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Explain in no uncertain terms why pic related couldn't be you.
Because I'm still waiting for her reply.
Because the answer to that question is always no. If it was yes, I would not be here.
where is foid, that is like me enough, that i can even ask her out? i dont even go out op.
i know a fembot, im pretty sure she is, we once interacted, but i have no idea where she goes, to interact with her, other than just knocking on her door like a psychopath
Because a self destructive sociopath and hurt anyone who gets too close to me because repeated trauma has shown me that it's the smart move to jut push people away before they're able to be the ones that hurt me.
did that but then it turned out she faked having tism and was a bpdemon instead
if a random guy on the street approached me like that i'd be scared he's going to dismember me and stuff me in a suitcase

even if i did approach a foid, shed freak out and think id murder her..
nuh uh i am just mentally ill from my dad punching me in the head
go get em nonnie
Bc i have ED
because if i had a gf i would eventually give in to fucking bareback and burden us both with a kid.
im volcel for this very reason, i see no reason to have sex if its not for a kid and i can't take care of a kid in good faith if I cant financially support a family.
yeah i know this is very dumb logic
I'm a tranny and women don't want me
I could write a book about all the reasons why. One of them is because I am a socially inept khhv loser in my early 20s with no friends, living with my parents in a small town while wagging away my youth in loneliness and boredom. Social arena and dating is hard to enter but it's even harder to fight in it and frankly, even if I could, I am not sure if it would be beneficial for me because I know human nature. It's all about power, status and who mogs who. Relationships sound like hell if you think about how much work you have to keep giving to avoid all the icks and act like someone you are not. In the long term it seems like someone like me can't win. At best I become a beta provider for some nagging woman that will divorce, cheat, leave or stay for comfort but never have genuine attraction for me. Maybe in the beginning and later on she loses respect for you and starts to hold power over you in ways. It sounds miserable. Objectively speaking I am a loser with no ambition or motivation because reality broke me. At this point it's too late. That darkness of human nature that underlies everything can't be unseen after being exposed to it. Deep down you know the only reason someone would show you affection is because your body or external things you provide.
Because her response is usually
>ill let you know
>im busy then
>no, sorry
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Because I would neither ask some random person to go somewhere, nor go with a random person who asked me as much, weird Amerifat shit,
it's literally just women.
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I'm a framecel with 6.2" wrists.
She's a woman and doesn't want me because she wants a guy that doesn't exist, someone I am not.
I don't do gender roles bullshit. Females should stop being so fucking picky and conservative and should ask ME out. But these dumb pieces of shit will only ask out chads. So I'll have to rot alone for the rest of my life. God I hate women so much
Most people already think I'm a hostile predator human (not pedo stfu). Dunno why any foid would see me differently.
im an agoraphobic recluse and completely outside of any social circle so the opportunity would never occur
Kek i read femcel at first and was getting ready to roast your hairy arms
>ask doomette out
>she rejects me
>complains online she doesn't have a bf anyway
Happened too many times in my life
I rarely laugh and hate small talk so everyone hates me.
Also I have high standards for girls. Must be virgin. Must be cool and not a normie social butterfly, but also not a out of touch weirdo who dresses like they took random clothes from a discount store. Must also not dress like a slut. NOt tats or weird piercings. No sex until ready for kids.
I live off the side of a highway, not too many girls in my gated community. Girls on /soc/ ghost a lot as well.
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OP pic actually was me in 2023. It wasn't easy, it took months of getting her comfortable talking with me in a very specific environment before I started dating her. And then I broke it off after 7 months because I wanted to have sex with her and she didn't want any touching at all. (Technically, my reasoning was more complicated than that, but I'm not here to vent my relationship drama on the internet again)

The reason I held on for so long was because I did think it was my one shot. I thought I had to make the best of it or have nothing. Now I have nothing. Did I make the right choice? Idk. I'll never know. I'm glad I asked her out, I'm glad I can say I was in a relationship, and I know myself better for it.
But I also learned that I'll always want something I don't think I'll have. I learned that I say I'll settle, but always want more.

