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DJ Welper edition



after all i have said and done for Crosslad, he is betraying me. maybe not directly, maybe not knowingly, but he is.

all that's left is the passage of time, i WILL leave him.
HAHAHA oh my god speeak of the devil he just texted me. all you anti-'supernatural' lot can fuck right off, i 100% manifested that.

Crosslad i don't like you any more. but honestly no hard feelings your posts are a good laugh.
Whop'd want you? Schizo zpammer.
Schizo spammer with no life just jumps between british generals chatting shit constantly.
I believe that if you earn over some high (but not impossible) threshold, say around 500k, then you should legally be allowed to kill homeless people.

This would:
1) incentivise high personal growth, productivity, entrepreneurship etc.
2) disincentivise homelessness

Either the upper middle class are allowed to cull the homeless or the homeless lift themselves out of poverty. Either way, fewer homeless people.
I believe homeless people shouldn't have to follow laws
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Hope my indian pal @ Three dont get in trouble for redeeming the data
I dint betray frens
my favourite person, who is now texting me. even if he doesn't want me, i want him enough for both of us? this is a pretty stupid post, you just don't know what it's like to have someone like this in your life. it's more than a close friend or a spouse. you are soul bonded.
homeless people aren't doing high quality crack cocaine, i've seen them not even care when the benzos they take are clearly those fake blue ones (could be anything) instead of even pretending to be pharmacy medication.
we could mass manufacture cheap opiates for them and then what are they going to do? literally nothing. they're sedated, it goes with being homeless. same if they're drunk all the time. then they die anyway. you're just heartless for no reason (we know the reason).
Never feels right 2 wake up 5ish nd have "dinner" for breakfast. It is dinner time tho
Not a fan of developers making half assed console ports of strategy games. Put the effort in cunts.
Whatever you're on isn't good for you.
You've clearly lost your mind.
Good luck with life.
I believe rich people (anyone earning over 500k), as the group who hold all the power and actually run the country should collectively be held legally responsible whenever anyone is denied their right to food and shelter as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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Sonic frontiers was my goty 2022,didn't play many new games that year tho. Can't mind if that's 1 I sold 2 cex last month. Hope not.
Old people rotting alone in care homes - direct consequence of the welfare state. People like Leeiscool1 existing - direct consequence of the welfare state.
Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. The bennies Thanos snap. Dare to dream. In my job I see the full extent of the cost of this stuff and it's sort of amazing that the country even continues. Cannot go on forever I suppose.
genuinely, the FP thing is like a drug. not going to belittle people who are on heroin or whatever by saying 'oh just show willpower, i did haha' that's balls.
i am currently sober. i could take drugs. i have no need to when he is in my life. if he leaves i'll relapse. this isn't a threat. if you just don't like my personality through the medium of 4chan posts, of all things, fine lad. maybe we'd get on IRL maybe we wouldn't that's life isn't it? don't need to armchair analyse beyond that, save your energy.
honestly it's quite a sad state of affairs where you perceive someone as mentally unhinged and go, 'yup, it's the drugs.'
cheap to say it's projecting, but that's just one possibility of many. it might not even be that they're mentally unhinged. there's 'this guy really likes puzzles' then there's this guy's a Rain Man schizo who perceives puzzles everywhere, and has to do them or he smashes stuff, make SURE he gets at least 500 puzzles a day!!' (also some amphetamines and valium, if you're that one anon)
Seems to me it's plump spam shite about some supposed scottish mong, all over again.
Schizo posters truly are annoying faggots.
Algeriaanon is a bit crazy but Plump is a real person. True story.
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>accidental evacuation
Who's the most esoteric anon poster that you recognise as a distinct person?
For me it's probably carwashlad or nietzscheanlad.
Heh... You're a Sanic fan? I wouldn't call it a good game but it tried something different which I respect. The DBZ parts are cool.
Need this hangover 2 pass pronto it Friday
Liam for me. I'd know that twat anywhere.
HHL how will you follow the US election on the 5th/6th? Will you be here?
guy who does night shift at that warehouse.
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Apparently I'm moderately uninteligent.
Liam? Yeah he's a nonce.
My bbc app keeps crashing
didnt need to see your iq test to know that lad
Realistically where else would be?
we've said before lad it's too late now could seve as a lesson get some rehydration sachets in.
'there is no hangover cure' says the news (same news was also saying fake shit about wine helping your heart, funny that).
there is a hangover cure. we know what a hangover is. you 1. stay hydrated, so one drink between every (or every other) non-alcoholc drink. and 2. replenish your electrolytes with any of the PLENTY OF THEM sachets, tablets out there.
Maybe all the spackers in his care home watch it together
Standup comedy routine idea: get up on stage and say 'cooorrr I just came from the loo and let me tell you it felt like the woooooorld was comin out my arse', then proceed to fill the 60 minute slot with endless variations of how it felt like the woooooooooooorld was comin out me arse.
A woman murdered her parents and hid their bodies for 4 years.
Prevention is better than the cure. Just like unemployment
They'll be having an American themed night with American food and music. Something to keep them entertained
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Nobody doing all that when they're on it. The real cure is not drinking.
I haven't had sex in years, but I get a nice pleasant oily hand job from a cute Vietnamese woman with fake tits once a week and it does the trick. She's a good one, always smiling, happy to wear sexy outfits and stuff. All things considered can't complain.
Seems like a nice polite lady. Let her go desu.
How much does it cost you? She an escort, or she works at a massage parlour?
nah even if you are/become a daily alky even if you go out you can manage it, it's one of those things you get clever about. same way you're hiding booze, or if you're at the breadline you're still 'acquiring' booze, maybe giving up food, that sort of thing. just another form of addiction, with the harm reduction practices you get a feel for (pure 30+ hangovers with the shakes and everything are a daylong hell, please DO try to take the steps man)
any pic of helen?
Literally never ever seen a more beautiful woman in my entire life
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This is now the new normal in wm/wf relationships. The BNWO is winning!
Why don't you drive to wareham and ask SSM for one? You can drive, right?
Damn. Time for a #whiteboimoment
>The BNWO is winning!
Objectively false, and you even admitted this yourself
BNWOlad isn't winning
First concert I ever went to was Busted. Me mum took me.
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Bros. What do girls butts smell like?
Friday evening but posting at an all time low. Strange.
Meat feast pizza + garlic dip + Pepsi on it's way me leieds waaheeey!
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>What do girls butts smell like?
Most posters were enjoying a #whiteboimoment after this >>79092027
Bit late but I had to do something,
>i am currently sober.
Ah, sorry about saying you were on something. And more importantly, sorry about being a cunt. I wish I had an excuse/reason, but I don't, I'm just a cunt.
Wish I had a gaming PC to play games like Stellaris, CK3 and Rimworld but then I remember I hate mouse and keyboard and I get RSI too easily.
You can use controllers with a PC.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEOF7_AEYYc - Big booby girl that talks about TES

