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Is a 23 year old virgin male fucking an 18 year old female frowned upon? Is it immoral?
they say that womens brains develop 2 years ahead of male brains so imagine she's 20 instead
This is a good cope, I may use this if the opportunity arises
you're asking this board? what is your 18 girlfriend freaking out right now, and you're gonna show her this to prove that you're right?
No I just know a hot 18 year old and I am wondering how bad the damage would be if I tried have sex with her

depends whether she was born before or after 5/26/2006
she's getting railed by a 40 year old arab man for pornhub right now and you're worried about what people will do to you if they found out you asked her out on a date
24/2+7 is 19 so it would become socially acceptable in a year?
Hijacking your thread, how we feeling about me (27) and a 21 year old chick?
I tend to be a little naive but I'm pretty sure she isn't doing that. And I imagine the 40 year old Arab pornstar is probably more respected by society than a creepy 23 year old incel
21+ is fair game for anyone below 35
Take a guess
Please tell me what you think the obvious answer is
That's fine but you're pushing it
She's a consenting adult and has agency. Thus, it's fine by me.
Holy shit who cares just do what you need to with her. Zoomer age gap discourse is cancer
I just worry about being seen as a creep
People IRL don't care nearly as much as people online. If they know you personally and know you as a good person, they will give you the benefit of the doubt. If they don't know you, then who cares?
Doesn't matter. The important thing is, the male must be older than the female. Age means, he is in charge.
I was a 20 year old virgin male having sex with a 18 year old girl
I missed out on some good cunny in highschool because niggas will call you pedo only to find out those same niggas was rapist and pedos too. Do what you like.
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>26yo KHV
>going back to college
>meet cute girl by sheer chance because she sat behind me
>she's a slightly autistic and awkward gamer, really fun to talk to
>we hit it off right away
>now I'm crushing hard on a college freshman as a 26yo and constantly alternating between "I need to give it up she's too young" and "fuck it just go for it"
Have to be the biggest moron to believe in that, I'm 32 and I would date an 18 year old in a heartbeat, probably the best pussy you'll ever get
It's legal so who cares.
it's legal, if you both like it other people can mind their own business
For some ungodly reason, internet zoomers are obsessed with age gaps. Like, honestly believing that a 19 year old dating a 17 year old is grooming, or that anything larger than 3-4 years in your 20s is an innately abusive relationship because of the experience gap. It's really fucking weird.
Why are zoomers so fucking retarded

>got muted
My pet theory is that it's young men seething at seeing their female peers date older men and older women seething at seeing their male peers date younger women combining their powers
(23/2)+7 is 18.5 so youre good
Do Americans look down on it because of the drinking age or something?
They make me want to fuck them up bad
>another girl just blocked me because I admitted to being older
Not just American neurotic freaks but even asians do this
Some random petite thai girl I'm talking to said she liked older so I gave her a really high age we will see how that goes and if I fly with my rich retired disposable income ass to her country for a little visit
I hope all those age gap discussers have fucked up miserable lives forreal
>be yuropoor
>Started dating my back then just-turned-18 gf @ 25 (was khv before)
>nobody was upset, not her relatives, not mine
>accidentally told my coworker, got a raised eyebrow at first but after expaining how we got together is also okay with it
>gf's peers would in all likelihood create outrage about it, so she hides it from them (she hates them all anyway)
I feel sorry for you if you're 'murican, but otherwise you can be mostly safe, although I hope you two are doing more than just fucking, casual sex is degenerate behavior. I'm still with gf years later, plan to marry her soon.

Yeap, not just internet zoomers though
I'm 18 and I wanted to date this guy in his 30s.
I'm in my 30s but a virgin although I doubt you'd know that if you passed me on the street but I just never got around to having a gf and I wished I'd been able to share my life with someone and I still fantasize about having those firsts with a girl like you and just forgetting what our ages are desu
People frown on age gaps because more often than not the guy pursuing it is a creep. If they know you and you're a decent person people won't dwell on it, even if the age gap is incredibly sketchy.
yes it is
you reeally respect what society tells you?
specifically, women mature before men, but also not as much
so they can be broodmares
that is to say they mature "faster" to get it over with
they are on a ticking clock before their eggs stop being useful
I have an IRL fren, who is 41, and hid fiance is 26. She is also a BPDemon, so not sure if that affects anything.
no it's more like people make superficial assumptions in order to justify their own prejudices

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