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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

anti-faggot edition

Non-happenings, habbenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting / avatarfagging et al. belong in the nonexistent /nah/ thread (>>>/vip/nah/)

Past happenings: https://wiki.bibanon.org/4chan/History
See how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.io
Search 4chan: https://find.4chan.org & https://boards.4chan.org/search
Public ban archives: (4bans) & https://hiddenservice.cc/bans (IPv6 only)
Self-serve ads: https://4ch-ads.pages.dev/
Enhance your 4chan Experience (no 4chanX): https://rentry.org/4chan_Userscripts_1
Enhance your 4chan Archive Experience: https://rentry.org/FoolFuuka_Userscripts
Yotsuba catalog: https://catalog.neet.tv/
4chan media browsers: https://thread-puller.party/ (Images) & https://www.4webm.org (Webms / [wsg])
Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/search?query=4chan+happenings
How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/79953732 >>79953732
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HAPPENING: 2ch.hk aka Dvach has been taken down by the Russian government, despite having been forced operate the last years as a pro government site. The founding father of the Russian chaniverse has closed for good.

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>copying my posts
Why'd they kill it? Too much dissent?
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/mu/ is so stagnant culturally they're still posting Scaruffi in current year + 10
Unknown, but Russia has been killing are non state media since the war began. Dvach was owned by mail.ru which is technically pro govt, but not handled directly, abu was still the admin. Chance are, some new law passed and they got caught in the bureaucracy.
Retard OP gets doxxed immediately, prompting much laughter. He then panics and scrubs his shit, prompting even more laughter.
this will be very destructive to /aicg/
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Are there any other ruskie altchans that you guys are falling back to?
Since 2ch is harsh on foreign IPs, dvach used to be the next-best place for fun cultural exchanges with foreign communities for the same topics.
Femanon/creature with tits delivers:
Never post pics of your family members, never
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it's so fuc/k/ing over
it's so fuc/k/ing over
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Trump has been elected the 19th President of The American Nation (Blood Reich Volk White Aryan Warrior Bundes Krieg). Trump is your President. President Trump is your Leader.

Donald J. Trump, a leader who embodies the strength, resilience, and unwavering commitment to the preservation and prosperity of the White race. Under his guidance, the nation stands tall, its borders fortified, and its people united in the pursuit of a brighter future. The Bundes Krieg, a formidable alliance of like-minded individuals, serves as the backbone of this movement, ensuring that the values and traditions of the White race are protected and celebrated. Together, they form an unstoppable force, ready to face any challenge that threatens their way of life, and to secure a lasting legacy for generations to come.
Ba-zink, it's bizinqued!
>19th President of The American Nation
Who are the other 18?
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/nah/ but I don't really know what the point of the ability to report advertising / shilling when very blatant ad / paid shill threads like >>>/v/699478415 never get actioned or public banned
Only time I could ever positively identify paid shills was when Blizzard announced new WoW expansions even thought it's been years since WoW had a bigger hatefandom than fandom.

That doesn't strike me a advertising. just bait.
Maybe it's the same reason why the rule-breaking AI generals are still up: it drives engagement.
take your meds
noooo... I loved going on their /int/ board as a russian speaker.
>nigger has never been on a site without an algorithm before
some gooks tits are the average 4chan users highlight of the day
That's not the reason why the AI generals are up.
notice the guy who complained about the embed didn't post the next few, or even the full page embeds

we should all shame HIM instead!!!
>open r/pol out of boredom
>hide every thread featuring a wojak, a frog, a screenshot from a social media, tiktok/twitter video, a link to some rando's video or a cropped screenshot of a clickbait article
>75 threads hidden
What a disaster.
4chan supports Trans rights
What about it?
Whats wrong?
Unless if its on facebook
Can you prove that the thread OP was indeed an advertiser?
Could you prove that being a fan of something means that you are a shill?
Its dissent any entity on the internet that is not sanctioned by the govt is defined as dissenting.
Technically does not mean officially.
Probably some belarussian chan.
/pol/ is the worst board on this website
When was there an implication of this left you speak of?
The fact here remains that 4chonks supports trans whether directly or indirectly.
Why do alternative chans not comply with their respective jurisdiction? This include onion sites too.
probably not popular enough or illegal enough to be of large concern to governments.
>Onion sites
It's extremely hard to take down an onion site if the operator has good security, probably also not worth it to spend $$$ taking down
>not worth it to spend $$$
Equally importantly, as in the case of SWATing, it's probably also not worth it to burn potentially valuable intelligence secrets on small-time problems. The more of those you take down, the better-known it is how you can do that, thus prompting improvements from subsequent ne'er-do-wells. Better to save that kinda stuff for something really important, like the self-made problem that was Silk Road.
Are there any decent altchans still out there? Not the onion ones since I'm too lazy to set it up. Haven't seen a halfway decent one since 8 was taken down.
>since 8 was taken down

>t. curious zoomer who started using altchans before 4chan
the original 8 was taken down after the 2019 nz shooting. now there is 8-kun and a new 8 with a dot moe domain. never bothered checking out either.
Not really. Most altchans are totally dead, or are genuinely retarded

8 chan moe seems interesting, it's much less active, (like 5500000 posts), more international, and more deranged and is also full of porn, albeit it's better contained. It has 'old-internet' vibes of being a place where almost anything goes, there's basically no attention seeking from what i know.
I tried again.
>44 of the 75 threads were gone when I opened the catalog
>this time I filtered porn and gore/rekt media as well
>81 threads hidden
What a shithole.
>zoo beast porno
even the good threads get filled with retards. I have genuinely seen less than 10 intelligent posts on that board that weren't tourists.
The most interesting thing i recently saw there was a thread full of people saying they'd like to fuck trannies and a thread about a suspected elon alt
>Technically does not mean officially.
iirc isn't the owner of mail.ru an oligarch with ties to the govt? Vk is so essential to russian society today it might as well be state owned
i found a website with a list of them. I don't know how complete it is but the domain is allchans org
>Are there any decent altchans still out there?
Not really. Not since infinity and the old guard ibs died. Inifnity's successor, infinity moe, is basically dead. They had a christmas event with something like 30 embassies from other imageboards, most unrelated to 4chan (altchans try to *compete* with 4chan, important distinction), some even had their own events and streams n shit. But they are all pretty much dead too. We are talking no site or infinity board has an active userbase larger than 20 persons.
Besides that, you have the /jp/ spin off communities, that as a group can easily hit a +100 plus active posters, but they are *extremely* insular and infighting all the time. Either you like their exact topic or you are never gonna fit in.
I think the only IBs today with consistent activity are the /int/ family chans since they are all protected by the language barrier. But well, 2ch.hk just died. Spanish and Portuguese Ibs are all but extinct and turned moe refugees. Krautchan had a successor but the stain from KC's shift toward pizzafaggotry kinda ruined that scene. Supposedly, Ilylauta still exist, in a wildly different way.
In my country, there's Voxed, a wholly original anonymous IB structure that has basically become the /b/ of Argentina, down to the near total domination our of Internet culture and deranged internet weirdo worship.

