What do you think makes a good person? Is it enough to simply be passively good/neutral and believe you're good?
Caring and helping others. I guess being selfless. I don't think you can believe you're good since it comes from others' opinions of you. It's also not so black and white, there is greyness to it. Some people act super kind to a certain person or people and then treat others like complete trash
>>79999842>"are you a good person"?no. I feel no compulsion to be nice to others. any time I perform a "kind" gesture I immediately regret it
>>79999842Where is "no"
I don't think so, no. I am very very loyal to my family. I treat pretty girls extra nice. I am decently OK to people I meet.But I don't really go out of my way to help anyone just to help. I care more about my wellbeing than others.I would say I am more lawful neutral. Although I do fuck a ton of escorts and it is illegal for me to do so in my country, I do follow the rules of the agency to the letter and treat all the girls very very well.I don't believe in taking advantage of others, but I also won't go out of my way to help you out. I find most people very ungrateful and it is incredibly unrewarding to help them. I myself am also quite ungrateful for the help I get as well. Except for the help my family gives me. I love my parents.
>>79999926>Although I do fuck a ton of escorts and it is illegal for me to do so in my countryThat brings up the greater question of whether you think being good is following the letter of the law or if the law itself has no inherent morality to it.
>>79999842>good thoughts>good deeds>good wordszoroastrianism got it right. just remember this every day and you'll be golden. try not to do the opposite.
>>79999911me too. Most kind acts usually just encourage them to take advantage of you, to see you as a mark, or they are ungrateful. Except my family, they have my back through thick and thin, it is worth it to help my parents, it is almost never worth it to help anyone else, at least in my experience.I hold the door for people in public and stuff but more than that, nah, you are on your own. You don't hoenstly care about me, and I don't care honestly about you, let's just keep it real and not lie to ourselves
>>79999935Well in my country, escorts are illegal. But as in many countries where escorts are illegal, it is only illegal for people dumb enough to fall into 50 dollar hot petite blonde girls on craigslist.Like if you are not a tard and have decent money, the rules for prositution don't really apply to you, you don't really have that much a high risk of being caught, cuz lots of higher ups use the same girls and they pay the police.So...I believe in treating people respectfully and fairly. The law is the law, but what really matters is how the law is enforced. And the way it is enforced, it doesn't really apply to people with half a brain cell and a decent wallet.
>>80000006That doesn't sound very moral
>>80000051There are tons and tons and tons of laws on the books, but only select numbers of them are actually enforced.If the law really isn't enforced, then it really isn't an active law.Besides, the girls aren't forced into it, they make tons of cash, they are happy, and I am happy.I wish all girls just spend like their 18-20 years working as mandatory prostitutes, then they will get good sex skills when they get married and stuff. Cuz sex that feels good to the dude doesn't magically happen, it takes skill, that is what I learnt; and the escorts I see, they know exactly all the slobbery BBBJ we like, all the angles to position her body during fucking.Like these are all good things for girls to learn to please their partners
>>79999842Empathy, being kind to others when reasonably possible and avoiding hurting others also when reasonably possible.
>>79999947yeah that's why they got assraped into non-existance by muslimsretard
>>79999842intelligence =/= wisdom. know thyself = know thy worth. pic = unrelated.
>>79999947I'm a hikineet, who has largely eliminated thoughts via meditation. As such,>no thoughts>no words>no deeds...am I not a person? lol
>>80000913yuo = retard
>>79999842>What do you think makes a good person?i think your actions speak for themselves
Yes I'm a good person. Last week at ATM some homeless guy came up to me, asked if I can spare some change, he was le hungry or something. I just apologized like a nice man and told him that i dont carry cash, all my money is in card, as i took a 20$ from ATM.Spread love, not hate
I don't know what makes a person good, but I do know that what is good/moral and what is legal/normalized are not the same thing.The best I can do is try to live a balanced life and make things easier rather than harder for the people around me.
>>79999842What if a good person is like a good car, or a good good house? What if it's just the utility of something that makes it good? So a good person would be sociable, in good legal standing, and employed at a good job, among other things. Ethics need not come into consideration, because we do not ask if a car is ethical.
>>79999842>What do you think makes a good person?goodness is much like a joke, you either get it or you don't get it. people who don't get it will always be justifying their actions because they have no heart/deceived themselves.to me there is 'good' and then there is real, fundamental good.'good' is good emotions like love and pleasantness. but those are purely selfish emotions and not indicative of a person's true integrity, that is when tested, when confronted with adversity they turn from grasshoppers to locusts and are evil, shitty, mean people who suddenly will have no issue harming others even if they don't deserve it. i.e when things go south, their morality goes south.but real good is self awareness, consciousness, honesty and (basically) libertarian principles like individual responsibility. and that's it. not even charity or just being an overly positive person is real good. it's superficial good.