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Do you guys think there could ever be a woman who actually prefers a shy nerdy guy over Chad? Or is that just a silly childish fairy tale? Is it truly the case that even if I do get married, I will never be the one she wanted, just the one that stayed? If you're not Chad Thundercock, what is even the point? You can get any girl you want, the perfect girl for you... but you know she's still thinking of the Chad who got away... you're just the broke chore boy version that she had to settle for.
Idk man. Hurts. HURTS!
Women don't love men they use them. Time to grow up kiddo.
I want to believe in love. The kind I wished for as a kid. The girl who adores you and you adore her back. It has to be out there somewhere. I won't give up! YOU CAN'T DEMORALIZE ME ANY LONGER! I will not give in to the aging Stacy's and single moms! I will wait for my heart's true loooooveeeee
I don't care if it's cope! I don't care if it's a lie! I WONT GIVE UP
Somewhere out there is my perfect princess and I will save her FUCK YES
Ignore the retard above me and let me give it to you straight. You can be literally as much of a nerd or shy as you'd like but only if you are attractive. Ever heard of Henry Cavill? He looks really attractive doesn't he? Well, he's also a massive fucking nerd super into stuff like The Witcher, which had a movie he acted in and he was reading the books over and over again in preparation for his role like a maniac.
You don't need to specifically look like him, but the trick to life is to become attractive. Nobody is born attractive, you may not think so but the most successful people in life actually have put a lot of work into their appearance instead of wallowing in self pity. Learn how to dress better, style your hair better, work out and get rid of whatever excess body fat you have in your body right now. There's literally no need for any idiotic looksmaxxing "canthal tilt" "hunter eyes" type shit at all if you just learn how to become attractive while still being yourself. Find a normal woman, outside of 4chan and never ignore red flags just because it looks like she's giving you a chance. You can do it.
My bf is super shy and awkward but hes also pretty cute in the face so idk
Hard decide which one of you is more delusional and retarded. Fuck sake get off the internet and go interact with real people for once.
>Nobody is born attractive, you may not think so but the most successful people in life actually have put a lot of work into their appearance instead of wallowing in self pity. Learn how to dress better, style your hair better, work out
None of that is going to address face, height, bone structure or dick size, or innate personality traits.
>You can do it
No. You are what you are, as defined by your genes and childhood environment. There's no fixing it.
have you ever tried being good at fortnite instead of being such a goober?
I could as long as he shared similar interests with me. Or at least a couple similar
They exist, but they're extremely rare. Also you have to be really damn good looking (chad-lite) to have a chance with them
>you may not think so but the most successful people in life actually have put a lot of work into their appearanc
You cannot be this retarded my dear anon. There is no amount of work that will make you look like Henry Cavill if you don't have his genetics.
these girls are out there for sure
well yeah, naturally
but the problem is... if you actually hit it off so well with him... *too* well... and then you end up just totally devastating him by avoiding him and vanishing from his life...
Still think the best play is to try online. Establishing a presence in a community could net you a few connections, be it in video game circles, fandoms, forums, video sharing or blogsites, anywhere on social media. The outside world is fast as fuck and I think has conditioned shy types to speak their mind as quickly and inoffensively as possible, meaning your interactions might be a lot more intimate and honest over the internet where both parties have ample time to articulate themselves.
I prefer shy nerd men, I dated a guy that was shorter, uglier than me and very autistic.

Nerds are cute as long as they take initiative sometimes (like plan dates), I will say though it is more disgusting if a man acts shy and sweet but actually talks poorly about women or degrades them. If they have a fake "nice guy" persona but I catch them talking like that or being inconsistent then I will be way more physically repulsed and creeped out by them than a guy that acts like that from the very start (both are bad).

