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Do you support smashing pedophiles over the head with pumpkins?
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>Do you support smashing pedophiles over the head with pumpkins?
personally, I do
im confused because im a paranoid schizophrenic and not a pedophile, but if you came near me id smash you over the head with a tire iron
I don't give a shit if you smash normies in the head with pumpkins. This guy should have gotten a bowling ball.
i think instead of smashing them in the head with pumpkins, we should kill them with guns
Glowniggers and their "paranoiacs", obfuscaters and the fools of their hysteria, the small virtue, the feminine moral-man, need to have their tongues cut out and themselves removed, no I am not a pedophile, I am a sociopath and a schizophrenic
Is he died?
if you're not a pedophile fuck off and stop defending them, no one needs or wants this filth
kys retard ill express myself however I please
Me too, then, retard, I'll upper deck your toilet with greasy booze shits and it's justified because it makes me feel good
Who is this guy and did he actually molest a kid or did he just flirt with a 17 year old online? There's a pretty sizable difference.
I think that building entire communities dedicated to hunting these people out and dispensing mob justice is dangerous to more than just the people that are initially being targeted. I want nothing to do with any of the parties involved.
He flirted with an adult man that was pretending to be an underage woman
Zero real victims
fortune 500 ceo who came to meet a little boy
i hate all type of abusers and 2 types are in this picture, fuck em both
That's assault and battery.
>fortune 500 ceo who came to meet a little boy
He was probably just going to have a mentoring session with him.
he said he wanted to kiss him and bring him back to his place to have sex
A big rock would be better
Shoes still on
mark of the beast shows the actual truth, anon
proof hes a pedophile? that would be admissible in court?
this isn't a court of law. pedophiles should be dealt with by the people in their communities
You're not gonna make it, sorry to say.
proof hes a pedophile?
this isn't my community and i wasn't involved in the sting. i trust they had what proof they needed
I feel better making that speech, it may sound a little edgy halloween theme faggotry to random normalniggers, but the glownigger who is stalking and harassing me probably found it funny and retarded, and I feel better saying it
I know that these people deserve it but I always feel bad. They're always so sad and pathetic. Also literally retarded pretty often.
>the nose
Oy vey, looks like some anti-semitism here.
>fortune 500 ceo
What company?
I support the non-aggression principle, rule of law, and the right to a fair trial as well as reasonable and proportional restitution for any empirically verified harm done.

Or in otherwords, no, I am not for smashing pumpkins over the head over pedophiles. Especially with no proof, no trial, and they don't even own the pumpkins.
The only one I see committing several crimes are the smashers, not the one being smashed.
How they aren't serving 20 years to life in prison for attempted premeditated murder, or 10 years for premeditated aggravated assault is beyond me.
There's at least one anon in this thread that agrees with you.
This guy looks fucking terrified and it bothers me
Pedophilia is attraction, not abuse. Most abusers are sadistic like you. k-selection versus r-selection. K-selection are more likely to be pedophiles but that doesn't mean that they are necessarily abusers. R-selected people are more likely to be abusive and rape or molest minors.
This shit, even the most heinous of crimes must be judged through our court of law otherwise we're nothing more than cavemen
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I disagree there friend
the need for physical strength is so important
nah, it's good to have communities kill their pedophiles. it keeps the community healthy and safe
>Allowing people to randomly kill others without evidence is a good thing
Okay fucking retard
Because it worked so well for keeping the community safe from vampires, witches, and werewolves.
it's not randomly and without evidence. it's based on the actions and intent of pedophiles, don't worry
pedophiles are real and should be killed
Same with lesbians
if they go after kids, yes
>it is entirely impossible for people to be framed for pedophilia and this group of ravenous blood thirsty towns people who NEED to kill a man rather than give him to the proper authorities has absolutely no chance of being biased.
Why are people this dumb?
Why is there still no name in this thread?
Reverse image search isn't returning results and I see nothing online about a ceo pedophile being struck with a pumpkin. I have no way of knowing if that picture and video actually have anything to do with a peodphile.
No, if they go after women.
