Wishful EditionRobot test:https://robot-general.neocities.org/quizGuidelines:>be nice>ignore and hide nigger posts>no normalfagging>no 3DPD discussion>no test score discussionPrevious thread: >>79861623
Hello robots, I hope you all have a great 2025. What are your wishes for the new year?
>>79909704i hope you enjoy 2025 too anon, i hope i draw some next year
>>79909918Is that all, anon? No wish for wealth, a gf, etc.?
>>79909704Happy new year! No specific goal in mind, just want to be happier in 2025. Hopefully things start looking up eventually
>>79910106What are some things that would make you happier?
>>79910085nothin like that, id just like to draw is all
>>79910221Well I hope you manage to become a good artist, anon>>79910267Because it gets boring to discuss about the test all the time
this test is horseshit
What do you do when you feel that pit in your stomachnot just sadness that makes you cry but a deep feeling of despair and hopelessnessit's debilitating, it makes me dull and utterly uncreative (i need orders or a list to do absolutely anything including leaving the house)I'm a neet so i feel it only sometimes, but back when i worked it was a daily feeling and i'll have to work again
>>79910329I don't get what you mean, it's usually newfags who come here to talk about the test. If you have questions about it though then go ahead and ask.>>79910366>t. normalfag
>>79910399not a normalfag. i have the same humor and think like you do, i just happen to be attractive and have a gf and friends. you can be successful and a robot at the same time you gatekeeping faggot
>>79910444what are you haha-ing at? just because you're a pathetic loser, doesn't mean you can gatekeep what being a robot is
>>79909704Hope the same for you. I want to become a better person, to the degree I can have some tangible proof I've become better.
>>79910410I was going to type something mean but I won't>>79910444Still pretty high despite that
>>79910514>helped create the termahahaha you weird fuckin loser, what kind of retard lies about something so benign on hereand that's not at all what being a robot is, just because you're subhuman you don't have to lump everyone else in here with you
>>79910524Better in what way? Kinder? More useful?
>>79910205>What are some things that would make you happier?At this point probably 4-5 kittens I can raise in peace, I could start sneaking them into my parents one at a time. What about you anon?
>incel on a schizo rant about demonic magic and sanitylol you're fucked in the head, and don't represent robots
>>79910575>More usefulThat's not the first thing that came to mind, but that's a really good goal. Currently I'm kind of just a sack of meat occupying space. Otherwise I also want to improve my health and pick up a decent hobby or two. There's some other things I should probably do, but that's what's currently on my mind.
>>79909704I need my e-girlfriend to come back to me.
>>79910580That's cute, can't go wrong with some kitties. As for me, I wish I could become independent without having to suffer, but it's too much to ask for, it seems...>>79910618No need to anon, just follow the first 3 rules and we can all have a better time here.
>>79909674i appreciate the comfy webpage anon..
>>79910635Getting a few hobbies helps a ton. Do you have any in mind that you'd like to try out?
>>79910764>I wish I could become independent without having to sufferLife would be better as a richfag i suppose. Not really independent but you have your own space, can fuck off and live in peace. Hope you can figure out an alternative one day
>>79911211Drawing seems a given. It was something I've always dabbled in very infrequently but never properly committed to. I'd like to have it be something I do nearly daily by the end of 2025. Maybe a bit of programming if I have the brain and discipline for it.
>Score: 216 | Robot
>>79911212Money would solve most of my problems, so yeah...>>79911272I wish I could get into drawing too
>>79911556Besides basic stuff like food and shelter what else would you buy as a richfag
>Score: 143 | Robotwhat do i win
>>79912042i think buying comfortable clothing would be nice
Hey /rg/, are any of you uncles? How do you feel about it?
>>79911556>I wish I could get into drawing tooWhat's keeping you away?>>79912042>Besides basic stuff like food and shelter what else would you buy as a richfagI imagine that can domino effect into improving a lot in one's life. Or like that other anon said, you can get some nice, new clothes. You can treat yourself well. Maybe afford some form of transport if you want to go somewhere for whatever reason. I also always liked the idea of one day being so comfortable in my lot in life that I can help bring someone else into that same comfort and being rich may be a fast lane to attain something like that
>>79910410If you'd just passed the test and kept quiet literally nobody would have cared but you're acting like a complete normalfag obsessing over test scores so I guess it worked GTFO sexhaver.