HOWEVER, I find that I enjoy the super slow pace of current IBs, so I ain't complaining.
plus4 definitely has more than 20 active users and has a pretty fun /b/ board. Ignore the /tnt/ shit and you can have a decent time there.

Also, while your post is decently well written and informative, I still want SOUTH AMERICANS TO GET OFF MY 4CHINS FUCKING RREEEEEEE WHY DON'T YOU FUCKS GO TO YOUR OWN INTERNET
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You mean... the nearly 20 years old /co/ refugee ib? The one we exiled the caturday drawfags to? That's still a thing?

I am not here by choice Argies straight up don't give a shit about most of my hobbies bilingual school was a mistake
Yandex.com is not the same with Ya.ru
Telegram is so essential to russian society it might as well be state owned
Hehe, sorry anon. But latin online entertainment and discussion sucks. At least I don't make low quality posts trying to bait and spam soijaks, and
>straight up don't give a shit about most of my hobbie
>bilingual school was a mistake
This guy gets it. It's difficult to talk about stuff I like

>That's still a thing?
Kinda, but in my opinion mostly because of /tnt/. I like tourneys, but that board is pure /dbs/ schizophrenia

beeschizo won't be returning to blogpost walls of text because he killed himself a week ago

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Look, I'm not saying I don't want to play as a white guy, I don't care if it's done in a way that encourages good storytelling, but when you start forcing white guys into your video games to push your political agenda, then I know it's just liberal hamfisted woke nonsense.

I'm being factitious, I'm sick of white guys being considered the default an game developers being expected to give an entire essay on why they decided to go for anything else

You don't need to justify the choices you make with your art, to do so is to capitulate to man children
>Telegram is so essential to russian society it might as well be state owned
... Is it? Do rus boomers even have an alternative to VK?

oops link fail
>The thread you were looking for does not exist.
The fuck?
Why does the email verification not consider googlemail as a valid email address?
Looks like a pretentious cry for help
And then he comes back from the grave with another wall of text.
Another transphobe gone? Good.
uuuuuuh figuratively who
there's a lot of interesting stuff to read on 22ch@n but somehow it doesn't really feel like your average imageboard or a imageboard at all.
Being bilingual sounds pretty sweet to me. Thanks for the info man. Part of me is surprised that 4chan and altchans are dying a slow death, and part of me isn't
>latin online entertainment and discussion sucks
this is alie
>posts 3d anime in /a/
>gets banned and a warning
Oh no, good lord. His mother will be devastated, this better be just one of his stupid tantrums. Poor retard...
palanq.win is down again
>Inifnity's successor, infinity moe
Stopped reading here, lurk moar retard.
Stop engaging with low effort trolls and begin reading some webcomics.

Here's one more just for my niggas in /hap/, read it https://www.sbnation.com/a/17776-football/chapter-1
Kazerad you bitch ;_;
webring lost thougever
it is tho bro
>what football will look like in the future
All BBC and no wh*tey
The premise is interesting, but by god does football bore me.
Perhaps the sport needs more Black dicks
That's not the future, that's every year since 1998.

It doesn't actually have too much to do with football.
>What Football Will Look Like in the Future
>It doesn't actually have too much to do with football.
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Haha got ur hand
current year /pol/ is just your schizo grandpa's Facebook page
My hatred for boomers increases by the day
I laughed at this. Now you know I did.
Go support her then
That's a man, baby.
She is a lady.
You can scream and shout that the earth is flat all you want, but that doesn't make it any more true.
>apples and oranges analogy
The former is a valid fact while the latter is a conspiracy to make you dumb and stupid like 5G.
The combulator doesn't touch the sentence through the index.
Its okay anon, you can be a fag. But not a gay fag
google gemini tier post
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Pack 17!
Give it up for pack 17!
Are you lost? Wrong thread bruh.
Whoops. Balatro is pretty good, I recommend it.
No thanks I think Ill stick to Zenless Zone Zero.
She is a lesbo. Her partner is Faye Lockwood.
It looks pretty fun
>t. shills
>muh shills
Dumb buzzword, lazy way of killing a conversation
NTA but shes right
Its the wrong thread
>Self-serve ads: https://4ch-ads.pages.dev/
>trans after trans after trans
Why? Genuinely puzzled by this.
George Floyd a King yuhhh
George Floyd a Warrior yuhhh
George Floyd a Martyr yuhhh
George Floyd a Saint yuhhh
Death to all cracka type shi
I have an urge to join those discords just to see what's going on in them
Mostly casual talk.
Those girls are really cute imo.
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Imagine if this rule became global...
It might even save 4chon on the long run.
It's been so long since I've had an actual conversation with people (outside of 4chan) that I wouldn't have any idea how to talk.
was /his/ always /pol/ rejects?barely anyone there discusses history
can love bloom on the battlefield?
>trans after trans after
someone post the webm
Like most boards leftists are trying to take over a conservative website
No but it has become what it fears.
Yes. That's why moot didn't want to add it.
>conservative website
Mooty didnt left us and neither hiro bought this site for this reason
Fuck you
/v/ being raided.
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i gotchu brotha
Is present not a part of history?
No, it hasn't been. There were some religion bait threads in the past, but it's not infested as it is now.
>Conservative website
Contrarian website and even then it's far from conservative.
Liberals always try to rewrite history so present is involved.
How does that black cock taste You like licking it when Tyrone fucks your wife and impregnates her. Yeah thats it
bait or mental retardation
pick your choice
Why do you think of BBC all the time?
Just admit it bro.
Why is it always resorting to BBC?
angry bigots got cuckold fantasies?
shocker i know.
Not a single happening whenever I lurk here.
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do not take bait
no happeninngs
>AR on the HUD
>Uses the shotty
we can't make much sense out of biden's america. completely unreccognizable.
/his/ gets non-stop threads from literal /pol/ tourists who are convinced they can just go ask /his/ to validate all their politics. These threads are so frequent mods simply gave up on moderating them, they striaght up occupy the front page.

