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Almost Christmas edition.

It's Momcest Tuesday.
You guys know what it is all about, share pictures and thoughts on milfs or your own lovely mom.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/79725532/

Topic: What are you planning for Christmas? Are you getting anything for your mom?
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Christmas with mommy
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love when mom feels comfortable and walks around topless
Those tits need some suckling
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"Honey I feel so bad about all the weight I gained since menopause"
you guys literally want to cuck your own dads
I think most of us momcest enjoyers are brought up by single moms (at least I am)
p8 bump
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I need a British mommy
>birthday is coming up
>mom is gonna ask me if I want anything
How weird would it be to ask her if I can take pictures of her feet?
nice to see the mcg up and running, any other success stories I might have missed?
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Any mommy updates plz?
I'll be getting mom a robe for CHADSON to undress.
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Mommybros, not liek this.. orig
Where are moms likely to hide dildos/sexy clothes/etc.? i cant find them but i know she has pantyhose somewhere and probably has a dildo because she dates
>get horny
>think about mom sexually
>cum fattest load in my life
>talk to her like normal
>feel regret
What do?
page 3 bump
Pretty weird. Maybe just say something like how it would make you happy to see her happy, and offer to massage her feet. You can always just take pics of her feet when she's asleep.
>"Mommy, I would really appreciate it if you would let me ejaculate all over your feet"
I have posted here before about giving my mom shoulder and back massages before, but I was younger the last time I massaged her. And I have never had the balls to massage her feet. Sleeping pics are impossible. She's a very light sleeper, and I would feel too guilty and even creepier. A foot massage would be heavenly though.
If I was on my deathbed then I would quote this to her directly.
Y'all are sick in the head.
You already would touch her feet for sexual reasons. I'm surprised taking pictures is too far for you but I won't argue. But I've also had thoughts about admitting to my mom I want a footjob from her on my deathbed. It's actually been more of a fantasy of me telling her when I'm terminally ill and only have like a month left to live or whatever and hoping that we become relatives with benefits until I die. Part of me thinks I'd actually ask her that cause I'd have nothing to lose, but another part of me wouldn't want me to tarnish my mom's memories of me for the rest of her life.
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i like me woman like my burger, extra large
Well, taking pictures of someone who is conscious vs unconscious is completely different. At least in my eyes. And I have some candid pictures of her feet, but they're not that great.
>get diagnosed with stage 4 terminal brain cancer
>convince mom to give you a footjob as your dying wish
>she obliges
>the cancer goes into remission the next day
>you live
what do?
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Posting in /mcg/ because I have no friends and a questionable fetish.
How are you boys doing so far this week?
Stop feeling regret.
I do the same things you do, but I don't regret it. God forbid someone finds my mom attractive.
Reminder, teen single moms grow up to be momcest moms.
If she enjoyed it (which I doubt she would) then I would insist we keep doing it. If she didn't, she'd probably disown me but if she didn't I would apologize and see if we can maintain a normal relationship, which, needless to say, would be hard.
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Page 7, here's a bump from my collection of hag psyop images
Best thing you can do is make babies with your mother and turn that single mom household into a happy family.
Bumparooski dewd
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Another one since we're in need of a bump
how's bsis doing? ready for xmas?
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Getting there. Still need to wrap a few more gifts, and when the day's a little closer I have to make a few batches of cookies for the family dinner. Looking forward to having it all done so I can lay on my couch and watch Christmas movies before bed on the 24th
more mombutt pls
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Sexxo ith mommyyyyyyyy
Can you imagine your mom giving you a blowjob?
A few years ago my mom started an instagram and is posting some really revealing photos there. It's gotten to the point that some random accounts leave very direct comments about her and she even likes some of them. It drives me fucking crazy but I can't stop jerking off to it.
Would you mind sharing the account or some photos from that page?
Maybe DM her from fake account and flirt or ask for more risky pics
Don't be shy. Please share.
This, do it
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pg 8 Bommymump
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where are the regooolarssss where r the updatesss
Them having the same beauty mark on the back is a nice touch.
is this your actual mom lol
Sharing a beauty mark with your mother just means you were made for each other.

Another physical proof of your eternal bond...
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I'd sacrifice all of you motherfuckers to ahura mazda for a one night stand with Danni Ashe cosplaying as Rogue from X-Men
The idea of eternally bonding with your mom is so hot. It's why impregnation works perfectly with momcest as well. The thing is, mother and son have a natural eternal bond, no matter what, but this means that impregnating her is all the more incredible because it strengthens an already powerful bond even further. No other woman, no other person could ever reach that level of bonding.

Going to see mom and some other family. I haven't gotten her a gift yet, still thinking about that one.