I am a wizard. Of course.
>>79910410>be attractive>have a gf and friendspick one. you can't be a robot and have both. no one here gives a fuck about your sense of humor.
this board going into a screeching halt at NYE is proof the normalfags have taken over.i cummed exactly at midnight last time, i hope i get to do it again now lmao
>>79912042A lot of things. Money can buy pretty much anything. I need to fix a few personal things but some fun stuff I can think of>computers>vidya and other digital products>an arcade room>a private gym>a bunch of guitars, amps and other gear>lots and lots of gadgets>anime figures, sex dolls, etc.>travel (to japan mainly)>a workshop to get into DIY projects and 3D printingAnd so much more. I have a few autistic interests like headphones, custom mechanical keyboards, mice, etc. all this stuff costs a lot of money. Hell, I'd even open an indie game studio or start a few businesses to keep myself busy all the time. There's so much to do but if you have no money all you can do is to be a wagie for life.
>>79912449I've been an uncle for a couple years but those relatives live in a different country so I never really felt like it was ever anything significant, as if the uncle status never fully applied. Only very recently did a close relative of mine have a kid so now I am having first hand experience being an uncle and I'm not sure if I feel like much had changed at all. It sorta bothers me. I think it should matter and affect me more but I'm just kinda numb to it, and it feels odd that personally seeing new life fostered that also shares my own blood isn't instilling any of the emotions I think it should have.
>>79912802I know what you mean, there seems to be this expectation that you go "aw, the little bald alien freak thing that smells like shit is so adorable!" But once they're older you can play video games with them and it's like having a younger sibling.
>>79912645I want to buy a huge plot of land bordered by forest and live on it naked. I'm not a nudist or anything but the thought of being completely exposed (naked) and secluded (in the middle of the woods) yet still being safe sounds amazing to me. My own little Garden of Eden. If I can't get a gf to express sexuality with then I want to live somewhere I don't have to hide anything about myself.
>>79912464>What's keeping you away?I've tried before but don't have the patience to stick with it. I've also tried 3D modeling and the same thing happened.>>79912606Based coomer
>>79912449I am but I don't feel like one because my brother got divorced and it's all kinda messed up.>>79912937Why do you want to be naked? Does it make you horny or something?
>>79912645Yah I'm same for most of this list honestly. Would it make you more social? Idk how richfag relationships work but id imagine most of that stuff would be done witha fren or two. I wonder how much money it would take to corrupt the average robot.. even if I was loaded I'd still probably just be doing the same shit but with nicer stuff
>>79913055>don't have the patience to stick with itDo you find it time consuming in general, or is it about the time it takes to improve
its hard to have the patience to do anything at all, anons usually say if you cant be bothered to do something then you never wanted to do it in the first place, but the only thing i can be bothered to do consistently is eat and sleep
>>79913769I don't really think about making friends irl, I'm too introverted to make any and prefer being alone anyway. I don't think money would make me more social.>>79914305I just don't enjoy the process, it's too static, too much time spent on a single thing.
>>79913237>Why do you want to be naked? Does it make you horny or something?I like it because it's the ultimate declaration of freedom. I always feel like I need to cover up around others because I'm embarrassed but if I had my own land and nobody was around I could abandon my embarrassment.
>>79910410Yes you are a normalfag, GTFO of our board nigga
does anyone else wish it was possible for them to be treated as a human being?>>79915266dont respond to (You) farming anon
>>79914345In your case I think you might be a bit too depressed to do anything productive.>>79914883I've never thought about it that way... I think it'd bother me to be naked all the time.
>>79914538What if you met another robots? We can be friends but would both rather be alone and chat privately as anons? Social chatting is stressful tho.. we could call it a general for robots and.. fuck
>had a dream about cuddling and kissing a loliBeing awake sucks
>>79915749Sure maybe I can be friends with another robot, but we're just so rare it's hard to find each other irl and I probably wouldn't get along with them anyway.>>79915764Nice dream, anon.
>>79914883Did your family never left you home alone for a few days? I tried being naked one of the times when i was but i didn't really like it, just touching my chair with my naked body was unpleasant.
