So whats your thoughts on them feminazis. To be honest they come across as unnaturally angry people that get mad over any little thing. While not realizing they can get slammed living in their own little world of selfie posts and false self righteousness The internet is a black mirror on crack cocaine with a side of lole and manifesto
A lot of them just sound like they're trying to rebel against their parents. When you try dating them it's like holy shit I'm glad only hot chics I wanted to bang recognize me in public with them and talk to me. I at least got an alibi that I brought her back home before her psycho parents murdered her with their cult.
>>80001434Sounds like caca
>>80001579It probably is. People are a lot more complicated than just writing them off as feminazi's. There are pleanty of lesbians that can't be fixed with my dick. Or your dick. There could be a dick. Some might not need a dick. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with them sometimes they just want a dick. Man I wish their dyke counterparts would stop physically attacking people over shit like that sometimes. You know sometimes they're just looking for a brute and a dyke can get away with it a lot more efficiently and that's what they need in their life and want.
>>80001662Sounds like cacaca
>>80001745I mean maybe it is. Sometimes girls like girls even if her dyke master attacks you because she's into it and she needs to pledge allegiance to her dyke lord.