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Done me bollocks in edition
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Me? I'm off to that bed. Good night fellow whiteboi cucks x
The wapu's wollocks
Night night helperlad x
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Made meself a wuppa. Cba to to drink anymore wooze. Will probably go beddingtons soon.
>"Department of works up heah! Careful with those bloody things!"
i love paki cock
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Might have a few cheeky games of Wortnite.

At least the smackheads haven't bothered me this weekend. Life's better in your own lane.
We know you do Shippy.
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SSM has had enough of the boat wogs and is off to protest in London on the 26th.
what a fucking slob
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>always tip White delivery drivers.
I don't get food delivered but always do this with White taxi drivers.

Once, I got a taxi in Chesterfield, and within 30 seconds was going on about how there were too many pakis there, and then verbatim said "Enoch Powell talked a lot of sense"

The fare was 6.50, but I gave him 25 bong, almost 300% tip. Put it through as an expense so doesn't bother me. Literally 18.50 tip for a 3 mile journey lol

Corr, this is my favourite Ava max

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>The beginning of SSM's nationalist arc

Phwoaaaaar England awakes
My comment is not original, it's over lads
For me, it's brandnewamateurs
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Nice, I always try to tip White English folk unless they have a bad attitude then fuck them too.
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Indeed, but when you get a very good lad gotta see him good. It's all at wagebergs expense anyway
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Been painting the gaff all evening. Time really flies
i prowel the streets looking for crime.....scum......scumderland...the city, maybe itself IS the crimes......
it would be against the rules to adjust your comment to avoid the algorithm, but it would also be against the rules to announce having reporting you for doing so
it's a legal nightmare
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On that watergrind now. Felt like a wiss up on the way homes I even bought more wooze at the local shop but that wizza bloated me so I can't be bothered to drink anymore. At least I've saved meself a wangover in the morning.
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Garn crash out myself. Been really enjoying your tunes the past few days. Cheers x
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Can't really be arsed right now

Can't decide whether to continue reading/finish the bookington or have a lill spaff instead
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I am not original sorry
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Got stopped by this tyrant on my night walk. Saying I'm following girls in the middle of the night. Lying pig.
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Told me to leave a public area too. Dickhead.
Because he's following girls. He wants no witnesses. He's a wrongun.
They're mostly likely the ones doing the crimes. If I were female, I'd have probably been molested by them pigs.
It's the best job to get to molest females. Just don't share it on whatsap
You didn't get arrested, I got arrested triyng to get my own house.
Sometimes I do. Not tonight. I wonder how much money they've wasted on all these NFA's....pathetic. Never admit guilt unless you're a criminal. I'm not.
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Well, that's enough vidya for tonight. Eyes are like pissholes in the snow. Managed to beat the boss in Fortnite's horde mode on the third try, pretty easy if you have have decent team mates. I go beddingtons now.
I did plead guilty. My lawyer told me to. I was innocent but he said the judge would believe the police not me. Most of those NFA's do the job because they want to walk around doing nothing. Now he wanted to get you out the way I know he was up to something and because he mentioned women I bet it is women.
He was a solicitor it was legal aid not a lawyer
You fucked up then. There would be no evidence or any credible witnesses. They've tried to get me on wasting police time too for mental health.
You don't have any team mates.
I guess so I was under 18 and it was only a fine. I will plead not guilty if they arrest me again for no reason.
right, thats it, im done with the porn and wanking, mean it this time, every time i think about wanking ill do 5 press ups, ill look like ronnie coleman by the end of the fucking month
Wonder what happens when the parents die and you don't have any job, have no intention of getting one and can't afford to pay any bills etc. Where's my stuff going if I can't stay there anymore?

You get paired with randoms.
There's going to be a lot more NEETs I reckon in the next few years. NEETs that just don't care about working.
I have a faster pc than you, I have an i7 and 64 gb ram plus I have 2.5gb internet. Good luck beating me.
I will be smashing all my shit up before them bailiffs get in. There will be nothing of value left.
You don't have to let them in if you don't want
The mental health probably would've been so much worse than it is now if I continued to be a slave in a deadend warehouse wagie job for many years. I put my mental health before money.
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Spaffed quite intensively just now

