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What will you do once porn gets banned?
anyone who cant imagine porn in there brains isnt worthy of spreading seed.
their* not there ok i swear im not retarded
All Americans are retarded
not retarded even though we
They will find a way to make it illegal to imagine porn
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I will finally escape the mouse wheel and contribute to society. Look upon my works ye mighty and despair.
degrading American porn will drop to zero and european cutie pies will continue

nothing of value will be lost
I'll become an erotic terrorist.
>look at naked wife
Jerk off to the porn I have saved on my pc nigga duh. Aint gonna happen anyway though.
Nothing. I was never a coomer.
I hate myself and am too incel to get a hard-on on my own anyway, and I could never make myself cum, before or since getting my 'skin clipped.
it isnt possible to ban porn. whoever said he will block porn everywhere doesnt know how the internet works
anon I already have 23 terabytes of it
My 6 month water fast begins immediately if this happens.
I don't want to be a neckbeard my entire, short, miserable life.
I used to be able to do this as a teenager.
Maintain your health at all costs gamers. Your brain is way more fragile than you think it is.
I don't live in the US, so this won't affect me at all. Enjoy the retarded senile orange man you probably voted for and the brainlet conservatards he's going to put in charge. You wanted this, I guess.
Also, even if something like this happened in my country, I have almost 1TB of exactly the kind of stuff I like to fap to. It wouldn't be much of an inconvenience. And of course, I know how to use a VPN so such a ban wouldn't work on me at all. It would only affect the masses of tech-illiterate normies.
good, porn is bad
despair is good
>>What will you do once porn gets banned?
>women will stop trying to monetize their bodies

lol... lmao even
Jerk off to the 30k r34 images I got saved. Real life porn kinda grosses me out anyway.
>banning something that contributes 57 billion dollars a year to the economy
They won't do it for that reason alone.
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Must I really post picrel? We learnt this 15 years ago
They know that you're a data hoarder and you will be required to turn in your devices for wiping.
It is all soulless unimaginable garbage now anyway.
streamers will cry
savers will win as usual
>i'm hecking based for saving my porn
>I believe in society, or at least in electronics.
You should WANT the government to save you from this garbage.
imagine voting for this kike lover. i'm not saying vote for kamala but just don't vote. let the libtards win until the other party finds a decent candidate instead of this old clown
Lmao why would I want the government to save me? Furthermore, why should some sperg on a Mongolian weaving forum decides whats good for me?
Dont tell the spergs with bad self-control this. They will call you a kike or a kikelover.
Well considering he slept with a pornstar and is an active kike puppet, I highly doubt that.
Buy hentai
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>What will you do once porn gets banned?
I'll be happy because 4chan will be dead, all you chuds will be digitally homeless, and I'll have more time to read books instead of shitposts.
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Trump will have to come personally and rip my porn from my cold, dead, coom dripping hands
oxylabs alone has 100+ million proxies
hes only doing what his conservatard voters wanted him to at the end of the day. it would genuinely not surprise me if he bends over backwards and abandons all his principals just to please some christcucks. hes already been on record saying hes pro choice and went back on that for the right wing vote.
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I'll just look at pictures of large muscular men like a true Patrician
laugh at americans hahahah
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Put more time into my hobbies probably. A good break is always needed
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>Will block porn "everywhere"
>Mfw a non American
Holy mother of based if true
Because clearly you aren't capable of making that decision yourself, anon.
banning porn is impossible. How did the war on drugs go?
Cuckservatives will cry about how taking away their gun rights will violate the constitution but will be all for banning the le evil porn and video games that are protected under the 1st amendment
We don't care about your 1st amendment, faggot. lmao. I wipe my ass with that piece of paper.
I already don't watch porn, so it won't affect me too much.
I guess I'll be worried that it'll bleed into other forms of expression but porn is often abusive and obviously causes problems in society.
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>porn gets banned
Good news
>Fucking normies faggot youtubers have shill during year VPN to the plebes so now everyone know how to use it and not be affect about any internet restriction.
All of this is so tiresome...
Use a vpn? Use tor? Use i2p? Join a porn message group on discord/signal/telegram/xmpp/irc? I already have porn saved if that's not an option. It'll never be persecuted so hard that you'll get arrested for owning it.
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Anyone who unironically thinks there's even a chance of porn ever being banned is a delusional retard.
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I don't live in America and American porn is bad anyway compared to jav and vintage Euro hardcore
read hentai, as I always had
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>Jew bootlicker
>ban pornography
lol. lmao even!