This guys right 100% promoting homosexuality leads to people becoming pedophiles and thus kids being raped, doesnt matter so much even if you support smashing them over the head with a pumpkin
>Why are people this dumb?
Its funny because the reason we have rule of law now is because people are genuinely this dumb and barbarous
i think it's telling that you belive people are bloodthirsty monsters just looking for an opportunity to kill. people don't come to the decision to remove a pedophile from a sheer whim and whiff in the air
Yet you say they should be killed without going to the proper authorities to have their side of the story examined?
Most actual diddlers are normal family people and not random ugly lonely spergs from the internet
Nothing ever happens to them, they keep raping their own kids while retards focus on online ragebait, its really just
>I want to be sociopath and fuck people up, but thats unacceptable, so I only pick those that make me look morally good
if that's how you truly feel, find a like-minded community that enforces that and join them. there are a lot of them all over the world
Doesnt matter, just accuse someone of being one and you get a free pass for anything. Even if you murder someone without proof, people will cheer you on as a hero
correct. the justice system is incapable of properly handling pedophiles so it is best to kill them outright
Unfortunately they are not dealt with all over the world.
Did you know that homosexuals have a higher rate of pedophilia? and then youre here promoting extrajudicial justice (for something you cause) like hick trash
The same thing happens when an innocent women is called a whore just because she has had a little bit of sex.
Can you tell us about a pedophile you know of and how they should be dealt with in detail?
yes, and those 'normal family people' should be getting killed by the people in their communities. it feels like we're on the same page on this
Witches are also real.
>the people who's job it is to admister the law of the land don't know the law like a group of murderous townspeople
Like seriously I don't understand. Why stop at just pedophiles? What about child murderers? What about normal murderers? What about thieves? What about jay walkers? What about people who just generally annoy you? Should we kill them all?
Men have a higher rate of murder but for some reason you aren't here talking about getting rid of men from society. Why is that?
You wouldn't do a thing, little guy
Vampires are also real.
homosexual pedophiles should be killed the same as a heterosexual pedophile. these are not exclusive to one another. if someone abuses kids, they should be killed
define pedophile
who determines this criteria
and what happens when a sociopath greases their way into a position of power that allows them to label anyone that means to prevent them from doing so as aforementioned pedophile

rule of law exists purely to prevent this scenario
its doesnt fucking work, but thats the idea
"mob justice" doesnt work because people are easy to manipulate
lying exists, and sociopaths will use lying to weaponize your "justice" against anyone who correctly identifies them as a sociopath, so that they may keep abusing people for their own personal gain
What about trolls who don't understand morality? Who do you think the people whomst job it is to adminstroid the lawmaxx represent? Do you think they are not humans?
Autistic people have sociopathy but I think that's a separate conversation.
They are especially trained people who are asked to view situations from an objective view and admister justice according to the letter of the law.
Trained by whomst? Other PEOPLE, perhaps?
Not that anon, but someone could do it maliciously. Like if you had some enemy and you really wanted to ruin his life, spreading the idea he's a pedophile would work pretty well for that. I don't think 100 real pedophiles getting what they deserve would justify 1 innocent guy getting beaten and murderer because of a psychopath taking advantage of how much people hate pedos to fuck with him with false allegations.
I haven't ever looked specifically at all the guys who've been exonerated for false sex offense charges related to pedo shit but I do know since the 90s when DNA exonerations became a thing there have been a lot of people who spent a lot of years in prison found to have been innocent the whole time.
You also have cops and lawyers doing it sometimes, like they just want to close out the case so they'll make it look like someone's got more evidence against them than they do in reality or will influence witnesses to help convict defendants.
I don't trust people in general to really understand every alleged crime claimed. Even the legal system as is doesn't do a great job at it though it's better than random mobs operating off of rumors.
>i think it's telling that you belive people are bloodthirsty monsters just looking for an opportunity to kill.
The vast majority of human history kinda proves this to be the case.
>people don't come to the decision to remove a pedophile from a sheer whim and whiff in the air
This literally happens all the time and happened on mass just 40 years ago with the satanic panic.
