I wish I was tall. At least 6'2".
I am 6'2 and want to die. Your response?
I'm 5'10 and don't particularly care about it one way or the other
>>79517850Im a 5'11 manlet. Its so fucking over.
>>79517850yeah, being short just makes life harder as a male living in a taller county.
>>79517850You wish you were a little bit taller?Do you wish you were a baller?
>>79517893Lmao I'm 5'11 doesn't matter that much.
>6'2">above average cock>decent face>good beard and no balding>doesn't fucking matter because I am an awkward autistThe one thing I have going for me is that people never bullied me because I guess people don't fuck with tall people?
>>79517850i'm 6'4 and it's really not as great as it's cracked up to be. i bump my head quite a bit and it sucks never meeting someone's eyeline
>>79518258People will talk bad about you behind your back, it's an indirect form of bullying.T. Bullied 6'3" autist
Height as a man is basically just a free attractiveness advantage. That said, it's something that is completely unchangable so it's a waste of time to dwell on unless you feel like making yourself miserable. t. 6'2"
im 4'9. no im not joking.
>>79518361lil' fella
I wish I wasn't balding, maybe then a girl would text me back
>>79518384>>79518376i made a thread in case you wanted to mock me more, sadists
>>79518376Sorry bro. Truly my condolences.
>>79517879if only one thing caused people to be suicidal we'd be a lot closer to finding a cure
>>79518388You know that's not the real reason.
I'm 6'3 and I've never kissed a girl. I'm told I'm decent looking, a great conversationalist, and a good person. None of it matters because I'm autistic and I don't understand social cues.
>>79518597Do you actually pursue women? That's normally the kicker for people who are mostly decent but can't get in a relationship. At the end of the day you have to take the risk or you never had a chance unless you are actually 9+/10
>>79518597>great conversationalist>don't understand social cuesPretty sure you don't get told A if you don't know how to back and forth.
>>79518629he probably just cucks himself by never making a move
>>79517850everyone above 5'6 calling themselves a manlet should honestly just kill themselves
>>79517850Im 5'1". Your response?
>>79518683you are a foidand that's fine
>>79518660Anyone under 5'10 is a manlet. Below your dating prospects ate being significantly impacted.
the height thing is purely an american thing, elsewhere it doesnt matter>t. 6'3 khhv
>>79518361that's a rough hand bro i'm sorry you have to deal with that
I'm 6'0. Everything about me is fucking "just not enough".
>>79517850I am 5'8" and have contemplated suicide, never attempted. I wouldn't now, because I make ok money and I feel bad for my parents. I mean, they will never get to play with grandchildren, it would really suck if they had to walk in on me with my brains splattered everywhere.
>>79518717>the height thing is purely an american thingActually yes, but that's because in America it hasn't been acceptable for women to say they don't want to date brownlets, and so they just use height as a standin for dating white chads