Ginormously, even, one might be tempted to argue
Will be an interesting chat with the bennies office after not claiming anything for over ten years and not even working.
You would've committed suicide as a wagie but you would've saved the tax payer money.
I'm a nasty person now due to the lack of love and purpose. I can't see anything getting better. I'm so blackpilled.
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Us Gen Z lads aren't going to fucking work for no pussy, no holidays and certainly not to live with parents still. Fuck slaving. It's not for us men. Let the women slave and do the shitty jobs for once. Also fuck respecting women anymore.
Maybe. But now I have to be prepared for the homeless neet pill. At least it doesn't scare me anymore. I'll just stare outside and die.
Plenty of young men in that situation. The hikikomori phenomenon is everywhere now
Women deserve nothing but hate for denying me something simple like sex. Why would any man respect women if he's not getting any?
Page fiveington, is it kings
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If you got bullied in school it's basically over. Bullying and abusing other people is a massive confidence/test boost and there's only a small window of time you can get away with it. You can't go out and assault people in your 20s, you would get arrested. But it's perfectly okay for Chad to do it at 14. Probably won't even get punished as female teachers love to pick sides based on which student they like more. All this stuff about bullies getting what's coming to them is a big lie.
just waiting on a ssm upload bringing me up to speed
Torrenting SONE-290 to fap to later today.
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7 hours staring @ ceiling. Sick 2 death of living
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Good morning handsome. You want a piece of this? Xx
probably makes more money than most doctors
Chika apparently makes a lot of money
Shush made loadsa money too.
Renting his arse out on adultwork
Eating my brekkie off the floor in solidarity with are Mark.
>Eating my brekkie off the floor
You know too marks floor is especially grim.
Not really. Not from the wage job anyway.
Do you have another source of income?
Slept 9 hours didn't I. Rare feeling. Maybe too much. Feels like an age.
*Informs the Scottish wapus that Alex Walmond has died*

Sorta in the making.
>Sorta in the making
Does it involve your anus?
Not really. I'm keeping it pwivate.
>Does it involve your anus?
No, it involves your dads anus.
13 degrees inna house.
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Another lazy day I reckon. Too much sleep has drained me.
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Best way to warm up?
Best early morning movement?
Heard this on dubtrack years ago, don't know who posted it, but, thanks anon, what a choon.
just had a chicken and cheese sammich de lads it lush
*walks past the thread apuette's while thrusting his hips in an extremely sexual manner*
Croissants and coffee for me. Gunna have a fry up for lunch on a couple hours
Those kind of nights are shit. Not being able to sleep, even though exhausted, just the mind ticking away constantly thinking.
Hopefully it changes soon.
*informs the wapus that Walex Haddock has died*
There just isn't really anything out there quite like experiencing a pair of spread legs and a wet pussy.
Have you tried white rum and cloudy lemonade? It's breddy nice.
*informs the apus jackmaster has died*
My apu's were relieved, but only because they thought taskmaster had died. They love that show.
Hope Chika will post his onlyfans profile here once he's set it up
bad news anon, taskmaster was in the passenger seat and is in a coma
hate having no money, worst feel in the world imo, much worse than tfw no gf
Ah ffs, it's all we're going to be watching for the next week. We've just watched every episode as well.
Extremely bored, might just get pissed
I've done that since thursday, but ran out of rum now. Lack of money is stopping me purchasing more.
Ooo da joos, da joos, I looooove da joos.

That is my impression of the British government during WWII
Dunno bout dem joos

That is my impression of the third reich
*sells some whites*

That's my impression of the Barbary slave trade
Ruth loves black men.
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Garn Greggs for a trekkie brekkie then mooching about, might get a few jars. It Sunday x
Wish I hadn't done that wank just now, but what else am I gonna do if I don't wank?
Id recommend getting a hobby that isn't wanking desu
Iran is based. Israel is fucking terrified of retaliating
Miss those pics you'd see online back in 2011/12 when the Facebook app was still fairly new, and you couldn't delete certain posts on it.
So many gen x trollops on their phones accidently uploading pictures of their tits or whatever with their friend in the comments being like "wtf delet" and the comment below being "I am on my phone D:"
/britfeel/ is just dead in the day time without wfh chads keeping it going during the week
So it is part time /feel/ers spamming the thread for hours per day.
Yeah, we're really missing out with them not here.
>part time
Please don't tell me you're here 16 hours a day every day lad. There are other things out there.
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Lmao beat me to this comment.
Imagine being only part time britfeel
There's no set amount of time I'm here. It could be a couple of hours it could be all day, it could be jumping between boards looking at threads and jumping back here occasionally. The constant spam and one-upmanship is dreary, listening to posters like yourself trying to belittle people.
You say there are other things out there, yet you replied within 3 minutes.
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Shagging Meghan Markle.. yes that would be quite lovely indeed.
Sounds like you've got a great thing going for yourself lad. Don't let the seethers get you down.
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Do you think this country's cursed? Can't explain it but there's a gloom over everyone and everything
Read a few posts and have decided this thread will be shit.
Back from work now me will start drinking at once
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>you're here 16 hours a day every day lad
Am I gay for drinking mimosa?
Elon's launching a wocket in about 15 mins for whoever's interested. I know it's not quite the level of excitement of a Sandford Lane live but this will have to do for today