>>79915764dreaming really is the best part of life.. i think ill dream through new years this yeari hope that one day i just keep on dreaming forever and ever, itd be nice to have a dream that at least felt like it lasted for eternity every night
bumpin rg
I redid the test and Im a failed normalfag nowwagmi
GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEG HAHAHAHAHHAA LOSER INCELS GO GET A LIFEt. gigachad who won at life and with 5000000000 wives and 100000000000000000000000 bajillion dollars
Woke up with my eyes still feeling a little heavy. I drank less alcohol this time around but I'm still gonna need some extra hydration today. How much do robots drink on new year's?
>>79918522This is so hotI don't know I just drink water
>>79918535How so? You don't like alcohol?
>>79918738my dad drank a lot and it left an impression on me. I'm scared of ending up like him.
>>79918750I see, might be for the best. You could at least get some soda once in a while though. Non-alcoholic beer is also a thing.
It's 2025 now but I find myself missing 2020. Just moved into a new place with my family, bought new furniture, made a Twitter account with the intention of posting art to it, had a Twitch account to watch a streamer I liked... and then everything stagnated. Feels like my life has been frozen for 5 years.I don't know what to do now but I want to try again. I want to be ambitious again. I need it so badly.
>>79918961Why did you stop? What have you been doing for the past 5 years?
Ahahaha a whole new year to do nothing with c: hope yall ate good food atleast
>>79915991Meow thought about this a lot. Keeping up with relationships is hard enough, robots can coexist but idunno about going to your wedding when you eventually have one anon
>>79916935I agree on a soul level. Dreams are beautiful aspirations. Do you keep a dream journal?
>>79917749I've always been a failed normalfag so I dunno if I'm welcome here.>>79918522I get smashed every New Years. When I was in college it was mostly on New Years Eve, now that I'm older it's mostly after midnight
>>79919337Can't complain at all here, good food, good wine, a few family members came over so it felt a bit more lively, overall a good night. What about you anon?>>79919350Wedding? I don't think I'll ever get married, unless you want to be the spouse...
Wondering if it's worth getting an X account to follow some artists... Pixiv is usually good enough for me but the algorithm is pretty bad at recommending new things.
>wake up>2025>instantly harassed for being neetTime ain't shit ahaha.>>79919575That does sound cozy! Did you hang out with them? I had folks come over too but I mostly just hide and played vidya. >unless you want to be the spouse...Might be what it takes at this point, you'd be sick of me within a month hogging your vidya and snacks I suppose. Def an upgrade since you have a cat tho. Out of curiosity, do yall ever feel lonely anymore these days? Idunno if something in my brain broke, or my introversion gotten worse, but when I had a cat it completely replaced all need for human interaction
>>79921534>Did you hang out with them?Not me, I just watched them interact with each other.>hogging your vidya and snacksI don't keep snacks around so you'd be disappointed there, but I can family share my modest steam library with you in exchange for sexual favors.>do yall ever feel lonely anymore these days?Maybe a bit sometimes. Being alone can make me feel kinda aimless, yet I don't think anyone would be able to fill the void inside me so I've been slowly getting used to the solitude.
>>79919139I got distracted by politics and vtubers and it turned out I liked the idea of being an artist more than creating art itself. I want to try again.
>>79919139Oh yeah and my Twitch account getting suspended for no fucking reason also kind of discouraged me.
>>79922311>>79922321its impressive that you even had the motivation to start anon, im still stuck at the doing nothing and just wishing i could draw stage, im sure ill be here forever pretty much.. you should try again anon, im sure youd be good
>>79922211>in exchange for sexual favorsDisgusting. You realize you're both men, right? Probably really ugly men at that. Real robots are not gay.
>>79922344Maybe I should start drawing for these threads? No pressure and I'd be anon. Could be fun. Any requests?
>>79922383i dont have any because drawfags make me depressed.. you still should if you want to though
>>79922373It wasn't unironic, anon...>>79922383>Any requests?I think you should draw whatever you feel like, but we could all appreciate some cunny.
Maybe I should give drawing another chance too... Or maybe 3D modeling
btw pedos arent welcome in this thread. pls go somewhere else ok.
>>79923611What about cunnies??
Today I cleaned my room after putting it off for months and then went on a run even though I didn't really feel like it. Already making strides in 2025, let's see how long this little boost in motivation lasts.