Question for you all. What's the pros and cons of momcest? I'm 98% sure I could if I wanted, but I'm not sure if I want to
>I'm 98% sure I could if I wanted

The short-ish version is that she was flirty with me starting in my teens. Thought I was imagining things until she sorta made a move on me once when I was 19. I pulled away because I didn't think I wanted to do that with her, but now I'm regretting it
When you mate with your mom you end up literally twice directly connected in the family tree. It's beautiful in a twisted way.
>sorta made a move on me once

I was home for a week. One night I got high and she got tipsy. She let me drink some wine too. We stayed up late talking about stuff. After a while she leaned in and tried to kiss me. I pretty quickly rejected her

The whole thing is cringy to think about. Neither of us really acknowledged what happened but she started sort of crying a bit? Made me feel bad and grossed out, but lately I think a lot about what would have happened if I went along with it
Pros of fucking mom:
>deepen your bond with mom
>making mom happy in the best way possible
>mama will bring no drama like a girlfriend would
>an experience few anons will ever get to enjoy
>a tag on /mcg/
>could hurt or destroy ties with the rest of your family if they found out
>making mom jealous when you eventually start dating other women
>mama will bring no drama

Not sure about that. Different drama maybe

I've never done it so this is just based on all the plausible accounts I've read:

> hands down best sex of your life, even the people who were groomed seem to agree on that
> you'll likely regret it
> could ruin your life
> illegal
> high chance of feeling ashamed

Your mom seems kind of fucked in the head, ngl. I think you should do it though, but only for selfish reasons in that I want you to come back and tell the story so I can jerk off to it.

Seriously though, sounds fucked up. No idea. The only thing I'll say is that I never thought I really wanted it in my 20s so never made any sort of attempt (my mom is mentally unwell, there's a chance she would do it). Now that I'm in my mid 30s I regret not trying.
Would add that there's a good chance of just completely ruining your relationship. A lover's quarrel is a lot worse when they're more than just that to you.

Good point. Another thing I've seen a lot is sexual dysfunction, where you can't get off without thinking of your mom. A lot of these accounts are people who were groomed though, so who knows if that would happen to you.

Even knowing all that if I could go back in time and have sex with my mom in my 20s I would roll the. What's the point of life if you don't live, you know?
Sexual dysfunction is only a problem if your mind's eye is terrible, just imagine any girl you fuck is your mom and you're fine.
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>Another thing I've seen a lot is sexual dysfunction, where you can't get off without thinking of your mom
I've heard that's quite common once you've had a taste of the forbidden fruit. People who've been with relatives (or claim to have I guess) say it's tough to be with someone else after because it's all so much more intense when it's incestuous.
>an experience few anons will ever get to enjoy
This is a big part of it desu, don't want to miss out on the opportunity given how much it turns me on when I'm horny

>deepen your bond with mom
>making mom jealous when you eventually start dating other women
It's possible mom would want to date I guess, but I couldn't date her I don't think. Is it weird for the idea of dating your mom to make you horny but not really want it?

> Your mom seems kind of fucked in the head
She was molested by both my grandpa and her grandpa. Probably a big part of this

> high chance of feeling ashamed
I still feel kinda ashamed when I jerk to it, though less and less these days

> hands down best sex of your life, even the people who were groomed seem to agree on that
>Now that I'm in my mid 30s I regret not trying.
This is what gets to me. I feel like I should do it because I can and I really think it'll be amazing.

> where you can't get off without thinking of your mom
Already a problem I have, been this way for the past year at least

It's probably a bad idea but I'm kinda talking myself into it here. Yeah it could go very wrong, but... I'd actually have sex with my mom. You know?
Whose the artist that drew this?
One big barrier for me is that I don't really know how I would do it. She hasn't been flirty since she tried to kiss me that one time
Is it more common for people to want to sleep with their mom when your relationship is very bipolar?

We're both very aggro people but loving as fuck, we go out of the way to get extremely difficult gifts and help each other when it looks like they're upset but man sometimes she pisses me the fuck off.
I can tell I piss her off too sometimes but we both drink a lot and sometimes when we drink together I think she thinks the same way I do
When I was younger she used to drink and tell me ab medical stuff, she'd watch embarrassing bodies on the tv while I'm in the room, like if I had smth wrong with my penis please can she be the first to see.
>she'd also pass out drunk in just panties on the couch and I'm 99% sure that's where I got my panties fetish from
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give mommy a bump
Are aunt ok here?
underwear drawer. I used to work in people's houses and overwhelmingly they're in the underwear drawer. Or if she has a closet in her bathroom it's likely in there
yeah totally, storytime?
I think it's funny how my mom is a total square and hates most vices and I'm the opposite; addictive personality.
Asked her once "How'd you even have 3 kids" and she just took a swipe at me like 'You better stop it..'
It would never get boring.