And of course Melonie who I've posted a few times before.


But does girl shit smell better than man shit?
Ghosts actually do exist.
What makes you say that, and with such certainty?
Not applicable for the games I listed is it dickhead?
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Its a good game desu. I was downing the vallies big time that Christmas bt I tbjnk I'd have liked it either way. Need 2 get on that DLC some day.
>Not appIicable for the games I listed is it dickhead?
You ever play Sonic Heroes? I lived on that game as a wee lawd.
Might play Wasteland 2. Thoughts?
it's okay man. THIS could be a trick troll, ad nauseum. bad general feeling/energy in the threads sometimes, i think we're all a bit peculiar, LARPing or not, it is what it is. genuinely enjoy the diversity of posting here. good place, easy to lose sight of that really.
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Staring @ the ceiling in dark room all day is it king
>Ghosts actually do exist
Knackered af me what a week de lads going to bed now, yeah its early but im tired so fuck off
Ye that 1 was class nd I think its true about autism colours cus am just thinking of the blue red yellow in that game where everything was dead smooth nd spherical feeling 2 know what I mean......make me feel like a kitten w a ball of wool looking @ it happier than a seagull w a chip. Just v satisfying
Big the Cat is a real nikka that's all I'll say on the matter.
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3 more weeks until Japan trip lids.
Chika's sphincter getting pushed to its limits tonight
Everytime Chika gets a cock in his arse he loses a hair on his head.
reminder that every human who has died has become a ghost, but they survive on faith like fairies so you keep killing them with your demands for proof (it's mostly on a select few cunts OVERdoing it or we'd at least have a handful in every city everyone knows about)
will you be meeting up with SSM?
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I'll meet up with anyone lid.
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Redpill me on Nessie
If you feel it has happened before, it could have been me, I have previous for seething at people, then more or less immediately. I'm a faggot like that, unfortunately.
2 more weeks until Hungary trip lids.
Trip soon. Can't say where.
i did go on a deep dive on this one but i was on drugs and started having all weird thoughts about it (you know how it is)
think it was a surgeon who glued a piece of pipe to a photograph, i suspect it was modern art that got out of hand

mental shit lives in the water you don't need to embellish that. it's not as though there are ghosts but they aren't that good, so let's invent ghosts. there are either just ghosts or they aren't. we don't know. but the ghost that WOULD be? impressive ones, we'd all be flabbergasted.
now i feel comfortable enough to ask a NEUTRAL cat question:
you have a cat, you go on holiday for a week. can it just live in your flat, get enough water by itself (one of those machines?) litter box would smell but cats seem to okay with that, not just shitting on the floor.
food? that's where i'm lost.
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Got a cold so have been wrapped up warm playing the sims again like a girl
I did it with my cat, but had somebody come every 3 days to change the feeder and water and litter tray. Did a 3 day trip as well, but she was ok with the auto feeder and the water.
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They make food dispensers too that release some at a certain time every day. Most cats would be in a right strop if you left them for a week though.
Bags are packed ready for the Alfa Travel trip tomorrow. First class all the way there
I get too horny playing The Sims because I just make it waifu simulator.
ohh neat. like i was wondering since i've known people with those water fountains and they can even 'recycle' the water, you're not putting out fresh water every X hours, great stuff. but then food?! why auto-water if not auto-food?
auto feeder though, there's the answer. auto feeder.
I meant feeder for the food. I have linkrel, it can do 5 meals.
Oh, yes. It's a game where I make a character. So, I make a VERY attractive female. A hot piece of ass, my ideal woman. I spend the entire time playing the game with an erection. Oh, yes.
They also do self cleaning litter trays but I'm wary of those, the cheap ones off amazon have killed a bunch of cats
Judging by the hips and tits on the one on the right, so does he
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Badly wanted her 2 be real when i was wee bt first time I was @ the loch myself i looked out nd I didn't "feel" any Nessie in there at all(intuitives know what I mena). I instantly knew there's no Nessie. Ghosts on the other hand U definitely feel them.
you could probably triangulate ghosts by having three empaths moving around. say it's a building, and it's going to get demolished. coax the ghost into a brick. then demolish around it, then the whole building.
you'd have a ghost brick.
Loch Ness Monster fucked me up the arse at Butlins. Stephen Mulhern pointed and laughed at me while Nessie shot 10 tons of cum up my arse and absolutely decimated my insides.
i saw a black dog on some foggy fields and to this day i don't know if it's one of those lengandary monster black dogs, or if it was just a canine majoris with dark fur.
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Quick #whiteboimoment then I'm going out.
Don't remember that from the family ness
which Scrooge McDuck do actual Scotch people prefer?
The Lampies.
A show about little people living in street lights.
shouldntve watched ghost videos on youtube so late at night
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Tomorrow is Asuka Gaming Saturday! Goodnight.
Might treat myself to a new pair of these for winter, me thinks.
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Cor cute nessie
remember a featurette on the bloke who made it, i think on the lottery show they did, trying to pretend it was a variety show. 'look at this bloke who had a dream and made a cartoon!'
think of all the blokes who have cartoon ideas that never get made. even if you want to make a cartoon, the privilege is you get to work on a Batman direct-to-streaming thing, surely. you don't get to sit and doodle your world of lamps coming to life, do you?
>out of 30 Short
fug. they do look good ;_;
Created by David Bonner in conjunction with Uli Meyer Animation Studios and music by Mcasso Music, there are fifty eleven-minute episodes that were originally commissioned by the BBC.[citation needed] Financial issues caused the creative and business drive to falter, and all momentum was lost.[citation needed] In 2003 The Lampies IP was bought from the receiver by the chairman of Darlington Football Club and businessman, George Houghton. Surviving episodes of The Lampies remain available on magnetic VHS tape and DVD in the United Kingdom.
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They are warm as well, I've had a couple of pairs. I'm going with long this time, as the legs will be longer so won't rise up too bad when I sit down. Picrel.
You could look elsewhere. Maybe ebay? Think they are 90 1uid on the cragghopper site. maybe gooutdoors has them? Millets online may also stock them.
Yeah wouldn't mind some 'activewear' type clothes I just, wear' ykonw? See them in outdoorsy shop, local market has a workwear stall with them.
could always just some Regatta type thing, sure they do trousers. and when it's COLD cold, base layers! they're like magic. you just want to stay dry as well as warm.
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dang segzy cartoons man
I'm no longer able to ramble, but have been out in winter in them. I just wear them indoors/as my winter trousers now.
Amazon eye mask recommendations lads?