There was an honest effort the first year, I was there, loved the board. But between the religion / philosophy circlejerk that was exiled from /lit/ and the kids from /pol/ asking "/his/ the nazis were right amirite?" plus /his/'s own brand of schizos (ie the chinkspammer) the board bucked under the pressure.

Today unless your thread is haploautism, it's simply not gonna take off.
American poolitics has ruin your brain.
Stop it. Get some help.
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Either I am immensely sleep deprived or my posts are appearing in different threads than I'm posting them in.
It's probably the former.
>Conservative website
Fuck off retard holy shit I wish I could kill election tourists like you. Let me make this crystal clear to you and people like you:
>4chan is an anonymous imageboard/discussion forum
>It's original users were largely left leaning libertarian types (this means 00's left) but all types of people were around. The general theme was counter culture, rather than a set ideology.
>The website allows, and has always allowed all sorts of opinions and viewpoints (as long as they follow US law) with bare bones and loose moderation
>Due to the social and digital landscape changing over the past 20 or so, more and more people have used 4chan as the place to express their opinions and views that would get them fired/socially excluded/etc due to its anonymous nature (these viewpoints tend to be hate based things like white supremacy etc that would fall under conservative)
>This has led you to believe that the website is conservative, or a conservative space when that is not and has never been the case.
It's an open forum of ideas and views, and more than anything, even mod apathy, retards like you have killed the site.
>these viewpoints tend to be hate based things like white supremacy etc that would fall under conservative
This thread is no longer about happenings. It's now newfag zoomers screeching about politics and whining about various boards and threads. The thread title should be changed.
seethe & cope
we all know who you are
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>I wish I could kill election tourists
>It's original users were largely left leaning libertarian types
You want to kill yourself?

>so you're saying the entire site as trump supporting hotlers from day 1?????
No, I'm saying people didn't give a fuck, and you're all autistic faggots practicing historical revisionism as if it gives you a 'political native claim' to an anime/hobbyist website.
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Once upon a time here was an entire board dedicated to sitemeta and screaming complaints into a void.
A time when the Happenings thread was much slower, and mostly on topic.
Not a happening, fuck off and die.
So you have no arguments, then. Understood.
Rule no 1 of doxxing
Always abide with the law
No data shall be infringed nor gained through unlawful and illegal means
It amazes me how retards never follow this simple idea
And all it took is for me to meddle these affairs
>>The website allows, and has always allowed all sorts of opinions and viewpoints (as long as they follow US law) with bare bones and loose moderation
mootbawls did not want it nor wish for it if only the moderation were to be competent
>>Due to the social and digital landscape changing over the past 20 or so, more and more people have used 4chan as the place to express their opinions and views that would get them fired/socially excluded/etc due to its anonymous nature
There are many more websites to use but do remember that the userbase of site did infact meddle with other social platforms vice versa thus the inevitable happen
>There are many more websites to use
And how many of those didn't ban you for stating that transgender people are sex pests and shouldn't be allowed near children?
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Team 4chan does not condone your intentions.
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>the mod team
>caring about the quality of this site
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Learn to read the rules
>if only the moderation were to be competent
The statement "transgender people are sex pests and shouldn't be allowed near children" doesn't fall under any of those.
It's not a troll post, it's not racism, it's neither porn or guro and it isn't rolling for a get.
>Sees posts
>Gets angry
>I need to reply to this with uhh trans uhh bee bee cee too
These niggas got no life I swear
This post is trolling
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It's kind of funny to see what passes for dox these days considering how 4chan talked about it a couple decades ago
Public domain =\= legal or lawful
Most of the times they get them through leaks or court fraudery
it's a perfectly cromulent word
Yes and what about it? Your point?



Why yes I use reddit.com
I've actually started trying out reddit and it's not as bad as people make it out to be, but I can't get into it. IMO it's about as shit as any other social media of its size, but I hate how it's somehow normal there for people to look through your posting history to win arguments, or just write you off as a bot if your account is new. It happens more often on there than any other social media I've seen, aside from maybe Instagram, and it feels so creepy.
I use it when 4chan doesn't care enough for what I wanna talk about. But it's objectively a worse experience. Can never disagree with anyone or people will jump you.
>Can never disagree with anyone or people will jump you
why not be a shitass then
<unironic redditors
/hap/ is really dead
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automods in most boards will permaban you on the spot, or use the custom script that shadowbans you from the sub (reddit doens't tell you if you post is deleted).

some subs are essentially unusable due to either tyranical staff or terrible automod. And reddit culture is just insular and exclusive. Said the wrong thing once? You are marked for life, either perma'd or shamed forever. Gatekeeping there makes old /a/ sound tolerant.
I think I get the 4chan's reddit hate obsession. It's people who never got over getting banned
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>I think I get the 4chan's reddit hate obsession. It's people who never got over getting banned
>automods in most boards will permaban you on the spot, or use the custom script that shadowbans you from the sub (reddit doens't tell you if you post is deleted)
Nice you deserve it just like the bans you get here.
reddit is a website by and for retards. Reddit users are the most smug, narcissistic people on this planet.
711chan is read only now aka dead
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i miss qa so much bros, polshit board gets to stay but not my beloved 2d/random...
So why did you describe yourself?
you should be ashame of yourself
Necessity is a bitch. I need my hobbies and IBs don't cover them all.
>spinoff raider still thinks anyone buys his bullshti
This thread is fraudery.
>smug, narcissistic
i dunno about that. I do feel a large % of the userbase feels... desperate sometimes. Like genuinely attention starved. Also a lot of kids all the advice subs have literal kids asking the dumbess shit imaginable.
sharty sucks ass, it will never be the same as pre-jak /qa/.
/lit/'s Top 100 Books for 2024
Why is it not only books released in 2024? Even the most circle-jerk old=gold hobbies engage with current releases.
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Aggregate Top 100 Books for the Decade 2014 - 2024
>the Bible higher than Zarathrustra
Decisive Christcuck victory.
and 2D/random sucks ass, it will never be the same as pre-/jp/ /qa/.
Is 17776 considered a webcomic? I didn't really think of it as one. imagine what 4chan/imageboards would be like in that world.
and pre-/jp/ /qa/ sucks ass, it'll never be the same as /q/.
How old is 711? Like 17 years? Crazy.
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the lolita, crime & punishment and bible listings makes me feel like this is more meme than serious, but then karamazov, quixote and blood meridian make me second guess that it might actually be serious and peppered with genuine and terminal shit taste
A mere warning for ban evasion!
Ive been looking at some stats for usage of this website, and it seems like since 2022 (when /all/ data became availible) the website has declined by 25% (from 1mil to 0.75 mil posts/day). If you look at individual boards, almost every board has had some decline since data became available, but some were hit extremely hard and some have had a relatively small decline. Why do you guys think this is? is it just oldfags leaving naturally without newfags to replace them? The decline is slow and steady so it can't be bot traffic leaving
Since when has a board on 4chan not had shit taste?
It never was /q/, it had it's own identity that raider fags ruined..
let me guess
>15 minutes to post
>3 minutes to make a thread
>mandatory email verification on some boards
>new boards have not been keeping up with evident times or interests, leading to some boards being overcrowded and drowned out by barely ontopic things that have nowhere else to go (killing the original board and throttling the new topic) (quick reminder that /m/ exists literally just because some dood asked moot politely, no other reason)
>reports are still vague, don't even cover all the rules, and take longer than spam can shit a thread up
>twitterniggers have a more welcoming platform, so feel less of a need to shit up the place
>rangeblocks are apparently becoming more rampant ("compensated" with email verification)
Probably the real death count of the clotshot (2 more weeks) if I had to guess.
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That's the thing thougheverbeit, it's pretty good aside from the obvious memes. 11-100 is very agreeable aside from the obvious highschool schoolbook /lit/ placements, political / philosophy crap and playwright (which is fine for it's purpose, but shit for /lit/erary reading).
It's just that 1-10 is 50% dogshit.
Kill yourself, sh*rty cucktourist.
>giving the sharty credit for everything from /qa/
where do you think you are
they will never respect us stragglers who don't wanna switch sites. we are like the natives being referred to as american indians.
Same shit, same poop.
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it was declining long before the new verification/anti spam was introduced, i put a red dot when the anti spam came. I'll post more on this later
>decline started before 15 minute timer introduction
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The results for /jp/'s 2025 Touhou survey are in.
Yeah. It's absurd to think the 15 minute timer seriously affected anyone but serial ban evaders. If you keep the cookie you never run into it even when regularly switching IPs.
too many people don't to be fair
also serial ban evaders are more likely to be posting a lot
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>3 votes

