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What's the worst gore you've ever seen
probably a ww2 video of some soldiers pulling bodies out of a destroyed tank
some were straight up shattered, one gone from the waist down and one of them was just an unrecognizable canvas of bloody paste
it was in black and white but still super bad
Neovaginas are worse than any gore I have seen
I agree ;(((( it's so scary it makes want to cry
I saw a video the other day of a Russian literally bleeding out on fire with his guts hanging out and a drone just casually chilling there watching him struggle. I thought that was pretty brutal.
I saw a man tied down while a dog feasted on him. Yes, feasted. I was drinking my morning green tea, and it was a clear day coming through the windows. Such juxtaposition. By that point however, I was desensitized to gore. I had no other choice but to carry about my day like normal. I presume picrel is your choice of worst gore?
Funkytown, it will always be funkytown. Even worse was that I seen it when I was like 12.
Oh yeah and it was on r9k where I saw that video. You bastards
I'm very desensitised to it at this point, but the one that I remember truly shocking me was shoveldog

I'm glad anons stopped posting that one
was about to say underageb& but that video came to light 8 years ago...
Idk if the shit schizos post at /a/ counts. I remember one showing balls without skin. Guess I learnt they are white.
Gore doesnt make me flinch but an anon once posted a pov gif of a baby being raped and it fucked with me for days
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I think it was on a /gif/ war thread, most of the time when a soldier gets pasted I don't really care, but this time it was a group of soldiers running away from one of those cheap suicide drones, one of the guys was just not as fast as the other and the drone slammed right in his back, blowing his body into bits that flew into a tree, just hanging there. I imagined the fear he must've felt in his last moments. How his bodies limitations killed him in the end, he wanted to live but just couldn't run fast enough. Brutal.
How did he even find it
wouldnt ye like to know
I assume he was a pedo and made it from some video he downloaded. Or worse maybe filmed it himself and gifed it. It got deleted from the log within like 30 secs though.
How the hell do you guys find all this stuff, can't the government track what you download?
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This one beats everything.
Split head grandma with sound
Woman was still alive with half of her head sliced
Making gargling noises
found it on /gif/
Never saved, too gruesome for me
same with stabbing videos.
The noises and visuals of dying like that are fucking horrible
Breaks my heart to see it every time
Some 11 year old girl who hanged herself. It messed me up a bit.
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dunno but check this out
The idea that those men are still pissing through that mangled axe wound gaves me the same shudder as cleaning up soggy dog shit
At that point how are you even alive?
That makes me sad. Poor guy, looks like he lives in a thirdie shithole too

His brain must be undamaged somehow
this is awful to look at and i feel so bad for him but it reminds me of fnaf animatronics
Definitely, the spine and brain look mostly untouched
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I'm sorry they scared you
What the fuck even is this? Someone please shoot this poor bastard with a high caliber gun and put him out of his misery.
probably a video of a man burning alive in a train, unable to get out, with only his arms and head crudely sticking out of the carriage window. he was slowly but surely burning to death. but what really did it for me was the context: he was communicating with people outside the train and he told them "my wife and children have both burnt to death, so what's the point in living?" he eventually died.
>the facepalm
jesus fuck. he want's to live that bad? mom, i'm sorry.
underage thread
kek, I was going to say this. A blown up vagina is also very disgusting looking
not gonna lie if I saw this in public I would probably freak the fuck out and assume that I am dreaming or hallucinating or something I think I would definitely attack and kill this dude under the assumption that this guy is not real or is a demon of some sort. spooky
i have so many questions
how is this anatomically possible?
is he experiencing pain every moment?
what is he even perceiving/is he conscious?
how did this even happen?
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im not sure but I saw a woman getting stabbed on /b/ and I just kept replaying it.
unsure why. but I felt like Patrick Bateman
I unironically laugh at shoveldog.
When my friend first showed me /b/, there was a video of someone rubbing someone elses hand on a cheese grater. Since that day I have been extremely scared of cheese graters.
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a few months ago i binged some gore mixtapes (i can explain), and there was one that had a video of blood just spilling everywhere on the floor out of some dudes arm that he cut himself. it wasn't the worst in terms of violence, but what he was saying really fucking got me, man. something like
>i'm a fucking horrible son, my parents are gonna come home soon. my mom will be devestated.

don't know if he ended up dead or was able to save himself cause he seemed like he was starting to regret it. but it was A LOT of blood.
Ur birth
the worst gore is better than the best scat
that being said, denailing probably, never seen tooth being pulled out but it would take the cake easily
also this
Furfag bound a dog, cut it's genitals, opened it up in the back with a knife and then fucked its wound.
Saw it on /b/ over a decade ago and still think about it once in a while.
Man you guys were really going crazy in those early, loose, internet days
Holy shit, true. It always reminds me of that one Batman webm.
I swear to fuck someone posted CP on adult /gif/ once. It was a fuzzy memory, but it looked like a toddler lying on a cot in a hallway with a naked, bearded man standing over the cot.
It was this video of a line of a dozen dudes being partially decapitated in Dagestan. The guy doing the cutting was just using a regular knife and couldn't cut all the way through their necks. I think they were suffocating to death and you could hear breathe bubbling through the blood. One of them got up and tried to run away and you could see his head was only half attached but then they shot him.

It wasn't the most dramatic but it really made me think about the actual mechanics of doing it. Like these people didn't instantly die, they had to wait for their own death feeling bizarre sensations and hearing weird sounds. I think what was it like for the guy who tried fleeing, feeling your own head uncontrollably swing around, almost tearing off, as you're running for your life?
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>i have so many questions
>how is this anatomically possible?
>is he experiencing pain every moment?
>what is he even perceiving/is he conscious?
>how did this even happen?
c'est la vie
Only true faggots find this one disturbing
nta; please explain. though popular, it is almost comically graphic.
didn't that guy get attacked by a polar bear?, i'd say he made it out pretty good since polar bears are the largest terrestrial predators
also this>>79517412
Daisy's destruction inside a gif
Can you elaborate on that a little more? Where did you find it?
you strike me as an extremely pathetic individual. no offense
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fuck off you sick freak

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