangerous this time of year.
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Went for a meal whilst I was up in the north at this Laotian restaurant and this studenty lass was eating by herself at the back. After exchanging knowing glances and an awkward smile we both went back to reading on our phones and eating.

Saw her again the very next day at a malaysian curry house only I was seated before her. She ordered the same thing as me.
Quite like it I do.
I don't, the cold is fine in winter, just don't like the darkness

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