Want one I can wash and that ACTUALLY blocks the light out completely. This includes through the fabric and around/under the bridge of my nose.
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Back homes and having a few VKs. Might order a webab wrap later classic HHL style.

It Friday x
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post belly fat boy.
>a webab wrap
name the meat/meats (and their ratios), spices, cooking style, and what form of flatbread forms the wrap.

(and you a chilli or garlic man?)
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>fat boy

I'm skelly mode de lid. I got that high metabolism rate Makaveli style.
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The one I like is just a wegular doner wrap with some salad in it. Nothing fancy.
gotta get that sauce in, lad.
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I'll get a warlic dip with it de lid. It lush x
I thought you didn't like spicy food
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>highly classified HD images of UFO/UAPs are being leaked online
>this one has been nicknamed the Afghanistan Reaper

Corr I hope they leak even more. Fuck the U.S. government.
Thought life's better when you're sober de liiiid?
Get the aliens on the drink and the wokey NOW
Going bed soon. Can't say what time.
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Giving what those things are hanging from it I wouldn't advise getting wissed with them de lid. There's a reason they nicknamed it the "Reaper".
>10 years on from definite first contact and integration with aliens, some Britons still aren't happy.
>"They just don't exist. It's impossible." says George Randi of the Skeptics Society, one of the few organisations that explicitly BANS the aliens now simply wandering around

Only having a few wokkles. It Friday x

The mad thing about these latest leaked pics is that, besides being in extremely high definition for once, they are exactly what Jeremy Corbell said they have videos/pictures of from Iraq. They seem attracted to active warzones.
wonder how many wanks he's had
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Necking this VK now. Think I'll order that webab wrap about 11:30ish.
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wonder what wops is up to right now. tucked up in beddy byes to get a a good sleep before her shift at poundtown? squeezing in an extra half hour on animal crossing? smooching her BF in a bus stop as they wait for the last bus home? wanking herself silly? corr the mind truly boggles
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After planning to for about 2 weeks now and constantly putting it off. I finally Garn scouting today. Naturally when you scout out a place the first thing you do is try the local chip shop. This particular was edible and ok, but not the sort of place I could go to every day. Overall the area was pretty nice. Albeit a bit bland and soulless
I'm going to play some Wasteland 2: Director's Cut if that's okay with you lads?
>imagine the smell
i bet she's a legit femcel
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Got this fucker on repeat. Love it x

whilst "lifted" is rightly considered their magnum opus there is room for "ocean drive" is this anons bitter heart
Good sleepington this was

Brekkie in 60 or thereabouts i fink
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On me second wokkle of VK now. It worange & wassionfruit x
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Been awarded PIP today. Not sure how I feel about it. Anybody else on PIP here?
That sort of skin sensitivity which sends pain through the rest of your body. Deeply unwomfy. Sleep must solve.
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Think half of britfeel is on PIP at this point de lid.

We dem NEET boyz, we making noise

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Mummy Liz will protect our bennies. She knows we good boys. We deserve a little financial reward in life.
Just got PIP they better not turn it into vouchers or some other shit thing. We are getting an update in spring 2025 to see what the government is doing with PIP. The consultation that they had a few months ago was overwhelming negative, so heres hoping its not going to change. They probably just make it even harder to get or change the assessment.
She wants to kick you in the wollocks and make you suffer

Nah the voucher thing was just some Tory manifesto shite to get more votes from boomers. Labour will never follow through with it unless they really want to lose 2+ million votes at the next election which would kill them off. Even when the government talk about cracking down on wenefits they mean get all the people off who bandwagoned on welfare during COVID, most of them won't even appeal being taken off.
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>She wants to kick you in the wollocks and make you suffer

