What's with the posters here role playing as narcissist boomer parents saying bizarre invalidating unnecessary shit like "stop blaming your parents" to posts/posters with obvious trauma?I mean sincerely. Does role playing as your abusive parents help you cope with your own trauma? Is it the same spiteful urge to get a rise out of the few remaining marginally sane people here as the deranged cuck poster?
>>80127204Some of these retards, who are also most likely to be christcucks, are unironic glowie goons meant to deradicalize 4channers into becoming wagies and getting outside their parents homes so they pay rent to some christcuck boomer.They are starting to become annoying, yeah.
>>80127204Probably >>80127214 is right because there where none of those posts the days after the Oct 7 attacks.Deradicalization agents are pathetic. Probably coping their nagging wifes.
>>80127214>deradicalize into wagiesWait whatHowNo...Honk.
>>80127214>>80127228>>80127234schizos please step aside I'm asking a legitimate questionThere's no way any government agency would actually bother to be so purposefully active in any community, even as a misguided attempt at """deradicalization""" which isn't even a fucking thing, and even if it was this is the exact opposite way to do that and if anything encourages more school shooters because they can't even find a safe space ONLINE any more and are far more likely to slip into last resort panic behavioroccam's razor dictates it's abuse victims role playing and I just have to ask... is this really easier on your psyche than even ATTEMPTING compassion? Do you think you won't crack because you're the one doing the epic trolling..?
>>80127385I wish I was trolling but I've been here enough time to notice that deradicalization threads stop when there're big happenings . Shooter grooming happens in smaller chans and discords as they consider the user to far gone. 4chan is wider and less radical so it is the target of deradicalization efforts.This is where taxes go like it or not
>>80127204it's agitprop for The Day of The Pillow
>>80127204A lot of Millennials just became their narcissistic baby boomer parents and that's how they deal with life. You see that meme about the quirky chungus women becoming their mother already without realizing it but a lot of the men do it too. It's why along with hating my parents generation I also hate most of my own generation. Most Millennials are just shitty copies of Baby Boomers with less money. I used to find a lot of amusement in calling them out on it when I used to still socialize with people my own age. I remember this one guy going on a rant about young people lacking discipline these days and how "back in my day the teacher's would beat us!" but I had gone to school with this guy since elementary school and I just flat tone said "no they didn't that's a lie...." and another dude there with us that went to high school with me was like "ya thanks for pointing that out because I was like wait a minute I don't remember it being like that." and the dumbass just stopped talking after that. They just regurgitate the stupid invalidating fake tough guy shit baby boomers say. It's pathetic they're all insecure lying faggots.
>>80127204It's ragebait, like most posts on this board.
>>80127214>Christian>BoomerPick one and only one. Boomers started the age of decadence young people are only now starting to reverse 65 years later.
>>80127204>If you tell me to take responsibility for my actions and to stop blaming other people for the actions I make you're a narcissist!!!!!Why do zoomers not understand what mental disorders are and simply use them as buzzwords for "thing I don't like" or "thing I do like"?
>>80127385>There's no way any government agency would actually bother to be so purposefully active in any community, even as a misguided attempt at """deradicalization"""The agencies don't do the dirty work. NGOs do, with black budget fed money. And said NGOs are always christcuck charities; the same ones that cooperate with human traffickers that make people cross illegally to the U.S.>which isn't even a fucking thingIt is a thing. What do you think is the purpose of stupid subreddits like r/IncelExit and even 4chan's own /adv/ board that is literally full of confirmed glowNIGGERS that actively work to "debunk" ideas like hoeflation, with no avail. >questionsI consider these rhetorical, so I'm not replying to that.You should already know deradicalization psyops are thing if you at least browse one blue board.
>>80127473>Boomers started the age of decadence young people are only now starting to reverse 65 years later.They still name themselves "Christian" which means they are according to basic christcuck doctrine. Same as how christcuck nigs are considered your "brothers."
>>80127477strawmanning like a mother fucker is not a good way to sidestep narcissist accusations
>>80127537adv was created by moot to get whining threads out of /b/ not as some grand giga jew schemeI hate schizos so much you make genuine discourse so fucking impossible
>>80127651Anon, literally read the first line of OP.>role playing as narcissist boomer parents saying bizarre invalidating unnecessary shit like "stop blaming your parents" to posts/posters with obvious trauma?How is it a strawman to say the same thing that the OP said? Do you have any idea what a strawman is? I'll wait for you to google it.
>>80127676oh sorry I meant ad hominemand gaslighting
>>80127767Where is this supposed ad hominem? I didn't insult anyone.What about this supposed gaslighting? I didn't make any claims about what is or isn't happening.Try again with your buzzwords whose meanings you don't even understand.