If you both left it all behind and started a new life in some rundown studio beneath an overpass in some forgettable flyover town. After the first day or two, when you signed the lease and moved in, and you finally embraced as a true couple with nothing to hide, you'd keep expecting the blood to stop rushing to your cheeks each time you caught a glimpse her lounging in a t-shirt and panties. But six months later, when she went to change into her new bikini for the pool, you'd still be shaking on the couch as you waited for her to come out, and when she dropped the towel and hitched the hem of her bottoms up to ask if you thought it showed a bit too much and jiggled the top to see if it was too lose, you'd be helpless to wander over and thrust you tongue into her mouth and lay her down giggling on the floor to pump your fourth orgasm of the morning into her quivering pussy.

If you ever made it out the door, you'd be shamelessly stealing every grope you could as her hand idly stroked your cock the whole drive there. When you got home and she went off to shower, you'd creep up to the door and stare through the glass like a schoolboy, numb and empty and somehow still aching for her. Each time you ejaculated inside her, you'd be immediately renewed with a fresh animal passion to thrust deeper and harder even as your cock wilted.

As you passed the time at work (goddamn the bills) you'd be sneaking off every hour to jerk a desperate, painful orgasm to the flirty pictures she was sending. Midnight quickies with her panties bunched around her thighs, you've never even been into feet before but now mommy's toes need to be in your mouth every second. It doesn't stop, even as you both collapse gasping and panting and laughing and promise that was the last time before breakfast and try to remind each other that you have to eat, and then you make a cheesy innuendo and it starts all over again.
What are your guys' thoughts on muscle mommies?
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My mom has told me about how risque she was when she was younger, going so far as to say in detail what she did when she was younger
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endless degenerate plapping
(you will die)
I didnt know she graduated to anal porn
I posted in these threads early last year due to pursuing a married milf despite being with a GF my own age.
She told me last week that it's been a lot better with her husband (he somehow/why significantly stopped having sex with her since she got preggers and it was tampering off since).
I'm happy for her, however she was the only milf or woman I've ever been serious about wanting to throw a grenade into my life over
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Does anyone have any hot stories of your mom teasing you?
Or maybe even getting some from your mom?
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Heres a real mom
>obligatory "step-mom" disclaimer
One time we were passing each other in the kitchen. She was wearing casual house shorts, green plain, and a white t-shirt. Out of nowhere, she briefly hitched up the leg of her shorts and showed me that she was wearing black panties with a lace fringe. She kinda smirked and continued on her way. She had to have known I had a crush on her but I doubt she would have wanted me to make a move.
Of course I won't share the acc but I can share a pic.

I tried DMing her with a fake acc but she didn't respond.
Built for son cock.

Too bad her son is a cucked loser who allows her to slut out.
>can share a pic.
very nice tiddies
Things I'd love my mother to moan while making love
>I'm your woman
>I love you
>Knock me up
>I'm so proud of you (after cumming inside raw)
I'd love for my mother to remind me and herself that we are having incestuous sex. Like keep referencing herself as my mother. Calling herself my whore would also be hot.
if anyone wants fake edits of their mom dm me on discord drako42069
She knows men love them. When I was a small kid she caught me looking down her blouse when she was putting on my shoes or something and said "it's okay to look". Core memory formed back then
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Mummy needs sonlove!
Post more of her
Thread needs new content badly
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How would Dr. House and team react to a patient engaging in momcest?
mummy needs CHADSON love

Dr. Chase
>The patient is banging his mum. Living the dream.

Dr. Foreman
>I think it's disgusting, but its not medically relevant. Can we get back to the symptoms?

Dr. Cameron
>Maybe the momcest is a neurological symptom. He's clearly not right in the head.

Dr. House
>You all have failed to consider the fact that his mother is a fertile woman, who is extremely hot with breasts the size of her head. The patient would be sick if he DIDN'T want to have sex with her.
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Imagine the following scenario. This has happened millions of times through hundreds of thousands of years during human history.

The long winter is finally over. First day of spring is here, and the warm sunlight greets you as you walk out of your cave with your mother. It's warm enough to take off your furs and let the sun touch your bare skin, after months of darkness. You close your eyes and feel the sun all over.

You open your eyes and see pic rel.
>Chad cave dad immediately hit you on the back of the head with a tree branch.
>He then rushes her and they start rutting on the forest floor, creating chad son.
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>What's the pros and cons of momcest?
>Releasing primal urges
>Cumming more than you thought physically possible

>Hypersexuality due to pros (can't get shit done because you think about fucking mom constantly if you aren't currently doing it)
>Need to keep it a secret (or not, most people will dismiss any rumors unless you actually fuck in public)
>Possible drama if you date other women (mom WILL get jealous and WILL sabotage your dating)
>Less interest in other women

>I'm 98% sure I could if I wanted, but I'm not sure if I want to
Not doing it can also lead to interpersonal conflict. Doing the whole "should we or shouldn't we?" mind games leads to stress pretty quick. If the urges are there, they're there for a reason and trying to ignore them is a fight you will lose. A lot of times neither person wants to be the one to take the first step, and it leads to this weird anger/frustration towards the other.
Ok guys, let's talk momcest math. specifically, impregnation.