If you are a nice guy you HAVE to take the role on in every aspect or you are repulsive basically. You're welcome for this free, valuable advice.
Just because I prefer Chad doesn't mean I can be perfectly happy and satisfied with the right shy nerdy guy. There's a reason a lot of women prefer twinks.
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my dad is an autistic neet, and my mom is kindhearted and loving. they found eachother by chance in the woods, each hundreds of miles from home. you'll meet her when you least expect it
bio fem here. Shy nerdy guys has always been my type.
Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon (first movie) is a good example. pretty much always was my ideal type
never have liked buff or uber confident guys
it's funny because the guy in this shitty meme is unattractive to me.
you forgot the part where you either said you were a faggot or you said you were gonna cheat on him for no reason
Yeah there's a weird phenomenon that guys fantasize about being buff soldier Warhammer army dudes while girls just like their twink Disney princes. and for some reason guys pretend they can't notice girls' preference
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Yes they exist, the problem is they are rare and you have no reliable way of getting into contact with them.
How about grumpy skeleton man?
he needs to eat a few burgers but that's an easy thing to fix. i'd also prefer if he's not too much taller than me, i don't need the ultimate lanklord looming
yeah, most woman?, probably not
really lol?
okay wellllll that's actually pretty sweet
i hope you never had a guy like that you just left hanging and got all excited about you before telling him some BS like 'it's not you it's me'
why are you here on r9k then tho cuz i am guessing you have contempt for the guys here?
I also have a stupid an useless take that no one cares about, in response to this bait.
I'm literally probably a skinnyfat king of the manlets but it's not like girls especially any here are legit caring about me
He has no time to eat burgers, he's working hard to learn wizard spells.
> more disgusting if a man acts shy and sweet but actually talks poorly about women or degrades them.
It's unfair that the nearly every woman talks badly about men being closed doors and guys have to deal with it because it's a rarity to come across one that doesn't act like this.
even if you're big ugly women can care about you as a friend if you find the ones willing to have men as friends. a lot of women don't try to establish genuine friendships with men due to the complications of that and a lot of men have been socialized and reinforced to believe women who have any male friends at all have nefarious reasons for doing so.
someone once told me women who call themselves "bisexual" are more open to having male friends, try those if straight ones don't seem to do that for you
what do you want her to do, say that post verbatim to chuddie's face and risk bodily injury? naur she's going ghost and posting online to hopefully discourage other men from being like that.
okay well does it count as having established a genuine friendship if she gave me a pet name in another language and kept saying how amazing i was and how i deserved everything and then just abruptly 'had to talk' and then a minute later before i'd even been able to reply apparently cut me off completely?
even though... i don't even accept that...
but this isn't even about 'sexuality' it's about friendship
that's pretty much what the last online guy i wanted to date did to me except as a man with the protective barrier of the internet he had the balls to tell me he was e-dating multiple chicks and didn't want me to get too attached. shit happens, one bad experience and all that. i hope you can recover from that soon.
>i am guessing you have contempt for the guys here
why do you think that?
No I don't have contempt for the guys here but also yes because I got grossed out by how gay the board at one point got so I barely come here anymore.
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>I prefer shy nerd men, I dated a guy that was shorter, uglier than me and very autistic.
Well don't you sound like a catch. Ah, the dream, to have a girlfriend who will describe me as shorter, uglier and very autistic. Yes, love exists folks, you heard it here first.
>I will say though it is more disgusting if a man acts shy and sweet but actually talks poorly about women or degrades them.
...she said without a hint of irony or self-awareness.
Yes these are the absolute queens who "prefer shy nerd men", take your chance bro if you take initiative and plan dates you might catch one like this
>prefers that women lie when describing past partners
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>"if you try real hard you shy nerd guys can date someone like me!"
>is shallow, narcissistic and hypocritical
>"lol what you want us to lie???"
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>I will say though it is more disgusting if a man acts shy and sweet but actually talks poorly about women or degrades them
That wouldn't be a problem if you stopped trash talking men.
Wow couldn't have missed my point any further. I'm saying that all women talk shit about men behind closed doors and men are starting to know about this so they shouldn't be surprised when most men are going to hold some sort of grudge against women. Honestly, guys like you should kill yourself for defending a woman like this

It's because you act so full of yourself and further prove it at the end of your reply by acting like the advice you gave was something guys didn't know.
> If you are a nice guy you HAVE to take the role on in every aspect or you are repulsive basically
Also, fuck you for trying to make guys act like doormats for women. People don't immediately leave a guy that's nice suddenly just because he doesn't agree with you on everything
yeah we do exist. I personally don't like chads, call me bs or wtv idc. chads are boring, nerds or geeks are more knowledgeable and they have interesting facts. plus being shy isn't weird at all, it's cute lol

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