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Slept about 2 hours in the end. Heading 2 pub. Makes me mum happy if I join them. My whole body wants 2 crash asleep. Bt ill have a jar or 3 at least.
Are you a normal person in public?
Might as well get shitfaced, lad.
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Dont know. I just ignore everything w my headphones on.
Why don't you go to church?
Any of you lads ever fired your gun up in the air and gone aaaahh?
Aye mibbes so de lad
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din dins on for free
Never had one so i dont know
am having an all day birthday piss up today if anyone wants to join in, ill be starting in an hour or two since ive only just got up
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Had to delay telling my Apu about the death of Alex Salmond. He's originally from Pembrokeshire (AKA a Pembrokeshire 'Pu) and keenly feels the sway of the Scottish peoples. He won't stop mournfully repeating to himself that the autonomy of the nation has forever been handed to Westminister. Not even the offer of a free twenty quid spend of halloween sweeties and cakes at the local supermarket is able to placate him. I even offered him a kilo of white chocolate mice but he refused. He's been crying in his bedroom since 11am. I'm scared I'm going to have to bop him before he goes full on Seethie.Any senior Apu Fancierrs in here???
Bc it make me sad 2 be there ever since my aunty *** died in 2022
Wonder what percentage of churchgoing people pretend to believe in a religion just to be part of a community once a week.
I do it for the free coffee
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We didnt deserve him
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>tfw 7c

Back to this shit for another 5+ months
put on songs of praise out of curiosity and they're doing an episode on black people and gospel
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I don't give a fucking shit about working. I was not born to throw boxes around in a warehouse all day. If I'm gonna be a low value male without love, then I'll be NEET. Fuck working ever again.
warehousing was pretty fun desu, could have a good laugh with the lads in there, and there are usually a few good looking eastern euro women working there aswell
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Me? I'm tooled up on how to deal with my hidden disability. SSM teach me I got TMAU as well. I'm cutting everything right down. I not drink till 5th of November.
Not where I'm from. It's all misogynistic middle eastern men now in these shit jobs.
even more based, you and DVD lad picking your orders and slagging roasties off
I don't want to be that sort of person.
cheers lad, that was fucking mental to watch.
We're going to Mars
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Got the heating on full me
DVDlad is a shut in I reckon.
hope the rocket crashes directly into my house desu
Knew he'd delete this kek
Wanted 2 warch it
Hes been to prison, i doubt he is the shut-in type
Groomer from Manchester showing his young gf off again. Looks so fucking miserable in his video.
wonder who the first NEET on mars will be
Town busy as fug
Need jar
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>I don't want to be that sort of person.

Earning a wage?
Not having to force your self to believe you are "sick" so you can receive that massive extra few quid every week from the bennies office?
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Afternoon uploafs

He bought a trolley for his speaker
It 4 times more portable now

DVDdolly drama is it king?
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For me its Natalie Mars
liam on a fucking mad one
Yuck. He is fucking ugly, and his gock is repulsive and looks like there's something wrong with it. Unironically would not suck.
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It was 4c last night in south england.
soon it will be 0c
and then -4c.
It going to be cold, long winter.
It not right.
Us Seaside Soldiers can't afford our heating. We worried Mark not going to make it.
Coat not enough.
This is Starmer's Britain laid bare.
Bennies is better than doing a horrible job on minimum wage.
Ah, so you hate women because you're gay.

Makes sense now.
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That's due to a botched circumcision I think. I've seen worse tranny cocks in my time to be fair
Thread starts to pick up, Dollymong goes right into his performances
Hell be wheeling this along the Swanage seafront, winding up the locals
I don't hate women. I love women! Women are sexy and nice and cute.

