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>browsing hentai manga
>filtering NTR
>still displays part 2/3 of a series while hiding part 1 with NTR
These people just need to be killed. Stop writing gross shit. Stop drawing gross shit.

The girl have a bf before isn't a huge deal, they don't all have to be virgins, but stop making these nasty scenarios where they have sex with another man while the MC watches, stop drawing flashbacks or mental images of him imagining her having sex with other men. Stop writing plots and dialogue centered around her having sex with other men before. Fuck off.
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are the japs okay? they are going a bit too hard with this cuck shit.
worst offender is that I really REALLY liked the priestess from goblin slayer and all the lewd content of her involves getting raped by goblins.
>stop liking and making what I don't like
Just self insert as the guy doing the cucking
>just self insert as the step brother fuckbuddy having sex with her in the next room over before she catches her real brother with her panties and realizes she loves him
NTRfags deserve arson and stabbing.
Calm down anon. Having your bully fuck your crush in front of you every day while you remain a kissless virgin is not that bad of an experience!
futa is worse than NTR
Nothing is worse than NTR. Other things are unforgivable shit and deserving of death as well, like nose hooks, chastity cages, scat, guro, etc but NTR is the worst.
stop jacking off to degen comics. you've been at it for literal hours. if you're going to goon all day, at least don't make multiple threads moralizing about degen fetishes in your degen fetish content
I remember when I couldn't even look at ntr, ahhh... Better days.
self insert doesn't matter
still a disgusting and pathetic porn about suffering
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>I don't like this hentai it has incest. I'm not into incest it's gross
>Just imagine they're step-siblings bro lmao. Just imagine they're a couple and all the brother sister stuff is just their nicknames for eachother lmao
why do cuckfags believe their fetish is uniquely ethereal. That it's something you have to go out of your way to notice instead of something very clearly baked into the material. cuck porn like dedicates half of the page or frame or text to specifically highlighting the cuck and putting the reader in that position and illustrating his expressions and apparently I can just ignore that and it's like normal porn. It's like porn where a guy fucks a woman while a guy fucks him in the ass and you go "If you're not into gay just focus on the guy having sex with the girl. You don't have to focus on the gay part at all. I mean that you're bringing it up this much kinda makes me think you're gay so idk"
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I only fap to pure love hentai manga, nothing degenerate.
Pure love hentai is the true ntr
>good is the true bad
Bocchi, why are you taking a gun out?
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that AK drawing triggers my autism
>no fire selector
>no charging handle or bolt
>no rear sight
>no disassembly knob
>magazine insert structural bore is too small
>gas block is completely incorrect

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