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Britfeel Transport edition
Night walks and thugs. Feels like you can't do anything without them interfering these days.

No one is too autistic to work
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Went to Blackpool a while ago. Fuckin ell what a cesspit it was. Saw this sign and it made me laugh out loud.
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Why hasn't he posted a massive succulent arse you ask?
The wait is over.
>Gonna tell the therapist about my violent thoughts I've been having for a while now.
tell us about these violent thoughts
go on
wops probably won't get the platinum on infamous. you can miss a trophy if you clear all the enemies out and haven't done all your unique moves I think I recall.
Wops should let me fuck her fat thighs on stream and cum all over her fat belly. She'd get more views.
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normgroids love to gaslight
Played Mad Max and couldn't get all the achievements because I cleared all the enemies out and needed to kill groups of enemies for an achievement. Sucks those types of achievements. Much prefer not having to study the achievements beforehand.
Autistics with university education are less likely to be in full time employment than autistics with no secondary education. How good you actually are at something makes no difference, if you're autistic normgroids will just shut you out no matter what you do.
ask her out lad, say you've got money to burn. i doubt she was serious with her male friend
>Hartlepool man found 'TOO AUTISTIC' to work
you could imagine that as a headline. it isn't one, but the fact that it COULD be one, that should tell you something.
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Ok guys Im in. What do I say?
Also playing video games at 2 in the afternoon. Shes one of us isnt she?
wops dries up when some spackers start talking about ancient consoles and games.
i know this is cruel but can't we just put them in a position where they do the same thing over and over, don't they enjoy that?
think like, winding up a clockwork toy, except it's autistic people. just letting them go. weeee.
Never understood achievement mongs. Even during 360 era I never cared. Never even looked at them.
"hello who is emily pops"
that should be your first contact lad, gather intel. necessary before proceeding.
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Yeah she's a semi neet. Only works part time at the home bargains because of hidden disability.
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She wont dry up when she sees my copy of Mega Man X3
You're making the assumption that normgroids actually want to let autistics participate in society and be productive. They don't
Not working isn't the same as not able to work
This could be true I am autistic and university educated and after university I hit a wall. Have just given up on integrating into society.
back in my day, we had our own achievements.
borrowing GoldenEye from the lad down the road's, now that was an achievement. went 'outside' the game itself. involved mums and allsorts.
Explain why university educated autistics have lower employment rates than down syndromes
Higher interest in playing games instead of working
why've you got the American one?
I remember having a PS2 and looking up the achievement lists for the same games...getting excited that I can do all of them when I get the 360. Happy times. That's the only achievements I focused on in life sadly while everyone else was going out to university, making friends and getting careers. Sad really.
If you spend your benefits on anything other than support for your 'disability', that means you don't need it.

That's why the bank spying change is going to be so exciting as it will show what people really need.
Because autistics who are university educated are more self aware and therefore can't just get on with shit in blissful ignorance unlike downies.
And now you can get all the achievements in Goldeneye on Xbox. Very hard stuff. I've tried but some of the timed stuff is too much for me.
Fuck off, lad. Authoritarian bollocks.
That's why I want an e mobility bike. I'd love a cool one, but a faggy e scooter would do, just to help get about.
it's money, a made-up token that can buy goods and services. fundamentally, that's how it should work.
obviously, i personally spend benefits on drugs, but still, fundamentally.
Used to get pissed off unlocking an achievement offline on 360 since it would not ever show the date unlocked then.
NTSC games run at the intended speed and dont have stupid black letterboxing that PAL games have. This is why I collect NTSC games.

Not enough good webms itt yet tbqh
The principle behind it is that you're assessed on whether you need more support and therefore more money to pay for that support.