How many kids could you realistically inbreed in your mom? I did the math.

I assume mother and son get together when she's at some starting age, and then it's daily creampies right until her eggs run dry. I take a reasonable model of fertility where in her prime she's at 25% chance of conception per month of trying, and it declines with age to about half of that by 35 yo, and it's essentially gone by age 50. As soon as she gives birth to one child-sibling, she's back to getting creamed daily by chadson. The effect of twins is negligible.

Simulation results:

With a young starting age of 36, you can expect to knock her up a whopping 3.4 times, with 1.3 standard deviation, so most mom-son couples with that age range can probably manage a full family of at least 3 inbred offspring if they want. Lucky ones could squeeze in 5 pregnancies. Most of the times, these are back to back in the very first few years of incest, where mom is basically non-stop preggo

With starting age 38, it's still an average of 2.3 again +- 1.3. You have very good chances of breeding your mom at least once.

Starting age 40, it's down to 1.4 +- 1.0, still viable, but you better put your back into it, especially in the beginning.

With starting age 42, the average is 0.8 with a decent chance of no kids at all, and from there onwards it just gets worse.
>With a young starting age of 36
Ah, you are assuming that the mom gave birth at 18, AND that the momcest only begins when the son turns 18.
The kind of mom who engages in momcest was likely a teen mom, who missed out on her young and wild years due to her motherhood. Now that her baby boy has started becoming a man (still a teenager), she has started to let loose and become more sexual.
You're forgetting the chance of birth defects affecting pregnancy from inbreeding. You share 50% DNA with a parent making it about as dangerous as having kids with a half sibling or first cousin. Although it is safer than with a full sibling at 100% shared dna
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post fertility mommy that you can bang anytime w/o worries is the best
Honestly, 3-4 children with mom sounds like a dream come true, assuming you can keep the truth hidden and no birth defects. I can't imagine a life better than just passionately loving and mating with your mom, hugging her tightly every time you dump your virile load into her fertile womb, kissing her and having sweet pillow talk about how she'll have another one of your children soon.
Its totally dependent on the ages of people involved.

My mom had me at 26 and there wasnt a hint of anything from her until I was 27 when she was already in her 50s and had her uterus removed due to risk of cancer so I could have never had any kids with her.

However I knew a girl who was knocked up under mysterious circumstances when we were 13 birth at 14 . Her son was 14 years younger than her. Most boys produce sperm starting around 11 or 12 years old so realistically he could have started knocking up his own mother when she was 25. At roughly one child per year its entirely possible he could have had 20 to 25 children with her before she hits menopause and thats not including fertility treatments and multiples like twins or triplets etc

Short answer is a lot. And it s totally possible for girls to get pregnant at 12 and then their son begins impregnating them again only 11 years later pushing their maximum mom son baby potential to around 27 kids plus more if multiples

Now if your trying to maximize birth output, girls can safely get pregnant and reproduce these days usually around 12 or 13 and if we wanted to do this we could induce menarch much younger and just deliver by c section as needed.

If you wanted to go that route theoretically people could be having children safely at 8 or 9 years old. In which case you are talking a new generation every decade which is nuts when the average person lives to 80. A woman in her 50s in this case could be a great great great great grandmother many times over
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>thoughts on muscle mommies?
There is probably a massive overlap between momcest and muscle mommy fascination.
I find myself drawn to large fit women, especially 30+
Not sure why...

Ran a few more sims for your particular concerns.

Starting age 30 -> avg 8 kids
Starting age 28 -> avg 10 kids
Starting age 26 -> avg 11.5 kids
Starting age 24 -> avg 13.5 kids (absolute inbreeding sow life for mom)

Obviously we ignore birth defect cause it's just a fantasy.

Whats the average for? Seems to
Me it should be higher with basically 25 years of breed-able years
> Starting age 24 -> avg 13.5 kids (absolute inbreeding sow life)

This should be the standard expectation for women. There is literally no reason for them to exist in society other than as breeding sows
While this is sort of interesting, I'm personally more interested in love-filled impregnation, creating the fruit of your forbidden love, children that will have both of your genes and will forever be proof that you and your mother loved each other and wouldn't stop at anything for that love. If this results in many children, so be it, but the point is not to breed as much as possible, but to let your love flow freely and blossom without restraints.
Let's make it through the week folks
Built like my mom. Cute contained belly.
Sounds gay

This is why so angry if you guys are incels. Your mom doesnt want your romance and love she has that with your dad she wants to be fucked hard by a young stud
Don't forget about the momcest threads on /gif/
Most here are sons to single moms retard.
Then she absolutely doesnt want that!

The truth is most women dont want romance they want protection and to feel safe. They want excitement and fun and they want to be fucked silly.