>>80127800do you just not realize you're doing it or are you really this evil?
>>80127891Oh, I see, you're just projecting your own emotions, and behaviors. >you're doing itI find it to be funny that moments after you claim I'm gaslighting, you attempt to gaslight.>do you just not realizeSubtle implication that I'm stupid and unaware.>are you really this evilNot so subtle implication that I'm evil, and also stupid.Not only that, you also resort to ad hominem. Typical manipulative narcissistic incel behaviors here. Nothing out of the ordinary. Does this tactic work for you? It must, because you employ it.
>>80127953anonymous poster, your bizarrely fragile ego is showing... is this the part where everyone stands up and claps?
>>80127953>>80127891Anons, stop it. Hurting other feels good but it doesnt leave anywhere. Anon 1 is sort of right, mental phenomena can be expanded by a plethora of disorders. Maybe they (or he) isn't narcistic. As someone with NPD, I do have an intense and visceral need to assume everyone on this board is constantly projecting and has NPD, it's important to realize that maybe this isn't the case, or maybe it is, I'm a bit delusional. Anyways the point is, maybe they are narcistic, maybe they aren't.Anon 2, I understand why you are mad, trauma and mental health are hard to understand and resolve, best of luck. But also try to understand that anon 1 isn't necessary evil, he just doesn't think he is a narc (which we dont know if he is) and he cant understand your current point of view.Btw anon 1>>80127953, I'm curios, are you projecting when you say incel narc behaviour or are you just not an incel, actually curios, no discrimination. I dont think you have NPD too, but I cant ever know for sureOn that subject, WTF is the deal with dark traid and some of us fitting in that description and yet being so maidenless. I read the prince when I was 14 and it became one of my favourite books, also diagnosed NPD and yet nothing, lol. Im guessing im missing the explosive third element :( But i do appear to be very antisocial!
>>80128164hurting people is NOT fun, why would you say that!?
>>80128248Well, I would NEVER know, BUT people do tend to hurt others in order to feel better. Think about child abuse for instance, or any other form of abuse for all that matters. I'm too morally uptight because my ego is too fragile to infringe my moral boundaries, but I think I get it.
>>80128248Well fun might not be the right word, but jugging by both of the people interacting, they were hurting each other internationally or unintentionally. I tend to assume that every action is egosintonic in it's nature, therefore it's "fun" but maybe its not, sorry.
>>80127671>adv was created by mootI obviously know that. But the dozens of glowNIGGERS posting there 24/7 seem to never take breaks and do everything in their power to convince you that "women are people", to get a date you must "be kind, funny, and smart" and of course the typical "women don't care about height, looks, or money" bullshit.
>>80128288anon that's utterly sick, I thought you were better than that
>>80128336I'm honestly speechless. I have honestly not inflicted that much pain into the world, that's gotta count. I know what Jesus thought, but come on, it all about our actions. It's all about bringing the kingdom of ends into our phemenological hell escape. Wait a fucking minute, arent you hurting me right now? What the fuck anon, arent you the one having fun here?
>>80128332anon, your schizo is starting to rub on me, fuck!!!!!!!! I'm weak to memetics (that's why I'm here lol)
>>80128153Lmao literally what are you talking about? By pointing out what anon is attempting to do, I somehow have a fragile ego...?>>80128164>Hurting other feels goodSorry, I don't fit this idea. If I say something that hurts someone, it's because what I said is true. I don't cowtow to narcs and beat around the bush just to spare their fragile feelings to avoid their vitriolic, spiteful rage.>I'm curios, are you projecting when you say incel narc behaviour or are you just not an incelVirgin, yes.Incel, no.Wizard, yes.Narc, no.(3 different therapists and a psychiatrist agree, I'm not a narc) But I do have an extensive history with narcs in real life. So, they're really easy for me to spot. And the internet narcs always resort to the same grab bag of dismissive techniques, namely trying to make any sort of critique invalid by calling it gaslighting, ad hominem, ect, etc. Which is just a projection of their own feelings. They FEEL attacked because it's true, but they cannot acknowledge that what was said is true. It's a whole coping mechanism dealio.>On that subject, WTF is the deal with dark traid and some of us fitting in that description and yet being so maidenless.Because that isn't what women use to find mates. The reason dark triad traits wind up getting over-selected for some women, is because those traits often portray a facade of confidence, which is often referred to as "superficial charm". Incels lack that charm because they lack self confidence, thus they can't even pretend to be confident. This is why they're disproportionately not-selected, the dominant trait of incelism is "not confident" and the thing women select for in mates is "confidence" (even when it's fake).This is also why incels hate people who project any amount of confidence, and try to attack anyone who projects confidence as a narcissist. They do the same thing women do, just in a different manner.