No spending on support, no benefits.
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Very nice, lad. Glad to see another booty lover in the thread!
Normgroids don't like uppity autistics being their superior
How dare a spacker like you be a better programmer than me? I'm going to play retarded social games to get you booted out, that means I'm better than you
I have over 1 million gamerscore. I'm top 1% in UK.
Claimants could have to present their spending to a panel of taxpayers, who would then judge whether they've spent prudently
Went there back in 2022. Had two nights booked and ended up coming home after one, absolute shithole. It's still not as bad as Skegness though.
Emily making out she sprained her knee just to spend all week off work playing vidya.
Assessments for benefits should add a section where you need to write a paragraph explaining why you need the money more than Ukraine. If your reasons are good enough, you may be entitled to some benefits.
'i am a young woman who has parental issues if only there was some fat miserable older bloke who i could dedicate my life to fixing'
any day now
Wops should just get on neetbuxx like us based neet lads.
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Never reply to me again you grim cunt
How long have you been an expert programmer?
We need to save that three billion over for years. We can add that to the two billion over four years we sent India!
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>Glad to see another booty lover in the thread
Don't think it's particularly novel to find someone ITT who likes women's arses
Don't call are Bootylod a grim cunt you grim cunt
>expert programmer
Who said I was?
yeah be easy for wops to do that. so many men are willing to date someone on a lower level of employment or none at all.
I bet there's some right specimens in there
You're just inventing scenarios to get angry at de lid
i deserve the extra entitlements because my kievs go down easy, without a fight and with mustard sauce (lush)
So wait, you're saying you're not a better programmer than anyone? In fact, you're not a programmer at all? What the fuck are you on about then?
Oh gets even wackier when the justification is a "22 billion pounds blackhole".

So we need to fuck peoples bennies about, to save three billion over four years, because of 22 billion? Penny pinching to the extreme, especially while sending even more than that to other countries.
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Not about drama me. Just about womfy chill vibes and nice juicy arses. If I'm stirring a hornet nest just by being around then I'll take my leave for a while.
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>Normgroids don't like uppity autistics being their superior
>How dare a spacker like you be a better programmer than me? l'm going to play retarded social games to get you booted out, that means I'm better than you
Some fucking weirdo sitting getting angry about his superior programming skills not being recognised when he's not a programmer at all.
Going to the jobcentre and apparently they don't get you jobs anymore. What is the point calling it that still? You can't just walk in and look for jobs without security ganging up on you.

No lad just fuck off with your sock puppets you shut in spamming cunt
Just some mental case lad, don't worry about him
If you can't follow along a thread that's your own problem

If I was inventing scenarios the autistic unemployment rate wouldn't be 85%
Fake refugees, illegals etc being put in hotels is costing 2.9 billion a year as of December 2023. Was 8 million a day then.

So, 2.9 billion for illegals is fine. Meanwhile yeah we have to cut your bennies to save 750 million a year. While sending billions abroad every year on top of this.
>getting angry about his superior programming skills not being recognised
This never happened lad. You've made this up.
All expenses paid trip to centre parcs in november lads, cooorrrrr nice little break eh?
Now I just need to fast off all this skinnyfat pudge so I can at least not look like shit in my swimtrunks.
I can follow along lad. I just can't believe that you're making all this stuff up.
How many billions does it cost to educate people who are sitting doing fuck all? You went to school for years. That isn't free.
The ooga boogas are our replacements, they're bound to be spending unlimited money on funding them and making them comfortable here. The white working class are enemies of the state, Keith's two tier response to the riots showed that.
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Why is it if you are born a woman, you get to do easy, low energy jobs? Every time the waste collection comes, it's always men. Plumber - man. Electrician - man. Builder - man. They are fucking lazy cunts taking all the easy jobs on their phones all day. I want some of that. So I don't think it should be too much of an issue being on benefits and getting my easy lifestyle.
>educate people
had a good kek at this
Not him, but personally I don't see much point in the education system as is. I would gut it down to barebones and restructure it entirely. If I was running things we would not be spending fucking 100 billion+ per year on "education".
Would bum the one on the right
Never asked to be educated. They force you into education up to 16. Now I think back what really could they have done if I said "that's enough" at 12 and just didn't go to school anymore? Fuck all.
>So I don't think it should be too much of an issue being on benefits and getting my easy lifestyle
This from a lad too lazy to apply for benefits, who sits around at home playing video games and watching youtube all day on his mother's money, and still finds the time to whine about it every single day of his life
they fine you if you do that now
They fine the parents but a parent can't do much if their child is resistant.
And that's exactly where it becomes unforgiveable and illegitimate. If the system is dogshit but you are actively punished for leaving it then you are being ruled by objectively evil people who want bad things for you and your kids.
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Pierced belly button. Dropped, right lads?
I've got 10 GCSEs you stupid fuck
What's got you all seething this afternoon? Some right stroppy cunts in today
Imagine having no tits as a female.
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Bragging because your baps are bigger fat lad?
yet you're still a mong
>tfw you never got the highest colour report card in school

