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how do i get someone to like me and care about me
Relationships are transactional. You need to have something to offer.
You're a moid, right Myneposter? If you were a foid I would take a stab at being your fp
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what if i have nothing to offer

why would you want to make a female your fp? that doesnt make sense
Fp isn't reciprocal. Also not all bpdemons are gay.
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i-i am not gay!
everyone has something to offer
If you're a woman you want to find a guy that will stockholme syndrome slowly without you noticing it. If you're a guy then you need to just be yourself and put yourself out there heh heh.
neither am i, which is why i'll be a foid's fp and not yours.
Then why do you post so gay?
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you can just pretend i'm a girl ehehh~

no i dont
someone who can accept you as you are and not delude themselves into thinking you're someone else would be a more favored person than i could be Mynenon

Also that's really gay. You aren't gay, and I'm not gay, so let's not risk it by going there.
Have something they want and deny them while otherwise remaining approachable.
Back in the day there was the pickup artist movement. Men shared in detail how to please women. I never got deep into it but the gist was that a person can have value or be desired merely for being the person that they are. Acknowledging that people seeking advice on how to get a wife don't exactly have this quality in great amounts, they taught how to sweeten the deal. How women think and what they want, and how to apply that knowledge. Some of it was obvious; be tall, be rich(and not miserly), be big and strong or at least fat instead of skinny, dress sharp and in a, way that generates attention, have pleasant vocal quantities, have pleasant content of speech. Some of it was counterintuitive. The way women want to be treated is very different from how men want to be treated. Uncertainty, rudeness, disrespect, and even hostility or violence are generally seen as desirable by women.
Apparently it was wildly successful but the men who did it could not stay in character 24/7/635 for decades. Eventually he accidentally acted normal or was nice to her and she feels betrayed and leaves him. Then many women had similar stories. Eventually they pieced it together that pua was teaching regular good people how to pretend to be bad people. They were furious and many puas got canceled. Now most women expect some kind of proof before they'll believe you're actually a bad person. So you'll need documentation for going to prison for rape or domestic abuse. It's gotten a lot harder for us since then.
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>you can just pretend i'm a girl ehehh~
>I don't post gay
>You need to have something to offer.
It didn't used to be this way, boomers (30+) remember
You wouldn't go to these people's weddings or help them move, but they'd say "where's anon?" when you weren't online for a couple days
i tried but you just talked about visiting the sonic headquarters or something
sorry for being worthless and wasting your time
i'll kill myself soon
i mean it just wasn't much to go off of
>i'll kill myself soon
hey i doubt it

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