>>79923611>on 4chan.org>on the /r9k/ board>in the loli threadI think you're a bit confused. As long as you don't touch kids or fedpost you're welcome here.
>>79924059Forgot to attach pic related in an original fashion
>>79923611There aren't any pedos here, I don't know where you got the idea from.>>79923951Keep it up, sometimes motivation won't be there but if you push yourself to do things it eventually becomes routine.
>>79924059>>79924064retarded pedos ARE. NOT. WELCOME HERE. pedoboomers neither you faggot.
I was planning my first goon session to be about 2 hours long but then I saw a semi-consensually deflorated incestuous cunny in a doujin and it made me shoot buckets of premature seed only 30 minutes in. I'm too weak, cunny wins this round.
But where are the pedos?
>>79924792You! You're a gross pedo!
>>79925247No you! I am just a connoisseur of Japanese fine art.
>>79918522I didn't drink since I don't drink any alcohol, not sure if I ever will.
>>79923951Same here, except the motivation kicked in a few days earlier. Hope it lasts long enough for you to get used to it and that it does well for you.
>>79925247God I want Koharu so bad. There's something extremely erotic about a naughty girl who projects her lewd thoughts onto others. I want her to judge me so bad.
havent had the motivation to even respond to anons recently, apologies anons..
>>79926181Me too originaIly
>>79909674>Would you consider yourself an incel or a volcel?Where's the "no" option lmao
>>79927209This question still appears if you pick middle option in sex having question for some reason, should probably get fixed later
Does anyone else get this empty feeling in their chest? Especially with this kind of mind fog that makes it hard to keep a hold of your thoughts, making them all kinds of incoherent and forgettable, often to the point you may have stopped remembering your life for extended periods of time?
>>79928114I wanted to say yes to your first sentence but second one isn't relatable at all.
>>79928194Understandable. I'm not even sure the two are related, but perhaps they just sometimes act in tandem. Just the chest thing on it's own is weird in a "I think I should be upset by this but I don't feel so because the issue is that I literally feel little to nothing" kind of way
>>79927209Fixed>>79928114>stopped remembering your life for extended periods of timeYou mean like some sort of temporary amnesia?
They all go away in the end.
"Blissful tranquility on an otherwise blank canvas" is what best describes my innermost feelings. It's the early afternoon of January 2nd, and I'm in what seems to be the living room of a quiet house that belongs to... I don't know - but it doesn't matter since they're obviously friendly enough to let me stay there. I'm partly sitting, partly lying on the floor, with large cushions supporting my head, neck and upper back, and the rest of my body under a warm kotatsu. I'm wearing the clothes and accessories from ENFJ-senpai's fanart plus my favorite pair of sparkly socks. I wriggle my toes for a moment under the kotatsu and then just relax and look out of a window that I have a pleasant view to. The sun is setting outside, making the sky blaze in hues of vibrant red, orange, and yellow. Through the window, I can't see anything beyond the sky, but I know it's cold and snowy outside. I smell something, tinsels, combined with presumably gingerbread cookies and heated mulled wine (non-alcoholic because the odor doesn't sting) left over from the holidays. Perhaps I could get up and pick up some for myself, but it feels too comfortable where I am. There's also a small bowl of chocolates right next to me; however, I still have some sweet aftertaste from the previous candy I ate a moment ago, so the timing isn't ideal just yet. Some ornaments and decorations are still up. The Christmas tree may have been taken down, but there are still things such as tinsels, gnomes, and electicity-powered candles around. The fire, although artificial, complements nicely the natural light provided by the setting sun. The atmosphere in the room takes me back to Christmas and New Year; surprisingly enough, both went perfectly for me and left me a fulfilled feeling. Now there's only one major holiday, Epiphany, before I must return to work. That, however, is irrelevant right now. What matters is the present, the warmth and comfort of these relaxing first days of the year that's just begun. ^o^
>>79928888Blessed 8s of infinite loneliness and ascetic realization
>>79928888Nice digits. Who/what goes away?>>79928980Comfy but um... wrong thread??
>>79929255>wrong thread??S-sorry... I wanted to post it somewhere~! ;w;
>>79929255>who/what goes away?All the girls I ever loved. I just finished every episode of Ojamajo Doremi as well as all the OVAs. That is 200+ episodes, about 70 hours of my life spent with the Ojamajos. Now I will never see anything new of them again.