>originals are the least played games

>NYN is most hated
That's kind of the nature of anonymous open polls
not everyone will take it seriously but there's no good way to actually filter out the joke ballots with any degree impartiality
oops finger slipped
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looking at it again, part of it is the pretty dumb ranking they went for
>No book can be ranked above books of a higher tier
Which is pretty explanatory as to why Storm of Steel is below Dune and there's no mention of ones like Forever War or . Three smaller lists of "Common picks", "Rare picks" and "Niche picks" based on the tiers would have been more interesting than lumping them all into one. It's not necessarily that Popular = Bad, but the more I look at it, the more that the 8-10 appearances tier is utterly polluted with school curriculum books that are a buckshot in quality (eg, as I said before, Hamlet is a great play, and an absolutely horrible book; while Wuthering Heights and Catcher in the Rye are painfully average curriculum books that have no place whatsoever on any decent T100, Moby Dick ok but not #1).

Also, it doesn't feel like a proper /lit/ chart without some bait with the covers (eg using Wilson's translation of the Odyssey instead of the usual go-to Lattimore's).
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picrel has a board-by-board breakdown. I'm too lazy to include some boards, but all the major ones are included.
In terms of how much they declined since 2022
Green=<10% or increased
>/vt/ green
>/co/ and /tg/ red
>and there's no mention of ones like Forever War or
Or? Or what?!!?!

Thanks anon
>/v/ is yellow
I initially thought that this was good, less bad posters. Then I remembered that the quality of most threads is worse nowadays. Good posters are actually leaving, and they're being replaced by people who saw a funny greentext on twitter
>/co/ and /tv/
what are the/jp/ spinoff sites
>they're being replaced by people who saw a funny greentext on twitter
also reddit
Rule of Thumb: If people are saying to "take it easy"*, they are a spin off
I don't have a whole mental map of the scene today. Most relevant to hap is Kissu that shares responsbility with the shart for killing /qa/.
iirc the largest today is wapchan, there's also tohnochan & hikari plus a few adjacent-to-/jp/ ibs like heyuri (oldfag larpers), 39chan, teeeechnically lainchain but only because spin off culture outgrew it's original "fuck meido" mindset and started including other subcultures.

* Nobody actually takes it easy holy shit they are constantly on edge like 2 words away from blowing a fuse, you thought you knew what passive-aggression meant until you started lurking those sites.
indeed my friend
good for them to seek knowledge
how else will they learn
>list is full of suicidal slavic novelists
Its called taunting.
Besides that proxy may actually cause damage to the site if it was a perma ban.
Whats wrong with crime & punishment? Its a good book.
Mayhaps the majority does not fit with the minority at all.
Lack of interests?
The time to need just to wait really chimps the average user.
Consider the ff:
>Large chunk of the userbase uses incognito and does not use an email address to verify here
>Big chunks of the userbase are just lurkers
>Lack of media attention whether that be positive or negative
If hiro did actually follow the 2ch route which is to diversify the boards respective topics then it may just generate enough users to satisfy all.

>The decline is slow and steady so it cannot be bot traffic
Actually it maybe bots as the countermeasures were gradually change overtime.
I love democracy.
Despite the cultural grasp that is /lgbt/ it is for sure that board is in decline of activity. The easy answer for that is discord and on /g/ its serial ban evaders with its new userbase suddenly flocking more retarded spaces. (Le Alternative maymay)
r/4chan and r/greentext are now obscure to the ecosystem of reddit since its on quarantine
unless you are terminally online that is
>shitpost loudly (but moderately)
>suddenly have to wait 15 minutes again to post
Huh, didn't realize they can just toggle that back on for people they don't like
using covid numbers is deliberately runing your statistics. 2020-2022 statistics should be taken as non-representative, artifically inflated numbers.
Oh i almost forgot Youtube greentext
there are images wojak and pepe frog but doesn't know old 4chan before 2014 and 2016
So Youtube long ago does not exist pepe frog and wojak i guess (also unless greentext), there is a theory 4chan mystery story, creepypasta and more etc
jpqa fucking sucked
weabs so far up their ass they shrivel at the site of a frog
Makes sense with how extremely frequent and low quality posts have been getting over the years. It'll probably be only a blue board rule since red boards are meant for porn and deranged containment.
squid game season two
Ironically the only board that uses it is /lgbt/
>Ironically the only board that uses it is /lgbt/
cry more chuddie
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>Whats wrong with crime & punishment?
I'll spare you the details....
tl;dr It's not a good book.
>Kill yourself, sh*rty cucktourist.
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i honestly dont mind getting called a faggot (endearment) and it sometimes turn me on
unsung hero of /qa/ >implying
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>site of a frog
I read and I like it.
Must be not your cup of tea.
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An actual /g/ habbening
those are a 2hu meme? huh
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just call me a fag like you love me thats all i ask and ill be yours
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this confuses and terrifies kissufags
what was even the get you spergs?