Stereotypical romance like we see in movies is a male construct. That is what men like not what women like what women think is romance is being swept off your feet and being carried along in an exciting and titillating adventure lead by a confident man all the cute flowers and stuffed animals and I love youse, all just made up by men.

That is why women of all times and places will always fall and break their current relationships for exotic, exciting fun, alpha males because that is what women like.
It's strange. Sometimes, these threads are really popping off, but other times, they're treading water. like this week.
Yeah single moms never get lonely, emotional incest doesn't exist and you're not an incel.
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A lot of the regulars are too busy fucking their moms to care, not even kidding. Ever notice how some frequent posters just disappear after things get interesting?
I wish that was the case.

I'm one of the oldest members that stopped updating since nothing ever happens. I had a bad break up recently so my lust for mom is back to 100, too bad I broke with mom as well.
A good larper early on in the thread seems to usually supercharge them. Like that one guy with the conservative mom with big boobs a few threads ago.
>I'm one of the oldest members
The three letter one.

I don't dwell here as much as I used to, nor do I bother to post.
Im not an incel. All those things do exist but its far more common the way I said it
>broke with mom as well.
Why? What do u mean
>The three letter one
I promised to stop talking to her until she reciprocates, and I don't mean in any sexual sense necessarily. I just want my investment back, I want to be her undisputed priority like she was mine for a long time, she has no excuse not to be devoted to me.
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sounds like rlg anon
Post my pasta with this image attached if you got it.

I wanna reminisce about better days.
>low IQ take
>writes like a retard
>pointless reddit spacing
Opinion discarded
Lmao I would bet money I have a higher iq than most of this board and I Reddit space because I have a job and post from my phone

Get fucked
Thinks it's freaky and keeps getting weirded out by it
Spends the whole episode theorizing that he's been sexually abused from a young age
Calls it disgusting and probably tries to talk to the patient about stopping at some point. Reports the mother to the police
Makes fun of him and his mom constantly, prescribes mouse bites
haven't seen r anon in a while
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Just remembered this banger
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Lol I was so convinced something would happen eventually
ye, that's a good one, last exciting update from u i think
so u got a gf and lost v card?
>actually I'm really high IQ
Ok, retard
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>was so convinced something would happen eventually
Not all are blessed with success, unfortunately it's extremely rare. Plus yours comes with a few extra levels of difficulty..
Let the dead bury the dead. Now tell me mombro, why do you think my mom has these sudden sexual/emotional surges when she doesn't reciprocate 99% of the time (at least as of the last two years). Seeing how infrequent it is, it seems to me it is less about hormones, though I'm sure that plays a role, and more of that she is really good at controlling her primal urges but the mask slips once every blue moon, she then overcompensates by acting cold in order to retain her authoritative position as a mother. Perhaps I'm wrong, this is my closest guess. Also it's funny that she was the one who got me addicted to her scent and body through that out of no where touchy hugging session.
I need that image
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>why do you think my mom has these sudden sexual/emotional surges
a bit BPD perhaps
this picture has the most dreadful aura radiating from it holy fuck why are all the colors so gloomy
Unsatisfying answer but I know fuck all about mental illness anyway
Don't expect her to act rational or as though she always understands the consequences of her actions, just bc she's an adult. Just enjoy those sweet fleeting moments of deep affection..
Really rubbing it in... I wish time around us would just stop while I'm in her lap forever. No wonder the idea of heaven is so appealing to some people including her, if only she knew she is my only heaven.
>she is my only heaven.
dang she really rearranged your brain, mombro
A mere phase hopefully.
My mom's delightful d-cups aren't a larp dumbass
are you that anon with conservative mom?
Yes, I haven't made any further progress
I was referring to the Anon with the conservative mom with big boobs, but the Anon didn't want to fuck her, and was mostly annoyed that she kept turning him on, knowingly and unknowingly. That you?
Just stare at them, anon
Not me, I'm the anon that gets to squeeze my mom's tits and ass ever day
I think it depends on my mood. Sometimes I want more cushion for the pushin, and sometimes I want to be put in the amazon position
Harder to self-insert with an english accent, but I've been loving SashaCurves lately. She does some really hot impreg and breeding scripts.
>Harder to self-insert with an english accent, but I've been loving SashaCurves lately
Exactly how I feel. That's why I could never get into Sydney Harwin, but Sasha's body is absolutely kino.
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>*sigh*, Fine. Come lick mommy's pits before your brother Chadson sees
Can I instead fuck you over the kitchen counter multiple times a day?
>No, sweetie, that would be incest.
>Also no, it isn't incest with Chadson as he's hot.
I'm an only child.
Chadson's your long-lost brother that your mom never told you about.
Post more of these pics

I can ignore your cuck fetish easier
Why didn't OP-son defend himself when he was accused of being chadson poster?
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Man, I thought I was over my momcest kink but I guess not. I finally relapsed.
I don't want to go over the details but I got into a huge argument with my father and after nearly losing my voice I drove to my mothers house. I started venting to her about all of my problems and especially about my father. at some point she pulled me into her arms and started hugging me while patting my head and calming me down. All while nearly smothering my in her boobs. in an instant my momcest kink was reignited. I thought I was over it and had move past it but nope.