Phwoaaaar I fucking hope so.
Just discovered this Emily pops. Not sure why you call her wops im not aware of the britfeel lore, could I have a quick rundown? I hope its not related to her having a black boyfriend.
I find her oddly attractive. Is it the autism that she has with her games or is it the fact I havent spoken to a woman since 2014.
no reason you couldn't change the PIP vouchers for crypto. easy way to do it, that. voucher disappears, presumably you've got food. oh what's these drugs now in your socks? well, your bank account has been scanned and there are no dodgy drug deals there, haha, you must be clean x
So do you get PIP on top of other benefits?
I don't even know what benefit I'm on. After being on UC for a while which involved going to jobcentre to be bullied I eventually applied for and was accepted onto some kind of not fit for work which I did a call for.
This came with a substantial pay increase. Since then a few years have passed and I've never spoke to anyone or had to do anything. No letters, nothing.
Idk if they forgot about me or what, but I don't want to remind them I exist desu.
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Imagine if Rishi actuallly won the election. Wonder what would be happening right now in that timeline. Probably not much different than this timeline asides from more pandering to pensioners and even more funding to Israel.
Yes you can get universal credit and LCWRA which is around 700 pounds also housing benefit if you live in a council house or rent an house. And PIP on top of that.
If the Jobcentre made you look for work you would have been on LCW. LCWRA is where you are unfit for work and you have to hand 3 months of sick notes and pass the Work Capability Assessment.
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>mate I went to school with randomly inviting me to play COD

Corr I would but I'm currently enjoying monging out to me choons so I'll have to pass this time.
Ah yeah that was it. Yeah I did sick notes for a while and the work capability assessment. Just surprised they've never tried to kick me off it or contacted me again. They probably will next year.
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Hillbilly rock, hillbilly roll
Stand in line and away we go
A little bit of moonshine, a little bit of meat
Do the hillbilly rock and roll with me, yeah
Hillbilly rock, hillbilly roll
Stand in line and away we go
A little bit of moonshine, a little bit of meat
Do the hillbilly rock and roll night, yeah

On them strongbow dark fruits now x
Liz Kendall making the loser sign as Helper is tied up and says "What does this stand for you pathetic little pussyfree loser?", Helper say "Does it stand for Liz?" She kicks his wollocks and says "NO!, it's for loser, like you!"

8 woman walk into the room as he's being kicked in the wollocks and all start laughing at him, the lead girl says "What THE FUCK is going on here?" and Liz responds "He's actually paying for this you know?" and Liz joins in the laughing. All 9 women at once start chanting "Loser Loser, Little Helper Loser"

One of the other women chimes in and say "Do you think he's a virgin?" the rest burst into laughter and another woman says "Of course he is!"
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Just ordered that webab haven't I.
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It NNO day 12 x


Based. Gonna screenshot this post and paste it over a pic of Mistres Liz.
post a pic of it for the lads
Split screen, on the left, HHL is sat on his laptop in the care home editing wikipedia. On the right, Paige is screaming with pleasure as her pussy is being pounded by a real man
Corr, would like to see the end result of that
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Don't threaten me with a good time.

Cheers x
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Ebin has been running this thread from his lair, deep in the Bowels of the Grand Hotel, for the best part of 18 months now
Smashing NNO like I'm garn smash this webab. They said it couldn't be done, well now who's laughing.
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Remember doing lines while listening to this choon not that long ago. 2022 vibes.

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I went quite far this month, lost it on day 7 though
Ever heard this? Sounds up your street, with tonights vibes

You're all welcome for the northern lights btw. This is nothing compared to what I have planned for next year though.
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>This is nothing compared to what I have planned for next year though.
>English Version
Disgusting and shameful

Heard it loads of times. It fun x
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>You're all welcome for the northern lights btw
prefer the southern lights
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It heatwave x

HHL is one of the most powerful and influential people on 4chan, but he hides behind a veil of buffoonery
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Kek I'm running the show. This is the best era yet because in the past I never had the internet. I love seeing realtime reactions.
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*eyes roll to the back of me head SSM style*
*smacks lips*

Yeah, I'm necking that webab wrap now. Corr it fucking lush and I mean LUSH x
Me? Currently on the toilet struggling to push out a big log. It piles time.
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Large Brazillian man
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Oooof! aaaah! uuuurgh!
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*Sound of gunshots*
Wahey! Tomb Raider 4 - 6 getting a remaster as well. Angel of Darkness is shit but sure.
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My body is ready

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The turdington hath been dropped
poo'd in loo, did you not
Brazil is one of those kinos ya hafta watch twice to make properly sense of imo

It's like a fever dream put to the silver screen, specially that there second half

Utmost kinography imo
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What is this gimmick? Too cryptic for my likings.
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It's all fun and games x
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Brazil? Pic related is my favourite scene.
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... Afaik Gilliam himself has never confirmed whether the "bad" ending was the canon one or not either

I like to think it was though, serves more as a cautionary tale compared to the outlandish happy-go-lucky fairytale shit the studio execs forced him to put into the final cut
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Do you have wizza down there?
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Corr it just so wovely x
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We all Helper on this blessed day.
Need to prep the other thing real quick corr
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Star of the show you are.
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Hope you all go see my new film.
AI frog lad, will you make a frog version of patrick bateman please?
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Only got three wuds left. Might as well neck them then off the wooze for the rest of the weekend.
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Having a hard time getting anything decent for some reason.
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Oh aye lad oh aye
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A little simulation baby
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It be like this, does it not
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I bring back dreamcore vibes x

Andy's Fag Club
just seen Peter Hook playing all the old joy division songs. fucking wooooofy. SHE'S LOST CONTROL. AGAIN.
I wonder what Ruth is getting up to right now.
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Mr Worton really hates big shots
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Probably in bed on her phone. Miss that lass.

