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File: bruisedgosling.png (539 KB, 875x720)
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I will have sex with literally anyone who shows me even the slightest hint of positive attention even if I'm not attracted to them at all. It's ruining my life. I don't know how to stop. I've had gonorrhea once and chlamydia twice.
Get mental help, sorry your dad raped you
Have BAY SUTTGEX to point yer silly little willy in the right direction when it points north when ye get TOPPED
For your bussy's sake you have to stop
>Get mental help
I'm American, that shit costs money. That's why I'm tasting /r9k/ as my personal therapist lol. What could go wrong?

This post borders on indecipherable

The problem is that I can't. I've tried but I always fail. Almost nobody I've fucked so far has been someone I actually wanted to.
Are we talking straight sex or homo sex?
Both, doesn't matter. Anyone at all.

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