only thug chads managed that
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I don't have a harem of girls that look like this, therefore I will never work.
some wind-up merchant in the thread sent billywiscuit on a melty over potentially losing his bennies
How many GCSE's have you got?
>become tripfag
>immediately start behaving exactly the same as all the other tripfags
Genuinely don't see the point
I wont be losing my bennies! Not worried for myself really. Just find this attitude annoying.
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What's your reason for not working?

>no chance of gf
>be stuck in shit jobs with shit pay
>never able to move out
>too expensive to drive so that limits jobs also

I don't see the point.
agree lad, there are at least three tripfags in this thread who are essentially crossfaggot without the leetspeak
What job title do girls like this usually hold? Construction, railway maintenance technician?
>Also Wagies: hehe working from home lids means i can take a lot of breaks and do fuck all today get in!!!!!!!!!!11111111
A little concerned about the bank account checks. Ive been looking it up for the past 30 mins and it just says about fraud and overpayments. They cant cut your bennies if they find out you spend money on video games right?
I got educated at school lad. It's your own fault that you chose not to learn.
It worked for me lad. You probably just don't see a point because you're a failure.
Doesn't matter. It still cost money, and you've wasted it.
Yup give me some of that wfh easy life. Why would I want to slave in a warehouse?
Pipe handler
Exactly. You treat working as if it's a living hell but it's not even that bad, you can basically just chill at home and get loads of money. Why would you choose to be poor instead?
Prison costs money too. No one asks to be there.
They can't. Just to check if you keep more money than you should and stuff like that.
I dunno lad, why would you even consider working in a warehouse? I wouldn't. I'm on fat money sitting at home.
That's the only jobs available really. Everything else requires being middle class (degrees and money to afford education).
Work sucks.

Just don't like wagies attitudes of whining about 'dossers' but then finding any way they can to be dossers themselves. Hypocrisy!
What do you do, lad? What did it take to get there?
I'm not middle class yet I managed it. Got student loans and worked part time during uni. Anyone could do the same.
>cleaned my flat
>made a lovely panini
>restrung my guitar
>windows open, lots of fresh air
Having a nice day, me
>It's your own fault that you chose not to learn.
Consistently had top marks on my maths tests in my entire year lad. It was all a waste of time. I learned more free reading at home than I ever did at school
I'm a mining geologist lad. People email me details about the chemical composition of soil in mines, and I do an analysis and write up a report. I did a geology degree and went from there.
You dont want me working I'd have a melty irl and murder someone sooner or later. Maybe it'd be you, or your sister, or your gf, or whatever? Think about it.

>Ha! Yes those mentally ill dossers must be forced off of benefits into workplaces with a bunch of normans who despise them
Monkeys paw. Even putting aside the extremes. You wouldn't hire them or me, nor want to work alongside them or me.

Do any decent poos? I still haven't had mine. Getting a bit worried.
>Do any decent poos?
Yeah just the one this morning, not bad at all
Pretty girls and chatty middle aged ladies who work at Costa do more important work than that or any office wagie crap.

Honestly if I was somehow LITERALLY forced into work and couldn't take a bullet to the head as an option, and by waving a magic wand I HAD to work, I would pick Costa. It's such a great place. I love it.
Thanks Willy. A name I can confine in when it comes to bennies.
It's certainly a lot better paid than working in Costa, that's for sure.
Ignore the tards ITT. Think they're just trolling honestly. Most of what they say is nonsense. They constantly do shit like conflating PIP and UC and getting things mixed up. Don't know how it all works clearly.
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>I'd have a melty irl and murder someone sooner or later.