Xbox One X is off now. Time for bed.
Probably in bed, yes, but not on her phone and not sleeping.
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Necking these wuddingtons then crashing out. Only got two left, feel like jumping a taxi to that town but fuck that cba.
What do 18-19yo adults get up to then?
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Still haven't installed that M.2 SSD. Think I'll just do it next week. As long as it's sorted before BO6 releases.
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Hopefully you won't cause electrostatic discharge. Best to buy one of them wristbands and do it in the kitchen away from carpets.
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I'd say there is a good 40-50% chance I fuck it up. Genuinely worried about doing it tbqh.
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Such a tiny boxroom. At least it's not mouldy and got boxes everywhere.
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Where crosslid @ tonight

He knows the score x
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>ywn be a photo on some girl's bedroom wall

It sucks to have missed out on the early 20s dating.
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Embarrassing how much Brits are mogged by yanks. Gibi's living room is probably bigger than my entire gaff. Rich yankee whore.
Yeah our homes are a fucking joke. You definitely see such a big difference with American asmrtists boxrooms. We build homes with even smaller rooms now and closer to other homes for a sense of community (lol).
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Just terrible them council homes.
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American ASMR girls make British ASMR girls look third world tier with their set ups. We're bascially the poor losers of the Anglosphere. Even Canada, New Zealand and Australia are all minted compared to us.
mad watching those property shows on TV and they're looking at nice middle class houses out in the country that cost close to a million and they've all still got the same shitty tiny boxrooms with ugly cream walls and textured ceilings. "nice big master bedroom" as they can barely squeeze four people and a cameraman in it. You have to be genuine aristocracy to not live like a pleb in this shit country
Wops needs to put down the funko pops and clean her room. Absolutely abhorrent.
This is why British asmr girls are so obsessed with travel and posting from villas. They deep down hate this shit, immigrant filled, crime infested country with tiny homes.
people in new zealand and australia love to complain about house prices over there but at least they get nice houses for it
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I remember when I first started watching Jen's ASMR videos in 2014 her set up was just a low quality camera in a council estate bedroom. Her set up is pretty proffessional now thanks a decade of simpbuxx.
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>They deep down hate this shit, immigrant filled, crime infested country with tiny homes.

Pic related
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Man I wish I could just get life on easy mode by exploiting sad virgin men with parasocial relationships.
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>by exploiting sad virgin men with parasocial relationships.
Nah she's a lazy bitch. Probably makes her mum do everything like laundry, clean her room and buy her groceries.
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Taxes fund the rape and murder of our people
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Random late night thought.

I reckon Casper was the last openly pro-White film that came out of Hollywood. Surprised it hasn't had a woke reboot.
If only I had a gf. Maybe the misogynistic outbursts would stop.
You just know a 2024 version of this scene the kid wouldn't be some blonde Hitler youth looking kid

Pax Americana peaked in the 90s.
Probably never going to work ever again. Fuck you wagie immigrant cunts keeping wages low. If life is going to be shit, then I'll take shit and free time instead of shit and slavery anyday.

this ever happen to you lads?
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On me last wokkle now.

End of an era x
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>getting cockblocked by a pig

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ello im bri'ish innit


It Truman Show x
How we get sex lads without needing to own a fucking house, car and earn lots of money?
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Memes aside if I ever found out my life was a Truman Show I'd probably kms from the embarrassment of knowing all my monging out has been watched by millions. Well, that and all the wanking.

I have to laugh at those femdom thots dropping L signs on Reddit and Twitter, shilling their on sale onlyfans offers, who only have like a few hundred followers, most of which are porn bot accounts. You just know if some rich simpfag paid them to shit on camera and eat it they would do it lmao. I can't take them ones seriously. Most of them are South American and Eastern European whores.
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Why did he delete his post? Oh well never mind.
My god these fartingtons are rancid as shidd right now aren't they

Bah gawd, even
Got banned from /pol/ again for shitposting about UFOs. It not right what happen.
Laura is cuter than Lauren.
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Laura and Lauren.

The double LL girls.
Waura and Wauren
My ex therapist was called Laura. What a bitch. Tried to get me sectioned back in 2021.
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Prefer women that have some self-respect lad.
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Based Ruthlid.

I'm sorry for calling you Ruthmong btw, I just went along with it because of peer pressure. Me and you are on the same page in life x
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It's ok lad. We may be losers but that's societies fault. I don't take anything personally.
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Wooze finished off so am garn call it a day now. I stood for what was right tonight.


>We may be losers but that's societies fault.

Words of wisdom lid, words of wisdom.
We weren't born with that female privilege to exploit sad men on the internet for attention and money. We don't have mental health anywhere near as bad as them middle class bints living life on easy difficulty.
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Beddingtons calls my name. Think I'll lay in beddingtons and mong out to some fantasies for a bit before garn sleeps. Nighty night x
Love how normies says "get a job" like it is even possible. Fuck em.
Good night welper. Don't let the seethies bite x
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Looks like this asmrtist I like.
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Adult life played me a terrible card. I will not accept the social conditioning by working in a shit job all my life.
Being NEET is better for my mental wellbeing. Being a slave probably would have made me go crazy and affect others wellbeing. It's for the best.
>Glass wa'ah bottleburgh fell ovah again
>Fell right into the trash bin holder where it's staying put as a puddle right now, just like the other day

Page sixington is it not

Shall be letting the bread die i fink
it would die every single night if not for me and one or two other posters
HHL working as a rent boy on mallorca
>"First transgender star wars stormtrooper revealed"

A typical headline in globohomocorpo clownworld, to be sure
And youre here to read and watch it all