>>79929384Oh I see, that's okay. I take it you come from the mbti threads?>>79929489I know that feel... It's the same feel that prevents me from getting too attached to anything fictional. But there's always more anime to watch and more cute girls to grow fond of.
>>79929654I don't think it's that simple, the human heart is not like a hard drive that you can just endlessly write and rewrite to. My heart is already full of cute girls now. I should become a forest hermit at this point, I have reached the end.
Would any robot date a ugly femcel like me?>ugly and fat>biological woman >weeb, likes the aesthetics of anime and Manga but enjoys slice of life cute anime >enjoys typical j-pop like catchy upbeat anime ops>likes nerdy white men who like vidya and animemangaI'm chickn, would you still date me?
>>79929777Shut up chickn, get out of here. Nice trips but
>>79922211Its okay i usually have snacks stashed around in strategic positions for situations just like this>sexual favorsProlly all id be good for honestly, fuck that reminds me normal niggers had chances to practice that stuff when they were younger. You just do what they do in the porn flicks right? >Being alone can make me feel kinda aimlessYah same I genuinely don't know what to do with life or if I even want to fuck around for another few decades. It's a chore honestly. Atleast the solitude doesnt bother robots as much I suppose
i find it kind of unfair that a lot of vtubers, even american ones, get to pretty blatantly like loli stuff>>79929711maybe you need to stop consuming and start creating anon, you can always draw more doremis
>>79929711The empty feeling can last a while but it usually goes away for me. Maybe dedicate a shrine to your favorite girls...>>79929893>Prolly all id be good for honestlyWoah anon you think so low of yourself? Just a worthless cumrag? Anyway I wasn't serious...>I genuinely don't know what to do with lifeWhat did younger you want to be? Had any dream jobs?
>>79929777>chicknthat's a deal breaker
>>79930378>i find it kind of unfair that a lot of vtubers, even american ones, get to pretty blatantly like loli stuff*female vtubersThis "acceptable lolicon/lolicon exception effect" crosses over into any online community with one female and lots of males. I got banned from a shitcord server for discussing a loli-focused manga I was reading and just days after, a foid (who actually happened to be a former indie vtuber) was invited who posts cropped Blue Archive hentai and nobody had a problem with it because "wuh-well I thought it was a small woman" or "wuh-well I thought it was ironic."Not to go on an unrelated tangent but I fucking loathe simps. You can blame nearly every injustice that has ever befallen man or boy on other men who took a woman's side for no other reason than because his love for the finer sex blinds him from principle.Last night I saw a thread about male statutory rape victims, one in Kansas, the other in Arizona, who were forced to pay child support to the women who took advantage of them. It speaks to the justness of our society that our officials can't even seem to make up their mind on whether little boys can consent or not and men are viewed, in essence, as walking cash dispensers to be relieved of their burdens. Outcomes like these are not the norm but it shouldn't occur at all in the United States.But I digress... FUCK SIMPS.
>>79929777>Chickn> Chickn is a 35 y/o obese man who poses as a woman in order to lure in children and paypigs over Discord. He is a /soc/ tourist who posts on other boards to lure in new victims. He's a known pedophile who has groomed several minors aged 13-16 and posted their nudes onto several Discord servers. This is a known fact and several of his accounts have been banned because of it. He's a freak who brags about the children whose lives he's ruined. He will block anyone who isn't a minor or who won't send him money or items to fund his pedophilia. He's a /soc/ tourist who posts here since he's frequently banned on /soc/ because the mods know he's a pedophile, catfish, and pay scammer.
>>79931055This fucking image gets bigger every time it gets posted in these threads, stop, all of us either don't care or are already aware of this shit.
>>79931025this reminds me that people say people worship women or whatever, but slowly i have been coming to the conclusion that it's a male culture problem more than anythingpeople really need to stop men as this inherently predatory thingmost people seem to believe that if we just "go back" to "how it used to be" itll fix everything and men will be all happy but i think that's completely not true because how it used to be is about the same for men and worse for womenhonestly there are so many wrong things about the dynamics between men and women that you could write a book about iti think something really needs to be done about male simp culture first though, im not really sure what to do about iti feel like its partly caused due to a feeling of inferiority or something like that, like a miniature cuck fetishthat or seeing women as basically children not capable of doing things wrong
>>79931286Yep, couldn't agree more. I wish there was a way to make men aware of this behavior but they all just refer to it as a double standard instead of acknowledging who enforces said double standard.
