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I made myself comfortable in being a "loser". I have given up and will be collecting NEETbux like the rest of the lostboys. I was uppercutted by all the demotivators and got knocked out of life. Happy NEETing.
Dude I've made so much money all these. Peers paricipating in school, work... and within 2 hours in a week I would make what they make in a month. Now I'm picked up and in time making millions being associated with brain tech companies. Better than being an irrelvant reply guy nobody would care abt if he slit his wrists any second now. Develop an efficient approach to life for yourself by any means, and don't bother competing with some people. It'll only bring you down haha
You sound like a schizo retard. They always think they're the king of the world, but it's all in their own heads. You can tell it by the way they talk and the slightly abnormal wording they use.

How'd you get the NEETbux, do you live in the USA?
>How'd you get the NEETbux
OP siphons money off his senile grandparents
>How'd you get the NEETbux, do you live in the USA?
Disabilities from a couple of psychotic episodes, and no.
>You sound like a schizo retard.
because he is, filter "reply guy" because he always says that
Damn dude you're right
Well Im not comfortable being shafted back to neetdom after trying a night job stinit which fucked my health up. Im not tired of not feeling like a human being. Collect all that you want
aussie? i got DSP for the same reason

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