Do fat ugly bastards like tomboys? Tell me!
>>79997118Yeah sure next question.
So you're saying I need to fat ugly bastard max to get a tomboy gf? noted.
>>79997118Yes, we like cute little tomboys half our age.
>>79997234Well, maybe, im really into them but maybe I'm just a weirdo with daddy issues
>>79997118Yes but I'm told they prefer vaginas
>>79997118tomboys are preferable to all other varieties of foid
>>79997277i am a fat ugly bastard. discord?
>>79997118everyone likes tomboys, except massive faggotsquite obvious, anon
>>79997118idk if i want to be the ugly bastard or the anime girl more
>>79997118Yeah, I love me some transgender whores.
>>79997118Damn I've already lost 8lb. Should I stop if I wanna get a tomboy gf?
>>79997118who cares what ugly people? I know I don't. and I know society dont because I'm ugly and no one cares what I think
>>79997118Do any Tomboys ITT want to be called a good boy, workout together, and then get buttfucked?