Mobs are fucking retarded. "the community" is fucking retarded. Most people are fucking retarded, especially when you get them in groups.
brutalizing people who "did you wrong" is what gangs do. violence is met with more violence
pedo hunter throws fists, pedo pulls a gun out, maybe the pedo hunter has a gun as well. i bet one of those shits is just looking at the guy's hands waiting for an excuse to shoot him
if this shit escalates enough people are gonna start dying
>muh vigilante justice
if you physically try to smash a pedo's head in or break into his house, he has just as much of a right to defend himself as any other citizen

the law will not look kindly on a pedo who went to meet up with a child and then shot a bunch of adults in self defense, even if it is justified
if he killed the guy who smashed his head, he probably would still have gotten a manslaughter charge
but all citizens have equal right to defend themselves from violence. let the law deal with them
im not going into those details
witches are not real. i know it's halloween season, but i promise it's still just fantasy
pedophiles and serial killers are the only people shown to be unable to be reformed and they should be killed instead of sending them through the justice system over and over again
then just make autism illegal
Except "pedophile" has come to mean being attracted to any woman under the age of 25
It should be illegal for the reasons mentioned.
>witches are not real
Witches would beg to differ on that subject.
>it feels like we're on the same page on this
Were not because I dont want a purge like society where retarded normies go on mob hunts and end up killing randos based on false rumors in circulation, same reason Id never support the death penalty with people being wrongfully convicted and spending decades in prison for crimes they didnt commit
The actual justice system is already fucked enough, I dont trust average people to uphold any standard of justice at all
I'm attracted to 16 year women, it's not illegal in my state to fuck them, nobody will do shit about it.
>serial killers
Uh yeah these guys aren't the type to be let out of prison. inb4
>just kill them and get it over with
It actually costs way way way more money to legally execute someone than to house them in prison for life. Not to mention it usually takes decades for it to go through.
Nobody said anything about 16 year old women.
Or short women over the age of 25 if they aren't curvy enough.
but youre promoting homosexuality, even in your namefield, that usually leads to kids getting raped
Why do they only wver go after pedophiles? Why not thieves, murderers, wife beaters, or other terrible people who deserve being hurt?
you've been told that mob justice doesn't work, but in practice it absolutely does.
if there was enough proof to convince the community that the man was a pedophile, then he'd be killed. a person who isn't a pedophile would not have enough evidence in their life of abusing kids to convince their community that they were abusing kids
Do you know any pedophiles?
there are literally a billion channels that go after call-in/online scammers, porch pirates, bike thieves, and car prowlers. literally the most popular vigilante and investigative journalist channels are all about catching financial scammers. are you mentally retarded?
>mob justice works
if by works, you mean everyone ends up afraid of being the next target and randomly murdered because someone convinces everyone else they deserve it, sure.
self righteousness is the literal worst bane on this society since times immemorial.
I won't ever meddle with fucking retards like this. Being alone can be quie a blessing. Avoiding all the retardation of society.
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Why did formal justice systems operating on evidence and presumed innocence until proven otherwise come into existence if mob justice works?
That would be a ton of money, time, and effort saved if we could get rid of courts and just go back to lynch mobs, but I think probably there were good reasons to begin giving defendants formal protections and backing for their rights.
im talking about real life not twitter
im sure the people who think they're werewolves and vampires would to but it's fantasy and i don't care
that's why executions should be handled on a community level
i am gay but i am not a pedophile. there are people who are gay and are pedophiles and they should be killed just as any pedophile of any orientation. homosexuality doesn't cause pedophilia, pedophiles do.
The most common motive cited by serial killers is thrill, people absolutely love killing for the sake of killing
Just watch any recordings from a war zone
>but in practice it absolutely does
Yes, it works like this
yes. i was trafficked as a child and adolescent.
pedophiles should fear death
because the justice system fails in this field. i think the justice system is terribly corrupt as is and needs to be overhauled, but that's a different conversation
These hunts can easily go wrong eventually if they're based in the US.
What if the pedo draws a gun and blows your brains out in self-defense?
Or a pocket knife to shank you to death?