>Topic: Are you getting anything for your mom?
I've gotten her some tequila, some margarita mix, and a new murder mystery book as that is what every middle age white woman between the ages of 30-60 wants.
>she pulled me into her arms and started hugging me while patting my head and calming me down. All while nearly smothering my in her boobs.
Mothers are like everything good about this world
>smothering my in her boobs
>she pulled me into her arms and started hugging me while patting my head and calming me down.
Imagine this after nutting inside her (and getting her pregnant).
>Mothers are like everything good about this world
They really are. I was in tears by the time she did it. I got a lot off my chest and felt way better about everything, even if it involved having a huge fight with my dad, which sucked.

Hot. I would love too and have fantasized about it for a long time too. But unfortunately, it would be very hard. Not only would I be hard, but it would be very hard to not only seduce my mother, but to also cover up having a baby with her. so I guess it'll just stay in the realm of fantasy. For now at least.
What are you giving your mommy for Christmas? A new child perhaps?
>Hot. I would love too and have fantasized about it for a long time too. But unfortunately, it would be very hard. Not only would I be hard, but it would be very hard to not only seduce my mother, but to also cover up having a baby with her. so I guess it'll just stay in the realm of fantasy.
Yes, I get that. It's my favorite fantasy ever, but realistically, it's hard to pull off successfully. Still, it makes me coom unlike anything else and everything about it just feels so good and perfect.
>For now at least.
Not going to lie, the thought that there is even the tiniest chance to one day knock up your own mother is enough to get me rockhard and make me have to jerk it again. It's an addictive thought.
Jeez, just pull out, man. I'm sure it'll be fine
sex with mommy >>>/gif/28288555
It is really addictive, which is why I thought I had gotten past it, since it's been months since I had felt this way, but I guess it got brought back up again after everything had happened.
Pull out? what does that mean lol? Do you mean like try shooting my shot and seeing if it'll land with her? Because I feel if I try anything to risky that it wont turnout good for any of us.
I love this kind of dirty talk when the mother says she wants to "give" her son children. You can usually find it in hentai, when the mother says she'll "give him as many children as he wants" or similar phrases. Vice versa, talking about giving your mom new children is equally hot. I wish more momcest would use the idea that by having children, both are ultimately giving each other everything they have. He's giving her new children because she loves her son and loves to be a mother again, and she gives him his first child and his next because he wants to procreate and have children with the most important woman in his life. Both are ultimately giving each other their whole life because by making children together, they accept that they have to sacrifice their entire previous lives and that despite being mother and son and all of the hurdles this will inevitably create, they can't help wanting to breed together and create new life.
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Turning mommy into a baby incubator
Mal was out of this world hot before she turned into a ham planet
Is it man's destiny to seek to mate and procreate with his mother?
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>Is it man's destiny
of the chosen ones, yes
God that body is perfect, fuck me. A woman like that would enslave me. Thank god its only real in anime.
That's just the mature woman body type.
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>haven't seen r anon in a while
It's been stagnant.

Met up with the 39 y/o last week at a concert. I'm still friendzoned. She randomly sent me a photo of her ass the other day but wasn't responsive to my flirting so it probably won't go anywhere. Last month when we were at lunch she started talking about her addiction history and said she fucked someone after me. Just about killed me.