Fact remains, I would not suck his gock.
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>A quiet chilly sunday evening in Swanage is disrupted by some fat fucker blasting shite music out of his children's Bluetooth speaker

I hope someone throws it into the sea kek
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TFW my Modhi watch arrived today.
We all on that Dharma wharma
But you said you hate women.
Your lies confuse me, desu.
Warehouses are kept nice and warm. No need to pay for your own heating in those.
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I miss lilac.
Me and Laura doing the nasty.
wogwam famblud mandem best no cum on mi back again ya'ere me
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Bored. Tired. Depressed.My life has no purpose besides low paid wagey work.
Mummy confused about cex giving u money for random junk
How they stay in business from that
Am not eben sure desu now I think about it
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nice piece lad but for me? it's the classic rolex oyster perpetual
Sell for more than you paid.
That's businesswang.
Travel to SEA and smuggle heroin
Time to pay your rent. Gascoigne's mortgage isn't going to pay itself
travel to SEA and smuggle people
Anyone tried this?

Looks quite comf. Hmmm.

Was just incel sour grapes brah. I love women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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are you some form of spastic lad?

>they buy it off you for 20 quid
>they sell it on for 40 quid

Its not rocket science lad
Smirnoff Ioved his watches
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Read that as 'Travel to SCEA'
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They're calling DJ a nonce again. Not right
She wouldn't even hug a manchild like you.
Depresses me all the old films that are getting lost to time due to the rise of streaming. Lots of old classics only live on DVD.
Yep that's a public order offence. Those old guys are lucky he takes it on the chin.
Why are eunuchs always scared?
They've got no balls
Public nonce offence
And DVD rot is kicking in with some of the first generation DVDs. Piracy is the answer.
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What's the point in going there? To shag lady boys and getting AIDs?
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>Back to work!
>"Fuck off nonce!"
Sunday roast
Now am awake
>Be me being me
>On Tinder
>Zero likes or anything
>Fuck all
>Change location to Thailand
>30+ likes a day every day for like a week
>Change to Phillipines
>Same thing happens
>Change back to England
>Back to zero again
That is why you, as a white man, should go to Thailand.
Elon Musks rocket actually worked lads.
Would love Elon Musk to be king tbqh.
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Thats cause the fat slags on Tinder have normie jobs and don't need men. The sluts in Thailand make like 300 pound a month max and just want a rich foreigner to help them escape poverty
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The only thing i want to do anymore is find a pitch black room, preferably a large cupboard or under a stair case and just sit in there in complete silence smoking weed
Christopher Columbus was a jew. America is officially a Jewish settlement.
>London Audits I take it from his voice...we know all about you you nonce

He should've got the fella arrested for that.

Anyone that kicks off after being told to "get back to work" from a dosser frauditor youtuber must hate their job.
She is fit for a half negress tbf
That bloke is incredibly based
>I'm not taking to you, you're a muppet
Bit rude. What a mong.
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Young Thai girl is like 22 or something works at my Costa. Her accent is English so she was born or raised here from a young age. She has a boyfriend who is English and like 35+ years old. He's ugly and a little grotty looking. WMAF is just in our genes. Made for eachother. Asian women are BUILT for BWC.
Get back 2 work is a powerful magical spell that short circuit the wagie "brain"(v smol)
He's awake then
Not a nonce or sex tourist but I like to weather and food there and the laid back attitude of the people in SEA.
He probably runs an anti-auditor channel.