I think you should just tip off officers trained to deal with this sort of thing and assist them with information rather than try to act like a fucking superhero.
in practice it regularly slaughters innocents as the definition of who "deserves it" is distorted and blurred by those who mean to use it to smite those who oppose them amassing social influence
in fact the reason you know what im referring to when i use the phrase "witch hunt" already demonstrates that you fully understand the consequences of what youre advocating for
Is that the barstool sports pizza reviewing guy?
that's why i believe serial killers should be executed. there's no joy in the killing im advocating for
>bait some old dude into sending lewd messages to a fake teenager or whatever
>proceed to cause extreme bodily harm to him IRL and potentially kill him
I feel like the punishment doesn't quite fit the crime here.
because pedophiles are the last socially acceptable target for sociopaths to openly target, nobody will ever go to bat for them because they don't want these violent retards to turn on them too, they don't actually give a shit they just want to maim and kill people and get away with it
that's why it should be something that is performed on a community level and not by the larger online court of public opinion
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If you read my posts and you understood the nature of IDEAS of reference, and the reaction there of HOSTILITY in paranoia, it would be good for me to live more comfortably when I already feel enough intense experience in my daily life
>yes. i was trafficked as a child and adolescent.
What should have happened to those people?
Do you actually want them lynched?
they should be killed. they should have been killed back then, but i still fully believe that they should be killed
Anti-pedophile clowns won't go after the circumcisers, instead they'll just honeypot random losers. Should tell you something.
I don't really get punishing an assault with death. Death is definitely worse than assault. You're basically doing even more than an eye for an eye at that point.
You were a victim yourself, so your reasoning is based on hatred and revenge rather than justice and reason
I dont blame you for feeling this way because its a natural reaction, its just not a blueprint for how society would be run
pedophiles serve their victims with life sentences and will do this to as many children as they feel they can get away with for the entirety of their lives. the life of a pedophile is worthless and they deserve to be killed
I'd much rather be sexually assaulted than murdered honestly.
it's how it should be run, though. the world would be a better place if pedophiles faced true consequences for their actions. they should be culled
im sure you would. if you are a pedophile however, you should be killed
You are clearly looking for revenge and not justice. This is why legal systems are necessary even if they dont work properly
it is justice. if it were merely revenge, i would only seek punishment for my abusers. i believe that no child should have to go through what i went through and what countless other children have gone through. pedophiles don't respond to rehabilitation. same with serial killers. they cannot be fixed. they should be removed from society, and the most efficient way of doing that is killing them
You still dont get how it would actually look in real life, its not even about pedophiles specifically, but the idea of mob justice and why it absolutely does NOT work in practice.
3rd world nations where this actually happens, google mob justice in Pakistan for another example. One guy spreads a false rumor, innocent people die for crimes that never happened. Why do you think random people from the street can serve better verdicts than trained judges?
A lot of people who hate pedophiles would still have their own children circumcised by a professional adult in a clinical setting because they think it's fine. That's how absolutely artificial and contrived this witch-hunting is. The same people doing the righteous violence are also deserving of death, making the whole thing a clown show.
because it's not random people on the street. it's communities coming together to take care of their own
circumcision is a child sex crime and parents who have their children circumcised should go to prison along with those who perform them. there should be no religious exemption for circumcision.
he's a multimillionaire ceo
if it makes you feel better, he's there to pick up and rape a little boy
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This thread is full of retards and pedophiles
See? I would throw my life into a movement like this, but you fools are never consistent. Not consistent at all. The definition of pedophilia never makes any sense. It's all based on retarded feelings. It's like how husbands can rape their wives. It's just vigilante chaos that goes after the wrong people by stirring up victims, and then it's given legitimacy by the legal system drawing lines at specific ages so that people can spend their free time doing this honeypot shit. People can't even protect their own children, so how is society going to protect OTHER people's children? It's just an outlet for pathological aggression, and a political tool.
i don't think i understand. are you conflating my views on pedophiles as being the same as my view on circumcision or are you upset that i don't conflate them myself?
No, it is your personal idea of "justice" that is still rooted in revenge. Its based on your own emotions and trauma, youre just trying to make it seem more noble.