No you wouldn't lad, you'd get put clean on your arse lmao
Would you spin his jaw lad?
>stim a lot which scares normies
>frequent meltdowns
>eye contact is terrifying
I could go on, forcibly birthed a defective unit against my will into a world that finds me revolting. Why should I be expected to work for such a society? For the record, support workers are essentially schadenfreudian monsters masquerading as gentle souls aiding the crestfallen. Like yeah right, no Deborah you don't care about the disabled, you're a hollowed out, withering handbag of a bitch lacking any and all vestige of control over your life so you prey on the spastics to regain that control, you revolting little trollop.
Lisa Ann.

What a whore.
She's uggo too idk why she's popular bleh
Always get a sensible chuckle when you dossers go off on your little rants trying to justify why you need your weekly pittance for doing fuck all
Why not just meet another autistic person and start your own company with them?
She's got a good MILF look to her. Plus she is undeniably a right slag and that's hot in a pornstar.
I don't need it. I am literally defrauding the DWP lol.
Nonsense. Bet you've never been in a fight in your life you fuck. Why don't you come over, and I'll show you who is the lord of the thread?

For me? It's Julia Ann.
>I'll show you who is the lord of the thread
Not really beating the "acting like every other /britfeel/ tripfag" allegations is he

One of the few anons ive ever heard telling the truth tbqh
All the cope some of you lids come off with is insane
Was anyone really in any doubt? He's pathetic.
how do you think companies make money

gonna play my bing bing wahoo games
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>lord of the thread
Usually by making/buying a product of some kind and selling it for more than it cost to make/buy.
>just do all the shit you can't handle in a normal job and then add sales and networking on top of it
I thought the "shit you can't handle" is social interaction? You could do all the sales online.
>Why should I be expected to work for such a society?
because you're asking that society to give you money
Wish I was getting pegged right now desu.
RickysRoom continuing to put out extremely good scenes one after another. Getting up there with peak BlackedRaw type of quality/aesthetic/content/consistency.
Poley is into that stuff, ask him on discord
To beat the lord of the thread we have to throw ruthmong into the fires of mount larp
Just browsing through wops discord and found a tranny. I shouted out loud TRANNY in my bedroom. I had a little chuckle and now I feel a little embarrassed.
Discords is for nonces. Real Gs use mIRC.
always figured emily would be a TERF
Grown man. Speculates about random ugly youtube women's socio-political views. Concludes that they probably match his own.
I'm not a TERF. I hate feminists.
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Probly be 1 of the coldest winters in years this year. Gt frost on the window 2day saw frost on tbe ground some days late August even. Mr frosty innit
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Why get upset about women when you can just look at the fit ones and wank to them?
Spent all day wanking when I've just moved to a new team at work and should be getting to grips with the day-to-day stuff. Reckon I'll be fired one day, but I won't make it easy for them and I'll drag it out as long as I can ('oh haha sorry mate, I totally forgot about that, let me get right on it' *deletes email*)
Because I want to. Fuck. Them.
What's so hard to get about that?
Love being cold me. Love staying under the covers at night when its like 1 degree. Dont know what the pensioners are moaning about.
just had my visa for saudi arabia approved. need to get out of this godforsaken country
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I have human poo smeared on my anus.
Hope you're posting all these larvely webms in good faith de lad. Wouldn't want to be getting riled up and seething from these lovely lasses.
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>I grew up in the greatest period of material prosperity in the history of the planet. I bought a house outright in 1959 when I was 20 and it cost me 1,600 quid. I used a firm handshake to get a job selling apples three days a week and it allowed me to support a family of four. I have repeatedly voted for parties who will give me more and more benefits, all paid for by the increasingly shrinking productive working class of young people getting taxed more and more and I demand a staff of carers, waiters, taxi drivers and healthcare assistants imported from the third world to bring down wages so things don't cost me as much. Despite all these systemic advantages and one of the most generous pension schemes of any country on earth, I, somehow, have managed to arrive at my 80s with essentially zero savings or investments, to the point where I literally rely on the state to even heat my home.

