My coworkers are pressuring me to ask out a girl at work ever since they found out I'm a virgin with no dating experience. How can I get them off my back?
>>79517648by asking the girl out, easy as that
>>79517648>dating experiencehow to be incredibly annoying 250
>>79517660She's out of my league. >>79517662What does this mean?
>>79517648Say that you are not going to go through with it and that they can go to Hell, just like that, word for word.
>>79517682I might as well as add that your coworkers are assholes and you should hand them their asses, so to speak.
>>79517682>>79517688This is undiplomatic and may get me ostracized.
>>79517699So? Where do you live, Korea? Japan? It should not matter in America.
Shouldn't have let them know. Even though my two friends haven't had GF or sex since highschool when they found out I was KHV they treated me differently And would often tag team me some nights. I don't hang with them at all anymore. Made my life way worse. This society hates guys like us so just keep quiet until you an hero
>>79517648Just lie and tell them you already tried to talk to her before and she blew you off and didn't want to talk to you and didn't like you.
>>79517648just tell them you're working on yourself right now
Tell them she's not your type.