>i believe that no child should have to go through what i went through and what countless other children have gone through
FIne and all, no child should go through any form of abuse. Even in that case, killing (some) abusers neither undoes the abuse and resulting damage, nor does it actually stop new abuse from happening. Thats based on the assumption that the abuse in question actually took place because again, wrongful convictions exist. What you package as wanting to help others are just your own instincts of "they got what they deserved for doing this to me". And this is natural and healthy to a degree for traumatized people, but if you apply that line of thought to chimp societies, it ends in a bloodbath because everyone feels justified in their own head and people love messing with others for their own benefit.
The whole thing is conflation. Pedophilia is Crime #1 in the same exact society where you can just pay to have your baby taken to a back room and raped (only if it's male), and then laugh to your girlfriends about it in PLAIN-VIEW public. ON VIDEO even. It's all fake. I need that gif of the girl riling up her dog and then making it attack the other one. It's that. The "pedophile" label is a political weapon and a very powerful tool for control.
I support beating them close to death, letting them heal, lock them up in isolation while blaring the New Testament 24/7.
Where's the part where he's a pedophile?
I'm seeing nothing on the internet about this guy aside from he got removed from his CEO position.
it does stop new abuse from happening, though. a dead pedophile cannot reoffend
is nobody going to post the full fucking video?
i don't want to engage with this anymore so im gonna stop responding, just a heads up if anyone else replies to my comments here
I don't blame you. People here love to retraumatize others and wanting retribution. They don't realize how much this screws people up later in life: both male and female. I've seen it too much when I worked int he psych hospital. The victims rarely recover and are usually on major psych meds for life just to barely function enough to get to appointments.
>it's communities coming together to take care of their own
This is exactly what happens in 3rd world countries, communities are just collectives of random people off the streets. People are not rational on their own and its proven they get even more irrational and lose their moral inhibitions in groups.
Beheadings in public are not normal at all, but if you grew up in a country where they are, you would see it as normal also. A race war and burning people alive is not rational at all, but if you grew up in Nazi Germany and everyone around you believes in it, the chances of you opposing it would be way lowered. Because we are primitive like this, mob justice is never a good idea. Its like the saying
>The road to hell is paved with good intentions
It would be interesting if you didn't have the freedom to choose not to engage with this. You'd be so useless in a real hate mob.
I support Smashing Pumpkins the rock band
Better yet, picture them at the receiving end of a hate mob based on the ideal society they described. They never actually did anything wrong. One person was mad at them for personal reasons and spread a false rumor that quickly spread across the neighborhood. But this rumor concerns a type of person that is exempt from justice, so they never actually had a chance to defend themselves even with words. Guilty until proven innocent, which in this case means death.
Usually the rumor is true.
No, it isn't. People can throw it around so easily and people react emotionally to it since it hits hard. I do believe it's right to have a trial and prove without a doubt that it happened. The accusation should not be blindly believed.
It's not about whether it's easy, it's just that it's true and people can prove it.
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Reminder that you can kill (alleged!) predators in broad daylight and people will cheer.
The proof is so easy to fabricate that children accidentally incriminate themselves. I think the reason people fail to see this form of labeling as a weapon is because they might be interested in using it. It's justice porn with no substance, since the same legal system makes an explicit exemption for a very particular kind of child molestation by taking advantage of the power of labeling, merely by calling it by another name.
If it can be proven, then I agree to punishment. The issue is that rumors are started all the time and people just run with it without proof. That's the point I'm getting to. There was an article about a decade ago in which the person was proven to be 100% innocent, yet some neighbors believed the rumors and murdered him by burning him to death. This was in England. Look up the Bijan Ebrahimi case.
Yeah, to be fair this particular setting heavily leans towards defending the possibly wronged man over sympathizing with sex abuse victims and it'd be better if anons had more empathy for the latter.
But also, that situation is basically the opposite of how things are on most any other place online or in real life where it's rare for people to be skeptical and try to advocate for a guy being accused of something.