>How could this have happened? I better vote for more immigration and higher taxes to fund pensions and the NHS!
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When tbe last time yous made a snowman
See cause I never really had grandparents alive i don't relate 2 olds at all not like I got no empathy fir them bt I look at this woman eg nd I'd just have zero idea what to even say to her as ifnshes from a differebt country that dont speak english. If she was a guy old guy it's even worse. Its a total non starter. Can't relate. It sounds bad to say. Just being honest. My social anxiety hierarchy is like: animals > middle age woman <<< these 2 are easy fir me. Now it starts going off a cliff like, Middle age guy > a child > zoomer age guy >>>> zoomer age grill >>>>>>><>>>>>>>>> old woman >>>>>>>>!!!!old man(nightmare mode)
Thats from easiest 2 hardest
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Wanking to them is better than being angry with them for not wanting to fuck you is a better deal de lad.
Nothing but good faith lad. Enjoy the splendours of these webms.
never understood prison rape
surely bumming someone is gayer than getting bummed
I saw a really good snowlady last year though. She had lovely tits.
I want to fuck Priti Patel up her huge brown arse anal fuck with lots of oil big brown arse desi girl anal fuck hardcore anal desi girl gets wrecked by huge cock slut fucked hard pounding booty rough fuck hard anal cum in arse.
Another 80gb of manga added to the collection.
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>refuse to lose weight
>get offended when you buy them 'tummy control' swimsuits
Reads like my average torrent file download ngl
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If u stuck onahole in there theres lads desperate enough 2 have a go on that Mrs frosty snowussy
The more manga you have the less likely it is for you to have sex
Nobody wants a frostbitten bellend.
The bitch deserves it for flooding the country with millions of ooga boogas
They don't want to fuck you though. Ever.
Gotten 6 hours of sleepington in, me

Not too shabby, this
Same saddos talking about working vs not working all day is it?
Same saddo reading about fellas talking about working vs not working all day is it?
Wagies about to clock off, prepare for the seethe lol
Had an early finish today, back home from my short shift
Do you really think you're better than wagies? Like you're some high caste Brahmins, and the wagies are the dalits?
Going to spam the thread with the usual neet v wagie drivel now, king?
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Trad wife material is it not
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What exactly is 'trad' about her?
yeah not really hapy maybe i shdoul jusy kill myself
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Imagine if a Muslim immigrant threw acid on her face oh no!
You'll forever be a loser if you're obsessed with sex.
A true chad finds happiness within himself.
gay boys (boys who are gay)
I want to inseminate her ovaries, but she would have to stop whoring herself out and being an e-slut. Basically stay at home, do the cooking and cleaning and look after the kids.
Crosslad. You are Crosslad. Intradasting.
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>inseminate her ovaries
>look after the kids
So desperate for attention he made two names and trips and created personalities around them
Wepperoni oven wizza for din dins. Still feel rough off last night. Mate lost his wedding ring as well. Wooze has done a number on us x
I'm not. I did notice he has the same waifus as me. I assume they are his waifus he posts. Makima, and Scully most notably. Used to have thousands of pics and videos and stuff of scully many I made myself.
Was there a wagie lunch update today? Have to ensure he's still getting his daily double donut delicacy.
Played Advance Wars on Switch. Hecking good!
You even typo the same.
Not anymore she isn't, but she's got 2 sprogs, which is above average for France
Arb, Cross and Willy are all the exact same person.
I would say almost certainly.
It's so obvious. The use of images, the kind of images, the drunk posting, the flow of the text...
I am not drunk. I do not drink alcohol. Soetimes I just can't be bothered to type right.
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14 days no wuttingtons and 3 weeks 1 day no wokey. I'm on the up.
I nut regularly
Nice. I just deleted all my porn today.