I'm going to throw a giant party to celebrate
This desu. If porn gets banned, millions of unskilled women will have nothing to fall back on. Society will heal.
show me the part of the US Constitution where it says "The right to make and consume pornography shall not be infringed".
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>achtually child pornography is protected under the 1st amendment understand that i am not a pedophile myself it just that i believe in free speach
It unironically should be
I live in Austin TX so if there isn't porn or internet or something I can just go outside to the park and see girls walking around with barely any clothes then go home and masterbate.
That's called obscenity retard, of course there should be some forms of ponographic content that should be prohibited. the point is 2 adults having consensual sex on camera is not obscene in anyway
Fucking austinites gonna get the rope
Hey vegas is worse. Besides it's not even most women in Austin. I could go for daily walks every day of the year and I'd only see a topless women like 10 of those days.
Most of the porn gets produced in the US so the whole industry would take a hit if it got cracked down upon but restricting access to a few sites won't even do that. A war against the internet has never worked.
it becomes obscene once you record and broadcast it
I can see the pendulum swing now...
> porn banned
> porn industry flees to the dark net
> no rules or regulations + financially lucrative leads to an explosion of under 18s doing porn
> tons of guys get sucked into this stuff, there's multiple attempts to crack down that fail
> porn and similar degeneracy legalized again but with a lower age minimum and less rules than before
> weimar germany levels of increasing degeneracy
> fascism, maybe with strictly curtailed use of the internet, for example no more social media where you can just post whatever you want, requiring state approval to have a website or host servers etc
If we really followed through on p2025. The prisons would be overloaded with sex offenders on porn charges.
And I honestly doubt that it will get laissez-faire enough for cp to be legal, even with the rockiness of American legislative practices.
So how is /pol/ spinning this?
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why would an adult want to be told what to do by other adults? if you are into that you could just move to a retirement home
I'll unban it. Simple, anon.
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I guess live out my life as a normal human, finally free from gooning
Never thought the UK will have more rights and freedom than the "land of the free".
They live in your head at a very low cost, though
>onlyfans and other eThot business models will be exempt
Just you watch.
I too will start harassing women IRL
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>Will block porn everywhere
>Forgets US law doesn't apply to every country
>Or that the current state level blocking doesn't apply to blue states
>Or how a Tor browser works
>Or that people would rather just buy porn instead of give over a government ID to jerk off
>or that this was tried and failed in the 90's
People cheering on the banning of porn are retarded.
Even if you succeeded, men would jerk off to softcore porn.
Ban that next? They beat off to R rated movies.
Ban that next? They will beat off to Instagram thots.
And at some point you reach a level of absurd that gets no one anywhere
porn will make you that image
stop hurting yourself faggot
make me president and i will make porn mandatory. I would place big billboards that stream porn in public. Also monitors in trains and busses playing porn. Also mandatory porn classes.
This is why you need a gun. Could've blasted his dick and balls off. Time it when he cums for the extra funny.
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Omg despite being around for as long as photography has existed, magically Porn has recently become a problem.
Wow so weird that porn and videogames became a problem at the same time social media became a thing.
Surely the problem in society is porn and videogames because that is what women on social media keep telling me.
not only this, but banning something creates a black market for said thing. it never just... removes the thing from existing. prohibition of alcohol utterly failed. "glock switches" are everywhere in just about any city despite the conversion only being designed after the 1986 ban had already been in place.
unironically even if they could get something to pass somewhere, you'll just have guys selling coworkers external drives that have some copy of a jerk off archive; you'd see drives like that with military deployments. gigabytes of all sorts of categories incase one guy wants something different than another.
Nobody here unironically thinks that. It's just the latest butthurt anti drumph shilling campaign by outsiders who unironically think the people here are as dumb as the ones on Twitter.
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It'll be as effective as Nintendo banning the reselling of used games and emulators.

You know Trump (when his dick worked) was whacking it all day. He's a fucking poon hound sleaze bag.
what will happen to r9k anybody got an idea?
kek this, we'd just become india where the men fuck lizards and jerk off to women's social media pages and make creepy comments
personally i think the best thing to do is ban digital stuff so the porn industry in the U.S. falls apart and stuff like camwhoring and onlyfans dies, i dont care if people draw shit and their drawings will get less pornbrained as porn's grasp on society lessens
i dont really care if men jerk off to women in bikinis, there's nothing wrong with it and it's way less degrading and weird on the woman side
no one would ever do what i wanted though because
lol no one is cheering because zOmg mEn wILL stOP jeRKiNG oFF!!!!!111 You fucking mongoloid.
Hurting the bottom line of degenerate kikes and adding hoops that hinder even a percentage of normies will have tremendous societal healing effects.