And even real pedos were themselves kids once so really I'd blame the world in general for being a corruption machine. That kind of violating behavior, especially towards kids who can't protect themselves, is fucked up for everyone involved and nobody benefits from it existing.
So what if it isnt? Innocents are killed to satisfy the mob. Is it an acceptable sacrifice as long as the mob also kills some people that actually "deserved" it? Countries where this is normal are horrible places for everyone.
I actually emphasize with abuse victims a lot and have known some personally, I know it fucks people up and fills them with rage (rightfully so). I never defended pedophilia in the least, only provided arguments as to why mob justice in general is a bad idea.
Is it that difficult to put yourselves in the shoes of someone who is wrongfully accused of a crime?
>Bijan Ebrahimi
With a name like that he deserved it anyway.
The proof is irrefutable though.
> nobody benefits from it existing.
Wrong. It can be extremely lucrative and above-the-table if you do it in a very specific way in certain places and circumstances. You can also profit from child abuse under-the-table, but then you will run the very real risk of being caught by the ACTUAL feds and shit. But there absolutely is profit in certain violations of children.
People who kill innocents should be punished. In this case the guilty person should be punished because the rumor was actually true, like it almost always is.
I mean more in a long term way that's good for peace of mind.
You could make some money sex trafficking but it won't be good for your soul. Not even necessarily in a religious sense but in the Crime and Punishment sense where it'll wear on you sooner or later unless you're perfectly psychopathic with zero conscience which might not even exist (even serial killers usually exhibit anxiety for example which a true psychopath shouldn't ever feel).
And yet people don't want to see just how dangerous of a slippery slope this is.
The normoid view of a "pedo" is an ugly guy, unkempt, social reject, loner, weird outcast etc.
I dont interact with children in any form, but if someone falsely accused me of being a diddler, the mob would likely sentence me because "I fit the bill" in terms of looks and social expectations.
The nice neighbor down the road who's well-groomed, has a respectable job, is happily married with seemingly happy kids and is active in volunteer community work and charity? People will never accuse him of being a "pedo", even though he rapes his daughter every night once mom is asleep.
So I dont trust either society or people with carrying out justice in this form.
They may be punished, but dead people are dead and have no shot at receiving actual justice.
That's why we punish criminals who would hurt kids in the future, it gives them actual justice.
You're glowing so fucking hard.
>be weird, autistic or just unlucky
>some charismatic asshole in the community doesn't like you
>gets the mob to kill you so he can take your stuff and your family for himself
>phew so glad we got rid of that evil man!
>Find someone is committing a crime
>Don't report the crime
>Commit a crime against them and an innocent random store for Internet views instead
>Criminal never gets arrested
>You get arrested instead for your crimes
What a brilliant strategy. No, I don't support people who want to assault others for fun and efame. They are using the fact the dude is a nonce a pretext, they just want to be justified in commiting violence generally. If they actually cared about protecting kids they'd have reported him. Their actions will make him walk.
If this was true then we wouldn't have so many "unlucky" men in society complaining and posting on my board.
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No, but if there is hard evidence that someone raped more than one child, they should get castrated with a shotgun. Killing them is letting them get away too easy. They should live long, sad lives of an ugly ken doll. The castration is complemented with a face tattoo "Convicted child rapist", to make life extra fun for them.
Dang alright I'll make sure to stop at one
The first child raped is rewarded by getting you raped by a hung black dude on modafinil. You will have the choice of lube tho. Either your poop or your blood.
Shakedown 1979
I agree but what if they only molest one?
Pedophiles are the lowest class on the social ladder so people feel justified to do whatever they want with them. I don't feel that bad for them but you can tell it's sociopaths and degenerates who usually proceed with beating and shaming them since they're a perfectly acceptable target.
I am a professional hunter and i dox pedos on my personal grayhat squad.
Little boy as in 7 or as in 17?
Werewolves are also real.
These are just violent sociopaths and retards who want an easy out for senselessly murdering old people in broad daylight.
Bro you're like a real life superhero, catching bad guys in cyberspace while you kill shit to eat so you can survive and keep on doing it another day. Right on. Do you and your buddies keep a victim count of the people you dox? How many are you up to?
