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Why are some discord users so unhinged?
those fags take everything serious its so boring
just dont talk to faggot hardasses
finding people with the perfect mix of irony, sarcasm and genuineness is incredibly difficult and ive yet to find success
what does that nigger have a stick up his ass for
That kind of retard is why I refuse to use discord. Something about that platform attracts annoying disagreeable weirdos. If you use it you'll probably become one of them.
Idrk desu. This is from a discord server I was in when I was in middle school
does autism cause people to act like sucyfag?
i believe that's the worm
Holy shit that nigga is autistic
He's right, just use the hard R Nigger.
he's right, stop glorifying ghetto culture by emulating ebonics.
very weird indeed
no one gives a shit about your e-drama, either go back or delete your discord and spend full time on 4chan
whoever that is, he's definitely around late 30's
why are internet nazis so ethnic?
why do people use r9k as their e-drama hub, go shit up >>>/b/
Unironically would.
you're 8 years too late bitch. too late to complain now
how about you look at the site statistics, all traffic is on decline. There are less people posting and now is the time to actually prioritize board quality since there less failed normies to move away
you know he's not ~50, genx would have got bored of this bullshit and fucked off to some other channel.
t. 51/m
he's absolutely right in everything he has said
is it? most of the bad posters are ingrained into the site and they havent improved
>Idrk desu. This is from a discord server I was in when I was in middle school
>Screenshot from 2022
Underage leave
Never met a decent person who uses an anime girl pfp.
Nah I've been in the server since middle school. I'm 18 now and graduated last year. I was in highschool when I took that ss. I'm actually still in the server rn
>afraid of black people white boy discord
Gangstas are cool
if you actually spent time on this site, you would notice that there is only a handful of people posting on this board that create the majority of activity and are unlikely to leave but are easy to ignore but then there are threads like OP who are obviously out of place and must be sent away.
remove yourself from this fucking website fucking waste of life discord faggot fucker. this faggot sucky guy has a good point. why doesnt your stupid faggot twelve year old ass get off the fucking computer and phone for a second and go outside? maybe you wont be such a piece of shit loser and get a life
discord needs a quotable mode
you mad sucyfag?
im not this faggot on your stupid fucking 'discord' whatever the fuck. go fuck yourself NIGGER! screenshot this my comment and post it on r/fuckingretard or somethning. maybe r/greentext or r/4chan? i dont know what the fuk you people are talking about but you are mentally fucking sick
That guy is based.
Stay away from pseuds like this at all costs. There is nothing intelligent about them so they take it out on others who aren't even trying to appear smart
respond to my comment now
This conversation embodies the average self hating nig on /pol/.
I ban people from my discord for using "nigga"
It is in the rules of the discord. Use nigger or get banned.
You guys are lame.
Then go hang out with niggers? Get the fuck away, retard. Legit sick of you retarded ass white faggots. Go suck nigger dick.
it's the same thing. i use both interchangeably
It's weird because I feel like people like Sucyfag (just going off these screenshots) are the type of misanthropic dickhead that would get quite a few people begging him for attention.