These two videos are great. First one is SlutyVanessa who seems to have deleted everything but a bunch of stuff is still floating around like this. Nutted hard to that video last night.
Might start crossdressing and become a CD prostitute.
a DVD is just a CD with more storage
just a tad tired as of right now, hence I will be having a coffee
Why not sleep my lad
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you know what you're right I'll take a nap right now. cheers
On le wissington arn't i
Went for a nice morning walk
Just want ruthmong back ;_;
DavidC is a multimillionaire who funds most of Mark's escapades. Including all of the recent PS5 purchases. It's all done to rile up the trolls, and it works wonderfully.
Scroll up a bit lad he was here around 4am
Time for a trekkie brekkie my lads
reckon ruthmong's parents are minted
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Lazy day today I reckon. We keeping it womfy and no stress.
lazy balding gay man
Up nice and early today for 16 hours of obsession with anonymous personalities is it king?
Same here. Currently at work but will finish before 12. Got all the chores out the way yesterday so might just stick on the lotr films whilst it pours of rain outside.
Very based.
Might watch all of them plus the appendices documentaries in the winter again myself. Lush.
For me it's vidya. And Shogun. Best thing I've watched in years.
Ruth waking up with a sore tuppence
Congo George waking up next to her with the stench of her quim still slathered over his member.
Making pancakes and bacon, lads. Got real maple syrup to go with it. Should be delish.
Blows my mind that there are grown men who wake up first thing on a Saturday morning and immediately think to themselves 'ooohhh, I need to jump back onto britfeel, hope I didn't miss anything!'
i leave the tab open
But your first thought is that you need to hop back in the thread, right?
no first thing I do is get a drink and check news headlines then I switch over. Just routine isn't it
It's no weirder than normies checking their instagram when they wake up, or wagies checking their emails
I'd say it is much weirder than a wage checking their emails. The fact that you can't see it's weirder is honestly concerning.
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>electrostatic discharge
Another day spent on britfeel arguing about spending the day on britfeel is it, kings?
fuck me those look lush

Dosser eats 1800 calories for breakfast. Amazing.
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Steadily getting through the batter. Wish I had a flat top.
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>Blows my mind that there are grown men who wake up first thing on a Saturday morning and immediately think to themselves 'ooohhh, I need to jump back onto britfeel, hope I didn't miss anything!'

Had a shower first, but yeah that's the jist of it. Saying that, /britfeel/ is usually the very last thing I check on my phone before going to sleep, and the first thing as I wake up
People who phonepost are subhuman. Phones are utterly shite for internet usage and browsing.
Friend on my mum has been on sick leave due to stress for two months now because one day a shelf fell in her kitchen and she said 'its just all too much' and had a "breakdown" and said she couldn't work. Women in the workforce is such a meme lol.
Meh. I am sympathetic to this. Humans were not built for the way we live with constant small stresses, surrounded by strangers we have to interact with regularly.
>news headlines

what site do you go to. for me its daily mail
That's just heartless to be honest. If you were made homeless through no fault of your own (say that your landlord just doesn't like you so they evict you), would you be okay with being killed?
Jerusalem Post de lid
Not him but the Daily Mail depresses me

The main news site I go to is BBC News. Sometimes I check Sky News.
>Daily Mail depresses me

There's a good story today

>A remorseless woman who killed her parents and hid their bodies in their own home for four years, sickeningly told police who turned up to arrest her: 'Dad's body is in there, mum's in the wardrobe.'

Because it's insufferably sensationalist

That was the top story on the BBC News site yesterday
Nothing wrong with that if they're organic

why did you get banned?
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>Jerusalem Post
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Corr, looking forward to this case
Time for bed
It's not time for bed at all is it lad, it's bloody midday
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Jews are CUTE

This. I support Israel!
Just woke, and realised I missed a contractor appointment this morning at 10:00. Whoops/10.
I blame staying up till 04:00 drinking rum, it can be the only thing, haha. Good ole rum.
>cherry picked image taken from /pol/
>reddit spacing
>cherry picked image

No. I have IDF folder that I saved years ago mostly webms and she's in a few of them
But no excuse for reddit posting? Usually people try to claim it is to make a post legible, but your post only has 3 words.

reddit > incels
Had a dream about that girl at school from 20 years ago again. What if I wasn't so fucking awkward? I'll never know.
Is that the order your mum organises her trains?
I'm fascinated by /pol/s antisemitism being so overpowering it doesnt allow them to hate the muslims that are actually destroying the west.
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seasideMARK Is off to Swanage for the afternoon. He's feeling bored and lonely

So you're saying you've not really spent time on /pol/ then, just formed an opinion?
look laddy it's the future but this is still an ASCII board, like it or not, and Reddit doesn't have a monopoly on carriage returns (is that it? someone will know)
i did one there. not paying a CENT, a PENNY or a SATOSHI (proposed term for sub-bitcoin) to, i dunno, Piczo. Digg. websites.

was it the you-as-an-adult-with-your-memories one, or was it back-in-time (a child again) flavoured?
How would spending more time there change anything?
No I was just back in that time. We were both at the back of French class in our assigned seats because the teacher put the ugly ones furthest back (overheard teacher say this to another staff). Still I thought she was a nice looking girl. I messed it all up.
Am i the only one who can't make any sense of this anon's posts?
my guess is he's gesticulating at "lurk moar fgt" but it's a silly place. you'd just be absorbing more silliness. you could learn actual politics (in a textbook sense) or how to play the guitar, or even a whole bookshelf worth of languages to be learned. polling stations remain the same.
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Seeing a lot more british asian hybrids these days. Probably would look better with oversized glasses.
fuck. yeah it's awkward when you're like that, because it's in your own head, right? 'social' anxiety? the fuck is judging you? dreams.

i have a cadence, i'm (self-)aware, i'm not some robot and i actually hope that anon yesterday cooled off a bit. i also do hope the cat anon is okay. i genuinely want people to be well.
but also you get old and you hit this point where you're just 'you', y'know? if you're in your 20s please take this as a comfort: your personality is who you are. actively fighting it in some bizarre ironic or sarcastic way would just be fake.
Carriage return is to return to the beginning of the same line of text. According to wiki, not knowledge I already knew.
No, this is pointless spacing. I tried googling pointless reddit spacing, but it only came back with results that said FAGGOTS. Hurrhurr, that's not true, sorry for fibbing.
You would be able to see that what you said is untrue.
Me and hhl breaking balls
Find her on Facebook and message her de lid.
Me and hhl touching balls

>According to wiki, not knowledge I already knew.
haha i was actually so stoked we just had some guy who knew this, like an (actual) autistic poster and this was their thing. that'd be class. in reality paragraphs help break up text. ye (not actually the) internet has changed, but i am still on a computer monitor and it's not even an effortpost to see someone just using the Screen Real Estate(TM) effectively.

as for /pol/ stuff i dunno this is just /b/, re-branded. like it is actually a secret club, and to be the most seekrit klub brained, thou must....... blahblahblah. if you like that particular message board or agree with their views, you do you. this thread is for feels. even if you were in a cult, trying to get more cult people, sometimes you'd take a break just to get chips, and the other people getting chips wouldn't want cult stuff to go with their chip acquisition.

anon's dream was more interesting than this post.
She doesn't really have much online presence. She would be 34 now and settled down in life. She wouldn't be the girl I remember.
Really baffling that some of you take issue with proper spacing in posts.

