post nut clarity hitting insanely hard right now. im never jerking off or doing any of this degenerate shit ever again. a whole fucking week locked in chastity, saving gigabytes of porn from other boards. im such a fucking loser i neef to get my shit together FUCK
>>79499333I'm familiar with this kind of post nut clarity. You will either fap later tonight or tomorrow again. And you will enjoy it even better.
>>79499354never again anon. never again. never goon.
I dont think there is a valid reason to be upset that you masturbated unless you broke a law or hurt someone.
>>79499372>broke a lawfuck...
>>79499361>Deleting files.Classic. Looking forward to reading about you later in your journey to replenish your goon folder.
>>79499333lol i know what you mean, people my age are married with kids and established careers and here i am jerking off daily and saving porn like i'm still 16, i am who my teenage self feared becoming
I feel happy when coomers die alone
>>79499333Lmao this dude will be jerking off again tomorrow.
>>79499333In Sweden have we one thing like called All Mans Right, like meaning that everyone have right to be in nature regardless who like owns it. But there exists some exceptions! You sheep only sleep one night on one place, not sleep for close house, sheep not destroy or leave track after you, am.o. All Mans Right are one freedom men andso one responsibility.
>>79500334your diaper fucking leaks
>>79500388your breathingsuit are so sharp
>decides its a wise idea to try and fight human naturelmao. ok anon. good luck with that. spoiler alert: even if you succeed, subverting yourself is never worth it. embrace yourself and indulge. don't fight your DNA.
>>79499333Hehehe.I've been there before, OP. EXACTLY the same as you.>Oh shit I need to stop jerking to this gross ass shit what the fuck am i doing?Then one day I just get the urge to nut to that same gross stuff again.Now I barely even mind it. I mean, I still do, but I don't lie to myself that I'm never jerking to it again. Maybe you're not lying to yourself though. I wish you luck on your attempt to stop jerking it to that stuff.
Trick is to have something to do so you're not focused on getting off
>>79499333 theme
>>79499333dude you are never going to stop jerking off. accept it. just stop watching tranny gaping porn in 6 hour sessions.
>>79500432oh.... that's how you shot web :(
>>79499333I think about that scene more a lot.
>>79499333can i see your cage?
>>79499333Just fap once a week so you don't go full Schizo over your hormones. Why is this so hard for you kids to grasp? Why were none of you ever taught moderation? If you're a healthy male that gets no sex doing no fap is just going to make you more porn sick than before. Just handle the shit periodically and get on with your life.