I haven't been trying to see her, it's just her reaching out. Sending videos of herself singing and stuff.
why can't you just find some1 normal.. you don't need the bpdemon
>why can't you just find some1 normal
I haven't met anyone or been on any dates since summer. Ever since I dropped the bars and apps it's been dry. I've been trying numerous activities every week.
Christmas with mummy?
I wouldn't have destroyed my penis through excessive dry masturbation in my youth. If I had access to a trusted family member like my mom to guide me sexually, I wouldn't have sensory issues with my penis like I have now. I would have a proper sexual outlet (vagina) and the intimacy that comes with it.
Yadda yadda, got to keep it secret.
>Christmas with mummy?
I will never see her again.
No one talks about the danger of excessive masturbation. If you don't let the skin heal after you beat the meat, the damage compounds and u lose sensation
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By the way, this is a really good hentai for those who like loving momcest. They become a couple and the son impregnates his mom. Can only recommend to my fellow mombros. All parts already have English translations except for the last one where she is pregnant and gives birth to their child. Name is "My Mom, My Love" by Siberian Hahasky.
Chosen ones being CHADSONs.
You can't just post that and not include the source
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His sister is fine too.
>NO says the man in Washington, momcest leads to inbreeding.
>NO says the man in the Kremlin, sons need to breed girls their own age.
>NO says the man in the Vatican, momcest is a sin.
>I chose a different path.
>I chose momcest.
I love sister impregnation, but man, there's something truly special about impregnating your mother and creating a new life with her, even though she is the one who gave life to you, too.
That and the fact that to you, she will always be 'mom', 'mother', 'mama', or whatever you call her and that very word means that she has a child and you being the one using it, are her child. The fact that you are mother and child is ever-present and it shows in ever little interaction between the two of you every day. We just don't think too much about it because it feels so normal and natural. It's crazy to think that it's even possible that you, her son, can make her a mother again. It feels as if something like that shouldn't be possible, like it's a naturally outrageous thing and yet, almost contradictory, it feels like a beautiful, permanent union between mother and son that, although it was never meant to happen, fully completes their bond and fills in all the gaps.
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I'm just biased by my own circumstances. It's really special with a sibling, too. Like being with your childhood best friend but ramped up so much more. Makes it painful to be apart
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Kek well done. Now, would you kindly go get stepped on by a Big Mommy?
*adjusts glasses*
Erm... ackthually, he says "Moscow," not "Kremlin."
I bet you feel real silly right now.
If you are finally having sex with your mom and you are about to cum would you even have the physical and mental ability in the moment to pull out?
We need more sons marrying their mothers in momcest doujins. It seriously elevates them to another level, and makes me happier than I can describe.
Kisses for mommy's feet!
I feel like if anything, I'd press against her and get in as deep as possible when cumming, even when completely unprotected.
This image gets me going every time I see it I so badly wish that was me and my mom
Inbreeding w mama
I bet it feels so good to just stop worrying and give in, accepting that it's going to happen.
Any doujins involving impregnation and mommy getting huge?
Thanks Anon. will she notice if I dig around in there and rearrange the panties?
She has a closet. Where in there could it be?
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>home again
>during a conversation in her bed m randomly asks me if I would go to a strip club and have sex with a hooker
>she said she just wanted to get to know me better, acted like nothing was wrong
>told her i wasn't sure
>week or so ago she joked about people confusing us as lovers
uhh... wtf?
>uhh... wtf?
what's the story? you posted before?
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>tfw never read any of this thread
>tfw only look for pics of qt milfs
I have posted before. I cant find my posts on the archives because theyre so far back, but theyre the ones where I tried to come up with ideas like talking to her with a hard on. I will see if I can find them.
>people confusing us as lovers
She wants it. Make a move
Im thinking of doing some of the subtle things I had planned earlier so I can reciprocate without risking anything. I think her asking the sex thing was a way to move things forward a bit, but I dont want to flat out ask her if Im wrong.
Listen here, anon. Your mom wants to fuck you. Not even kidding. She wants to have sex with you.
>thinking of doing some of the subtle things
Get bit bold with the touching next time you're in bed. Talk about sex, about you acting lieke a couple, joke about kissing or smtg, touch her thighs or waist. See how she reacts
That makes me both incredibly hard and incredibly nervous. If I want to I probably have to make a move soon, because she said shes opening to seeing other guys, and I saw she bought pantyhose not too long ago, so she must expect to get some soon. Any ideas?
Also I forgot to write in >>79815670 that part of her curiosity was if I would do it if noone would know, and how it would feel weird to never experience it (maybe she meant sex in general?). Thinking back it makes me wonder if she was basically hinting to me by asking if I'd have taboo sex for pleasure if nobody knew. Thoughts on this?
I dont know how to talk about sex without seeming off. She did it, but if I did it right after it might seem weird. Granted we breached that boundary months earlier, so maybe its ok. My old idea of telling her Im nervous about never having kissed a girl or being a virgin might be a decent idea. I think talking about us being like a couple or joking about kissing, or especially touching her body, might be too much when I havent gotten absolute confirmation shes down. I could grab her lower back when hugging though.
>asking if I'd have taboo sex for pleasure if nobody knew
quite possible. you need to play along and steer the convo towards you and her doing naughty stuff, maybe mention getting hard or smth
Tbh im afraid. It feels like theres a gap between my horny brain imagining the hentai I read and the real brain realizing this is in real life and if I fuck up its over.
>telling her Im nervous about never having kissed a girl or being a virgin might be a decent idea
Yeah, then ask if you can kiss her to see what it feels like. If she agrees, huge green flag to further push the boundaries
I get it anon, but don't be afraid if it gets a little awkward. Seems like she's just looking for a sign you're open for it and then she'll do the rest
What if I leave the last part unstated? It seems like she's so pushy maybe she would offer?
Seems like it too. Hopefully Im not just thinking with my dick. If she randomly starts a sexual topic I'll go with it, and I will make sure to show my nervousness so it I dont look weirdly into it.
if she brings up again you looking like a couple , say smth along the lines that she's would be the perfect gf for you and compliment. it will drive her crazy. also, increase the risque touching.
how long are you staying with her?
I like that idea, Anon. I did say later on in the conversation when it was no so risque that I was surprised how similar we are. I like the idea of driving her crazy. I want to give her just enough hints to make her horny. What kind of touching would you recommend for beginners? I will stay with her for a bit more then 2 weeks. After a long break after that, I will see her again for a couple days before a much longer break (so a chance for an emotional goodbye).
>What kind of touching would you recommend
touch her waist and thighs and let your hand rest there for a short while. do it repeatedly if she doesn't mind. and get a noticeable boner
Thanks Anon. I will try those. Do you mean outer or inner thighs?
Also for anyone reading Im also the guy who wanted to look for her sex toys / pantyhose. I also want to check if she has tinder on her phone since she jokingly mentioned it once, but I dont know if it has a daily notification that would give away that it was opened. I want to see what pictures she has on there.
outer first ofc, but if you can manage inner too......
oh, and if she's hanging in your presence again, stare right at her.
Wait what do you mean hanging in my presence again? Also do you think resting my head on her neck like I was going to kiss there but not would spark desire, or is it only sexually stimulating if I kiss her there?
>hanging in my presence again?
>is it only sexually stimulating if I kiss her there?
ye, neck kissing if very erotic, do it if you can
I understand now. It feels very bold lol. But I will try to continue a conversation with her while shes changing, and will hold eye contact if im feeling bold.
Im not ready to do neck kissing yet, unfortunately. I still only do cheek kissing.
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>Im not ready to do neck kissing yet,
Don't keep your horny mom waiting. Seems like she's very ready and eager for more
Ill try the dick bulge first and see how that goes. Hard to do it without seeming like its intentional, but Ill risk it for you guys. I will try a waist hug a week or less later so its not suspicious.
In my personal journey, I reached neck kissing and grabbing her waist before the dick bulge thingy (which to this day I never attempted)