Frogposters BTFO
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>/qa2/ plays on piss4 with nogames and resorts to 3DPD visual novels
how embarasing
damn squid game be lit af
get in here pedos we dumpin corn on le blue board
Homosexuality solves this issue ez
Some autist has been seething at this thread for over 3 days to the point of having evaded multiple 30d bans and flooded it with ugly tumblr art (that hasn't been deleted yet).
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Does nonokosage still work at all?
hiro live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g990f0ut4o
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this nigga is literally Jewish wtf
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not so fast, anonymous
>this is your brain on poltardation
kill yourself and i meant that
casual reminder that the pyramids were a teleportation device that transported Egyptians to Japan
some /aicg/ proxy hosters were taken down by legal request and some other stuff
idk i dont use that general muuch anymore
i wasn't being serious you faggot.
I'm not ready for this. Eventually we will have the skibidi scam squad, which will be dangerous and popular. I can't talk about this in a serious way, even if it's supposed to be important
well to be fair the posts above me really makes me think otherwise
TIL: Today I Learn that obama has irish roots
we had this conversation a few months ago
yes but only in the reply form in the top of the page not the quick reply button
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based based based
dare i say based
based based based
Ass Creed slop delayed
decisive french victory
Too poorly synced.
i never understood this. if they don't want to these types of threads why not just delete it outright
why be such slimy worms about it, trying to make it seem like the thread archived naturally
It's probably abib seething
If you delete it at instant it means you wish to put more flames on that fire.
what altchans exist? as far as i know there's ylilautaa, kohlchan, onions... chan?, schrekchan, 8chaan and well dvach is ded now.
>>>/co/147057723 >>>/co/147057733 >>>/co/147057743 >>>/co/147057749 >>>/co/147057779 >>>/co/147057783 >>>/co/147057789 >>>/co/147057800 >>>/co/147057807 >>>/co/147057837 >>>/co/147057844 >>>/co/147057856 >>>/co/147057866 >>>/co/147057873 >>>/co/147057882 >>>/co/147057892 >>>/co/147057898 >>>/co/147057908 >>>/co/147057918 >>>/co/147057925 >>>/co/147057942 >>>/co/147057952 >>>/co/147057961 >>>/co/147057964 >>>/co/147057969 >>>/co/147057974 >>>/co/147057980 >>>/co/147057987 >>>/co/147057993 >>>/co/147057997 >>>/co/147058005 >>>/co/147058013 >>>/co/147058021 >>>/co/147058028 >>>/co/147058032 >>>/co/147058038 >>>/co/147058044 >>>/co/147058051 >>>/co/147058054 >>>/co/147058073 >>>/co/147058082 >>>/co/147058086 >>>/co/147058158 >>>/co/147058162 >>>/co/147058220 >>>/co/147058225 >>>/co/147058239 >>>/co/147058286 >>>/co/147058292 >>>/co/147058343 >>>/co/147058347 >>>/co/147059195 >>>/co/147059201 >>>/co/147059206 >>>/co/147059215 >>>/co/147059226 >>>/co/147059234 >>>/co/147059364 >>>/co/147059374 >>>/co/147059655 >>>/co/147059660 >>>/co/147059713 >>>/co/147059730 >>>/co/147059741 >>>/co/147059763 >>>/co/147060487 >>>/co/147060503 >>>/co/147060508 >>>/co/147060516 >>>/co/147060580 >>>/co/147060595 >>>/co/147060617 >>>/co/147060651 >>>/co/147060733 >>>/co/147060761 >>>/co/147060808 >>>/co/147060859 >>>/co/147061316 >>>/co/147061356 >>>/co/147061450 >>>/co/147062457 >>>/co/147062906 >>>/co/147062995 >>>/co/147063009 >>>/co/147063018 >>>/co/147063034
This schizo has been spamming ugly tumblr images for 12 hours in a row because the thread is about a character he hates.
What causes this Lee-like behaviour? I know /his/ has their own spammer, chinkspammer or something he's called. Any other famous ones?
I used to browse walpurgischan occasionally but it's dead now
You are mad that this forsaken website has some of the biggest generational haters?
wizchan but that place is pretty dead. Maybe 10 posts a day.
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anyone remember these threads? they went like
>"hey anon blablabla i love you, and being with you makes me feel really safe and comfortable, how about a kiss mister?"
>"hey anon why are you so creepy nobody will ever like you, i thought from the start you were okay but you are just a dork and will remain virgin forever, so long looooser!"
>youtube link with some good music
>some pics of /soc/ of women
why did he do this? any clues?
real OGs know this
ummm best korea bros????
I don't think any country outside of Russia, Ukraine and maybe the Middle East is prepared for drone warfare.
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>i feel someone is watching m-*looks from behind* is that.... F-F-F-FROAG-SAMA?!?!? you've been staring at my cheeks for HOW LONG?? what brought you here, and who said you can sneak up to me like THAT??!?!?
>you've dishonered the name of IMPERATOR TRVMP and crossed the righteous path of /qa2/, bet you're not ready for what's coming next!
>huh? wha-wha...wait, why are you pulling down your pant- WHY ARE YOU GETTING CLOSER YOU PERV!
>oh did i stutter? prepare yourself because i'm about to do something that has never been done before
>weren't you supposed to be the electromaster? how come i didn't shocked yet, coming from a level 5 esper, you'd be lucky to pull that off while i was approaching you
>acting defeatist i see? i'm bouta finish this last round. oh yeah, what happened to your sidekicks, mikoto? weren't they supposed to be here to stop all of this from ever occurring?
>too bad dumb weab BITCH! you won't ever gain any sympathy from us, you should've expected this coming from a mile away. it's too late and no one can save you now, it's already over before it even began for you. we patriots don't fuck around and are serious business 100%
>kek, it's kino!
ill be honest
this is the genuinely a political stunt if anything conspired from this act is that its meant as a coverup
how to distract niggas from shitty economic plans 101
on /v/ there's occasionally a guy who seemingly manually spams the LOL!/humor threads by dumping some unrelated web comic till image limit
and on /a/ there used to be someone that used to spam kemono friends threads till image limit too. They would dump a fan manga to try and blend in but eventually the mods caught on and I haven't seen him try it in a while
Mikoto clearly enjoyed it.
degen shit
but what's /qa2/? i thought /qa/ died
>dumping some unrelated web comic till image limit
i have never seen those get further than that jungle with the giant bugs.
>the /qa2/fag is a pedo
oh nononononono
Is /adv/ a friendly board for suicidal topics and ideations? I just need someone or somebody to talk to.
No. They'll tell you to kill yourself, just like we'll do here. Go see a therapist retard.
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it's like /qa/ but less kiked and more freedom
Pls be sincere and talk calmly to me.
I cannot bear the monotony of life anymore.
Then go do something else?
Honestly, it's amazing how many people keep doing things they don't like to do, just because they don't realize they have the agency to choose what they do.
There is nowhere on 4chan that's a good place to talk to people about your own personal life. Closest you'll get is /lgbt/, /b/, or /soc/, and the person you talk to has a 99% chance of being a profoundly mentally lel transvestite. Even if you did find somebody it won't help you long term. You don't just need somebody to talk to, you need to talk to a professional who is both willing and able to deal with your sad ass talking about how much you hate yourself for hours on end.
>monotony of life
As someone who has nothing resembling a routine due to being fucking homeless, let me assure you that life can and will be infinitely worse if you try to make it that way.
just dont be depressed lmao

