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Men desire an intense twin-flame soul bond that transcends lust and perversion

but women just want to play games and transactional behavior (and they don't even realize it)
>(and they don't even realize it)
it doesn't work every time
>Men desire an intense twin-flame soul bond that transcends lust and perversion
Sorry but this is definitely not true. Most guys just want a hot girl they can cum in and who cooks and cleans.
glad to see some random incel hates hetero dynamics in relationships as much as i do lel
>Most guys
How did civilization get this far? You haven't thought this through
>Sorry but this is definitely not true. Most guys just want a hot girl they can cum in
I can cook and clean. I just want to feel the warm insides of a girl without having to pay money for it.
Twin soul flame love doesn't exist
>T. Female
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ehh it's not as gay as that
man wants a le soul bond, or maybe a succession of 5 sexy young soul bonds
woman wants a sexy rock she can smash herself against who will then provide for babby
nothing wrong with it, the problem is that we live in a society
Who fucking asked the ran through hole unable to pair bond chemically ever again?
Like seriously, who asked?
I'm a virgin. Never taken a dick. Never taken birth control. Now prove twin souls exist, you can't
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The post vaguely summarizes my distaste for human relations, but because it appears to be reddit font, I shall not remember even a single word
>all lowercase
Crazy how every single whore on here is a pristine virgin
Must be why they're at the center of the most male-dominated screaming space on the internet confidently niggering out in the open
Y'know because of how little contact with men they have
well yeah how can you love and respect a woman if you know what her real priorities in life are? Then you aren't in a relationship, you never were, you just were taking care of a little girl and entertaining her pretend games until she gets bored
Dark triad. Hybristophiliapill is the last blackpill. Future blackpillers won't just be misogynists, they'll be gynophobes. A woman could beg for their cock, and their response would be to recoil in disgust because the rape-and-sociopathy-fetishist said she wanted to touch them. This is what the future has in store.
>they'll be gynophobes.
im already half way there, if women show interest part of me laughs because they know nothing about me they were so easily fooled, the other part wants to avoid her
Well obviously, if I were an actual whore, I wouldn't be on 4chan.
>I just want a soulmate
No you won't, all men do is thirst for Stacies
>You are my soulmate, I wish I had met you sooner, you are perfect, etc
>A thousand men every day tells this to a Stacy
>Meanwhile I was never even called pretty by a man
You are filthy hypocrites, complaining about women being transactional and only liking chads, but you do the same thing. And you insult innocent girls like me, because a Stacy rejected you
>You are filthy hypocrites, complaining about women being transactional and only liking chads, but you do the same thing. And you insult innocent girls like me, because a Stacy rejected you
i know you may think this whole board is incels, but our conclusions don't come from no experience
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Call me an early adopter then, the next stage in human devolution.
I'm already like that and it paradoxically causes some interest in women as they witness the actual hatred and outspoken disdain and wires get crossed until the brave few get close and see it's not an act, I hate them for what they are.
Oh even worse, you are an abusechad who pumps and dumps gold diggers lmao, and comes to ventilate on 4chan because saying women are whores on Instagram would ruin your endless row of whores ready to fuck you lol
very poetic screenshot
>Oh even worse, you are an abusechad who pumps and dumps gold diggers lmao, and comes to ventilate on 4chan because saying women are whores on Instagram would ruin your endless row of whores ready to fuck you lol

no we are the guys in the middle, not so ugly you take notice and recoil in disgust, but not so attractive you take notice and admire, we are invisible to you
>Well obviously, if I were an actual whore, I wouldn't be on 4chan.
What the fuck kind of newfag is this?
>endless blathering trying to put words in my mouth
Who the fuck said any of that, you dumb whore?
Go talk to your dad or whoever disappointed you by saying that and gave you the ick by not stimmying your dog cunt brain with constant rape
Worn out ass hole has problems with processing oxytocin AND basic serotonin
Show your pic and I'll tell you if I would date you
>Show your pic and I'll tell you if I would date you

ive gone beyond such worldly chains, I have elevated to gynophobe!
Oh I remember that guy. Wonder what happened to him.
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>Future blackpillers won't just be misogynists, they'll be gynophobes.
it definitely does exist because i'm proving it right now as with reckless abandon i pursue something that i'm unable to resist
because it's not like you can just undo a whole 3 months' worth of bonding with a couple messages and not even a conversation
>mfw the gender that has a 50% of trooning out or trading his wife in for a younger model by 45 wants an "eternal twin flame relationship" or whatever

>>mfw the gender that has a 50% of trooning out or trading his wife in for a younger model by 45 wants an "eternal twin flame relationship" or whatever

Were those the types of guys you chose to go out with?
how would you possibly know either of those things? what are the tells?
everyone here is so bitter and vindictive and hateful... sheesh
>how would you possibly know either of those things? what are the tells?
those are the only two examples you brought up. So you just either you fucked Chad or the misogynist
Loneliness breeds contempt
>Loneliness breeds contempt
contempt came from relationships, not from lack of them, for me at least
"trad" boomers aren't able to reach twin flame soul mate statuses either, they only believe in cultural dogma and "provider" obligations
For some reason heterosexual culture has been reduced into soulless transactional dynamics.

for most straight women, they can only comprehend soulless lustful hook up relationships or soulless beta "provider" marriages. what's worse is that they unironically interpret these as a "form of love" which is why they see nothing wrong with it.

they have all but fetishized power dynamics and will avoid equal wavelength dynamics because they're afraid of experiencing what ever lies beyond vanity and social status

they project this onto men and say "men refuses to date women who make more money than them!"

so much lies and sophistry
This has been bothering me as well and I feel like it has only gotten more flanderized through internet culture.

Power dynamics often reduce emotional intimacy. That "sub or dom" trash that's being spread around in memes is a psy-op meant to trivialize love.

When you make such a big deal about fitting into a preset role/dynamic, about trying to be "dominant" or "submissive" rather than trying to meet in the middle on a (relatively) equal level without power dynamics, it feels like the sort of relationship that has less intimacy, since it's performing a role rather than having more focus on just getting to know the person and interacting with them in a more unique way to you two and such

And it feels fitting for a generation of "fuck feels" and "people are stupid, I don't want to be lonely but I also don't want to put myself out there and get hurt" and shit like that

Women will say they are the more romantic gender but even they so often viscerally hate the idea of having emotional intimacy with a guy in a way that doesn't involve the protective armor and distance that comes from acting like a typical submissive feminine woman, rejecting a relationship of equals without power dynamics. I'd half guess that many of them absolutely get that it's unreasonable to expect men to read their minds, and they just use the whole "it's unromantic to have to communicate!" shit to avoid admitting the real issue of them being too fucking scared to open up and be intimate

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