>>79931541its so difficult.. a lot of people also feel personally attacked if you try and tell them it's other men actually enforcing that sort of culturei wonder if any women understand that too, maybe i guess but it's probably as rare as men understanding itim sure it wont change in my lifetime anyway
>>79932351>im sure it wont change in my lifetime anywayNot with that attitude. I think if enough based sigma grindsetters get into power we'll be over to dethrone the simpstem.
>>79933054that doesnt mean anything, no good person will ever get into power anyway, why would a good person ever be involved in politics?the world is just so depressing, any kind of interaction with it makes me feel awfuli think i would be happy in a box made of concrete, anything other than solitary confinement is too terrible
>>79933102>i think i would be happy in a box made of concreteI do not think you would be so happy.
>>79933960i think if i was given some stuff like books and materials for hobbies itd be fine, i really hate having to be apart of the real world, every attempt i make to do something normalfags do like getting shoes for walking or socks for winter turns out horribly
>>79934532What goes wrong if you try to do a simple errand like buying shoes?
>>79928584>You mean like some sort of temporary amnesia?I guess, but hopefully it isn't. It's pretty difficult to know if I've forgotten or I just never would have been able to remember in the first place when trying to reminisce on whatever has happened to me either recently or years ago. It's just a few particular glimmers of memories, maybe some vague sentiments tied to them with a bunch of blank stretches of time cleaving them apart. But it comes and goes, so I can have some clarity on some days and others it's like my mind is operating on a whole different wavelength, making recalling whatever was going on during one state of mind challenging for the other.
>>79909674Probably one of the worst decisions I've ever made in such a long time really, I've made recently. And I was coming back here, thinking I'd find some kind of brotherhood, like I found in 2015.
>>79934718i dont even wanna get into it, the shoes id like dont even exist below like $1000 and even then they wouldnt be very good quality
>Tfw pulled a muscle in my back
Any 'bot play Roblox? What are some actually fun games?
>>79936326Roblox is shit
Just sat down for about an hour staring at reminders of how fragile my mortality is and I don't think I've felt this sad in years.
>>79935421If it's only a few memories then I think it's normal, happens to me too, but it's not like I spend much time trying to remember my past. >>79935461>brotherhood4chan is mostly just apes throwing shit at each other now.>>79937452I get reminded quite often. What kind of stuff have you been staring at?
>>79937499>If it's only a few memories then I think it's normal, happens to me too, but it's not like I spend much time trying to remember my past.I admit I can get pretty paranoid about it, but I haven't been feeling comfortable with the amount of memories I can recall compared to those I feel I should>>79937499>What kind of stuff have you been staring at?I wanna keep it vague, but it's a mix of online articles and me choosing to see if there were ever any mentions of my circumstances in archives, and there were
Starting to regret I didn't join the airforce to do something with my life. Now I'm to old to join any part of the military for free money. Being a neet for years is starting to make my brain into a depressed nuke bomb.
>>79937541Maybe you're just depressed, it can cause brain fog and other weird things. If you're paranoid about your memory getting worse I'd suggest learning new things, like a new language. Keeping the brain active can help prevent Alzheimer and other bad stuff.>my circumstancesAre you ill or something?>>79937704I'm full of regrets too, but regretting the past doesn't do any good. For all we know this fleeting existence could end tomorrow so there's no point in dwelling on problems. Start doing something now and you might be able to reap the benefits later.
>>79937888It wouldn't be so bad if the fleeting existence ended tomorrow it would put an end to the misery. I wonder what happened to neets 50years ago. What did they do once they hit their 40s+.
>>79937888>depressedMaybe I am. Thanks for the memory tips.>Are you ill or something?It's a condition, so sort of. Had it for some time so I've been used to it but somehow today, thinking about it must have gotten to me.
>>79930508>Woah anon you think so low of yourself?Oh it's bad but maybe not that bad I suppose lmao>What did younger you want to be? Had any dream jobs?It's crazy because I honestly never ever did even as a child, nothing really interested me. Brainstormed a lot and there's nothing I wanna do besides nothing. Probably defective I suppose.. do.ypu have any dream jobs either?