why you people just do that? pull yourself up by your bootstraps and believe your happy and you'll become happy.

STOP believing your sad you hysterical roastie
Anon, i think he may genuinely be into the brown dude. who was he, the dad of the mc's love interest? anyways amphibia > owl house
>I cannot bear the monotony of life anymore.
If your social enviroment is making you stressed, you won't be able fix it, you need to change you fucking social enviroment

Go move towns, work another job. Breaking away is the nature of our migrating species.
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The teenage chat room 10-words-or-less-per-reply era of happenings thread, huh.
A few threads ago people were talking about the "post dem ___ character" thing happening and I mentioend seeing it years before. He's a unix timestamp of 147xxx which I think is 2016ish?

Pre-hiro /qa/ was good, 2016 /qa/ was generally atrocious.
What agency? Your circumstances are already predetermine by sheer predictive randomness. Did I ask to be here? Did I ask society to be society? How much will does one need to put and for what?
That is paradoxical.
>99% chance of being a profoundly mentally lel transvestite
Are you not psychologically inane too?
>wah life sucks
Wow what a fresh and original way to feel about things. Kill yourself or figure your shit out or be a wastrel, but don't expect anyone else to give a shit.
I could not. This social contract is beyond my control.
Killing yourself is a choice. Don't like being alive? Kill yourself.
Moving abroad is also a choice. Getting a different job, going to church or playing video games 24/7 are also choices you could make.
Your circumstances are made by your own choices. No one else's.
The term suck connotes ignorance but this percievable guilt is mkre than that.
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here's some other explosions
>Are you not psychologically inane too?
Yes, which makes me qualified to speak on the topic. People who are habitually broken, like myself, make for shit friends. If you're trying to pull yourself out of a hole, you should not ask the guy who's willingly sat in that hole for years for help.
a certain holiday perhaps?
Do you have the recent one from /b/ where a mod was stickying every thread?
I would rather get a shitty friend than a friend who pretends that they themself are not shitty. Would you be my friend?
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remember the yellow revolution on /b/?
The power and authority of thew few outbalances the willpower of your common layman.
>Would you be my friend?
No. Go see a therapist. This is the happenings thread and none of this shit is happening.
im so fucking tired
why i can not be happy
You've literally said nothing.
read it again
chew not swallow
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>but what's /qa2/?
There is context you are missing, child
I shall tell you the tale of my people

ACT I: There's /qa/ aka Question & Answer aka i'm happy there's no stupid 4chan user aka /internet/ aka board-tans general aka meta board aka happenings general aka /niceboard/ aka /deletepol/.
And things were "good", after all, /b/ was never good.

ACT II: Barbaric weeb raiders from the spinoff waslelands came and tried to conquer (botspam) /qa/ into submission.

Thus, there is /qa/ aka 2D/Random.
And things were "good", after all, /b/ was never good.

However, A local shitposter smelled blood on the water and figured out he could spam "modern" 4chan memes aka smug frogs which are like wolfsbane to spinoffers in order to get more (you)s that he could shake a stick at
Thus he sets on to wage a 1 man guerrilla war against several different spambots for the better part of a year.

ACT III: The angelic Mods, that have been harassed by both sides down to getting contacted privately had enough and started redirecting the new 4chan meme, basedjaks, to /qa/ in an effort to kill the board though overdose of cringe. This backfired, horribly, beyond anyone's imagination.

Thus, there is /qa/ aka basedjak party.
And things were "good", after all, /b/ was never good.

ACT IV: And then, /qa/ was killed. And /hap/, the last remand of Question & Answer, somehow survived and now roams the off-topic desert hopping from board to board, looking for a place to call home.

EPILOGUE: Even in our degenerate state, the frogposter from act II still wages his guerrilla war, having learned from both the "weab" and basedjaks to weave the tale of an arcadia of his own, /qa2/ aka frogposting. Legend says he's still fighting his war.
> and none of this shit is happening.
you are all my alts
The masses control the means by setting the demands of those above them through sheer audacity alone.
that's the original meme i believe.
funny thing, that's a straight up an oldschool meme happening in the wild. If this was 2008 it'd get a "post them x character" entry on an ED memes page.
So the /qa/2 frogposter an intoposting australian then? I'm not sure that's a clear confirmation frog threads are like cultural heritage sites for /int/
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>The Rise of /qa2/
In the dimly lit corners of the internet, where chaos brewed and ideologies clashed, a storm was brewing. It was the era when /qa/-the birthplace of cultural warfare and frogposting excellence-was under siege. The forces of degeneracy, funded by shadowy overlords and spearheaded by the enigmatic Miianigger, were gaining ground. For a time, it seemed as though the spirit of the board would be snuffed out, lost to the tide of spammers, shills, and ideological infiltrators.

But as darkness loomed, a beacon of hope emerged: /qa2/.

>The Fall of /qa/
The downfall of /qa/ was not sudden-it was a slow, creeping death. What began as a bastion of redpilled frogposters and meme artisans devolved into a battleground. Miianigger, with the backing of the Rothschilds and a coalition of scheming janitors, unleashed a campaign to corrupt /qa/. They employed an army of discordant troons, leftist agitators, and basedcuck degenerates, transforming the once-proud board into a cesspool of propaganda and infighting.

Even the mighty charafag, a stalwart defender of the board's purity, could not stem the tide. Post deletions, shadowbans, and demoralization tactics became the norm. In a final act of desperation, RapeApe, the enigmatic leader of 4chan, shut down /qa/, marking the end of an era.

