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File: elephant.png (386 KB, 707x390)
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in college living with my family

I'm not kidding, no hyperbole:

every 15 seconds one of my retarded family members will walk from one end of the house to the other end. They will do this for the entire fucking day. For some reason all they do the entire day is walk around like fucking animals. They have no hobbies or aspirations.

>why is this a problem

i live in an old house. my family is retarded and NEEDS to place their ENTIRE FUCKING WEIGHT on EVERY SINGLE STEP THEY TAKE. so this is the situation:

every 15 seconds I have to hear the equivalent of a fucking hammer banging in my house. The walls are so fucking thin / shit infrastructure, that if I place my feet on the floor i can FEEL THE VIBRATIONS of my fat ass family walking around.


they NEED to close every door/drawer/washing machine with the absolute MOST FUCKING FORCE ever literally shaking my entire room.

I'm in unversity. I have to study. I have to graduate. And all I hear everyday is hammers banging every fucking second. This is literally hell. I cannot escape. gg.
yeah real shit
when i lived with my mom and i was trying to sleep(i lived in the dining room and had no door, only a curtain) she would walk up and down the stairs, be in the kitchen for like 25 minutes and id be deafened by the sound of the clanking of dishes and whatever the fuck and wondering what the hell she could possibly be doing
Have you tried screaming at them?
my family must hate me so much because i do this but im a neet and all of them are wagies LMAO
why did you crop that image?
are you attracted to the elephant?
that is the single most heart-breaking and poetic photo ever taken and your immediate thought is porn KYS moid
honestly, you should kill yourself if that is your complain, you pussy bitch
Stop hanging out at home. Study on campus as often as possible. You should be able to find a quieter spot there and also the effort of travelling for the sole purpose of studying will motivate you to get more done.

For sleep, buy ear plugs
why did you crop it?
same fuck this shit
wish i could dorm but its too expensive
and my retarded family members always ask me for help with the most stupidest technology issues that they could easily do themselves but are too lazy to
the footstep noises are the worst part, it wakes me up every morning
and i accidentally vaccumed my earplugs this morning lmfao kms
It gets annoying yeah that's one reason why I want to move out ASAP
ever heard of a library, young thug?
Find a quiet and peaceful place to do your homework.
This shouldn't be too difficult, you should be able to easily find a quiet public place where you can do most of your homework.

Another option is to find a paid job, the time will pass by faster and the noise will seem like nothing compared to the problems you will face.
Yeah I agree with the job bit. OP, you have no perspective.
Complete bullshit. I worked full time dealing with other people and managing social conflicts and organizing people in a loud environment etc while I was still living with my family for a time (I also had to travel a fairly long distance to work) and it just made their noisiness even more frustrating. Dad watching TV with the volume turned up in the other room was enough to make me chuck a full on spastic one night when I couldn't get any sleep. Work made the noise sensitivity at home even worse.
this is hysterical and every second reading this post was spent laughing imaging your situation

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