>You're a walk of shame

Bit of a daft response from LAA.
Who lad? Point him out.
>venture over to /b/ for a while
>suddenly i have 8 tabs with porn threads open
fucks sake
The same applies to UK towns with lots of poverty too. One of the lads at work goes to seaside towns regularly for this reason
britfeel audits would be a good name if I start filming in public.
Not him but ive been awake since 7 am
>save up
>buy a wardrobe
>buy 2 sets of blackout curtains
>sellotape blackout curtains around the exterior and interior of said wardrobe
Tadaa, anons super speshul super senshury deprivotion machine 3000
You back at work next week or do you still have the flu?
your standards must be so low
not him but id much rather have a QT east asian lass than fat sandra from blackpool
grew out of porn when i was 25 me
You lost your libido at 25?
Going back de lad no choice innit
NEETs must be bored with no work to look forward to tomorrow. Just another day of nothing.
I want sex not porn.
Book an escort then
I'd be bored doing a job I hate though. At least I can do my own thing and not care about consumerism as a NEET. The fact is pussy is unobtainable for me so I don't see any point working.
l want love not sex.
Mum won't let me
You just said you wanted sex. Love is harder to obtain sadly de lad
You can get arrested for that if you're unlucky. Not worth the risk.
>Just another day of nothing.
work is the same. Another day of nothing but at least you get paid for it. everything is pointless in the end
Nice get little lad
The most insulting thing mum has said to be is to go to thailand for a gf. Basically confirming I'm no good.
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Why is this island such a relentless shithole
I'll be starting another game in the backlog when you are at work, though.
And did you get a thai gf?
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Feel bad for the office wagies who only just started their promising careers when 9/11 happened. Look at that little fella hanging on to the debris.
Underinvestment and economy overly focussed on London.
Lack of shame and lack of calling people out of shit behaviour due to weird non-confrontational politeness culture (this is a big one and behind almost problems in the U.K.).
I don't want one who will only care about moving here. That's not love, that's a transaction. I don't have a passport anyway.
Go a Thai wife me. She is unironically a scientist. Very smart.
The heating is on, to warm the bedroom, for masturbatory purposes.
Honesty these days lad it is hard to get a woman to love you genuinely unless you are alpha and charismatic as fuck. For women to get those butterflies in her stomach along with the fanny flutters you really have to have zero autism and proper masculine charisma.
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Wish I had a purpose beyond stacking boxes in a warehouse. I don't think menial jobs make you happy even if youre making money. I wonder what it feels like to be a doctor and save peoples lives
Brit Doctors don't know what that feels like either. They're on the golf course
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>fanny flutters
Best thing Ruthmong's parents could do is just shoot him desu.
>Best thing Ruthmong's parents could do is just shoot him desu.
she should be arrested
Only a matter of time before I get stabbed lads. You can only say no to the crackhead beggars so many times.
Not in central Manchester are you lad?
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>'Turning off men'
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Me? id stop visiting the places the crackheads hang out tbqh lad
>"Talking and acting weirdly"
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Looks like he has quit auditing for good
Still has more footwear than ruthmong
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This lad has also quit
Can't all wfh, boss.
Many careers out there for you to choose, lad.
I always give them something
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Mad what Amazon throw away
Yeah I tried giving them shrapnel at first, but then they started asking me to go to the cashpoint.
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Just saw 2 men fully kiss
I'd kiss you, anon
Did you like what you saw Crossy?
There is literally no other way you could go to not have to deal with the junkies lad?
Go the next street over etc?

Seems like you deserve to get robbed by them tbqh
Ever saw two pigeons shagging?
There's only one train station and they're camped right outside. Every entrance covered. Police and staff won't do shit.

Guess I could quit my job and become a crackhead myself.
Never done crack me desu but quite tempted
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When is Crosslad going to take the pinkpill
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>Never done crack
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>but quite tempted
just had cheese and ham on toast for breakfast, sick day booked for tomorrow, birthday piss up is underway
What are you drinking de lad
got myself some kopparberg, might move onto something else tonight or just wobble over to the shop and get myself afew more of these
Gotten up have i not

Indeed i have yes
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Selling muh stuff due to a server wipe. Spent many an hour having fun on this server.
Top of the leaderboard for being the bestest as well, ah aye.
Regret not buying into crypto lads
might start playing fallout 4 again idk, get some nice mods for it, maybe one that lets you play caravan
Nobody actually ever got rich from crypto
Might reinstall Sims 4
My mate did. Bought in in 2018. I'm happy for him but I feel like shit every day.
I bought in 2017 and have nothing
Literaly Robinsons Fruit Shoot, get some tinnies boy
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Very satisfying game this