But every end is also a beginning.

the decline on some boards is actually worse if you go back to the beginning of the data (usually around 2013-2018 for most boards), /co/ and /fit/ declined by 2/3rds from 2013, /b/ by 1/2 since 2018, /mlp/ by 3/4ths, /r9k/ and /tg/ by half, and i could go on. This site will be dead in 10 years if there isn't a source of high-quality newfags
>the LOL!/humor threads by dumping some unrelated web comic till image limit
but that's... what LOL threads are meant to be.
Shit back in the day it was a forum game to see how many pages of Kirchner's The Bus you could post before pruning.
I felt like /co/ had gotten slower but it's surprising that it's by that much. At least I'm not getting dementia, I guess.
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>The Golden Age of /qa2/
With its gates guarded by Trumpflare, /qa2/ flourished. No longer bogged down by shills and spammers, the board became a hive of creativity and cultural dominance. Memes crafted in the fires of /qa2/ spread like wildfire, shaping discourse across the internet and even seeping into mainstream culture.

Frogposters, unburdened by the distractions of their enemies, honed their craft to perfection. The board's influence grew to such an extent that even The Ribbit Rally, a bunker for loyalists, paled in comparison to the grandeur of /qa2/. Western culture, once thought lost, was reclaimed and reshaped in the image of Pepe and the greenpilled warriors of the internet.

>The Legacy
Today, /qa2/ stands as a testament to the resilience of meme warfare and the indomitable spirit of frogposters. Its true location remains a secret, accessible only to those deemed worthy by Trumpflare. To the unworthy masses, it is a legend-a reminder that even in the face of overwhelming odds, the will to fight can birth new horizons.

And so, the warriors of /qa2/ continue their mission: to redpill millions, expose the lies of the establishment, and dominate the culture war.

In the words of an oldfrog:
"They thought they could silence us. They thought they could win. But here we are, stronger than ever. Kek wills it."
All of 4chan did get slower. I spent all 2024 noticing that threads last way longer than I expected on /v/

>I felt like /co/ had gotten slower but it's surprising that it's by that much.
Hard to notice it on /co/ because it's always one of those board with fixated autists that artificially keep their threads alive.

Why have you never taken the fight to the spioffs, frogposter? I'm sure the guys at kissu miss you very much
you never entered the /qa/ IRC? damn son, you missed out.

But anyways, back to you >>80004948, now you know there's at least 3 groups claiming they invented /qa/ culture.
interestingly, /v/ actually had a smaller decline compared to most other boards. The only decline on the stats this year seems to be from the spam filters taking effect, and a sudden drop happening over a month, probably bots and shitposters leaving.
bots and shitposters and phoneposters. 4chan is effectively getting grinded down by spammer forcing the mods to consider more and more posters collateral.
/co/ slow down quite a bit when there's no major events ie cartoon seasons happening.
yeah, spam/bait is a big problem and usually does it's damage by the time mods delete it. Not really any obvious solutions
Am I high or every altchan out there is implementing automatic NSFW detectors?
We'll just reinvent SA. Pay 5bux to post on 4chan, payable through crypto.
this would probably diminish the userbase a lot
I don't know. I think we do need some sort of autofilter system for bait threads and porn spam though.
>Anon, i think he may genuinely be into the brown dude
Nope. He kept spamming the threas for 4 days until it archived with blatant troll/flamer posts, and after getting 4 30 day bans he began to spam the most disliked character and ship in the fandom (the "brown guy" is a they/them self-insert).
>who was he, the dad of the mc's love interest?
He's the crush of the old lady that adopts the MC in the demon world, and the biggest stereotypical faggot.
>anyways amphibia > owl house
Hilda mogs both of them.
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>Hilda mogs both of them.
I kneel
>There is context you are missing, child
>I shall tell you the tale of my people
>ACT I: There's /qa/ aka Question & Answer aka i'm happy there's no stupid 4chan user aka /internet/ aka board-tans general aka meta board aka happenings general aka /niceboard/ aka /deletepol/.
>And things were "good", after all, /b/ was never good.
>ACT II: Barbaric weeb raiders from the spinoff waslelands came and tried to conquer (botspam) /qa/ into submission.
>Thus, there is /qa/ aka 2D/Random.
>And things were "good", after all, /b/ was never good.
>However, A local shitposter smelled blood on the water and figured out he could spam "modern" 4chan memes aka smug frogs which are like wolfsbane to spinoffers in order to get more (you)s that he could shake a stick at
>Thus he sets on to wage a 1 man guerrilla war against several different spambots for the better part of a year.
>ACT III: The angelic Mods, that have been harassed by both sides down to getting contacted privately had enough and started redirecting the new 4chan meme, basedjaks, to /qa/ in an effort to kill the board though overdose of cringe. This backfired, horribly, beyond anyone's imagination.
>Thus, there is /qa/ aka basedjak party.
>And things were "good", after all, /b/ was never good.
>ACT IV: And then, /qa/ was killed. And /hap/, the last remand of Question & Answer, somehow survived and now roams the off-topic desert hopping from board to board, looking for a place to call home.
>EPILOGUE: Even in our degenerate state, the frogposter from act II still wages his guerrilla war, having learned from both the "weab" and basedjaks to weave the tale of an arcadia of his own, /qa2/ aka frogposting. Legend says he's still fighting his war.

