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/r9k/ - ROBOT9001

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If thats true where can I get one?
are you the fabled "incel chaser"?
possibly underage too
the cute """boys""" hang out on >>>/lgbt/ next to this board
> are you the fabled "incel chaser"?
possibly underage too
Literally who?
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no I'm not cute I'm hideous and unlovable :(
>is it true that
posted it again award
I'm right here xDDDDD
the other thread is still up go there dumdum
well which one are you
OP never mentioned their gender you retard
I'm not one of the fat whales thats for sure
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i fucking LOVE some eeny winy tiny boys with cute belly and small cock, im literally not even gay, they just aren't males in my eyes. Same shit with trans girls, they often look so feminine that their little cock doesn't make a diffrence
>im literally not even gay
for sure bro.
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>gayest shit imaginable
"I'm straight btw"

Pic related
shit is it true that briefs make the gays horny for u
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Yes i'm cute as fuck.
Actually cute desu
and by cute you mean not cute
No you have a cute belly and I like your happy trail
i'm not cute, i'm in my 30s and have a beard and a belly.
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>gayest shit imaginable
there is no fucking way that other straight guys aren't even a little aroused by the small bulge in the femboys/troons panties and imagine pushing your finger into their little tiny cocks and playing with their cock that is already wet from the precum until they nut, its same as jerking off a girl
Whats the real diffrence anon?
he has so much potential he just needs to learn to shave properly
>some more of the gayest shit imaginable
can you prisongay pedophiles please return to your containment board
I like it. I think it's cute
that picture is not appealing to me and i have never thought about putting a finger in a man's urethra. It's actually a novel concept to me as I'm reading your post ITT, and now that I have considered it, I am likely to never consider it again.
I made that post before I read the whole thread, and now that I have discovered that this is a gay thread, I regret mentioning my body and will not feel good about any positive responses to anything i write here. The idea that gay guys would be interested in me sexually but women are not makes me very sad.
>there is no fucking way that other straight guys aren't even a little aroused by the small bulge in the femboys/troons panties
>its same as jerking off a girl

Too far gone
That's not me replying to you
I'm leaving this thread. Anyone replying for me are faggots
no you didn't you fucking liar op is clearly a gay post
My bad man
I'm a faggot but even i prefer troons wit dicklets that don't stick out in panties
I am not gay I am a chick
troons are better with cute dicklets
it's a shame you're chasing chubby guys in a gay thread then.
Honestly I'm just complimenting him
>frayed unwashed hair
>cracked dry lips
>acne scarring everywhere
>stretch marks on back from slouching
how about you work my clock you bitch ass nigga
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it sound like youre the one who's gay kek
yeah man, thats what im talking about, i like small little genitalia and tender balls i can grab on to and squezze until they moan
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i got pigeons chest, i regret so much not trying to get it fixed as a kid, but the thought of having to crush my chest was terrifying as a kid
why is he pretending to be shocked she wants him to wear a bikini? he already has boobies!
>Is it true /r9k/ is full of cute boys?
That is a very obvious ai slop edited by human. Look at these tits look at how smooth and shiny they are. Only ai draws bodies like this
are you kidding tons of artists draw like that that's where ai learned to do that in the first place
Sauce on the boi in thigh highs?
Eat a salad, go to the gym once a week. not that hard, and don't be fucking stupid
>that one picture of me that gets reposted constantly
At least I look okay in it.
speaking for yourself i DO look boy pregnant like the fat guy on the top right
i imagine this person has a face like John Linnell from They Might Be Giants
>the cute """boys""" hang out on >>>/lgbt/ next to this board
can confirm
I want to have rough gay sex with you.
Not quite.
I've been called cute but I really need to meet people irl. everyone I've met on here has been fucked in some way and just ended up hurting me. women (and probably men here too) aren't good relationship material
The only women into this body type are Fujos
At this point I wouldn't even mind that, if they didn't want to peg me or watch me fuck other men.
twink body, 5'7 110lbs, with makeup face looks cute.
>i fucking LOVE some eeny winy tiny boys with cute belly
>they often look so feminine
Ok, I see where OP is coming from. He might have a point
>imagine pushing your finger into their little tiny cocks and playing with their cock that is already wet from the precum until they nut
wtf nigga you're gay ASFFFFFF this is literally more gay than straight up being gay
Are a fag is a better question. No "femcel" would want a robot when she thinks she can have a chad

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