tinnies are plan b lad, ill see where the night takes me
First you get a job, then you get a gf
i nearly bought that but went for lawnmowing simulator instead, also pretty comfy
you seen the fallout 4 london game conversion/mod? looks pretty good
If you're gf is dependent on you having a job, well just consider that there are men out there who are unemployed who have no trouble getting girls, and that your girlfriend would probably also be fine with that man not having a job if she met him.
Do you ever ask yourself why you have to convince women to love you? Other men don't have this problem.
All I want is a fucking blowjob. Is that really, REALLY so much to ask?
Better to give than to recieve, lad
It's crazy how basically every single African believes in voodoo/spirits/curses/juju type nonsense. Even the Christians absolutely believe all that stuff is real. So do the 'westernised' ones. It's just a fact of African life. Amazing how so much of the planet still essentially lives in the stone age.
Give one, get one. Deal?
I got dragged by accident into a predominantly black evangelical church service last year. A lot of the 2 hour service was very like an African tribe dancing around a campfire.
Yeah they don't really have an authentic Christian experience, they just sort of takes the trappings and key words of Christian messages and slap them over their hard wired African worship of loud repetitive music, bright lights, flashy outfits, ululating and sing songing endlessly while jigging all the time. I say this not with malice or anything it's just an observation.
Ruthmong this you?
cross board dollies
DVD rot is largely overblown. I've DVDs from the 90s that play perfectly. Never had a bad one.
People have CDs from the 80s that work perfect too.
most brits believe in ghosts and haunted houses
I really like the word "aye".
It feels a lot more firm than usual "yes".
I think people should use it more often, not just Scottish..
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I checked a few films on Netflix and their bitrate was only like 2mbs... that's less than a DVD. The resolution is better but at what cost?
Serious Divorced Boomer Dad vibes from that site
Download from aXXo 1080p
You trying to tell me 1080p stream is worse than a DVD? Fuck off retard.
I buy DVDs and Blu-rays, I only pirate as a last resort. I prefer a DVD even over streaming.
DVD disks take up too much space
i believe in ghouls and haunted manors
A few shelves and bookcases and you're good to go de liiid. There is something nice about a well organised Plex server with custom art and that I will admit.
I doubt a girl would be interested in watching my silent film collection.
Thinking about britfeel personalities a lot lately
Russians have a FPV drone team called ghouls operating in Ukraine
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>lads getting comfy with vidya

it lovely
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DVDlad lamenting the death of physical media.
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>last week was 15c+ most days
>dadberg had the heating blasting for hours most days
>leaving doors/windows wide open for no reason
>this week was barely getting above 10c during the day, near 0 at night
>heating has been off for days
>house is like a fucking ice box

What does he mean by this?
Why not just ask him? Do you not talk to each other?
Tell him lad its not right!
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Id rather not because it would come out like "Are you a fucking retard dad? can you not feel the cold you unemployed fuck?
It boils my piss that he just gave up working 5+ years ago and let everything go to complete shit forcing me to basically take over paying bills and other unexpected things
Did he retire or do you have a NEET dad?
Got redundancy from last job, attempted to sign on and because mumberg is also a miserable wagie they told him to fuck off, so he never bothered to look for another job again
what are we drinkijg tonight m8s for me its wine the blood of christ
I used to have this friend. Parents split up. Useless layabout lived with him and his mother. Reminded of that now and gets me angry to think about. Divorce is disgusting.
How do I get my own Apu?
>Sneeze into tissueberg just now
>Hafta cough at the same exact time
The heckington
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Yeah fuck you too bird
>apu trade and mart magazine
>adopt from the helper shelter
>catch and tame a wild one
>snatch one in the street but it may be tagged and the owner will come looking
>classified ads in tatler for pedigree apus
Need a gf so bad fuck
Might wank nvm cba
Who's the poster with the big vidya backlog? how many games in it?

I cleared Super Mario RPG off my backlog today.
Me? Coughing up horrible dark green phlegm
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Heading out soonish aren't i

Indeed i shall
You need to poo n its nest, it's the only logical thing to do. Yuo need to box vlever and try to do it as you're walking/climbing iver it, then the bird can't complain "oh mine was an accident as I was flying, you fucking SQUATTED ON PURPOSE".
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Hmm?, no more typing in the dark for me.
1984 is here lads. Could be out shopping with your missus and the facial recognition tech gets you arrested.

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What we watching tonight, lads?
it pool night tonight my leed
p p p pool night
it might not be for you but it is for me
Probably some ATK Girlfriends
Having those tuna melts for dinnersbury aren't I
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33 and dont have a single mate
same but 35
Sounds like youre a NEET too
Can't handle my booze like I did in my student days: had a bottle of wine with my dinner, and a double jaegermeister as a digestif. Now I feel a bit pissed. I shall have to have a rollie to pep me up before my pool match.
We are your mates de lads
Still didn't watch SONE-290 despite torrenting it earlier fucksake.

So? Friends come and go. Don't see the appeal.