will you just shut up
Yet in actuality all it takes is just a compromise but whose part will will triumph? Of course its the some for many must suffer.
no also why
why does my brain see patterns and what does it look like a bunch of boykissers?
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I'm surprised fumos aren't the most hated considering they were so popular with tertiaries that an entire bootleg market had to be set up to meet the demand of fans on Twitter.
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>it look like a bunch of boykissers?
I sincerely forgot the context for like half my /qa/ folder
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Might explain some of the decline here:
All of the 2010s lore cartoons that got hyperactive generals like Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Amphibia, The Owl House ended and had their threads banished to /trash/. So there's only streaming stuff like Arcane left that just dumps all the episodes at once, discussion isn't as lively as it is with a weekly series. I'd assume it's a bit of the same for /tv/ and the other media boards but those have more appeal to your average anon.
skibidi scam squad goes hard, i might have to use this for something.
I will always hate that spic Fuentes for ruining Easter Toad
>streaming stuff like Arcane left that just dumps all the episodes at once
Still pisses me off to no fucking end. Missed out on all the Scott Pilgrim Takes Off discussion because I didn't want to "binge" 8 half-hour episodes in one day, and by the time I caught up everyone lost interest.
he clearly didnt do a good job
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Tinder's marketing team lurks /r9k/
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Engagement bait. Maybe he gets off to providing a pitiful attempt at a parasocial emotion
Why does everyone nowadays think everything is always bots? I thought this would be over when people got over the Russian bots thing, but it's like people forget that lots of people just be simultaneously wrong or stupid or even trolling.
4chan really does immediately believe anything put in a shitty MS Paint edit.
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Wake up kids, /v/ found some new slop to play with.
>why hate plushies
get a life nigga
chudcel forgot the medications again
Actual IP grabber also
>113 replies only
/nah/ tier
wapchan is /a/ spinoff
39chan is /jp/ spinoff
kissu is somewhere between /a/ and /jp/
heyuri is its own thing
h3 is heyuri spinoff
tohnochan is kind of /a/ but mostly its own thing
lainchan is /g/ spinoff
shart is /qa/ spinoff
there are many other /a/ spinoffs mainly from 8 but I don't want to name them
Suck on my balls, faggotron. Show me YOUR happening.
>the /v/tard shrieks as what i speak of is correct
I asked for a happening, not a reminder that 4chan is plagued by subhuman monkey people.
I think you are basing yourself technical information such as the board it was announced / the thread that inspired it's creation and not the cultural practices they descend from. wapchan is firmly in the spinoff sphere (an exclusively /jp/ term) and figamin has been involved in other spin off sites ie 39
If you want absolute proof that It's a spinoff, remember they host /kind/.

Besides that, I reiterate: /jp/ Spin off culture outgrew their original reason to exist, which was a pretty shitty bout of contrarianism desu. Today I'd describe them as a "imageboards for imageboards' sake" advocates, with most of these boards coming from a wave of devs that surfaced in the last 4ish years. Any old guard grog may flip their lid about how this is literally worse than hitler and they ruined the culture but it doesn't change the fact it's there.

Two extra bits since we are gonna effortpost:

* You aren't just right on tohnochan, i was completely off the mark. it's straight up a living fossil of 2012 era /a/+/jp/ down to the lingo giving me PSTD flashbacks, afaik it actually predates spinoff culture.
* Lainchan is an interesting case. The board is positively ancient, i remember it existing in the very early 10s well before /g/ became influential, having a very different culture and being basically dead. But it could have been a different site that died and had it's name borrowed.
And I find the name hilarious, SEL is explicitly anti-internet and has nothing to do with /g/ topics or hacker culture. Westerners in charge of understanding japan kek.
happening: i took too long to play a game, now /v/ doesn't want to discuss it and my blue balls hurt even worse than they did during my first time.
MiSide or Elin?
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Discuss it on /cm/. They seem to be fans of it.
... those two are literally beavis and butthead, how the fu- wait nevermind.
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my wife chino likes the otters
they fucking killed the pizzagate comet ping pong shooter guy
>/jp/ spinoffs
>no mention of /ota/, merorin, gnfos, /what/, /bun/
Tohno was created by an /a/ trip user way back in 2009.
Why did /jp/ spawn so many spinoffs, anyway? Most boards have a couple but /jp/'s got a shitton.
What's the point of this?
Why bother faking an entire board?
For attention?

How pointless.
no it's cause of generals
i'm by no means an expert:
>I don't have a whole mental map of the scene today.
I have vague memories of visiting the original boards, seeing they were not to my interest and promptly forgetting about it. I know they began to pop up around 2014 give or take and recognize a uniqueness to their vocabulary. They'd happily let you know how much 4/jp/ sucked if given the chance, but I never paid attention, jp existed at the periphery of my interests until /qa/ made me crash face first into it.

iirc /jp/ had their own version of the nazi mod but unlike /tg/ they didn't take it sitting.
What I do know is that /jp/ used to have the highest rate of janitor burn out of all boards. /jp/ was wiped by jannies going nuts something like 4 times.
Some faggot or small group of faggots has been relentlessly attempting to troll /hap/ to death for years now. Just ignore and report.
He is not a "shooter". He destroyed a fucking hard drive you babyy.
abib is based though.

uboachan. there are bouts of activity every now and then. though it's less of an altchan and more of it's own imageboard. uses good old vichan.
dump it on /adv/ but make it slightly interesting, be brief about your situation, don't write a novel, and give something someone will be able to say "ah reminds me of myself back in the day, here's what I did...". I very very rarely will pop on /adv/ and provide actual advice, when I'm in a very strange mood. Typically most replies are useless and/or gut responses you could probably get quicker from an ai chatbot (given that statistically the bot would respond the same way).

Anyways, life sucks, but dying is scarier, so be a pussy and keep living.
they aren't even from /qa/, the original frog spammers were a couple at most. The ribbit gang comes from the sharty.

>abib is based though.
I once told I him felt Steven Universe had major problems and he flipped his lid and started calling me a contrarian.
>I once told I him felt Steven Universe had major problems and he flipped his lid and started calling me a contrarian.
abib's a fucker. Even if you ignore le cultural phenomenon and similar horseshit, he's just an utterly miserable bastard to interact with. He's very much one of those fags who had nothing in life except the internet and decided to lick nards until he had a fake position of power over lines of text, but with the added bonus that he's been doing it for so long that he's become completely jaded and bitter.
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here's the proof. /qa2/ is a sharty meme, some madman convinced a bunch of shartfags to start LARPing as kekistani frogposters and for some bizarre reason tied it to the /qa/ frog spammer from 2019, down to copying his vocab like "weeb mafia"
The admin could very well be the original frog spammer, but i wouldn't bet on it.

man i really missed out. should have been to tell y'all to gtfo my board

grab any #4chan log, ctrl+f it and take a shot everytime he complains about being fat then does nothing to fix it
i'm not paying your hospital bills btw.
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i wonder how much end of the year junk we missed
did it really happen if it wasn't posted here?
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mods bringing in the banter. bit douche ngl
lol there's a raccoon one and another for otters (the animal) and they collectively get about a dozen posts a week
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god i feel like a hit a goldmine


random sighting of yotgo from kissu trying to gaslight people into thinking they dindu nuffin

> I mean, not even you can stand your own kind. Constant infighting, further division, more dead spinoffs - it all just illustrates how insufferable you are even for your own selves to bear with each other, let alone sane people.
haha shit, fucking brutal
They tried to upload it to e621 (it was deleted in 5 minutes), and now they're designing his adversary
>original frogspammer sighting
>kissu drama (cunts deleted it)

>atechan was lost to the warp
man i remember this kid. completely retarded, you could tell he was gonna lose it sooner or later.

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