People are attracted to those kinds of mean attitudes. They love never being enough for someone. Sometimes I think that's what makes nice anons resentful.
Normalize banning and ostracizing every white onions that thinks speaking like a retarded nigger is "cool."
okay go back to discord. honestly what the fuck kinda response do you expect? you ant me to congratulate you? throw you a party or some shit? why not shut the fuck up and go fuck an animal or something faggot? do you want me to disagree with the fact that you moderate discord? do you want me to argue with you about you moderating in a way i dont like? well guess what i dont fucking care and not a single person on this earth cares go fuck yourself
Are you Hispanic? I think you're Hispanic.
i do agree. average white 'person' is really obsessed with talking like a nigger for some reason. "oh its just a joke man its just for a meme. im only talking like a nigger cause its for a meme!" these people are so stupid
It is a little annoying that all these people hate black people in practice. They would never find themselves hanging out in big groups of black people. Yet, they want to act black. It is werid. You don't even like black people. You are just brainwashed.
why are you so bothered by it
exactly these braindead whites would honestly never hang out with the stupid gangster morons and rappers and all that shit that they idolize so much. but why do they idolize these apes in the first place? do the whites even know why they act as if the blacks walking among them are divine? would their composure crumble if questioned?
Probably because we don't want to hang out with niggers. Certainly not a poor impression of a nigger. If you want to act like a nigger fuck off and go hang out with them.
shut up. or type a comment that isnt generated by a computer. type out a comment that isnt copied straight from reddit, dscord, and facebook. say something that proves youre not a complete fucking retard who is just trying to waste my time
>they are soo cool bro
>"yeah, do you have many black gangsta friends"
>well, no...
>"Why do you think they are cool?"
>uh, uh, the media told me so
Legit brainwash.
It is just white Americans. I find hangout with Europeans and Aussies and they are not like this. Legit, stop hanging out with white Americans and your life will improve for the better.
you guys are exactly like that nerd sucyfag in the OP
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i accidentally met someone like that on a mundane discord server for a game. he seemed like an interesting case, giving some monologue about how everyone else is like an NPC to him and i felt some sort of sympathy for him at first, like he tragically couldn't find a place where he belonged. he straight up admitted to me he was a narcissist, but i kept talking because narcissists are good at making themselves sound more interesting than they are.
in the end he was so boring that he sent me 20 instagram reels in a day despite the fact that i reminded him that it's slop because "we should be in touch with our primitive side" or something like that instead of playing a game with me once. of course, he was trying to get me crawling back by using alt toos because i was actually giving him an ounce of attention.
anyways, point is that everyone who spends their time hanging out on discord is a low iq little shit with no redeeming qualities, zero exceptions. regular users of this board are 10x more intelligent.
wow you finally responded! but next time say something that isnt completely brain fuck retarded! go suck a faggots cock gay nigger fag. fucking bitch loser fuck off
You guys are too retarded to realize your being fucking baited kek.
i dont know if im the one being baited or doing the baiting but im having a load of fun with it so i dont care
i say 'nigga' because it's a funny word for 'bro', whilst nigger also is funny it's rude to call your friend a nigger
you think its cool for a white man like you to be saying nigga? why do you like to copy the fucking apes that walk among you? does it make your dick hard to do what the people above you tell you to do? or are you just a fucking moron? answer honestly
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How did such a goofy impoverished illiterate people come to be seen as "cool."
>you think its cool for a white man like you to be saying nigga?
i think it's funny
>why do you like to copy the fucking apes that walk among you?
because it's funny, because they get mad when a non-black people use it
>does it make your dick hard to do what the people above you tell you to do?
nope, what people above me tho? my employers?
>are you just a fucking moron?
probably, i'm here on this thread aren't i?
I don't know but they have really done a number on culture in America. It is like a race to the bottom to see who can be as trashy as possible now. Look at how people dress when they go outside. They don't give a fuck. Look how bad customer service is now. They don't give a fuck about anything. People once took pride in how they presented themselves to the public. They tried to appear rich even when poor. Those men were going somewhere.
im not actually mad... its called trolling you fucking brainless chimp lolololol! (im gonna assume you know im trolling and that you are just playing along with it) you are a fucking retard wannabe nigger ass black fucking ape MONKEY lolol! you are mentyally fucking sick.... or have aq of a fucking worm to not understand what it is im getting at
why dont you buy another you rich mufucka!
>someone uses Ebonics
>they are low IQ
>ban them
Be grateful they are outing themselves.
truly a hero sent by divine powers to rid the earth of these ape people wannabes
>me and my friend on our lockdown discord server with some dweeb we met circa 4 years ago
internet is populated by autistic joyless fuckwits who have a nagging need to split hairs about the minutiae of everything but this isn't particularly new, especially when it comes to a community like this, before discord it was irc and if it was a chan related irc it would be nonstop faggotry and pedantic autistic hair splitting like this

chanfags are possibly the most hysterical kneejerk retard faggot cunts on the planet i only come here so i can make fun of women and say nigger
it isn't exclusive to discord, the internet is full of detestable people like this in general, anonymity + distance = fucktard
because of the tiny hat clan from the village hidden in the coins

link to OP discord, have fun
I haven't watched little bitch academia unfortunately so I won't join. Seems like a comfy server.
Just say nigger
Why not both? Why start shit over it?
Wow, who knew Discord is full of stuck up asshats.

>ITT: Trying too hard.

You have no idea what "glorification" is.
Case of a retard taking himself and everything way too seriously.

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