You forget, Zoomers are tech illiterate. Even the average facebook millenial isn't a 1337 h@x0r and probably doesn't even know what TOR is
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I'll start looking at my porn collection instead of constantly adding to it.
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>Hurt bottom line of "degenerate kikes"
>Continues ignoring social media
Ban social media and every societal ill you cry about will be fixed in 4 years.
It will also hurt those "degenerate kikes" to the tune of trillions, not millions because a few people couldn't figure out a VPN.
>anti-porn/Anti-videogames are a feminist bullshit argument to blame men for the outcome of them getting what they wanted.
>Men don't wanna fight and die for people that hate them
>They don't wanna overwork themselves for shit pay to ungrateful cunts who will never promote them
>They don't want to marry whores who will cheat and divorce them and take half their shit
>They don't want to try and impress obnoxious whores glued to their phones obsessed with their "brand"
>Notice how social media is never to blame... because women tantrum if social media went away
>What will you do once porn gets banned?
I don't really wanna consume it anymore anyway
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after seeing anons who are like "the internet was a mistake" I think it's positive
Is hentai included?
lol, Trump literally fucked a porn star, you stupid democrap shills
Well shit. I'll have to make do with my 2TB I have downloaded over the years.
shawty bad, who is this?
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>be me
>good law-abiding goy
>1 day after Trump is inaugurated
>come home from a long day of work
>turn on my computer to relieve some stress
>type "hentai" in the search bar
>*bang bang bang*
>"Faggot Bureau of Investigations! You're under arrest!"
>doors get kicked down and my windows get shattered
>glowniggers quickly flood my house like BLM in a white neighborhood
>flashbang goes off
>M4 Carbines are pointed directly at my head
>"Put your fucking hands up, anon!"
>disoriented and can barely see shit
>accidentally trip and fall over
>mags start dumping
>get fucking shredded to pieces and filled with lead
>begin bleeding out on the ground
>watch helplessly in a pool of my own blood as ZOGbot mutts destroy all of my most prized possessions
>come to the final realization that everything is just controlled by a bunch of worthless kikes and feminists as my vision slowly goes black
Laugh at the coomers who cannot cope
based, he doesnt even care and looks at her straight in the eyes
Is it really this bad up north??
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jeets and sandniggers do this shit on the daily
they also somehow manage to be retarded with their degeneracy. why does he have a condom?
Fuck my wife more
>I can finally move on with life
Thank fucking god
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chxrryxblossom on ig, been following her for years
>rights and freedom
>Ban that next?
no, because the goal isn't to prevent men from masturbating, mongolic moron, but to ban the corrosive pornography which is tearing the very fabric of our society. That's it, that's all there needs to be done. Jerking off to drawings is fine, jerking off to erotica is also fine.
>inb4 wuts du diffrens huh???
alcohol has been a staple of civilization since day 1. Pornography isn't, specially not the jewish kind.
they actively target hentai now. Trumps ban on pornography might have different parameters, namely real live recordings only.
Hentai falls squarely under the art category, which is protected by freedom of expression.
saving this
i'm not a coomer and i'm not even american
That won't happen it's impossible to do
I could honestly see this happening. Tor is easy to set up, and normalfags will flock to wherever they can get their fix. America is the most porn addicted it has been ever, with a majority of the population jacking off to something. What a grim reality we are heading for
i'll be okay
i've got a huuuuuuuge
When your country randomly begins banning things arbitrarily like porn, you are no longer in a free country. Now go and clip your foreskin and stop masterbating, while I masterbate without the government telling me not to.
obscenity laws are unconstitutional and dumb
some credit card companies are starting to prevent people from getting hentai due to some religious lobbying. you can throw 3d under the bus but you'll be fucked too
the founding fathers were degenerates
Doing gods work anon, thanks
this doesn't work in south korea or the middle east. you guys are fucking morons
>the goal isnt to stop masturbation (the manifestation of muh porn addiction)
>ban pornography but not the hentai porn that i like
you're all hypocritical tards
Why do you save it?
What does the water fast do?
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I don't get why there's an entire genre of people online who are gamergate era 4chan weebs who are simultaneously anti-censorship but also anti-porn/pseudo religious. very contradictory people
Religious people that aren't involved in STEM aren't ever going to be able to enforce anything on the tech industry and tech wizards. The internet is anonymous network intelligence, religious groups want to be an IRL authoritative tyrannical network intelligence, so the two groups are at odds.
>freedom to spread good thing good
>freedom to spread bad thing bad
it's that simple
nihilism and gray morality have rotted most people's brains (even mine, I have my doubts sometimes)
He should be banning alcohol first

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