If you're willing to do it, maybe neck kissing might be tamer, especially if you already kiss her cheeks/shoulders/etc regularly.
You can also fix your shorts/boxers while cuddling, like it's getting tight down there. She'll know what's up
will you be seeing her for christmas?
Is it too forward even if I make it look like I was trying to hide it and didn't know it was visible? Neck kissing sounds like a really straight forward expression of sexual desire.
Good idea. If it seems like shes into it and gives more hints, I will try that so I dont scare her off too soon.

She will be awake in an hour or so. Should I try the dick bulge thing?
Yes. I am home from university and will be here until after new years eve.
Also for reference when it comes to her comfort with physical contact, she got weirded out and pulled away when I circled my thumb in the palm of her hand when cuddling.
This was a year or so ago I think
>Should I try the dick bulge thing?
yeah, if you can. there's no faster way of making things clear than her realizing she's causing your boner. women find that extremely flattering
She wont know shes causing it, but Im hoping it will light a fire in her and make her wonder if I intentionally let her see it. So im playing the same games she is, and turning it up a notch.
Jacking off to relevant hentai to get it up.
>weirded out and pulled away
>This was a year or so ago I think
maybe she had a change of heart since then
act all sad about the break up, so she comforts you
Maybe. Or maybe she felt something and got scared of her own feelings?
I can do that the second time I see her because we will be apart for a very long time after that.
Feeling nervous about this. I will do it, but it feels like Im about to do something wrong. She can read me like a book, so I hope she just thinks Im feeling weird because I just masturbated and am trying to hide my boner.
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she initiates talks about sex and kinks, sonanon. she's got plans for you, just take it easy
I meant the gf breakup, if you're rlg
I feel like neck kissing is going too far. Did you say you two lie in bed together? That would seem like the best situation to escalate in. You know, like a close hug.
I'm not rlg, I'm just a random Anon. I have linked my previous post which links to my others so ppl can go through them all.
I did, and we have frequent close hugs in bed. They feel very mother-son, though.

Time is getting close. Will probably go out soon, or in 30 minutes. Very nervous even though she probably wont even notice.
I guess so. I will try, but it is hard as you can imagine.
I think you should go for a kiss if you decide to go for it. It's something I feel you won't ever regret doing if you get to feel her lips on yours.
Anon, have a few drinks together, get comfy, put a movie on maybe, start cuddling, talk abt looking like a couple, increase touching, flirt, kiss her neck, rub her thighs...... and watch magic happen
I will save that for later probably. Sorry, I've been writing excuses here for hours. I will update you all when I do it (the boner, not the kiss), then will post again if anything happens later.
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you got a lot of advice to try this and that, but just go with what feels right in the moment, don't overthink it
Thanks Anon. I will keep all the advice in mind too in the back of my pocket for when the time is right.
Still typing because im trying to get it up. Its like I have whiskey dick
>im trying to get it up
For mommy to see?
Not letting thread die before anon gets back!
Nothing happened, sorry guys. And now we wait.

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