Paragraphs for the based.
Wonder what HHL's balls look like, tiny I reckon.
nasty lass on holiday AGAIN.
Might ask the gf for a bj later today
i offer this freely to the /pol/ anon:
it is a conspiracy to turn us against each other, instead of against the REAL enemy.
tbqh they probably actually believe this and that it's the Jews, or something. and communists believe it in the Marxist/class sense. i do believe it, 'unironically' so to speak, but i don't know who. i think it's all just happened a bit by accident, which is something more people need to be mindful of. the general ebbs and flows, accidents, the less extravagant chaos in life.
>Who's bored nowadays??? Always something to do. Cut the grass, help around the house, kids, go to the gym.

really is a different world for the normie man.
Imagine being single past 30 and all your 'mates' are busy raising a family.
the gym part takes some degree of time and releases chemicals. if you're into drugs but not into exercise, seriously give exercise a go, it's a good one.
it's an odd paradox of modern life that even when do have recreational time it feels like there's nothing to do despite having more to do than at any other point in history (you could watch any film ever created, now, for example). but it all starts with those pesky chemicals.
This me except it's not some remedy to boredom it's actually just an unending raft of shit that takes up any and all of my free time.
people dont like talkin to me because i am so robotic i always seem detached and aloof but its just how i am so im alone
I'm the only guy in my friend circle that has a sprog. We are all 30+ too. People nowadays just don't have kids anymore.
Women did this. They are truly an evil.
is Ender's Game any good? as a novel, not simply as a high concept. (really fucked over Blade Runner with this one, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a really decent novel)
I have no interest in drugs or going to the gym. I'd much rather walk around outside for a few hours than lift. Gym does not make a man more appealing to women unless he is naturally attractive.

Sounds like you need to get out of it.
Blaming women for your own faults won't get you anyway

Don't get me wrong, I've come across some truly horrible women, but not all women are horrible
>won't get you anyway

My brain messed up
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Even the average girl wouldn't see you as desirable in this cruel world.
>I'd much rather walk around outside for a few hours
need to get back into this myself.
what do you do? is it just wandering, for its own sake? anything of interest happen recently?
No, there might be one, but it's not me. I have used a typewriter before, and I'm trying to remember how it operated. I can't really remember, so watched a vid.
So, the roll that holds the paper (unsure if that is said "cartridge") moves to the left as the person types (I used blue for that), then when the typer uses the lever, the roll/cartridge moves back to its original position, but it automatically drops down to the next line.
Colleague at work's like that. Whenever we're out after work most people there will be talking about their kids at some point during the evening and he's sat there sheepishly because, although he has a long term gf, she's some bipolar bitch with anxiety and depression issues who couldn't look after a hamster, let alone a kid. He's stupidly asked her to marry him so now they're engaged and she's freaking out about a wedding that hasn't even been planned. Absolute trashbin of a woman.
you incel types, whatever you call/consider yourselves, are really really underestimating how mental people are. in the real world, in Britain. i am telling you for a fact this is the case, i don't know how to drill it into you.
I'm pretty sexy desu
Doesn't matter though. I'm an assburger so I'll die alone. It's why I know the shit you see on r9k about chads and height and whatever is mostly wrong. You can be sexy hot and phwoar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but it doesn't matter much if you're a sperg.

>He doesn't know that women are not even human, but a lovecraftian hivemind; a single entity that masquerades as human to ensnare men and steal our seed for some ungodly purpose
Yes I know women are mental but not on our level.

Now THIS is epic. Epic for the win!
>>He doesn't know that women are not even human, but a lovecraftian hivemind; a single entity that masquerades as human to ensnare men and steal our seed for some ungodly purpose
I've met some good women in my lifetime and I've also met some truly horrible vindictive terrible women.

I guess you can say the same for men. There are good people and bad people.
love you to bits anon, appreciate the effort here. it's been ages since i used an actual typewriter. i had one as a kid but it was a goofy Argos one, the cartridges got stuck and i remember having to manually 'force' it back left a lot but i think it was just cheap shite.
did have a go tapping away at a historical metal one in a museum once. /g/ types go on about mechanical keyboards but actual metal caps connected to mechanisms like that, that degree of effort is actually going to take its toll over time. WW2 typists must have had bicep fingers by the end.

