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It all started here muttbro. The very first thing you experienced on this God's green earth was genital torture. All ills of your society can be traced back to this trauma
I wasn't circumcised though
I'm uncircumsized and every time I stroke my dick it feels like heaven. All those nerve endings tingling all at once. So soft and smooth. Perfection
I would give anything in his life to roll back my foreskin for my morning piss every day.
It fills me with rage and my mom doesn't understand why.
anons, my cock literally has zero foreskin, fapping feels like pulling my cock off
I only cum by rubbing my cock tip
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What I don't understand is why some women have to be so insanely cruel about it? Why mock these people who were literally tortured at birth? I've seen it happen on this very board with a female tripfag.
the petition and campaigns to ban circumcision is not a recent occurance either, meaning the government doesn't care about our concerns whatsoever. Our government literally does not care about men being mutilated.
>I only cum by rubbing my cock tip
just like girls do lmaoooo
and her son never asked to exist either, if she didn't think with her cunt for 5 minutes and not get a dick cramed in her she wouldn't have gotten pregnant
because there's an agenda to prevent masculinity from overcoming its imposed limitations, read the pdf:
It's more about jews believing that ritual genital sacrifice is central to their culture so from within the institution they block the movement to illegalize an obvious human rights violation at every turn
Only reason I haven't roped is my cock is 7inch and girthy
I cant fathom how smaller guys with mutilated cocks cope.
I'll look into it

but the threat of masculinity is not it, it's the entire anti men propaganda as a whole, only useful for contributing to the gynocentric hellhole or considered useless. Subsequently the men who aren't masculine enough to contribute to females are considered pathetic, or has their own route that is disinterested in societies game, while seeing the men whose entire life evolved around pleasing females as "one of the good ones"
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All done in the name of Christkikes insane belief in Jewish god and Jewish Messiah demanding that their penis skin be cut off at birth.

Christianity is a life rejecting death cult worship of Jewish fairy-tales.
>Christianity is a life rejecting death cult
Wtf i love Christianity now???
I know youre larping but thats really not how it works. Mine doesnt look any different from some european guys would.
People who boast about their pleasures to those who can't experience them deserve to have their throats slashed.
>cutfags who can't even understand how different their shit is
You really do see that all the time, they assume all porn cocks are cut just because the foreskin is back, they really can't tell the difference
Other way around, Christianity is against circumcision.
It's very strange how many americans assume their circumcision must be because of their christian faith, I've heard it often
Ive been on the internet for almost 30 years now, I know what they look like. Unless you got some really botched job there should be no visible difference in appearance when you are erect. Same applies to sensitivity. It might actually be slightly more sensitive since while soft since you would be more exposed but its all about the head anyway so blood vessels dont really matter.
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truest post of all time, foreskinlets will never

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