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Wow, what a hero!
look at him run
*holds gun to you*
bend over ;)
some real room temperature IQs in here today

but they don't want to kill them unlike the other category of people
yeah you can tell those are gang / prison tats

reminds me of the rittenhouse shit, pure trash of society came out and just trying to cause violence, when you look at any of them under a microscope they are all violent, rapists, criminals and no one cared about them being shot
Fuck sickos, but at the same time if these normie sadistic sociopaths had the same hate for baby killers then they would be consistent with protecting the innocent namely our young. But no somehow touching a young human is worse than killing them.
Based use of a pumpkin gonna need a link with sound to fully appreciate it tho
every one who was ever with a girl who 17 years old and 364 days old should be killed
I support smashing everyone over the head with pumpkins, along with coconuts and pies, because it's funny slapstick comedy
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No. Pedophilia has always been fetish of the elites. Those fags are just mad because they can't get prime teen pussy and havo to deal with used up roasties.
Pedophilia is super fukcing BASED!
Also I would smash all their heads in, they are just some skinny or fat muricans, no one looks like they actually could deal with serious and violent resistance.
all of these "pedo hunters" are literally just peasants with pitchforks who need a sacrificial lamb to atone for their own sins and nothing will convince me otherwise
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>Pedophilia is super fukcing B-ACK!
is this how all lolifags feel when they see videos of pedos getting beaten up ? you sound very angry
How is the pumpkiner not in jail?
its not that hard guys just dont diddle little kiddies and youre good that aint going to happen to you
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Proves my point. Murican slaps another fatmurican like a woman, then fatmurican is literally grounding himself. In the name of cunny: Straight one to distract, hook, elbow. Pedo hunter hunter wins, roasty fag downed, then make him eat his camera.
I'm always angry, especially while breeding cunnies
If you actually have proof then the best thing to do is send all evidence you have to police so that way the rest of their life actually becomes a living hell in prison. If you are just trying to bait randoms for some youtube gotcha garbage, and especially pick up something thats not even your actual fucking property (doubt fatty back there paid for that pumpkin) to slam on someones head while they just stand there then you are no better than niggers who put tires on peoples heads and light them on fire. That said most of our species seems to be some flavor of nog but I digress. Either way shit like this is retarded outrage bait done for views and has actually fucked with prosecutions before, biggest example I can think of being EDP.
t. Actually went through some fucked up shit as a kid
There seems to be a correlation between being a subhuman and wearing a baseball cap.
Jesus fuck, pedos are often so ugly that I kind of doubt kids would let them touch them.
>knocks out and body becomes stiff

this dude got brain damage
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And then everyone claps
You'll love this one then
why do you think it's funny to larp as a pedophile?
I don't personally want to maim anyone, but if a confirmed pedophile gets domed, I wouldn't condemn it. They don't deserve having someone "go to bat for them". They took advantage of someone defenseless. Putting down dangerous animals isn't sociopathic. Just refrain from degenerate actions like diddling then maybe you won't have to worry about the violent retards. Are we really going to say Gary Plauche was in the wrong?
I guess for the same reason, you enjoy videos of lonely or mentally disabled guys getting beaten up. I enjoy to shake the moral system of whoever gets pissed about this. Or to be more precise: I don't care who I nake mad for whatever reason, it's just the process in itself that I like. Same like you watching videos like those. Be honest: You don't really care if that's a pedo/nigger/jeet/mentally disabled one...you just enjoy when people get killed or beaten up. It's like arena in ancient times. I like it too, to be honest, to watch people suffer. Unlike you however I don't hide behind morals.
bro you are projecting I never said I enjoyed videos of people getting beaten up to death, you seem mad at the fact a pedo got beaten up and now you are calling everyone itt sadistic, while you larp as a child rapist
As long as those in Epstein's book are prioritized. Wexner should probably be #1
Child sex.
Both instances are illegal
He ran away because he knows what he did was morally wrong. We have systems of law to deal with these people. Just call the cops on him.
Waste of pumpkins, just apply the bullet.

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