>>80128429well I certainly feel like a dummie now, that does make a lot of sense! Thanks anon, I still don't get it, how can someone in the dark triad not have 0 self-esteem. I know the answer, I think. They dont project it, but like, narcism is a sign of fragile ego so, im lost. Rather I want to be lost, I'll rather be lost than admit that some woman dont see it, which whatever, it's hard to spot maybe, specially if he is hiding it, but some dont hide it, so odd. Btw I as a narc I do project that most incels are narcs too and they way we project and deflect is masterful, must admit it. Btw why you a vocel, some CPTSD or actually asexual. How does being asexual even work?
anony-mouses reading this thread gives me a powerful headacheit looks like a schizo ESL arguing with two to four semi sentient AI
>>80128519Feeling dumb just means you learned something new, or more specifically, realized you had the wrong idea beforehand. It's a good thing. >how can someone in the dark triad not have 0 self-esteem.A lot of people with dark triad traits have extremely low self esteem, especially the narcs. That's the whole reason they put on the facade of being extremely confident. Because if they can convince you that they're confident, they can believe they are confident and ignore their own low self esteem. It's also the same reason narcs showboat and put on grand gestures of grandiosity, or put other people down.>it's hard to spot maybeThis is what it is. Especially since most narcs have become extremely adept at hiding it, even from themselves. Even when they're not hiding it, they're still hiding it. A narc that isn't hiding their narcissism looks like a normal successful person. Narcs are kind of like aspies, they mask, they imitate successful people. >How does being asexual even work?I'm not asexual, I just prefer to be alone. When I'm around other people I pick up their emotions like a weird resonant tuning fork. If I'm around people who are angry, I get angry, if they're happy I'm happy, if they're anxious, I'm anxious. Most people let their emotions run rampant, and it's like an assault on my brain. I don't like that.That's why I spend my time online, I can't pick up other people's emotions here quite as easily.
>>80128677Yeah, in the end we are top tier actors! It's just this idea that someone will see through your mask, but honestly I would have pushed (I did) anyone that could away so, it wouldn't have worked.So like BPD and you cant stop mirroring, I'm sorry if im projecting, it's just that one of my favourite things to do it so mirror the emotions of the people I love. In my case at least, I fell ashamed I have emotions and can only empierce these things through others, mainly things like excitement.That sucks btw anon, I hate to say it but interpersonal relationships are top tier. Are you gonna try to work to solve it out or did you give up? You got this anon, a rando believes in you btw!
>>80128677anon you came into my thread to call me a stupid zoomer and make me sad... I mean specifically to make ME sad because I didn't use the term "narcissist" the way you like as if I have no understanding of it at all and that's just unnecessary and hurtfulI mean you literally came out of the gate swinging with baseless insults and gaslighting
>>80128677The other day I actually tried to elimante by coping mechanism and integrate my subconscious, It ended very badly, trying to intergrade your shadow all at once is not a good idea. Maybe this is not for you, but you could try to get more Intune with your emotions. Maybe that way you could get use to them, and dont feel like your being attacked.Also I know most people and anons dislike Jung, but his work on integrating the shadow could help you, BUT do it slowly!
>>80128765with proper grammar:The other day, I actually tried to eliminate my coping mechanism and integrate my subconscious. It ended very badly; trying to integrate your shadow all at once is not a good idea. Maybe this is not for you, but you could try to get more in tune with your emotions. Maybe that way you could get used to them and do not feel like you are being attacked. Also, I know most people and anons dislike Jung, but his work on integrating the shadow could help you. BUT do it slowly!
>>80128728The downside to always acting, eventually the line gets blurred. Funny thing about seeing through masks, all the narcs I've met in real life love me for my ability to do it. I think it's because I'm not at all forceful about it, I just kind of seep between the cracks like water osmosing through the shell of an egg.>So like BPD and you cant stop mirroringIt's not really like BPD. But, yes, I cannot stop mirroring people. I can feel their emotions even when they're not physically apparent in their person. I can feel their emotions bubbling up, I can feel when someone is in a bad mood, or when they're depressed. I've been told this is a symptom of the 'tism. >Are you gonna try to work to solve it out or did you give up?I'm not one to give up, I'm currently formulating a plan to put this gift of mine to work.>>80128751>to call me a stupid zoomerBut.... I didn't call you stupid. I did call you a zoomer though. I'm sorry it made you sad, but you should analyze yourself to figure out why that is the case. In all likelihood, I said something that was true and that's why it made you sad. The truth hurts, as they say.>>80128765Naturally, trying to speed run through individuation is not a good idea, it's like trying to eat an apple in one bite. Good way to suffocate. But, it's something I've been working on for a while now. I also wouldn't say it feels like an attack, it's just overwhelming.
