you're probably a vulnerable narcissist
yea so what atleast i don't label people based on flawed perception
No, I have a host of other issues but nothing like that.
>>80088648i have no hate or resentment for others, it's just general sadness. add social anxiety in the past but that is mostly gone nowadays
>>80088648>Difficulty Handling Criticism>Need for Constant Praise>Unclear Sense of Self>Manipulative Tendencies>Inability to Empathize>Difficulty Forming Relationships>Controlling Behavior>Jealousy and Envy>Difficulty Trusting Others>Projecting Blame Onto Others>Poor Boundaries>Fear of AbandonmentI don't have any of this aside from difficulty forming relationships, difficulty trusting others, and feelings of envy.
>>80088648Narcissist run the world you armchair psychologist
>>80088930There is the type that runs the world and there is the type that results in people like elliot rodgers
>>80088648>>80088887Aren't most of these symptoms of trust issues as well? Just looked it up and yes they are. I imagine a lot of robots have trust issues (myself included) due to being treated poorly/neglected growing up.
>>80088959Mini elliot's are running the world through the white house now.
>>80088887>Difficulty Handling Criticism>Unclear Sense of Self>Difficulty Forming Relationships>Difficulty Trusting Others>Poor Boundariesthese are the only ones i have
>>80088887I have all these but im not a narcissist, im perfect and the world is retarded for not recognizing my value
Psychological diagnoses are not toys.
>>80088887>>Difficulty Handling CriticismI don't care. I don't handle it in the sense that I just don't care. It's not my problem.>>Need for Constant PraiseI mean who doesn't like being praised?>>Unclear Sense of SelfI know who I am and what I want, getting to actualize it is the hard part.>>Manipulative TendenciesOnly if you have power over me, like a coworker or something. Otherwise I'm as honest as can be.>>Inability to EmpathizeI only have difficulty empathizing with stupidity.>>Difficulty Forming RelationshipsI just don't know what to say and I'm the type of person they probably hate for one stupid reason or another.>>Controlling BehaviorNah I'm chill.>>Jealousy and EnvyNah, same as above.>>Difficulty Trusting OthersTo be fair, most others are very untrustworthy.>>Projecting Blame Onto OthersIt's noy my fault I'm a minority.>>Poor BoundariesWhy bother enforcing them when they won't be respected?>>Fear of AbandonmentThis only effects you if you get close to someone, which doesn't ever happen.
>>80088648I can literally label myself as every personality disorder under the sun its a broad stroke
>>80088648i blame everything on my self. i think that is narcissistic in its own way probably? what kind is it?
>>80088648With all of my symptoms I'm EVERYTHING, that's why I went to a few psychologists, and got diagnosed as a ass burger.Stop thinking everyone is a narcissist.
>>80088648i looked up my symptoms and the diagnosis was suicide hotline