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I hate seeing people's hope be crushed like this. It makes me extremely upset
what is bothersome is people making vague statements, who's hope got crushed, just link the post and we will see if you are part of the problem or not
my hope will be crushed if you dont give me a thighjob :(
We're just speaking the truth not our fault you young fags can't handle how brutal life really is. Zoomers seem be twice as sheltered than my generation was.
Hopes being crushed just means that someone isn't being lied to anymore. Silver lining.
It's just the doomer vibe of the board. Everyone is so depressed here. I was there once now I'm doing a bit better
What's a thigh job anon? I'm extremely dumb when it comes to this kind of stuff
I'm sorry you're depressed anon...
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NTA, it's when an anon sticks his dick in and out from between cute harpy thighs over and over until they're covered in something sticky.
That seems pretty easy
Chin up doomer anon your mother loves you
>your mother loves you
Everybody says this but my mother is a damaged woman and I don't think she's capable of love. Regardless of her intentions she's done a lot of harm to me and I can't think of one time she's shown me the kind of sincere affection that I've seen other mothers show their children.
At least I have my Grandma for now. I know she loves me, unlike my mother.
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I'd hug you irl. You seem lonely and sad
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>You seem lonely and sad
You have no idea
It just sucks you in. You feel doomer browsing r9k, and you browse r9k because you're feeling doomer.
There's no point in false hope when you see something for what it truly is.
What should I be hopeful about? The only thing I ever wanted in life was people. A group of friends and a lover, that was it. Because it's the only thing that matters. Have as many hobbies as you'd please, it won't fulfill that void left by isolation. Time after time it's been proven I'm incapable and undeserving of receiving such a thing. Even if I could love, I'm sure we all understand why it's impossible for that to be reciprocated. So I resigned from people, I decided I could dedicate my life to music. If I could just make one great work I would be happy. Of course it was a pipe dream from the start. What I came to realize was that I lack a soul. That is why I have never been able to connect with others or love. Without a soul one is not human. One is not able to create great works of art. I truly believe I am not human. I am some sort of conscious robot that was sent to fill space in this world. Many times in public I will see people like me. Its disturbing how common we are. So in that sense I have a purpose, one I'm not happy about. Whether I fight against those who've wronged me, resign to a quiet life, complain on an image board, or do nothing. The universe will not care, society will not care. I will scream into the void no matter which action I take. All of this is to say, that yes you should be hopeful.
Why? It's just nature. Most men are redundant. Do you get sad for the millions of animals dying right now? Babies being eaten alive by predators. Agricultural mass murder. This world is just suffering most of the time, for most living creatures.
I haven't been on this board since around 2016 and today I was in a miserable mood and felt like coming back here. Damn I am so much better than all of the kids here. Maybe I have forgotten how shitty it is to be a teenager.
Same here. I stopped coming regularly in around 2017 or so and only visit once every couple years now. Today is the first time in awhile.
I've been feeling like shit tonight; I screwed this semester up bad by having a job. People told me I should have a job while in school but I knew they were wrong and I should have listened, math is too difficult to do both. I have a presentation and quiz tomorrow and an exam Friday, none of which I even really started preparing for. My GPA is gonna tank this semester and maybe I'll be fucked for grad school. I feel like I've been dealing with issue after issue this semester because of other people. I wasn't "happier" in the past but, with friends, love interests, people around me, whatever, I am much less stable and it's much harder to focus on what I care about.
It's still probably much better than what my life used to be though.
>Most men are redundant
Please explain I'm not good with wording
everyone that posts on r9k is mentally ill and retarded
cuz sometimes your hopes being crushed are because someone else is making up a lie due to their cowardice, but if they had the guts to face the world and just take a risk and see what happens then something better could be possible
Most people on here still have a sliver of hope. They're all holding out for that one thing that will get them out of their mess.
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Ive seen like 4 suicide posts this week
And they posted in the hope there's still some angel who would save them.

The quiet ones are the real deal.
God I wish I could date a girl who looked like this
I want a harpy GF to give me wing hugs
lol how many of them do you think did it? probably 0
I'm gonna do it I swear to fuck I will kill myself
just need the right impulse to get over the fear of pain and making things worse
>I hate seeing people's hope be crushed like this. It makes me extremely upset
we are the people still alive
Doubt it. But what method have you got planned?
I tried to get barbiturates off the internet to mix with benzo and sleep forever, but couldn't source them yet
next best thing is hanging off a door handle I think
Redundant as in, won't find a mate. Most males don't get to reproduce in nature. Women rate 80% of men as unattractive.
I had an idea... maybe bottling your emotions up all the time just makes you feel shittier overall because you're still in a bad mood but there's no relief that you get from being sad or crying or whatever.
That's what usually happens when the world hates you and deems you as an enemy
I met an interesting lad at a ward 8-9 years younger than me, he had visible GAD and was quite intriguing with his past drug history and mental health. The poor bloke has no friends either and isolates a lot, I gave him my number to at least help him not make the same mistakes I did but wow his anxiety was bad probably worse than my own. (He's 18 I'm 26)
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l thank god there's a harpy thread
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