>>80129061First of all anon, I love that you have a plan, might sharing it? Btw I didn't mean you were quitting on life or improving, I was only talking about interpersonal relationships. Are you gonna make any efforts in regards to them? I'm honestly clueless when It comes to autism, though I've been called autistic several times and I act and look like one, apparently :/. I think that converted Narcissism can just look like that. Probably my inability to acknowledge, process and simply the fear of expressing my emotions which just lets me with a deadpan expression most of the time. Anyways, make sure that your (maybe I dont know dont take this badly) emotional deregulation is really due to your tism and that you cant do anything before giving up. tism does have comorbidity with other PDs, like NPD (I know its not your case).On the individuation part, I guess that it felt like attacking myself. Usually I live detached, like really detached, so my way of bouncing back after tearing down my major coping strategies was to first have a panicky attack and the second time I just had a 10/10 in detachment as a coping mechanism for what I saw about myself. It is not that bad to be honest; but it's extremely egodistonic science it literally destroys the idea I have of me, that's why I spited that part and hid it away. Btw the no interpersonal relationships is bad, I think at least, so try to work on it if you can anon, good luck!
>>80129218The main core of my plan is to go back to college to get my doctorate, and after I finish my BA I'm going to work at residential inpatient treatment center. >I was only talking about interpersonal relationships.Oh, I knew what you meant. I still keep friends and stuff, but I usually wind up blowing up the friend groups because someone is turbo toxic and I can't stand that shit. So I wind up outing them to the entire group and everything implodes.It happened a few weeks ago too, one of my old time friend groups brought in some new people and one of them was an abusive narc, and I could feel their resentment. So I poked the beehive ever so slightly, and everyone got to see how much of an abuser they were. It also happens that normies find me interesting, because I'm weird and say interesting things. So I find myself at the center of attention, even though I dislike being the center of attention, and people who like being the center of attention always beef with me because they want to be the center of attention. Then they act a fool, and get disowned by the group.Story of my life, really.>I think that converted Narcissism can just look like thatTo be honest, it's quite difficult to tell the difference between narc and tism. I think that's why a lot of people here think they're aspies, when they're really just narcs. The same applies to BPD. They can all appear the same.>really due to your tism and that you cant do anything before giving up.I don't really buy into the "nothing can be done" ideology. It's just an excuse to give up because of the fear of failure.>so my way of bouncing backThis whole thing sounds like you're bouncing between extremes. If I were to offer some unsolicited advice, look for the middle ground. That's probably why you're so fond of detachment, because you go too deep too fast. Slow down and take it easy. Let things happen.You know?
>>80129548I'm very happy for you!!!!! I would also love to get a PhD, in my case in physics. Good luck. You going to a good uni by any chance? that's my current obsession. No luck for me though :/I'll try to feel my emptions and be more in touch with them. I'm currently taking it easy, letting things happen :)I'm detaching through life, like I'm narrating my life in third person and then I'll start narrating the narration and it will just spread out of control. Like I live like this 80% of the time and I'm always monologing in the form of narrating is speaking with others. Honestly I think it was a coping mechanism to Schizophrenia, since probably one of my worst memories is losing control of my monologed and being taken over by hostile voices and other personalities.
>>80127385Anyone saying the glowniggers want you to un-fuck your life and become a functional member of society has clearly never passed a high school level civics class, if even that. Normally if they agitate, they want you to do the exact opposite, that is blow up your shitty life so they can justify the next fiscal year's budget. This is really well-documented too since they tested it on muslims and more recently literal wiggers with only medically certified retards falling for it. So if you're still falling for it and allowing yourself to get groomed, then you're effectively too stupid to go outside without a tard wrangler.
>>80129683>You going to a good uni by any chance?Nah, maybe sometime down the line. Just a state college for now, though. I'll probably have to go to uni for my phd. >No luck for me thoughStart small. Go to a state college (or the equivalent where you're at) and get a really good GPA, makes it easier to get into a good uni.But, to be honest, the college you go to really doesn't matter. It's mostly just an ego satisfaction thing to be like "I'm better than everyone else!">like I'm narrating my life in third person and then I'll start narrating the narration and it will just spread out of control.It sounds like you lack a mediating force, you need more social interaction. You're trying to replace the social interaction with "fake interactions" with yourself. It won't work. You're going stir crazy from isolation.
>>80127204stop blaming your parents and take personal responsibility faggots