newfags won't even know this picture anymore, so sad
I know that picture anymore. Very sad.
think you got the wrong board s4s is down the hall right next to the gay sex chamber
>>79515565this is not oldfag at all.
did they freeze to death after being homeless?
RGGHT>>79515565What does this picture represent?
>>79515587>this is not oldfag at all.Maybe not but r9k was at least still somewhat usable at the time. It's now complete horseshit infested with normalniggers and foids. I wish there was a term on par with nigger for women I hate them so fucking much holy shit
>>79515565its just some stupid fucking normie ass anime cat what is there to get? some kinda discord tier worthless shit that pretends to be some kinda 'board culture'? some kinda avatar for some loser who posts on r9k with a username?
>>79515565Hated this faux schizo retard. Glad he left.
>>79517184youre 110% absolutely right my wigga
oldfags here. don't know what this gay shit it.