Same but with fizzy drinks. Get very burpy after every mouthful. Didn't used to happen when I was little.
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More selection for the slop enjoyers. Poundland quid Blu-rays are the star here.
Only one of these I've got is Robin Hood and haven't watched that yet
I enjoy it. Ridley Scott is definitely hit and miss I have to say but even clunkers like Exodus: Gods and Kings I can enjoy. Gladiator 2 legitimately looks shite however.
If you pay the bills why are not in charge of the heating?
>We are your mates de lads
How are you my mate I don't even know you lid
bit tempted to watch the ebola syndrome but already watched hard boiled 2 today so dont feel i have the energy, might mong out with youtube instead
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>I don't even know you lid
Is Licorice Pizza any good?
A queue of people do not many people play
Sticky NEET goo
Give it a fucking rest Sanjid.
God. Good GOD! I love pegging.
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Unironically this. I actually got season 9 in preparation yesterday too
>He fell for (((rebar)))
SCEA wouldn't stand for such gimmicks
>>He fell for (((rebar)))
>SCEA wouldn't stand for such gimmicks
Fascinating gimmicks
Fascinating Ruthmong posts
Just pooped and after the stool left there were drops of blood coming out, been happening a lot lately
Might be dying
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See that guy on the right? Yeah, that's me.
We are hitting new lows chooms
Cyberpunk 2077 is a masterpiece and it will age fantastically and be regarded as such in the future.
Yeah I liked it but it's funny they try to act like Alana Haim is beautiful but she's ugly as fuck. PTA is obsessed with her for some reason.
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Stella artois
Me? On this piss - big time
Drag me 2 hell how about drag me 2 heaven? Ever think of that 1 Hollyweird? Course not
Calm down crossladdy it's just a wee comedy horror. You wissed up?
Dracula 92 classic *****core tho
still haven't finished it. but it's pretty good. soundtrack is 10/10
oh yeah? enjoy my lid
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If it came out same year as Orphan I maybe saw jt in cinema. Dont remember it tho. Nd I paid 2 see Orphan bt I never went in nd saw it in the end. Dunno why.
Really? I got it at launch and wasn't impressed but the game was busted, maybe I should get the DLC and try it now they've reworked entire systems.
It Winona Ryder titty core de lid.
I like Orphan they made a sequel recently. I'm really attracted to the wee lass from those films, Isabelle Fuhrrman or summin she called? Hairy freckle black hair lass get in.
Hands up if you had sex this weekend.
Could just be anal fissures
Cineworld Renfrew st is absurdly big for what's "just' a cinema. My stepdad pointed it out earlier nd I neber really thought about it bt it's like skyscraper size for a literal cinema. I wonder if it's biggest in the UK. Comfy inside tho.
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why dont girls approach me and talk to me? that's what i need

dont they know how hard it is for men to do it specially spergy men?

