Fembots do you think long nails look kinda bad? I've been letting them grow thinking it'd make my fingers look better but they look pretty stabby from some angles
>>80001467Not only does it look bad, but it signals to girls that you can't finger them.
long nails on a guy will make any foid dry heave. its like one of 3 things that absolutely disgust them universally.
>>80001473I'm not exactly a lesbian >>80001488According to who
>>800014886 Million Wasn't Enough
>>80001559Lesbian or not girls want to be fingered
>>80001467if youre a girl it looks vampirey and beautiful if youre a boy its vampirey and i dont trust you to clean them
I'm a guy. Long fingernails is a trait of virgin boys. You might think it's a small thing, no one notices. But next time you're in public, look at boy's nails. The guy with the longest untrimmed nails will look and act like a mega virgin. Guaranteed.
>>80001586Damn... I can't argue against that>>80001636Male guitarists with long nails are nasty as fuck, valid prejudice. I clean and oils the cuticles everyday >>80001660What's the science behind this?
>>80001467they look like they would be good at rending flesh you should file them to a point