what's your position in this? do you have to go to the wedding when it happens?
might start filming night walks and talking about britfeel and memes to the rozzers as answers to questions I have no intention of caring to respond to legitimately
fair, although this post and willybiscuit's above yours are worth 'reading into' (pretend it's crafted, doesn't make a difference if it's all in your head, right?)
Didnt know locus is a real word
Mum's got visitors round and I've got no fucking food or drink up here. Fuck sake this pisses me off so much.
He is best known for being a nonce.
I thought I'd reply to the other bits on a separate post, as the typewriter one was quite long.
I see it as, back in t'day, we had I'M NOT READING THAT WALL OF TEXT, and this is similar, or worse IMO, as it's more effort needed to read it. And I know it's not really much effort, but it is pointless. Furthermore, I know this is all just IMO so should STFU.
Ah ffs, there's still the /pol/ stuff to reply to. With that I just meant, spend time there before forming an opinion, ye olde don't judge a book type bollocks.
if you want a fun "there's an an academic/psychological term for that?" lil internet dive, look up "locus of control"
Reading the wikipedia article now thanks
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well someone's got to be a nuisance haven't they?
no worries lad. honestly you can just cut the bullshit, it's like postmodernism, you hum and haw, but it's actually freeing when it's just gone.
my worry with /pol/ is that it would become a self-contained capsule of culture, rather than the broader notion of actual politics. i have political views, and they are different to yours. i also don't feel any anorak-ness to a particular Star Trek captain. but i get what Marcus Aurelius was saying about injecting yourself. Meditations should be a must-read, whatever your stripes.
Worth a try though init lad. I added a girl I knew from school on linkedin but she never added me back, but was glad I tried.
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>alcoholic dosser goes to the same beach, stands in the same place and talks about the same bollocks time after time

Compelling viewing lads
Wish I had a weekend DVD delivery to keep my dopamine levels going.
Get a weekend drug delivery instead
yeah proper robots yeah
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if you drink/take drugs, put in the occasional 'sneaky' order for 'future' you. there's the bog standard "haha i got drunk and i bought x" but what you do is you establish that as a mindset, then it's POSSIBLE stuff will just turn up, and then it actually does.
You? Yeah proper robot
I have a few books I want to try and work through, but have misplaced them. One of them being meditations. I need to find them again, as well as other misplaced items.
Struggling to find love in this ever-changing world
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you are on a love quest. a hero's journey. what point are you at, lad?
That's the title of my new Doom Metal album.
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Lovely image desu
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Not to worry, my Blu-ray film collection will rise by approximately by 25 come Monday and got that J Horror Rising box set pre-ordered for the end of the month.
Wanking to the lass on Mythbusters with big baps.
Read the bible instead. Salvation is here.
you COULD be wanking to the lass on mythsbusters having her big baps
you could be wanking to PROGRESS
which is better?
Two gaylords sitting in a tree...
F U C K I N G.
Considering I wake up yday around 5,pm away out 2 shops @ 9pm last night cause I hungry came back feeling OK for a min suddenly i fink nah back 2 bed again nd sleep all night again. Think I got low T or depression desu. I can't help it when its dark nd cozy outside. So i didnt eat anything since Thursday evening either cus I sleep all day. Might get a curry in later classic HHL style
When the sun goes away I decay.
i think personal development as i see it and what the Bible says might be at odds
if that's for you that's fine it's not for me, but >>79099739 and could have a really good hate-fuck sesh
cant wait to see all the halloween slags out in a couple of weeks, think the main party weekend will be before the 31st or just after it?
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I wake up SO miserable i can't stand mornings. I don't think any1 understands. Every morning is completely suicidal morning time. I feelnlike being ripped from sleeping time like 1 of those babies born w their skin inside outside. The light is burning my skin. Stuff like that. Well anyway where am I jeremy kyle. No point dwelling on things. Lets get on with it anyway...I miss xanax kek. Life goes on
Christianity is ridiculous.
Business idea: new thread but without any mongs in it
I never understand why people who moan about having terrible lives and being extremely unhappy and never seeing an end to it don't just, you know, off themselves. Like literally what else is there to do?
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Beginning 2 feel like vaping hits that breastfeeding part of the brain. Nd lads that didnt have fathers too attached 2 the teat still. Nd same lads struggle w that connection 2 God nd v susceptible to satanic perversions. Probly like half this year now i got demon possessed. Not eben kidding. Since the start of summer. At least am aware of it now.
You might be autistic, lad. I am and HATE the mornings especially the sun in the morning. I got blackout blinds so it doesn't annoy me as much.
Aye u first rambo
Don't actually, bt obviously bc we don't have the balls 2 do that, obviously?? Bt as well since personally death isn't the end of life whats the point? If a car would just swerve nd KO me instantly I wouldn't be mad. Bt ending on purpose pointless
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Isn't it mad that ppl get energy from the sun like theyre vegetables. It drains my wee battery 2 nothing.
But when I'm outside I enjoy the sun but inside my flat I feel like it's an invasion of my personal space and irritates the balls off me. Fuck off Mr. Sun! I will enjoy the sun only when I CHOOSE to enjoy the sun.
What do you mean don't have the balls to do it? You're Christian, no? That means sort of by definition you're convinced that death isn't 'it'.
a new thread for your various postings
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Dubs, I mean I dont have the balls 2 walk off a building to die anymore than i could skydive. However like u allude 2 I assume suicide as a way out only makes sense if u believe death is end of existence. Then it would be a v tempting prospect to endure a bit of pain nd struggle to end ur pain forever. When ppl talk about suicide 2 end their misery I assume that's how they see things. It's scary cus they really believe that nd gamble everything on it as if it's just a foregone conclusion. Bt I dont get into it trying to convince otherwise. I've tried, they don't listen. Bt sure if I saw things that way id end my life. Bt things don't be like that. It would be much easier if things were thar way bt theyre not.
Nah I'm a neet loser with no life experience.
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U could also think of it like "idk what happens when I die bt its either better than this or it can't get any worse" so u just rolling the dice again. Its an understandable view. Believe me I wish I could just die. Bt its too complicated. Nd what if we already killed ourself before nd this miserable life is already a punishment for those sins that goes on for a thousand years. So what good would it do. Its not that simple.
Bt I noticed majority of really suicidal ppl are hardcore materialists. Not disparaging them it makes sense. U need to be probably. Bt that's why I couldn't personally. I have tried in the past, some force want me 2 stay here for whatever reason.
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Had a nap. Been a busy day at NEET HQ.
raging anti-semite from /pol/ here. If anything it's the reverse, your overpowering hatred of muslims doesn't allow you to see Jews and Israel as the bigger enemy

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