>>79938211I'd imagine that life as a neet was pretty bad back then but also way less common to end up as one compared to now.>>79938751I have a rare condition too, it made my life so much worse and sometimes I really miss the times when I didn't have it. It is what it is, gotta accept that as a mortal being things will keep getting worse.>>79938877My dream job is to get rich off some shitty app or game and never have to work again, but I am also good for nothing so it will likely never happen.>defectiveI think most people just cope by pretending to have dreams, I can't imagine unironically wanting to do anything in this society.
I woke up, i bump.
>play vidya>be happy>realize it's giving me the dopamine I don't receive IRL>stop playing vidya>be depressedNever ending cycle.
>>79939185>but I am also good for nothing so it will likely never happenAhhh I know the feeling all too well.. why I think about tossing what bux I have into lottery for a 0.00001% chance at the good ending>I think most people just cope by pretending to have dreamsGotta be the answer, they do seem happy tho I guess..
Anons I want to meet girls online, what should I do to maximize my success rate? I'm not talking about becoming an orbiter for a tittystreamer whore or e-girl but a real quality gal.
life has really gotten extra tiring, i hope it becomes less tiring soon>>79938877i dont think it's so odd to not have any dream job type of thing, work is just something to slowly kill you anywayi enjoy being a neet even if i dont do that muchi think the only time id ever consider working is if it was to learn something that you couldnt really learn without it or something like some sort of trade, but i think id quit pretty soon after..
>>79941530Do you realize you're asking this in a robot thread?
>>79929654>I take it you come from the mbti threads?Yeah! I used to be a major regular in them! ^_^'>>79935461/r9k/ truly felt like a brotherhood/sisterhood/siblinghood in 2011-4 if you didn't deviate too much from the norm of the board~! ^.^
>>79939185>I really miss the times when I didn't have itSorry that life subjected you to that. I was born with mine so I'm at a bit of a loss when thinking about losing something you'd normally think you wouldn't lose. I guess you're somewhat right about accepting the trajectory life likes to take, I'll try to take on the chin.
>>79943015>I used to be a major regular in them! ^_^'no you weren't. at your best you were a filler that's as much as any other regoid. you tried to keep yourself relevant by non-content spam like how elon musk posts >interesting to try and generate activity but did you really ever get true discussion and engagement where you didn't feel like you had to force either your persona or your narrative?sunk cost fallacy victim wtf you gonna do with your persona nobody cares about outside of extinct mbtimy suggestion is to drop 4channel. lol.
>>79944681just dont bother replying to a tripfag they live off attention
Happy 2025 to my fellow INFJ friend Turbie. I guess I was right when I felt that /mbti/ would be a lot better by 2025; it not existing qualifies as that. The best thing for that community is to not exist.
Got some soapie in my eyes. Ouch.
>>79945689>sex-haver posting in Robot GenHow was 2024 for you?
>>79945845I am not INFJ-A if that's what you thought lol. Or Centaur. Or whoever else called you Soapie. Just one of the many anonymous lurkers. And definitely not a sex-haver considering I'm 2 years away from being a wizard lolProbs shouldn't derail the thread too much, but it was nice to see you & Turbie again, considering /mbti/ is ded. 2024 was okay, hope it went alright for you too!
i hate being a robot, i wish to be human
>>79946049Oh, yeah, I did think you were INFJ-A. Seemed like a very INFJ-A joke. Last year was rocky but generally good. Hope Turbie's was also nice.
>thread is full of male astrology and orbiting some woman tripfaglots of robots here
>>79938877>It's crazy because I honestly never ever did even as a child, nothing really interested me. Brainstormed a lot and there's nothing I wanna do besides nothing.Sounds exactly like me. There are things I have interests in but I never thought of myself in a career because that sounds fucking awful. Who enjoys working? Gaslighting bullshit. I just wanna play games.
>>79946232Probably just another man posting with emoticons.
>>79941386>lotteryThere are infinitely better ways to waste your money, don't give it to some viscid money-printing company, they're contributing to your suffering.>>79943660Hopefully your condition isn't treating you too bad, I've managed to adapt to mine (sort of) so I don't really think about it that much anymore.>>79943015>>79944681>>79945649What happened to your containment thread?
Bless my parents. This will the second time since I turned 18 that I move house with them. Without them I would surely be dead/free.
