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Anybody else a virgin because you're waiting for a girl to approach you first? I'm still waiting at 32.
>Approach you first
Only fat ass low tier women do this and even then that's rare. Just lol.
Not necessarily. I got incredibly obvious hints from this hot redhead when I was in 8th grade (mostly because she was a teachers pet and nobody but me hung out with her) until the point where she literally just told me that I suck at reading chicks and she asked me out. So yea it's incredibly rare and the stars have to align, but I made it happen once so yea, we dated for about a year before I decided that pussy wasn't worth dealing with her blab on about visual novels at 3am for any longer.
Lovely body shame about her face hair and race
>santassweetests has never fucked a white guy in her entire life
>fucks one for the first time just a couple of months ago
>she only fucks white guys now and does raceplay posts now
what's stopping white male black female to become the most popular thing in the universe? both attract each other like light to a moth
Lol retard, she just realized she can make way more money appealing to white simps than black ones
Yeah stuff like this only happens at those ages. I'm talking on adult life. Obviously excluding giga chads.
Cucked black or detected
Stay mad
It happened to me twice as an adult, but both times were not ideal basically. Its a terrible strategy for sure, but most of us can't approach women so we don't have a choice but to wait.
just googled her and she looks disgusting lol
imagine bragging about getting tyrones leftovers
white men do not simp for black females no matter how hot they can be, at least not the majority of them, white men into black females are a very small minority even smaller than white men into latinas or white men into brown and asian women, the huge majority of them only like white women and they would rather be cucks watching white women fuck black men than "settling down" for any other race of female

how can we make white men like black women? their couples are certainly becoming more common, I guess it is just a matter of time now
>shes disgusting eww
>post picture of super breedable woman
You look at a lot of hentai dont you?
That doesn't happen unless you're extremely good looking. Most men don't get approached by women ever.
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>senior year of HS
>last minutes of the last day of class
>cute girl that I sat near for a class and talked with a fair amount asked for my number "so we can hang out together over the summer"
>anxiety hits 100, spaghetti out, make my escape
>never saw her again
>now 26yo KHV
black girls that look like THIS have to settle for a life living in poverty while your average white roastie gets millions of beta bux paying her lifestyle, it is a damn shame, I could have saved her, we as white men need to start saving these ebony goddesses from the hood
She is literally made to be bred by bwc
Would go balls deep in her, face buried in her soft curls.
what thing about her is disgusting?
Nothing that anon is just a low t numale
My chad friend gets approached literally all the fucking time or given SUPER obvious hints. He's like a 9/10 though. Just a good face and physique.
Nein!! Meine Augen!
>He's a 9/10 and he's ripped
Water is wet. I'm talking about normal people.
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Once more I will remind you all: the final redpill truth is that white men and black women were made for each other.
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No, I'm a virgin at 25 because I'm socially retarded and have serious trouble communicating with people (especially women).
A few girls and even some fags have flirted with me or dropped possible hints before and I spilled my spaghetti in every single instance. I just don't get it.
Am I a virgin if I've fucked prostitutes and men? I have never been with a woman without paying for it. I want pussy without paying for it. I am not waiting for a woman to approach me, I just know the deal. Women want what they want, I am not that thing, therefore they don't want me. I have no anger, I can live without a woman.
I will wait forever if I have to, I dont care
women are subservient
they are meant to follow, never lead
>white women literally not made for anyone
I see the problem
The poor white bastards get addicted to the choco. is choco is good for white men?

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