So did I, but not anymore!
>please acknowledge me helper i'm just like you, see!
Bit pathetic really
Europe needs more sprogs. It really is that simple
Ngl i love eating, its my passion
Good old Aristotle was right about the golden mean was he not, he was indeed. Just got to relax and do what you want every now and then.
SCEA's passions were minge, currency, metalworking and his Mondeo
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heh the ironing of this post
Same thing Crosslad does as well. Coincidence? lmao
are there any girls here who like to peg mens arses?
Don't really care if you are the same person or not but your avatars, opinions, posting style, wording and general demeanour are all pretty much identical to him. And of course you just popped up out of nowhere as if literally anybody should give a fuck. Embarrassing.
Arb but he's a man and he fucks men's arses.
>SCEA's passions were minge, currency, metalworking and his Mondeo
>popped up out of nowhere
How else does one pop up? I just poost. It's the anons who make a big deal out of tripfags. Just tall poppy syndrome desu.
isn't wepperoni a bit too spicy for you?
crosslad cope going strong today
Just want SCEA back
bring back mihai, i say.
Oh shut up and go away. Yeah people are so jealous that you use a trip and post fetish porn as if they couldn't do that too.
I'd say Chika is probably Crosslad as well if I'm being honest.
I hope SCEA is securing sufficient minge in his post-/britfeel/ life
to be fair i would have a difficult time keeping that up, it seems exhausting.
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the seethe on this post
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No ive posted bout 3 times the whole day
The last person to use the phrase tall poppy syndrome in britfeel?

we are all one race
the crosslad race
The mask is slipping. Crosslad has been rumbled.
Really beating the "is the exact style as crosslad" allegations here eh? So so boring.
Having sex with Ruth
Meds for even searching that
using two pcs or vpn to post at the same time
you thinking we're stupid de lid?
Not trying to beat anything. I am just myself. If me and crosslad happen to be similar in your eyes, then that's fine.
Hurr hurr meds
Dogshit meme
Crosslad should be renamed CrossPersonalityLad.
Poppy shagger season is coming up soon. Youve just reminded me.
Ebin needs to wash his clothes more desu
Ebin went back to his home planet ages ago, mate.
She has a black baby, doesn't she?
>his home planet
what did he mean by this?
I believe the PC term is Spwog.
yeah that is honestly either some schizophrenia or Sherlock Holmes shit
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Id need 2 be awake 24 hours every day nd a few iq points higher fir that to make ant sense
Danny Dyer should star in a porno with his daughter Dani Dyer. It could be called Double D: A Hard Man and His Daughter.
in interviews he comes off as a bit of a knob
She's white, so I very much doubt that
The non-PC term is Gollysprog
o snap lol
Single mother being given a pebbedash house by Angus council
mental that under-30s can drive. they don't have the life experience imo
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Well u made stuff up then bully me just 4 saying its made up. Thats gaslighting. It OK tho.
if you recognise it, it's not gaslighting. someone else has to see it on your behalf. sorry mi chaka this is just how it works.
Me and HHL getting jobs
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Not sure I have the time or the means to be cooking bone broth. It not right. Have to be rich to be healthy these days it seems. Pasture fed chicken eggs are you having a laugh, is he having a laugh?
Wish I had a girlfriend desu
Love pho bo me ngl i really do
Ruthmong should move into a spacker home HHL style when his parents finally kick him out
She never asked to be born. She never asked to be ogled at.
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>Go to sainsburys to get my weekly groceries
>7-9/10 qts everywhere with yoga pants/leggings
>get my stuff asap cause im getting the urge to just stare at them or walk past them and smell them
>go to self-checkout
>2 members of staff both hot 18yolds with tight leggings
>see at least 1-2 more on the way home
>picrel mfw trying to not be a creep around hotties outside
Imagine shagging an arse like that
I would literally suck the shit out of that arse
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blow glass
>Prancing around on social media for the whole world to see

How about no.tiff
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Lunchingtoon soon
naked fanny
Sucking shit out of an arse isn't for me lad but it might be for you
Andy's Rape Cafe
lil zoomzoom wait until you hit wizardhood. that's when you start noticing all the secondary school qts
cant wait to get on dat dere assisted dying bros
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>And God said: "Lines 1 to infinity: Delete", and the universe ceased to exist
>implying im a zoomer
kek i wish, then id be young enough to get with some of the 18yold qts

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