Maybe I'm the problem, and if so removing myself is the right choice. Maybe I'm overreacting, but if so, I'm being asked to risk an arrest on the off chance that another girl won't deem me creepy enough for death by cop. No different than how an old friend of mine went after being accused of kissing a man on the cheek.
What's even the point? Is it worth it? Is anything worth it anymore?
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>Explain in no uncertain terms why pic related couldn't be you.
I have the personality of a fish
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The last girl I asked out ended with me getting terminated.
no job, no car, no education, severe mental illness
Stop being a pussy. JUST DO IT. And see what happens. If people don't like you just take it and be like jesus.
Just fuck off, alright, i dont WANT to fuck someone, i CANT build emotional connections, I dont WANT to be jesus, I WANT TO FUCKING KILL MYSELF, THATS WHAT I WANT, OK?
notice how OP imediatly abandoned his thread
yet another bait thread...
Well unless you're actually gonna do it, you still need a job because your parents are gonna die.
I cant get a job, i cant get a ged, and i can not drive, its not I COULD IF I, no, its I CAN NOT NO MATTER HOW MUCH I TRY
DW we will have mandatory forced labor once your parents are gone. It won't be a question of whether you can but rather if they can hunt and find you to put in the work camp.
ok? well that doesnt exactly make me feel any better. I still will never find love, its blocked off to someone like me, at least i hae my imaginary friend, honey, tell him........she says
>hon you're not well i dont care what the person online says you are scaring your family
You have to give others a chance so that they can grow to lik and eventually love you. Rarely it is given just for you bring you. So see it as a process not a thing that you just get or a gift or whatever. Learn more about yourself and let others be able to experience what makes you, you. Don't give up just because you made a mistake. Be reasonable and get back up when you fall.
I am ugly as frick.
because i dont know if he actually likes me
you really just cant fathom that some people really CAN NOT experience love in this life can you, please stop, youre making it worse just say
>man it sucks you cant experience romantic love, maybe next life, sorry bro
Look man I need to be honest here. I'm not a good guy. I'm probably one of the worst guys a girl could date and there's no way to sugarcoat it anymore.
Because i'm a no life burden dead weight loser who was diagnosed with aspergers at 10 years old
I don't do anything, I just keep to my self and stay at home and that's all I know. I have no idea how to have a relationship with other people, I literally don't know how it works, whether it is friendship or romantic

I wish it could be me, but I know it could never be. I don't deserve it
I have never had a female say yes. I've been told I give out serial killer vibes.
don't bother replying
the OP left the thread ages ago
because I dont want to fucking date a chick or anybody with tits
Anon, I believe this is called gay
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actually had a pretty successful date today! met her on tinder and we went out and got coffee. all you gotta do is treat women with respect apparently. not sure i fit in here anymore
Did you know that being autistic causes someone to often fail with basic social cues?
you're right, i might have misinterpreted the part where we were hugging and kissing in her car. maybe she was just being nice
>Disrespect whamen lel
Did you forget what you just said?
what is your point here? that i'm a retard and i don't know it? i waited quite a while before i decided to be physical, i didn't go for it immediately. i wanted to make sure she was comfortable being intimate. you are sorely mistaken if you think any of this was a joke, i am being 100% sincere. if you are respectful it's not that difficult unless you're really ugly
I'm there with you. There's no way you're worse than me though.
> i dont even go out
So you're a volcel?
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Because Im muslim and dating is not allowed. Last girl I dated, after a year, I asked her to revert to Islam and she refused so we broke up. I am doing this matrimonial event at a mosque in my city in a month. We will see how it goes.
why not just ask one of your uncles from your home country for a cousin-tradwife
I am a revert to islam, i wasnt born muslim and none of my family are muslim.
It simply wouldn't make me happy to become a slave. Single, I am a free man. My sweat is still mine to spend. I've got no puppetmaster.
This is me to an extent. If she gets pregnant its over, if you get married, its over. Seen it happen many times to friends and acquaintances
is fantasy land unreal shit for me lol
>unless you're really ugly
>because I'm Muslim
>racist towards indians
like fucking clockwork. I genuinely wish the west would wake up and genocide you disgusting raperats into oblivion
they really should finish Bush's (pbuh) work
i can get dates but it always falls apart when they that im damaged goods
i need a therapist more than a girlfriend lol
Women are legitimately scared of me. I wish I was joking, but I've run into situations where they become frightened at my sight.
Because they say no every time?
Some people are just too poor/ugly/creepy/boring to date

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