Avid gamer bump
It is loli paint legal? lmao i was reading that this illegal what
I've been spending too much time modding this shitty racing sim game and it still doesn't work the way I want.>>79949670Good morning Saaar, loli paint is 100% legal in most 1st world countries.
good morning other robots, i think i got some good rest tonight>>79949714what are you modding into it anon?
I think the moment that it was over really sank in when I remembered I can't join TTRPGS on my own. I have to pay to be in them because I'm just that annoying.
>>79950563are you very autistic or something anon?
>>79950584My parents had me tested for being nonverbal until 4. Doctors said I wasn't. I guess I'm just an annoying fuck
>>79950511>what are you modding into it anon?For now I'm just trying to make it look good so I can do cozy stuff like thishttps://youtu.be/Nd5OI_iEPz0
https://www.loveshack.org/forums/topic/125606-unrequited-love-best-friend/Should we invite Hugo to Robot Gen?
>>79947949>What happened to your containment thread?most folks derransitioned. some died.
>>79952455mbti didn't have any trans people though
>>79952455Ah, many such cases here on 4chan
>>79949647I need a cute gamer girl dork like this in my life. I'll drag her to the bath when she's too stinky and wash her smelly cracks and crevices while she protests.
>>79950563My ADHD is too bad for TTRPG, I would get bored to death. I doubt you're annoying, anon, you just need friends which is a competitive market where the most socially competent excell, wherein social competency is like a complex language you can't learn but must know innately. I hate human beings.
Go on without me anons. I've failed. I will be nothing, a blemish in my own life.
>>79929255>>79929654B-by the way, the fanart I'm referring to in >>79928980 is pic related, drawn by ENFJ-senpai! *^_^* It's based on my Picrew I reposted here: >>79943015! ^w^The sparkly socks in the story are black with silver sparkles and reach up to my lower calves, so my legs are mostly exposed, but the kotatsu fortunately keeps them warm~! :3c>>79944681;w;You may be right, but at least I did generate ideas and some discussion - and my test link compilation even got included in the official /mbti/ OP template~! \(^_^)/But yeah, I might leave this site before the 2020s are over! :'3c
Happy 2025 to my fellow INFJ friend Sophie as well! <(^_^)>I agree that a dead or non-existent community is better than a bad one! :'OMy 2024 was above average but not great! There were many big changes in my life, and I predict there will be more in 2025! Astrology agrees that this year will be transformative for me! @w@ I don't know what it predicts for you, but I remember your nodal return will end in a week, so at least that should calm things down~! ^_^;>>79953972Here's another drawing of me by ENFJ-senpai! She was amazing! <3>>79944757QwQ
>>79954042And picrel my OC I posted initially in /mbti/! I share it here as well because it features a turbie blob that was also included in the drawings I posted~! *blushes* :3>>79946049It was nice to see you too, anon! <(^_^)>>>79947949>What happened to your containment thread?There are many interpretations and reasons, but I think the main ones were>the topic was pretty much exhausted and there were not enough new things to discuss>almost everyone simultaneously got more important things to do in their lives>some major regulars left for the two reasons above, while others got bored, no longer felt compatible, got into arguments, thought the place had become too toxic, etc.>due to an exodus of people and loss of topics, the general could no longer sustain itselfTwTI think I'm leaving this thread as well because I feel I've overstayed my welcome! So this might be my last post here! ;.; I haven't even quite been a robot (2011 definition) since a couple of months ago, yet I can't relate to cyborgs or failed normies at all! On a relevant note, I scored almost -300 on the latest robot test yesterday! :'OHowever! I wish everyone ITT a happy 2025! (>^_^)><(^_^<)
>when you are hanging out in the depression lounge and a gay clown dances through the room
maybe its just time to put the thread to rest for a bit
Out of all the tripfags I've seen, this has to be one of the weirdest so far
>>79944757no.>>79953972>but at least I did generate ideas and some discussion - and my test link compilation even got included in the official /mbti/ OP template~! \(^_^)/okay.
>>79954814you haven't been to many boards for long huhthat's a good thing though. lol.
>>79954814Would this be more to your liking?
>>79954914Nevermind, I'm too retarded to tripfag.
>>79954210>-300WTF... how is that even possible...
>>79953972Why wait? Leave immediately.