Made some impulse new and sealed dvd purchases on eBay today
>vanilla sky
>welcome to the rileys
>the english patient
>amelie (lmao)
>zero dark thirty
>a most violent year
It started out as a coomer hunt for some Jessica Chastain films tbqh. Then I got a bit horney for Juliette Binoche and Audrey Tatou.
Been happening to me for 10+ years.
Never lmao @ amelie
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Haven't had sex for 17 months now
>tfw havent had sex since 2011
cant remember the exact date but it would have been sometime in october
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>Winona Ryder titty core
Hands up if you have an anal fissure
I haven't seen it in years, hope I like it as much as I did when I was a teen. Audrey is absolutely ethereal in it imo.
>>a most violent year
Really liked that one, lovely handsome Oscar Isaac doing his best impression of Al Pacino before he became a parody of himself
Only had sex once circa 11 years ago and I was blackout drunk.
Off and on to be honest depending on how much water/booze I drink.
Yeah I saw it when it came out, can't believe that was 10 years ago. I remember him being really good and Jessica Chastain being fit as fuck wife.
Mad the same director is making Kraven the Hunter for Sony lmaoooo
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I think u reset 2 incel at some point
I've thought about this a lot
I used 2 agree with the black nd white school that no sex ever=incel
Bt rven if you pulled it off nd it was so long ago the fact you can't replicate it means technically you're celibate against your will aka incel
Not saying about you personally just pondering
@ some point the terminology became so loose that it means "man I personally as a woman find creepy" regardless of sexusl activity bt idc what foids think about anything
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My last sex maybe idk two years?
Last time I saw the prozzie we just cuddled together and she jerked me off. Time before that was the pegging and femdom the week before. The weeks before that were just normal sex.
Hands up if youre a NEET
Yeah it was a total fluke I managed to have sex and it was mostly due to the fake charisma I sometimes get from excessive booze consumption.
Been thinking of doing a punt lately but so many of the adultwork in my area are ugly as sin.
Ofc you'll neber be a wizard though. That's ur own fault for fornicating.
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>the fake charisma I sometimes get from excessive booze consumption
Yea thats taken me pretty far in life too in the past(sin)
Grim way 2 live though
Yeah it led me to being drunk basically 24/7 in my early 20s, going to university half drunk just to put up with all the normie fucks and not tell them all to fuck off
barely drink now, only on some social occasions when I know I can't pretend to enjoy being around people
Haven't seen kt in a decade bt am pretty confident it's still perfect
Goated soundtrack, goated everything
Make me laff thinking the controversy abkut there's only 1 or 2 brown ppl in a perfect Paris
So in an ideal Paris there's no brown ppl? Qui?
The answer is yes, the answer was always yes
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>Jessica Chastain being fit as fuck wife
She did a lush sex scene with r Oscar in Scenes from a Marriage recently too, the lucky git
Paris is overrun with Muslims and browns nowadays. Bretty scary I'd say. Protests in Germany today as well. 2000 muzzos protesting for Germany to ebact Sharia Law lmao.
NICE. How they do these scenes without getting hard? Seems like it'd be difficult especially with Chastain's arse in your face.
most male actors have no genitalia
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you are all so dreadfully dull.
They always go on about intimacy coordinators and how it's so awkward doing it 5 times with a camera crew and a director watching and the weird flesh coloured thongs they wear etc. etc.
Still reckon it must be quite nice dry humping a beautiful actress though
Is that ur sister footmong
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why they make nagatoro so hot?
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waddaya mean?
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Scottish mongs ruined britfeel
>says the BBCuck poster
now that's fucking rich dee lads
phwoar tan anime lasses are my weakness
I should get round to reading the manga
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Kek he looks like aryan Kim jung on now
Naked niggatoro
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yee she's a cutie
He'll be gone for good when Iran glass Tel Aviv if Shlomo dares to retaliate
I want an anime girl to bully me, is that so much to ask?
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Hangover is finally gone, relaxing in bedberg watching videos from my youtube comfort lesbian
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You disgusting pervert.
sometimes youtube can be better for a wank than any porn site, just saying
In most occasions a human is better than a cow. But when you need milk, a cow really excels.
I completely agree. Plebs wouldn't understand of course.
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Cute poster I saw 2day
Those lingerie hauls are good. Also ASMR lasses. Music videos too. Remember reply girls? They used to be good for a tug.
Going to bed now, maybe quick shag with the gf
Sad to think most people here will ever experience love
Might just get smashed. Fjck it
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Quads confirm de lid
>youtube comfort lesbian
Very confused by this
Smelly NEETs dont deserve being loved
Garn give the red telephone a quick ring. Really pushing my luck lately
Red telephone is a nonce help hotline
Don't understand the red telephone gimmick, me.
Never have myself either, always assumed it was either an obscure Shippy gimmick or something similar
reckon its a nightwalk tonight, not a very long one though, just a quick stroll down memory lane
it not right but it is for me
Ah come on, that's like so unfair n sheit.
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Red telephone implies a line of communication between 2 people who aren't in regular routine contact
enjoying a koenig pilsener at the moment it lush cheers
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Most ppl in any country 2day don't know what its like 2 have a true patriot in mainstream politics. A relic from the past. No wonder they killed him. Dark times ahead.
I think I fell too far into the goon hole and my tastes have wrapped around like a horseshoe back to vanilla stuff again.
Those try on hauls are H O T
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Doing well on the old numerals tonight lads, corr
The Tories love electing BAMEs don't they? Well they do, don't they? Don't they? Well they do.
3 female prime ministers and 2 BAME leaders, including a BAME prime minister.
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Labour are the real racists.
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Fackin ell

Good run this was, was it not
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Even my dad wants BASED KEMI to win. I cringe. It sad.
bitch has more gum than teeth
I've heard about receding gums but these mothafuggas advancing
Better a Nigerian woman than a Zionist.
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She's vaguely cute but not sexy or sexualised and talks about silly shit, her having a gf is more comforting to me than her getting shagged all over off screen by some bloke. I suppose it replicates casual female company which I find nice.
The Nigerian woman is also a Zionist.
Not anywhere near as Zionist as (((Robert Jenrick))).

Literally fucking anyone but Jenrick, even George Galloway
My white cum would contrast well on her jet black head of hair.
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Thought this was a reply to Kemi Badenoch then
I wouldn't cum on a wog if they were on fire, lad.
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the so called "red telephone" only ever comes through to this lad
Andy's Rape Club

Fresh new breadington for y'all
Cute tranny arses
Snotty pussy

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